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About biscuitrat

  • Rank
    Kween of Everything :)
  • Birthday 07/08/1990

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Houston, Tejas :D
  • Interests
    To start off with, I'm a 16 year old feminazi (Noooo, I just mean I'm a firm believer in feminism and all that. No evil stuff T_T). I love to write, I play piano, trombone, sing, and I adore animals. Well, except flying insects, but that's natural, isn't it?<br /><br />I love my games and internet. Basically:<br />-Anything made by Blizzard<br /> -World of Warcraft<br /> - Isadia (60 rogue) Alleria<br /> - Grumbleboo (39 priest) Alleria<br /> - Hadoken (16 druid) Alleria (horde)<br />-Most FPS games<br />-I <3 Nintendo<br />-And I love online games, especially Battlenet.<br /><br />Current Hidey-Hole: Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

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  1. You just been spammed by that S&M guy XD.

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