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Thorned Rose

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Posts posted by Thorned Rose

  1. Many things in the universe is arbitrary, even time. Time in reality is fluid and slows or speeds up etc but humans invented clocks and hours and minutes and seconds not set by time itself but by someone who decided that 1 second would be this long and 1 minute would be made up of 60 seconds etc.


    Just think about your first memory of someone and compare it to them now. Most of the time you'll find that your first impression image is quite to different to how you see that person now.


    Or how my self image (what I think I look like) is quite different to what I see in the mirror or in photos.


    It's not theory, it's fact. And I too always find it interesting to 'delve' into the minds of others wondering what their perspective is. The human mind works in some pretty amazing ways. Does a person who has been blind all their life 'see' blackness like when a seeing person closes their eyes or do they sense nothing...?


    Interesting thread - thanks for starting it!

  2. For the I don't know how manyth time - 666 is NOT the number of the beast!! For goodness sake. It's 616 if anyone really cares and the world did not end on January 6th, nor did it end on January 6th 1006 (or June 6th for that matter) and nor did it end on January 6th 606 or January 6th 616 or January 6th year 6 etc etc etc. Not to mention that the current calender is out by several years anyway. So point in fact, this whole end of the world thing is a load of crap. Stop being so paranoid! There will always be people saying blah blah blah day is the end of the world and NONE of them have been right. Stop worrying about bollocks and worry about the real things in life!

  3. Try Comvita Fortacold Herbal Elixir. Good for all ailments including sore throats, colds, coughs, upset tummies.... Plus it's all natural and cheap to boot. Don't know where you can get it locally but you can order it straight from their website: http://www.comvita.com/products/manuka-honey-propolis-elixir/H3889. They also have throat lozenges :) And no I don't work for them, just used it myself over the years and found it to be really good which is a bonus for me as I'm immuno-compromised.

  4. When I first said that Jesus DID sin, I said that most likely some Christian would come along and say that it was righteous wrath and predictably a christian has. I find it fascinating that so many religions spout what you should and shouldn't do and then break those rules themselves all under the guise of righteousness or divine guidence. Just like the parents who killed their child because "God told them to". They thought they had a divine and righteous reason to commit murder. But I suppose a Christian will predictably come along and tell me that those parents weren't true Christians or they were a bit looney. Well if that's the case then what's to say that ALL Chritians aren't looney? George W. Bush said that God told him he should go to war. Sounds like the same thing as those parents, only he's ended up killing thousands of innocent people all in the name of righteousness. But hey, they were only Muslims right? (Remember the crusades?)

    adriantc has a very good point. If you look at religion from a sociological/psychological point of view Religion meets some very fundamental human fears - fear of being alone (you belong to a group), fear of the unknown (with God you need not fear anything), fear of death (the afterlife) and insecurity (religious texts tell you what to do). The fact of the matter is, many people fill themselves with religious beliefs because they are fearful and insecure. Which is why the majority of religious people are poor and/or uneducated. You have a lower percentage of relious people in the rich and/or educted. That's not always they case, just proportions and percentages. Another interesting statistic is the number of people who turn to religion - many of them have had a bad life or had some traumtic experience so that they feel lost and alone, making them susceptible to the 'benefits' of religion. Christians will call it saving that person, or showing them the right path but the reality (and statistics) are they are just taking advantage of someone who at that point in time is mentally compromised and emotionally needy. It works on a large scale as well. If you have a restless or rioting population you install strict religious edicts and give people a sense of righteousness and reward for 'good' behaviour.

    And as Horus pointed out, what about Jesus' adolescence?

    What about the fact that so many of the Bible's stories sound exactly the same as stories that predate the Bible? e.g. The great flood and the story of Gilgamesh which predates the Old Testament by 2000 years.

    The Jews spent about 60 years in Babylon where they were taught writing and written language and after leaving started on the Old Testament which as I said, has stories remarkeably similar to Babylonian ones. Looks like plagiarism.

  5. Can there ever be a forum about religion where Christians don't come along and Bible bash or spout 'wisdom' from the Bible and try to 'save' everyone. This thread was originally about religions in general and it has ended up being Christians mouthing off how sinful we are and if we only believed in Jesus, we will all be saved. Please! My soul is perfectly fine, thank you.And for the record, Jesus was NOT without sin - he was guilty of wrath (one of the seven deadly sins for those of you playing at home).

