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Posts posted by Janissary

  1. Hello,

    I was away from website for some time and decided to get back. But found out that the thread system is changed. When i click a topic, the page olny shows the 1st post and only titles of answers. To read people's post, i need to separetly clikc all posts.


    How can i change back to old style, you know, tradinitional style where all posts are listed fully in order of time.


    I went to my contol panem and changed Number of posts to show for each topic page to 10, but nothing happened.


    Help! I like Xisto forums but i cant join any disscusion like this!!!

  2. An atheist person has also a belief. S/he believes in that there is no God. S/he checked his heart and decided that there is no God. Not through proof but through faith.The real unbeilevers are the one who follows a religion only becasue s/he saw that from his family, only believeing as a tradition. You know those kind of people, when you ask them they would give you a religion name but when you ask a simple question about their religion they would just shrugged their shoulder.Those people are the real evil, living only for selfish reasons. Becasue (for example unlike atheist) they never questioned their life. They live the life without any thinking. They are like circus animals, following their raw feeling and habits that are forced on them. So in their daily life they cheat and lie and hurt because thats what their desires tell them and then they pray before going to bed because that what his mother used to make him while s/he was a kid. They can just take the money that eldarly person droped without a doubt even they afraid of hell. Because, their fear only comes from the stories they listen as kids.With numbers, Turkiye considered 99% muslim but there are many people like i mentioned above. I'm sure it's more or less the same for all cultures and religions.Thank you for listening my ranting.

  3. In the western world, you can marry only one woman but you can have numberous lovers as long as you can either buy expensive gifts to your wife or hide other women from her. Cheating is less shamed in western world by the societes. And dont forget that you can quickly change lovers and have sex with many women before marriege, you can even post-pone marrieges but live together in case you may find a more attractive women.By the way, I know christinaty also shames those acts. Im here refering to hyporict western people shows 4 wife thing as really disgusting thing while they practice the same thing without the responsibilities that Quran put on polygrami.

  4. If you do a little research on human traficking, for sex slaves. You will see it is highest in Asian and African countries and the end of the road mostly ends in western countries.By the way, dont forget how the image of women is been reduced to sexual apperance by the western capitlism. Where women not only are constantly left under pressure of being sexy and also their bodies are used to sell things to the men.But unlike you, Im not blaming religion but the culture of europe. So if you want to critize something in Iran or Iraq, blame their culture. Organised religion is a dangerus thing. but that doesnt stop people from trying. Power centers always try to make a organised religion out of Islam. So some Arab countries made their own religious laws but Islam in its core is not suitable to turn into organised religion. Thats why a cult, ruler, leader, scholar or whatever authraity has only influence over his own people. Just as Christians other than Catholic find the Pope as a clown...Basicly, what am I trying to say:You are saying "something cruel was happened in country X" I cannot argue with or against that in light of my religion because me being a musluman and that country has a majority of muslims doesnt mean anything common in religion. By the way, let me remind you, Islam arrived to Arab lands in a time where women has minus value. I mean fathers were embrased of having a daughter and bury them alive.

  5. Thank you... yes, I did "open with notepad, always" so it's no longer associated with Aegisub but it didnt solved the problem.


    But i figured it out. There is actully a pluging which allows all the media players to automaticly shows subtitles and Aegisub broke that somehow. I reinstalled the pluging and problem solved.


    To display subtitles in video files you can use VobSub. Install VobSub and name the subtitle file the same as the video file (not the extention). Now subtitles will appear in MediaPlayer, ZoomPlayer etc!

    Thank you everyone, at last I dont have to install BsPlayer :)

  6. @Xalor

    Actully, there are many free programs whose purpose is just to edit or create subtitles. But so far, the best one i could find, gives you a time according to lenght of your entry. Still, you need to manualy scyronize it later.


    I have a bigger problem now.


    I installed Aegisub, didnt like it. But now I cant uninstall, it isnt in the remove control panel or in the start up menu. But worse, during instalitain I associeted the srt files with it. Now... ZoomPlayer cannot play subtitles with movies.

