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Posts posted by x2crazy4shadyx

  1. hmm, you could really make this post a little more usefull, you didn't say where to get it, what it does exactly.. but oh, ok. I did simple search via Google:


    Tuneup Utilities 2006 TRIAL VERSION is located here:


    [-] full version you can buy for $39.99 and I can say it's pretty expencive...


    Now why would you buy the full verison *If you know what i mean* haha Yes i use this and i gave it too my father he seems too like it and i love it. Great program

  2. Im 17 now. When i was 14-16 whenever i got grounded it sucked cuss they would either take my DSL away or they would just take my whole computer if i did something bad. They havn't taken it away now because i built it heh. But now they just unpluge my cable internet. it piss's me off because i run a server then a cross over cable too my computer. So when my net gets disconnect my server gets shut down. But thats besides the point i would either play out side skateboard. but it hard with out a computer i don't see how some ppl can't live without it. its maily the internet acessing the outside world haha

  3. I found FP makes pages sluggish, because it produces very poor code. I agree that DW is scarey at first, but giv e it a try, look up a tutorial if you have to (the Macromedia site itself is wonderful for that one). I found DW meet all my needs, though I admit to using TopStyle Lite for editting CSS for IPB Skins (just is smaller and starts up faster)


    For simple sites, I just stick to Notepadd ++ which is like notepad but offers syntax highlighting for a lot of langauges, ConText is equally good btw. I just dislike FP a lot, and even though I have the full Office Pro with FP, I never install it. I once did, to write a tutorial on how to FTp your site to Xisto from within FP, but I hate the program.


    When i had classes in webdesign, HTML first. We had to WRITE the code on PAPER so we had to learn the tags etc. THen we were allowed to move to Glimmer, Vim, Vi, Emacs even LOL, or Gedit. (All text editors in Linux, but Emacs, it's an environment.) After a while we could use what we wanted for building sites, but on the finals Glimmer or Vi had to be used. I prefer Vim still :) Our final was this : recreate the slashdot.org site with everything, you can copy and reuse the graphics. But the site has to be hand coded (the teacher had copied ALL graphics, made a tarball out of them and we had the tarball and a screenshot of the site)




    You are correct about FP i have used both programs and i found out that dreamweaver seems too be the best. It just easy too use if you know what your doing. And if you don't well it doesn't take long too learn. Its filled with alot of source codes php and alot of junk that you will need for making a website. I havn't tryed dreamweaver 2006 if its out yet.

  4. I looked and i didn't find anything on computer pix.


    So i thought i would post my right not much but it runs great for me.


    Intel 2.8 Unlocked p4 too 3.9

    Rambus ram 1066 1gig 4 sticks of 256

    9700 pro Overclocked to a 9800 pro

    augity 2 zs gamer sound card

    2 Dvd

    4 80 gig hard drives

    X-connect 500 watt psu

    Black case painted by me


    Let me know what you think


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  5. Your thinking about using wireless for gaming wow.......


    Okay. Wireless lan will lag and glich and freeze up my friend has it and we tryed playing on wireless G. Even in online games with wireless you will get major lag spikes and you think its the server but its wireless bad connection packets loss. Wired is the best way for now. If you go wired get a CAT 6 cables. They allow more flow of packets or something.

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