  6. Truefusion, you are obviously too entrenched in your religion to ever listen to anyone else. Although I do have to say with regards to sin and you saying I have just never met a true christian. Well 1. I think my Mother would be VERY upset at you saying she is not a true Christian considering you sound just like her, 2. if a true Christian is a person who lives their life without sin then there is no such thing as a true Christian because according to your religion, everybody is innately sinful - something which not even Jesus can atest to seens as he sinned as well. Before any Christians have a mental at me, you should know your Bible better -

    13 Now the Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14 And He found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers doing business. 15 When He had made a whip of cords, He drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers? money and overturned the tables. 16 And He said to those who sold doves, ?Take these things away! Do not make My Father?s house a house of merchandise!?- Jn 2:13-16.

    But I suppose that Christians will argue that is was righteous wrath and therfore ok (just like I've heard Christians saying about their own actions).

    Or how about this one for you - God is a sinner because he committed adultery - 14 ?You shall not commit adultery. - Exodus 20:14. WHAT!? you say? Well, Mary was betrothed to Joseph and God got her pregnant with his son. Sounds like adultery to me.

    Anyways all of this aside. You say that I am teaching my children to be attached to life - well yes and no. I want them to value their life and that of others so yes. But also no because I teach my children that one day your body dies but your soul lives on etc etc etc.

    As for hell being the place sinners go, well according to Christians I am a sinner so I should go to hell, but when I died I didn't go to hell, not unless hell is a place of joy, there's lots of other people, you can see everything etc etc etc.

    But I have let this get the better of me again. I'm not going to waste my time on people who are so caught up in their own little realities that they cannot (or rather) will not see the truth of things. I have better things to be doing with my time, like spending it on my children who are the future.

  7. When we put our belief and faith in God, we acknowledge His existence, and know with His help we can overcome evil. If you believe and have faith in yourself without doing the same to God first, then you may very well be promoting evil. God is the Light that shines in the darkness, and the Light that shines forever. With such a light guiding you, you will never stumble. If you believe in yourself and only yourself, you may stumble. Truly, truly, man cannot overcome sin alone. For such a reason is why you should place God first before all.

    Sorry, truefusion but the idea of original sin is ridiculus. I used to be a devout Catholic and made more mistakes and screwups and wasn't living the best I could then than I am now. I have strict rules for how I live my life and hold myself to them. Not following a religion or worshipping God doesn't and hasn't made me weaker and I don't need religion or worship or prayer to keep me to my morals. I am not a sinner, I am not evil, I make mistakes but certainly not mistakes when it comes to my morals. By mistakes I mean I accidentally burn dinner sometimes, or fall over, or even back into someone driving - none of things make me evil or amoral or sinful - they make me human. On the other hand I have never killed, I am nice to people, I raise my children to value love and life etc which brings me to my motto: Love and Life - Love life and live love.My mum on the other hand and a number of other zealous Christians I know can be pretty damn awful people. Being religious hasn't made my mum or her friends better people - in fact it has made them worse. My mother's devotion to her church and God is at the expense of the well being of her family. She has no time for the people who need her most because she is spending so much time working for her church and worshipping God. I didn't live with her a lot of my life but so far my siblings that have lived with her have either ended up screwed up or are heading that way. Sorry, but I have seen very few examples of where religion and mindless worship have actually benefited greatly. All too often I see suffering, hurt, anger, intolerance, hypocrisy etc.
    I am a walking example of the fact that you can lead a good and moral life without being religious.
    Aurex, I agree totally. People should choose what they believe and have informed and balanced information from which to choose and decide upon.

    Love and Life.

  8. As I said above, it's not too big to understand, you just have to expand your knowledge. There isn't enough information around to make an informed choice, otherwise people wouldn't be choosing religion to fulfill their insecurity. We hear more about putting our belief and faith in God and very little about putting our belief and faith in ourselves. How is that balanced and informed?

  9. I have died, and it's nothing like what any of the religions say it is (although I can't say that for sure as i don't know all the religions. Now, some religious people would say that's because you went to purgutory, or hell, or whatever but they can argue that till the cows come home but it won't change the facts. I died, it was nice, there were others there and I could 'see' everything which doesn't exactly fit with any of the ideas that common religions spout. dangy, it is really immature to say things like "id rather convert to satanism then to beleive in god". Are you saying that you would much rather be bad than good? I may disagree with religions in general but I do agree with many of the teachings, it's just a shame that so many religions ignore their own teachings about tolerance.

    CroSpartacus and HoRuS, infinity and eternity is perfectly comprehendible. Unfortunately the way we are brought up is all about finites so we never really learnt to wrap our heads around much larger concepts.

    Read some research in Quantum Physics and Mechanics. These sciences have by most peoples' standards , a lot of really wierd principles but makes for some very big eye openers on how the universe works. I will however admit that I sit in the 5-10% of people who's brains don't 'think' like everyone elses which does give me the advantage of understanding Quantum Physics and Mechanics easier than others, but I also know that thinking logically/laterally etc can be learned. Study Quantum Physics and Mechanics and you will most certainly learn how to think differently about the universe including infinity, eternity, time and space etc.