  7. I use MovieMaker for short videos but for a movie it's not practical because it burns the subtitles into the movie. I know how to do it in notepad but I just try to get rid of entering all the timing with hands. You know, 124,789th second starts 1246, 320th second ends.


    By the way, I installed Aegisub, didnt like it. But now I cant uninstall, it isnt in the remove control panel or in the start up menu. But worse, during instalitain I associeted the srt files with it now ZoomPlayer cannot play them with movies.


    Thanks for the answers, the quest for the ultimate program continues :)

  8. Hello,I want to write my own subtitles and googled a few programs but noone of them seems to be easy enough. I mean I was using a program back then (now I forgot its name and lost the program) It has a neat feature... You can watch the movie and when you press a shortcut it adds start time for a new entry and when you press it again it adds the end timing for the same entry. So later you can return and add text to the entries.Do you know any program that can do that?

  9. @ Okara KAmi


    But I never said this "perfect" system will make everyone happy. After all criminals or selfish people will be extremly unhappy under that rule. By the way, Im not suggesting a perfect world where every where there is a rainbow. Im talking about governer system which is balanced well enough to solve all the solve-able problems.


    But then again you have a point. Those eldars council, in their elite education... they may failed to understand some human weakness and may ban cigarettes. But then again with their genius minds, they may see banning cigarettes all together can lead to black markets and disorder so who knows they may start a education plan which will take two generation to complete and succesfully get rid of cigarettes.


    After all hollywood brainwashed our generation with cool actors smooking after and while doing really cool stuff. (Luckly smooking propaganda mostly stoped now)


    I want to say again: by discussion I saw the flaw in my perfect system. I now believe this system can only last 300-400 years before gets corrupted. Becasue despite to all mesaruments the elite ruling class eventually is going to think themself apart from the society. And I think corruption will take place as a mother being over protective: still good in her heart, doing everything for her children but yet only hurting them.

  10. Hello,I just switched to Vista. And you know by default everytime you want to change something (i guess a change in register?) such as installing etc Vista asks for an comformation? You know " this program tries to reach your settings, do you allow " I couldnt find how to close it from security center. Can you describe me the way?And another thing is " this program wasnt installed properly, should I install again " What is it exactly? At first, I thought there is a problem but that thing pops up even I clicked " cancel " in the install screen.Without opening extra programs, almost 1gb ram is already used. How can I close some startup programs?Thank you in advance.

  11. i can attest that all files and DBs (up to the date of last backup by xisto) are not lost on my account.
    things i did after i got back my access through cpanel:
    -- added back my addon domain (if you have a parked domain, add them back too)
    -- added back the user for the databases (you have to supply the username and password which your DB is supposed to use. if you forgot them, you can refer to the config files you have in the scripts you're using for your site); applied back the necessary privileges to the DB user as my scripts require
    -- added back the subdomains i use (check your folder structure via FTP or file manager to get a glimpse of the folders created when you added a subdomain before, just in case you forgot which subdomains you had before)

    I have no problem with my main page. I cant access to my forum which on a subdomain. So I have re-added my subdomain. I have re-added same user for DB and gave all the privileges. Well, it's just the error message is changed. I used the password from config.php.

    General ErrorSQL ERROR [ mysqli ]Access denied for user 'ozhan'@'localhost' (using password: YES) [1045]

    An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem persists.

  12. They dont make games like JaggedAlliance anymore. It's all about fancy weapons or explosion or scenery...The only thing I dont like JA2 is sometimes you kill everyone but one enemy hides really good and you need to scan the map just to find that one last m.f.In times like that I used to save my game and then make my squad run like crazy in all directions. When that last bugger shoots and shows his location, I reload my saved game and storm him :PX-Com,JaggedAlliancegood times, good times...

  13. RedAlert2 is cool among the series. The C&C series shines among other RTS because it's fast-paced. There is only one resource to gather and there is no worker unit.


    EA published a special editon called "First Decade". It contains 10 C&C games.


    I liked the Generals most. It has a worker unit type but still fast enough. I liked Generals more because I think it has more strategic value than RA2 (of course you need to limit the super weapons)

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