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Posts posted by PIPER-4-HIRE

  1. Thanks guys


    As savge17 has said, this a basic sig that can be improved to make it a great sig.

    Every sig should have a border

    The text effect makes it look like something is missing, perhaps a 1 pixel stroke would help.

    Try blending the render into the background a little.

    The font used for the text is not good, try a more solid looking font.

    Try a different render, this one doesn't have enough impact for me, (looks too cartoonish).

    oops thats what i forgot to do...


    i cant find another render that I like and suits the name...

  2. Substance, please?
    Explain the 'lil "air Guard"' episode.

    Justify impeaching Cheney (is such even parliamentarily possible?) over an acknowledged accident. Hunters get injured in accidents rather often, some even fatal. No one gets charged with a crime because it's an acknowledged inherent risk of the sport. For an analogy mods don't remove people from the boards for baseless assertions, which is a poignant and serendipitous model for many posters.

    Bush's daddy bought him a spot in the Texas Air Guard, that G Dubyah abandoned and everyone knows that the first election was bought(at least in florida).

    As for Cheney, granted ppl get shot at and injured during hunting accidents all the time, but there are lots of ppl who are killed by one that the gov't reacts to and investigates more thourgholy than they did to VP *BLEEP*.

    my point is that Kerry should've won the last election, and bush should've lost the first one

  3. Y must you ppl push your religions on other's. I'm happy with my belief's and and the next jehovah's witness that shows up at my door is gonna get beat down like Whitney Houston after she married Bobby.(no offense, but imean door to door religion is kinda sad...)


    I Think you ppl try to convince others that your god exists because you are actually trying to convince yourself.



    Just leave it be, cause if try and convince ppl that your god is the one true god than dont get mad when one day someone proves you wrong....


    Well, is simply engaging a willing participant in persuasive conversation "forcing" your opinions and beliefs on them? If you try to punish them for not accepting the beliefs then that would be forcing them, right? We are not to judge, and a judge pronounces a sentence or condemnation. Is simply telling someone good news that can change their eternal destiny pronouncing a sentence or condemnation on them?

    I Beleive it says in the bible"Do Not Judge Lest Ye Be Judged..."




    No I am not religious, yes I believe that there is some kind of 'god' or higher being.. I was raised Catholic because I lived in a small town and it's the only school they had.


    My opinion is, you can convince, but you shouldn't. Everyone should have the right to believe what they want .. not to be forced to believe something. Sure, present them with your arguement but let them decide and if they decide not to choose your religion don't go and get angry at it.


    ????[/tab][tab]That's about how us Albertan's think, think what you want, but dont try and make us conform...



    Long Live "King Ralph"

    "Ralph for PM"

  4. THE RAZR RULES...............Ive got one and the only problem ive had was getting used to the feel of it, and making sure i have it with me(so i dont forget it).other than the above the phone is flawless- i dropped mine(on a hard wood floor) yesterday while i was tryin to switch hands so i could write somethin down-it closed it self and nothing is wrong with nething not even a scratch.

  5. 3. Make a copy of the text layer by either dragging the layer over the New Layer button or right-clicking on the layer and selecting "Duplicate Layer". Right click the copy, choose "Rasterize Type" and make a copy of the copy, so you should have something like this:

    I Cant find "Rasterize Type" at all. could it be label diff?

  6. looks good. if you want some constructive criticism, i think you need a bit more contrast, you have to really concentrate on the text to be able to read it.
    Did you do this in photoshop ?

    Im currently trying my hand at creating some banners for my website, and ive tried photoshop -- wayyyy to complex for me.

    Do you know any freeware banner makers that i can use ? Or even a paid program, if its REAAAAALLY good ?


    i dont know of any but you can start a topic to ask about bannerware.

    i think alot of ppl would just use photoshop (i do, and its not so bad after a couple trial SIG's)

  7. A man walks up to the bartender ands says "hey barkeep i bet you $100 that i can P*ss from here into that empty glass down the bar with out missing. Bartender goes ok give it a shot, So the guy pee's all over the bar hitting the bartender in the face. when he steps down he hands the laughing barman $100, the bartender goes hey bud, you werent even close y'd you even try.The man goes........................ I Bet Those Guy's $5,000 i could P*ss all over you and your bar and make you laugh.

  8. if somene could desing a SIG for me that would be great.Size: 400x150 Theme: ??Render: YesRender Theme: ?? artsit call- I would prefer something relevantColor: Black and Silver (Smoke?).Text: Yes. "Its Time to Pay the" smaller on top of "PIPER" Larger Other effects: ne thing that looks cool, im up for artistic interpretation

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    [tab][/tab]this is essentially the same speech every idiot pyramid scammer uses, not to mention cult leaders.


    i dont beleive that you actual tried to post this at the trap. obvilously you need some guidance in your life if you think that any "Get Rich Quick Scheme" actually works.

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