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Thorned Rose

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Posts posted by Thorned Rose

  1. My biggest suggestion. Use an external stylesheet if you're not already! Makes it a heck of easier to change things. You call the style sheet by putting in the following code into the head section of your page:

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path to your stylesheet.css" />

    In your html put <div id="myfont">text text text</div> for individual and unique elements placed in a block (line-break after) or <span class="myfont">text text text</span> for several items that use the same css and placed inline (no line-break after). (As a general rule use id for unique items and class for things that repeat throughout the page. Use div for block elements and span for inline) Your stylesheet.css would then contain:

    #myfont {font-family: Verdana, Arial;font-size: 10px;color: #ff0000;line-spacing: 11px;}

    Use # for unique items or . for items used repeatedly. (generally # goes with id and . goes with class) Whenever you change anything in your stylesheet it will be reflected on your page without having to change any of the html. There�s a really excellent website at http://www.cssbasics.com/ that can extend your knowledge of CSS. There�s also some excellent info on positioning at http://www.brainjar.com/css/positioning/ The WC3 has a page with lots of links for CSS: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Here�s a Google video on creating tableless


    CSS layouts: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (it�s quite long so it will take a while to load. When it does, skip ahead to the 12 minute mark) but it has very good information And http://www.csszengarden.com/ is a site that demonstrates what you can do just by changing the stylesheet (without changing the html). Oh and http://www.oswd.org/ has pure CSS website templates free to download (I used these to help me get started with CSS). I would send you to my own websites but as they also use Joomla, the use of tables might be confusing. Let me know if you need any other help. I know how daunting css can be when you start out, but I have been using it for a while now to make complete css based websites and I would never go back! :unsure:

  2. In Vista, they are VERY shiny to the point where I would say that these ones are actually slightly less shiny. But very beautiful all the same. And being a magpie, I am drawn to such beautiful, shiny baubles. Must..... resist...... clicking..... download........................... failing............. starting to point... at.. it.........clicking...................... Download Now button..... downloading....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... DAMMIT!

  3. No idea where you live so I can't tell you much other than what it is in New Zealand where it varies wildly depending on your experience and the job position. You could expect here anywhere from $25,000 junior/graduate/short term freelance to $60,000+ manager but I believe the average is usually around $30K - $45K. That's probably not much help seens as you are probably not in New Zealand, but well if anyone is curious or looking to move to NZ, there's my two cents :unsure:

  4. OMG, some of the crap and stupid things people have come up with in this post. Smaller? Less gravity? Spectroscopy results being altered by other planets water vapor?! (What you don't think they think of things like that. Not to mention, how many planets do you know of that have water on them that nobody else knows about?) I just love how people say, great! When can we move in? Now that humans have crapped in their own bed, they want somewhere else to live. This isn't about finding a new home for humans or terraforming Mars. It's a search for life not somewhere for humans to live and destroy all over again.The thing that I always have to laugh about most is - what happens when they do find life? And I don't necessarily mean 'intelligent life', just life full stop. I will thoroughly enjoy the rants that will be inevitable with religious types. I can only hope that when they do maybe it will be enough of a kick in the butt to the human race to have a little more unity instead of retardedly killing each other over pathetic reasons like religion or what piece of dirt Joe Blow lives on.

  5. Guns are not good or evil, wonderful or terrible. They're just tools. Like your computer (or mine, for that matter). Or a car. Or whatever other inanimate object you'd like to think about.


    The person behind the gun should be the focus of attention here. The shooter at Virginia Tech was an evil, rage-filled scumbag who could not cope with reality. According to several TV news reports, he had shown warning signs for a while. One of his profs, for example, read some of his more violent essays and attempted to refer him (the student/shooter) to counseling. That of course didn't happen.


    Had I walked into the gun shop and bought the exact handguns that the shooter bought, they would not have killed thirty-plus students. Had you bought the computer that I'm using right now, it would have a different MP3 collection on the hard drive. Point being, quite simply, that the person who uses the tool is the one who makes the choices of how to use it.

    Yes, that is correct and also incorrect. You say they are tools and therefore it is the intent behind them that makes them dangerous. Well you are ignoring the fact that the sole intent of guns (hunting guns excluded obviously) is to maim and kill other people. My computer is intended to be used for playing games, or word processing, or surfing the internet or listen to mp3s as you pointed out. The same with cars - they are intended to get people from A to B. Neither my computer or car is intended to maim and kill. Yes, they could be used for that purpose but when was the last time you saw someone lugging a computer monitor around trying to injure and kill people with it? Intent is a very powerful thing. From a psychological point of view, it is much easier to kill with a gun because that is their intent and that is what humans associate with guns. We don't associate killing people with computers, cars, pot plants, bed linen etc so we feel less likely kill anyone with them. If you have a gun lying around handy, it is so much easier to make the jump from imagining killing someone to actually doing it.

    I don't think I have explained the psychology particularly well but I hope you get the drift.

