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Posts posted by BOAW

  1. http://download.cnet.com/windows/
    hah uh i think has most of every program that people look for and need...and u can download all thats in there...and the ones with the trials u can go to http://www.seriall.com/ to crack em =D lol but im sure most of you people know about this site anyways https://myspace.com/browser
    great source to use for keeping touch with your friends and to meet and make new friends...i have one for myself and its doing me good...its now pretty popular cuz ive been hearing it on TV now at times...

  2. hmm i think its maybe...you can find ALOT of information on just about anything on the internet...yet we all know for a fact that not everything thats on the internet is true so thats where you may go stupid...i cant tell whether most the stuff on the internet is mostly stupid or not...but i use the internet as a source for information ALL THE TIME and nothing usually ever goes wrong...always seem to find what i want to know..

  3. where do you people usually find the characters you use for your sigs?? because i find some really kool characters on some sigs and i have no clue what or who these characters are to search for them...i def dont think you guys make em or anything..im sure you find yourself a character from the internet to use and just drag it onto your work to start editing...correct?? so please give me some places that people usually look for when searching for these kool unique characters =) thanks

  4. what program/s do you think is best to edit audios? to mix audios up change audio formats.. what programs do you mostly recommend everyone to use? please help me out because i really want to know that i have one of the most reliable ones out there

  5. i dont really think there much to do in AOE3 exept for upgradin your town or whatever...the units arent much different from each other...but the graphics are alright...i used to always play aoe conquerors non stop...n play basically only the custum scenarios maps...i used to own like a pimp but i suddenly stopped playin it beacuse it just got really boring becuase the guys that used to play the game never played anymore

  6. for me i dont really care if its a light color or dark color layout....just as long as the layout looks really good then its fine with me...but i usually use the dark layouts because theyre usually the ones that just look good to me...but sometimes i do feel like changing my layout to something light because i do get tired of seeing it being dark and i guess depending on my mood will determine whether i want a light or dark layout

  7. i want to be a human again....although i dont believe in reincarnation...but that would be kool but i definately dont think it exists..wish it did..being reincarnated as a human again would be good but would i wouldnt be able to remember the life i had before the one i was reincarnated too....hmm mayb i was already reincarnated...just cant remember...i dont know theres something to think about...

  8. thanks =) ill try the code out...but isnt the code supposed to b a block thing? because i used to have a shoutbox for my php site and installed the shoutbox block and i just had to center it...i believe i downloaded it from a site thou...not sure what it was to get it backand by the way i dont understand this step"2. Save a blank file as shouts.html and CHMOD the file to 777."please clarify this for me..

  9. Where can i find an easy reliable shoutout box that i can install and center in my site?? i ight just use the shoutoutbox becuase of the lack of use in our my forums...i almost find it to b useless since it is not used often...i figure that poeple are jsut lazy to use it so i think setting up the shoutbox would be most useful than my forums heh

  10. hmm well my father has been a teacher for about 30 years and all i always used to see him do was make school wokr for the students and grade papers....but after all thats done theyre like any other person and just do what the regualr people do on their time off...spending time with family watching tv or whatever...but the work to being a teacher is ALOT sometimes i dont see how they can finish the work that they do becuase i can rarely even do my homework

  11. yeah theres never a way to get a host for free...unless contribute back to the service...on their side i think its pretty clever about how they set this thing all up...but for me i dont know how i can keep this posting up lol...it would be something i would have to stick with to keep my site for as long as i want it. But i guess its the best thing to do if you dont want to pay right

  12. i think your dreams sometimes reflect your real life...but sometimes it doesnt...i hear people dream everytime they go to sleep but they just dont rmemeber them most the time...heh ive even heard that you can actually die from a dream somehow...but i dont believe that...but its amazing how dreams are becuase lke i could b sleepin for like 8 hours stright and remember a dream that seemed to happen for lke 5 mins and wake up n then just fall back to sleep for lke 5 mins and and actaully dream for about that 5 mins...and sometimes i feel like you can control what happens in your dream if u concentrate on your mind n think things that you think is about to happen...but sometimes it feels like you cant control yourself and things just happen...pfft dreams are weird...

  13. i would prefer the brand computer because i think its much more reliable like the is a less chance of your computer to screw up than an assembled computer...and i belive you would b able to recieve any sort of help from the company that you have bought your computer from.but the assembled computer is something that you can change to your needs depending what you want in a computer...i also heard that it is cheaper to assemble a computer on your own thats if you really know how to..you can also overclock your computer much easier on an assembled computer rather than a brand computer if you can at all..but i rather chose the brand computer because i dont really need the fastest computer out there just something decent and can run at a decent speed and can actually last and not die out on me cuz i hate when my computer screws up

  14. i bascially use my compueter for both the basic use and the programming...but i can only pick one so i chose the basic use...on the basic use part i usually use it for playin my games store n play my music , chat with my friends and update my myspace....on the programming side its basically i guess editing my site and managing it...to manage my sites i used to only use golive cs2 but now i moved on to dreamweaver because i was golive wouldnt allow me to use it anymore because of the 30 trial thing =/ but dreamweaver is just about good enough but i need to learn more about it...

  15. Yeah i definately think tweeking your MSCONFIG (Start>Run>msconfig) and disableing all the unnecessary start-up programs is the best way to boot your computer definately at start-up becuase it obviously wont have much processes or anything else to start-up and you'll be already set to start doing what you want to do before you know it

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