    For a taste, think of time and relativity. Time is relative and arbitary. What one second might be to one person, is different to another and different to another moving at a great deal of speed. The faster you go, the more time slows down. Think of time as being like water. It can flow like a river or it can collect in a pool and stand still. If we are in a stationary boat on a fast moving river, the water moves past us and around us but if we start to move in the same direction as the water, it looks like the water isn't flowing as fast. If we were to turn around and go against the flow, it would seem like the water was flowing even faster. Now here's a kicker (and one I love), if we were to travel in the same direction as the water but even faster than the water is flowing, the water will look like it is flowing backwards! Quantum Physics and Mechanics has a lot of amazing principles like this analgogy. Once you understand ideas like these, it's no so hard to understand time, infinity and eternity.

    I have to agree though that the Big Bang theory is flawed. Or perhaps I should say, incomplete. People will say that you can't get something from nothing and that is why the Big Bang Theory is crap however if you put Quantum Mechanics into play then nothing is something. Of course I could argue a lot of other ideas about why the Big Bang theory is perfectly feasible from a Quantum Mechanics point of view, but that would be a lot of writing so I would suggest you read them for yourself.

    CroSpartacus, you say that God is not physical, but spiritual. Why are you disassociating spirit from body? I never understand why religions have this need to say that mind, physicality, spirit and soul are seperate. They cannot exist without each other. Another human idea that confounds me is the meaning of life. Why do religions insist that there is one? Why does there have to be one? Or are humans so insecure in themselves that they feel they must create a meaning even though their very existance is the meaning or rather the point. I hate to break it to you, but there is no meaning to life - Life is just life. The only point to it is to continue, learn, evolve and get better at continuing. Evolution of physical, mind, spirit and soul. Let go of your misconceptions, the preordained ideas that society and religions restrict us to and you will see he bigger picture. Now, I don't mean a free for all or anarchy. I'm a very moralistic person - as I said, the point is to learn and evolve and become better.

    I keep saying, and I'll say it again - You do NOT need a religion to be a good person or go to 'heaven' or be fulfilled or find meaning in your life. You make your own meaning by how you live your life. Love life and live love, respect others and don't fear death. Death is one of the biggest lies that ever was. You do not 'die', your soul and spirit lives on, so does your body - it just breaks down into it's component parts and gives life to other things. When you start to see the bigger picture, you realise that religion is unneccessary and just another lie told.

  10. Milk can hardly be bad for you. look at it it this way: everyone of us (well most of us anyway) as well as most every other mammal lived several weeks/months on nothing but pure milk. In essence, milk is enough to live on (kind of like eggs) though of course anything in excess can be harmful.


    If milk really "wasn't good for you" there would be a lot of dead/dieing baby animals/people...


    Humans produce lactase and rennin (two chemicals that aid in the digestion of milk) up until 3 years of age. This means that humans are perfectly fine having human milk before 3 but NOT after. Milk is for babies/toddlers but not for humans after the age of three. Also, human milk does not contain much iron, so at age 6 months a baby must start having solid foods rich in iron (at 6 months, a baby's iron stores run out) so even human milk is not perfect on it's own. It is perfect on it's own up till 4 months when you should start introducing solids, and the perfect main food up until one year of age, than the perfect top up until 3 years of age - but not perfect on it's own.


    There are a lot of dead and dying humans. The number one killer is heart disease and as I quoted:

    "Milk and milk products gave the highest correlation coefficient to heart disease, while sugar, animal proteins and animal fats came in second, third, and fourth, respectively."

    - A Survey of Mortality Rates and Food Consumption Statistics of 24 Countries, Medical Hypothesis 7:907-918, 1981


    So it does kill people.


    Come on, be real, guys. Whoever voted for milk or milk products are bad for your bones are crazy. It's studied in science over and over again. It has been scientifically proven that it is good for you. I don't really like milk, but I do drink it. The kids in these forums should drink at LEAST 3 cups of milk, daily. By 35, your bone strength will be determined by how much calcium you have gotten. If your calcium you have gotten before 35 was not a lot, then your bones will be weak, and you might get chances of arthritis. It will be easier for you to hurt your bones. Trust me, you don't feel the pain now, but you will. If you really, really can't stand milk, I suggest you eat cheese, yogurt, and as a last resort, calcium pills.


    Yes it has been studied in science which is why I say it is bad. ALL of the facts I have quoted have come from research and doctors. It has never been proven to be good for you. That idea comes from a time (starting in the 1920s) when no general research was being done but western society was having huge problems with things like Osteomalacia (Rickets - lack of vitamin D resulting in calcium deficiency), dental problems, poor growth in children etc so to address the problem governments chose to promote milk (which was cheap and easy to get) to children and parents to 'cure' and prevent these illnesses. Before this time milk consumption was fairly low. Now you might say that these illnesses came about because of low milk consumption. In actual fact is was because of the industrial revolution. Pre-industrial people used to do a lot of manual labor outside which meant they were exposed to enough sunlight to get Vitamin D however during and after the revolution people found themselves in buildings and living in very smoggy cities which meant they did not get enough UVB exposure to get sufficient Vitamin D. Even so, milk still does not contain enough vitamin D to fix the problem, which is why governments ordered the dairy industry to add Vitamin D to milk. For example:

    "In 1932, Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations required that 400 units of rat poison be added to every quart of milk sold in America."

    Rat poison you ask? What's that got to do with anything? Well, vitamin D is a common rat poison. Too much vitamin D in an animals body (such as rats and humans) causes calcium to leach from bones severely weakening them.

    Oh and I agree with you that you need a lot of calcium to prevent osteoporosis and arthritis etc, but not from milk. There is more and better calcium in dark leafy greens and sesame seeds than there is in milk. My children drink calcium fortified rice milk and I have to take calcium supplements (my M.E. causes calcium malaborption which is the only reason why I take a supplement). Oh and I very much uunderstand the pain of things like arthritis. My M.E. also causes Myalgia (that would be the Myalgic part of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) which is muscle and joint pain.


    I did not get my information from any dairy corporation. I wouldnt say i didnt my get information from society, cause you cant say that either.

    No I can't say that - I get my information from research and doctors.


    I highly doubt that statement is 100% correct. As for the 50% of children in the US, that's more believable, but not 100% accurate since it was stated in 1994. The percentage could have grown or shrunk

    "Overall, about 75 percent of the world's population, including 25 percent of those in the U.S., lose their lactase enzymes after weaning."

    - J. of the American Dietetic Assoc. 1996; 96

    Seens as you don't believe me, maybe you will believe the doctor I quoted. OR

    "The National Medical Association promotes the collective interests of physicians and patients of African descent. Please explain to me how this association came about when the vast majority of people of African descent (80% to 90%) cannot drink milk because of lactose intolerance; causing them diarrhea, stomach cramps and gas."

    - Bertron P. Racial bias in federal nutrition policy, Part I: The public health implications of variations in lactase persistence. J Natl Med Assoc. 1999 Mar;91(3):151-7.


    You might argue again that this percentage has changed and I'm sure that it has changed by a percent or two but last I knew, human physiology and anatomy hasn't changed in the last 10 years or so.


    Adults only need 5mcg of vitamin D daily. A microgram is one millionth of a gram.

    Ummm... yeah. I did say, or rather the Journal of Paediatrics said that you only need 10-15 mintues of sunlight exposure 3 times a week to get enough vitamin D. And just to add to this: too much vitamin D is VERY bad for you. If you only need 10-15 mins of sun 3 times a week to get enough then drinking vitamin D fortified milk is giving you too much.

    "Consuming as little as 45 micrograms of Vitamin D-3 in young children has resulted in signs of overdose." (one quart of milk contains 400 IU, or 10 micrograms)."

    - Pediatrics, 1963; 31


    "Vitamin D increases aluminum absorption, and high aluminum levels in the body may cause an Alzheimer's-like disease."

    - Canadian Medical Association Journal 1992 147(9)


    Not to mention that the Vitamin D they add to milk is a synthesized form which means it is not well metabolized by the body. I will once again quote:

    "It has since been discovered that the Vitamin D necessary to absorb the calcium moving down the intestine must already have been in the bloodstream for a while; what is present with that calcium (in milk) is useless at that stage..."

    - Vegetarian and Vegan Nutrition, by George Eisman, M.A., M.Sc., R.D.

    Proof straight from the nutritional fact found on the milk carton, 25% of the daily amount for vitamin D is found in 1 serving of milk. One serving is one cup, one cup is 8 ounces. 8.5-ounce plastic cups can be found at a supermarket. If you were to drink from glasses as seen on milk commercials, that's about 2 servings. Meaning 2 of those glasses, you would get about 100% of your daily vitamin D RDA.


    The dairy industry ADDS synthetic vitamin D. It is not natural and the vitamin D in milk provides too much D leading to overdose as I have already said.


    "Information on milk cartons reveal that two ingredients fill the container: Milk and Vitamin D-3. Vitamin D-3 is used to kill rats! Why is it added to milk for our children to drink in the name of good health?

    According to the Canadian brochure, products containing Vitamin D-3 (calciferol) kill by vitamin overdose after 3-4 days. The Vitamin D-3 actually mobilizes excessive amounts of calcium from an animal's bones.

    And you thought that Vitamin D-3 in milk helped to absorb calcium. Another dairy industry myth!"

    - Robert Cohen, Executive Director Dairy Education Board


    Infact, i dont recall ever reading any information found on dairy company websites.

    No probably not, but I'm sure you were told of the wonders of milk while you were in school, or seen the Got Milk ads. From Wikipedia:

    "Got Milk? is a U.S. advertising campaign encouraging the purchase of cow's milk which was created by the agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners for the California Milk Board in 1993 and later licensed for use by milk processors (the Milk Processor Education Program) and dairy farmers (Dairy Management Inc.). It has been running since October, 1993. The campaign in credited with recucitating milk sales nationwide after a 20-year slump."

    You may not have read it off the dairy industry's websites but you most certainly have been bombarded with what they want you to think.


    At any rate, I started this thread to inform and educate people on the many milk myths, dangers, health risks and negative side effects. I only use reputable sources, not heresay and opinion.

    It is ulimately your choice whether you listen to me (or rather the scientists and doctors I am quoting) or ignore the facts. I can only hope that you leave behind you bias and look at the facts with an open mind before you draw any conclusions. Please read the research and information on the Not Milk Website and gain an informed and balanced opinion.

  11. People, you just don't seem to get it. Stop listening to all the crap that the dairy corporation has fed to society and as tonyused said, use common sense. I'm sorry but drinking milk is not good common sense.

    truefusion, you have not stated all the facts, only the ones the dairy industry wants you to know. So I will now list some facts for you.

    Our best source of calcium.

    Not so. The best source of calcium is from dark leafy greens. The calcium in milk is not easily absorbed by the body whereas calcium in things like greens are better absorbed. Also some foods have a higher amount of calcium, that is better absorbed than milk like sesame seeds.

    Low-fat dairy products are low in cholesterol and are high in protein

    Milk is not low in cholesterol comparitively speaking (though low fat isn't as bad as standard) but the cholersterol is still bad enough that drinking 2-3 glasses per day can significantly increase your risk of heart disease

    "Milk and milk products gave the highest correlation coefficient to heart disease, while sugar, animal proteins and animal fats came in second, third, and fourth, respectively."

    - A Survey of Mortality Rates and Food Consumption Statistics of 24 Countries, Medical Hypothesis 7:907-918, 1981

    Some people cannot digest milk sugar.

    Milk protein can trigger allergic reactions in susceptible people.

    Actually it's most people - 75% of the world in fact are lactose intolerant.

    "At least 50% of all children in the United States are allergic to cow's milk, many undiagnosed. Dairy products are the leading cause of food allergy, often revealed by diarrhea, constipation, and fatigue. Many cases of asthma and sinus infections are reported to be relieved and even eliminated by cutting out dairy."

    - Natural Health, July, 1994, Nathaniel Mead, MD

    Susceptible people eh? 50% seems to be a pretty high number of children who are susceptible. Could it just be that milk causes allergies in all not just susceptible?! Aslo you are ignoring the fact that people who come from countries of low milk consumption to countries of high milk consumption with no family history of allergies suddenly find themselves allergic to some foods, asthmatic and/or suffering from hay fever. Are you going to say that that is somehow coincidence?

    Calcium helps to prevent Osteoporosis, and may help protect against high blood pressure. Inorder to absorb calcium, the body needs vitamin D. Vitamin D is added to milk, and vitamin D can also be obtained by the sun's ultraviolet rays. Calcium isn't the only thing found in milk that promotes good bones and teeth. Vitamins A and D, also promote proper development of bones and teeth, and other stuff. As for disease-causing organisms found in milk, the pasteurization process kills most of the microorganisms, without affecting taste or nutritional content.

    Calcium helps prevent osteoporosis yes, but milk does not. As I said, the best source of calcium is from dark leafy greens, calcium in milk is not easily absorbed by the body and there are other foods higher in calcium, that is better absorbed than milk.

    Most of your vitamin D comes from sunlight:

    "Adults need 10-15 minutes of sunlight, two or three times a week to ensure proper Vitamin D levels."

    - Journal of Pediatrics, 1985; 107 (3)


    and strangely enough:


    "It has since been discovered that the Vitamin D necessary to absorb the calcium moving down the intestine must already have been in the bloodstream for a while; what is present with that calcium (in milk) is useless at that stage. Vitamin D is part of the mechanism to break bone down so that it can then stretch and grow. Thus an overdose of D can eventually lead to osteoporosis."

    Vegetarian and Vegan Nutrition, by George Eisman, M.A., M.Sc., R.D.


    Milk is not a good source of vitamin D


    And pasturisation not only destroys some nutrients like vitamin C, it does NOT kill all bacteria:

    "Milk from cows inoculated with listeria was pooled for 2 to 4 days and then heated at 162 degrees Fahrenheit for 16 seconds in a high-temperature, short-time pasteurization unit. Live listeria bacteria was then successfully isolated from the milk after heat treatment in 11 of 12 pasteurization trials. Results indicate listeria can survive the minimum high-temperature, short-time treatment required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for pasteurizing milk. In February of 1999, 350,000 cases of milk and dairy products were withdrawn from every state in America because of listeria contamination. Dozens of Americans died from a bacterial infection that might take as long as 45 days to incubate in the human body."

    As for milk protein, which some people can be allergic to, switching to goat's milk is the better way to go.

    Goats milk still contains milk protein which is the problem therefore switching usually does not make any difference.

    to treat eczema naturally, make sure the person eats plenty of legumes, brown rice, wheat germ, and other food high in vitamin B6. Obviously, avoid foods that would trigger or worsen eczema, and avoid wearing wool clothing next to the skin. Some common foods that may trigger or worsen eczema are: eggs, dairy products, seafood, walnuts, and pecans. But, these arent always the case. There are other things, like nickel and latex, that can trigger such a thing. Oh, and eczema is a family thing, also. Many outgrow their sensitivities by the age of 6.

    My daughter developed eczema at the age of 3 months or so. She is now almost 6 and still has it. As for treating it, you're not telling me anything we don't already know. We have a healthy diet, we give her flaxseed oil, use natural creams etc but no difference. It has since decreased since putting her on a dairy free diet. Ask naturopaths and they will tell you that a LOT of the time, eczema is because of dairy. My son also suffers from bad reflux made worse by milk. If I don't have milk products, it's virtually non-existant.


    Seens as you have incorrectly missed a link between some illnesses and milk, I shall correct you



    "Many cases of asthma and sinus infections are reported to be relieved and even eliminated by cutting out dairy."

    - Frank Oski, M.D., Chief of Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins Medical School Natural Health, July, 1994

    And as I said, people who move from low dairy consumption countires to high suddenly develop asthma.



    "Human Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) and bovine IGF-I are identical. Both contain 70 amino acids in the identical sequence."

    - Judith C. Juskevich and C. Greg Guyer. SCIENCE, vol. 249. August 24, 1990.

    "IGF-I plays a major role in human breast cancer cell growth."

    - E.A. Musgrove, Eur-J-Cancer, 29A (16), 1993

    "IGF-I produces a 10-fold increase in RNA levels of cancer cells. IGF-I appears to be a critical component in cellular proliferation."

    - X.S. Li, Exp-Cell-Res., March, 1994, 211(1)

    "Poor absorption of lactose may more than double the risk of ovarian cancer in women."

    - American Journal of Epidemiology, 1999;150

    "Galactose is linked both to ovarian cancer and infertility...women who consume dairy products on a regular basis, have triple the risk of ovarian cancer than other women."

    - The Lancet 1989; 2

    "A strong positive association was observed between IGF-I levels and prostate cancer risk."

    - Science, vol. 279. January 23, 1998

    "Cheese was found to be most closely correlated with the incidence of testicular cancer. The incidence rate of prostatic cancer was highest in the U.S. (101/100,000), followed by Canada (65), Iceland (61) and Sweden (55). Korea had the lowest incidence rate (0.9), followed by Vietnam (1.2), Algeria (1.8) and China (1.9). Milk consumed between 1961 and 1990 was found to be most closely correlated with prostatic cancer incidence (r = 0.71) and mortality (r = 0.77)."

    - International Journal of Cancer (Ganmaa, et. al. 98:262-267)


    Digestive problems

    As I said, 75% of the world are lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance causes abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, indigestion, gas, diarrhoea all very similar to Irritible Bowel Syndrome, but fixed by eliminating dairy.

    And as I have said several times, casein (milk protein) cannot be digested so it causes indigestion i.e. the body increases bile to the stomach which causes an overabundance of acid. To combat this, the body takes calcium from your bones secretes it into your stomach, helping to neutrlise the acid.

    "Dietary protein increases production of acid in the blood which can be neutralized by calcium mobilized from the skeleton."

    - Journal of Clinical Nutrition, (1995; 61, 4)


    Irritible Bowel Syndrome

    Most of what people think is IBS is actually Lactose Intolerance so they don't actually have IBS. IBS has no known cause. The very diagnosis of IBS is the symptoms minus any explainable cause. If dairy is causing IBS like symptoms, then it can't be IBS. Milk can certainly worsen IBS further. So you are right in saying milk is probably not the cause, however the fact remains that milk causes the same sorts of symptoms, not just in some people but in 75% of the world's population.


    AS for lactose intolerance, see above. Milk has also been linked to Arthritis, pimples, alzheimers, colic, kidney stones, mood swings, strokes, listeriosis, ADD, autism, calcium deficiency, salmonellosis, obesity, diabetes, muliplte sclerosis, headaches, migraines, irritibility, congestion, lowered immune response even bed wetting. If you don't believe all of what I've said (and I have stated reputable sources such as Science and The Lancet) then go to NotMilk.com and read for yourself. I would especially read Dr Robert M. Kradjian's "Milk Letter".


    And, truefusion, do you work for the dairy industry because you are repeating almost verbatim a lot of what they say and as has become so obvious with other large industries, they are interested in surviving and turning a buck while doing it not keeping people healthy.

    You think McDonalds is bad?! At least they are starting to admit that their foods aint so hot unlike the dairy industry who is pouring millions of dollars into pulling the wool over our eyes.


    I have said it before and I will say it again, in no way is milk good for you - it is plain and simple BAD.

  12. Here is the table of users with comments


    serenity: OK, timing not mentioned

    inyourarms: OK

    ameribass: OK

    Dragonfly: OK

    Thorned Rose: sleeping 12-16h can be dangerous

    Ebula, I have M.E. It is recommended that people with M.E. get 12 hours of sleep due to the fact that our sleep is not normal and we do not get enough deep sleep so we have to sleep longer to get a half way decent amount. I was merely saying that once I slept for 16 hours.

    If you are normal, sleep specialists say that you should get 9 hours of sleep every night. As for staying up late etc, human beings are designed to sleep when it gets dark and wake round about dawn when it gets light. Sleep cycles are triggered by light and dark. The modern world with artificial lighting has disturbed this. Staying up till 10, 11, 12 o'clock or later at night is not healthy I'm afraid.

  13. hi right i am using play station 2 buti am plannig to buy a playstation 3.but i dont know about the games which can run on playstation 3 so anybody can sugess me about the new games comming. specially about the mortal combat, def jam fighters and about WWE games. i heard about the day of reckoning but it is not in the market. plzz tell me then on which i can buy it online.

    Vikrant Arora, be careful as your post might be considered spam. This thread is not about what games are good or where to get them. It's about 360 versus PS3.

    And is everyone ignoring my posts or something, because I'm yet to see anyone give up a good argument for or against what I've said.

  14. It was? Yes and just like Jesus was crucified through the palm of his hands despite the the fact that the Romans always drove nails through the wrists. Just because a whole lot of people believe something to be one way doesn't make it accurate.

    "This is a very nice piece to find," Dr. Aitken said. "Scholars have argued for a long time over this, and it now seems that 616 was the original number of the beast."

    Where more conventional versions of the Bible give 666 as the "number of the beast," or the sign of the anti-Christ whose coming is predicted in the book's apocalyptic verses, the older version uses the Greek letters signifying 616."This is very early confirmation of that number, earlier than any other text we've found of that passage," Dr. Aitken said. "It's probably about 100 years before any other version."

    Elijah Dann, a professor of philosophy and religion at the University of Toronto, said the new number is unlikely to make a dent in the popularity of 666."Otherwise, a lot of sermons would have to be changed and a lot of movies rewritten," he said with a laugh. "There's always someone with an active imagination who can put another interpretation on it.
    "It just shows you that when you study something as cryptic and mystic as the Book of Revelation there's an almost unlimited number of interpretations."
    The book is thought to have been written by the disciple John and according to the King James Bible, the traditional translation of the passage reads: "Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
    But Dr. Aitken said that translation was drawn from much later versions of the New Testament than the fragment found in Oxyrhynchus. "When we're talking about the early biblical texts, we're always talking about copies and they are copies made, at best, 150 to 200 years after [the original] was written," she said.
    "They can have mistakes in the copying, changes for political or theological reasons ... it's like a detective story piecing it all together."
    Dr. Aitken said, however, that scholars now believe the number in question has very little to do the devil. It was actually a complicated numerical riddle in Greek, meant to represent someone's name, she said.
    "It's a number puzzle -- the majority opinion seems to be that it refers to [the Roman emperor] Nero."

    As I said, the number is 616, not 666 and certainly not 666 because some idiots copied it or interpreted it wrong and now a whole lot of people want it to be that way.

    Full article here (And yes I do know that it is a christian website but the article was orginally from the National Post which no longer has the article up.)

  15. I've heard that the calcium in cow's milk can't be absorbed by humans. It was made only for their babies and not ours. And isn't there a lot of fat in milk? I once knew a guy who drank milk all day and he is still overweight from what I've heard.

    Milk doesn't have that much fat in it - about 4.5% for standard milk. The obesity and subsequent diabetes is associated with other atrributes of milk.

    milk soothes alergies and some natural bacteria are beneficial for your stomach.

    Milk causes allergies, not soothes them. New Zealand has one of the highest rates of asthma and allergies in the world related to the large consumption of milk. Immigrants who had no history of allergies or asthma come to New Zealand and suddenly find themselves suffering from things like hayfever, allergies, asthma etc. Yes, the bacteria are beneficial but given the problems that milk causes you'd be better off getting them from a non-dairy source.

    But milk is definitely healthy if we choose the right one.

    There is no good type of milk. Though if you cannot live without milk (though we do so happily) choose Organic Lactose-Free A2 milk.

  16. I used to smoke, till I came to realise how amazingly stupid it was. Unless you've got something like severe Irritible Bowel Syndrome it has no positive aspects whatsoever. There is nothing good about it, only bad. Every cigarette you smoke takes 5 minutes off your life that will require one year of non-smoking to get back. 5 minutes might not seem like much until you add up all the cigarettes over your life and then it becomes a lot. I've known a lot of people who have died or are on their way out because of smoking. My sister and her partner smoke but only outside because they have children and yet I found my 4 year old niece (her daughter) alseep with mucus frothing out of her mouth from her lungs. Smokers (my sister included) always try to make excuses but that is all they are - excuses. Excuses make you feel better about something you know is wrong and you'd be hard pressed to find a smoker who doesn't know that smoking is bad. Stupidity, that's all it is.Don't use the excuse that you're stressed - there are healthy alternatives like St John's Wort and B vitamins. Stop kidding yourselves - it IS harming you, you WILL die before you're meant to and it does NOT look cool, it looks revolting, breathing in toxic smoke.The stupidity never ceases to astound me.

  17. It doesn't make you stupid. If you are using it for long periods of time at the expense of others or your health than I you are just stupid to start with.Anyone and everyone can post stuff on the net so you have to take everything that's on there with pinch of salt. If I'm looking for information I will visit reputable sites and then about 5-10 others to make sure that the information is consistent.I'm smarter thanks to the net. I would never know a lot of the things I do now if it weren't for the net. Like t.v. - The tv can make you more stupid if you are stupid to start with. I watch things on tv that exercise my brain and teach me things. Discovery Channel is on alot in our house. Just as the World BBC website in on alot on our computer.It also comes down to supply and demand. Theres a lot of crap on the net because crap is popular. Don't want crap then boycott it. Look how popup blockers have changed the net. Suddenly popup advertising isn't working so good so ad companies have had to find better methods. Don't like ads - block them. Don't like spam - block it. People will get the message eventually and hopefully the net will be a better place because of it.

  18. The 360 screenshots are screenshots from the 360, not computer rendered. Sony are the kings of computer rendered screenshots (that's all they dished out at E3). All I can tell you is that the Untold Legends screenshots are ingame screenshots from the PS3 and that they were hastily taken down shortly after they were posted. You can complain all you like about the PS3 not being released... too early to tell... or that they are running the game off a PC (even if they are then that should make them look better than on a PS3) but the fact is, the game just plain and simple looks crap (comparitively speaking). I'm not holding my breath for the PS3. That said, I'm sure we will get one, I just won't be at all surprised if it's a big let down.

  19. Once again Sony shows their true colours. The first ACTUAL screenshots of a PS3 game have been released but they were taken down shortly after (maybe at Sony's request?). At any rate, here's a little comparison of graphics:


    Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom on PS3

    Posted Image


    Oblivion on 360

    Posted Image


    Untold Legends on PS3:

    Posted Image


    Condemned on 360

    Posted Image


    Untold Legends on PS3:

    Posted Image


    Fight Night: Round 3 on 360

    Posted Image

    Once again the Playstation disappoints.

  20. I was watching a doco the other day on what technologies Star Trek has spawned (cell phones, iPods etc) and they were talking about how they had to work in more and more new fangled futuristic technology to keep fans interested but even so, viewers slowly dropped off and ratings have never been as good as in the beginning of Next Generation. I wondered at why this might be. Was it the storylines, the characters, plot, cgi.... what? I could only come to the conclusion that it was in part because nobody is wowed by new technology anymore. Sure people say, that's really neat, I want one but nobody really gets overly excited. The point of this tangent and tirade is that I count myself among the many who see something new and go "oh yay" but this was like "holy sh**!!". This has to be the most wowing piece of tech to come out in some time. Inventors - keep those crazy ideas flowing forth!

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