  6. oh yes he's been identified and already the racism started. They we're doing an interview with a guy who specialises in guns and their sociological impact etc and he was saying that he doesn't think that this will change anything, that people will blame this event on violent movies, computer games, depression, anti-social behaviour, bad parenting, drugs and the fact that the guy was from Korea - anything BUT the fact that easy access to guns was a big if not the biggest part of the problem.Gees.... I wonder how many people it will take to be injured, maimed and killed before the U.S. finally does something about it's crazy gun laws. Apparently the 30,000 odd people killed and 75,000 people injured each year aren't enough!

  7. I was just waiting for some red-necked, gun-toting, arrogant type to come along and mouth off about how wonderful guns are and how wonderful they are. I knew it would happen because like religious fanatics, they can't help themselves. And like religious fanatics, they always have an answer, even if it completely contradicts reality. Well Watermonkey, you have once again shown just how ignorant, naive and arrogant pro-nra types are. Thanks for the laugh. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your rather zealous posts. Oh, and thanks for making my point for me.

  8. Your attitude is based on the false assumption that what works on your little island would work in America. Further you seem to be suffering from a Superiority complex. I think you'd be wise no stop shooting your mouth off and if you've got some statistics to throw out, then source them. Otherwise you're just another self-inflated pompous jerk with a fake English accent wearing rose-colored glasses. If you want real cause and effect statistics from real science, go read John Lott's, More Guns, Less Crime. The numbers don't lie. The areas in the United States where carrying concealed is allowed are the areas with less crime. Period, end of story. Those areas that have strick (illegal) laws prohibiting gun ownership or prohibit concealed carry such as Chicago, NYC, and Washington District of Columbia have enormously high crime and notoriously high gun crimes. (England has seen a recent rise in gun and projectile weapon crimes too, though such things are quite outlawed there...) Ironic, isn't it, that those places where guns are outlawed have the highest rates of gun-related crime... Makes a thinking, rational person think... Or at least it should.

    Actually New Zealand is made up of several islands. I also find your use of the phrase "shooting your mouth off" rather ironic given the topic.

    Fake english accent? My, my that sounds an awful lot like a personal insult. If you want to be personal - well my mother is English and while I don't have a stereotypical 'Kiwi' accent because of that, I'm not sure I would call it "fake".

    As for wearing rose-tinted glasses - did you read my first post? Hardly rose-tinted. I've seen the effects of violence more than most.

    I don't read books of that nature because they are people's opinions. I prefer to deal with hard statistics.

    Nor do I see what one country has to do with this. My mother is from England, I'm not. I live in New Zealand. And last I knew, America and England don't constitute the whole of the western world. Guns are "outlawed" here in New Zealand and in Australia and most of Europe etc and yet you do not mention their gun rates - low. Perhaps because the statistics of those countries don't support your argument.


    And thanks Smack! I really appreciate what you said. (I'm a gal FYI)

    And thanks for doing the legwork on the links to stats and the like. I figured that somebody would probably accuse me of not having statistics or evidence to back up what I said but I was too tired this morning to look up links.

  9. Actually, Thorned Rose, today's shooting happened at a university

    Duly noted not that it makes any difference


    I really wish Americans would get over the moronic idea that to solve gun problems you need more guns. Like I said, in New Zealand not even the police carry side-arms and gun-related injuries and deaths are virtually non-existent (mostly hunting accidents). Not to mention the fact that America has the highest rate of gun related injuries and deaths per capita in the western world! Also not to mention the fact that research has shown that there is a direct correlation between gun related injuries/deaths and gun ownership. If you don't know what correlate means, here's the 411: the more guns people own = the more injuries/deaths you get. Irrefutable proof that increasing gun ownership DOES NOT WORK!


    Take a lesson from the rest of the world and get over your testosterone filled, self righteous, patriotically deluded and idiotic ideas about gun ownership. You DO NOT have the right to own a 'weapon of mass killing'!

  10. It saddens me that this comes as no great surprise. I live in New Zealand where this kind of thing is non-existent. What's also virtually non-existent is the use of firearms.

    There's no excuse for this kind of event in America where, supposedly, the right to keep and bear arms is protected for all citizens. Yet, no students were armed to defend themselves from some psycho with a firearm?

    It is exactly this attitude and culture in America that is causing so much trouble. "It's our god-given right".... since when is it any one's 'right' to own something that has the sole purpose of maiming and killing other people?! Truly, the stupidity is beyond my comprehension.As for Iraq, Anna Nicole, high school shootouts - they are ALL sensationalised. People watch their tv screens with bated breath for updates and the latest tolls or scandals. Nobody sees the true reality. War? - When you have a war in which thousands more innocent people die than soldiers, you know what you are doing is wrong.
    Where is the story about the pregnant woman who had a mortar land beside her that blew her unborn child a hundred feet away? - that's the reality of war. Where is the story about an entire village that was gassed - a woman fallen where she stood still hugging her dead baby in her arms? - that's war. Where is the story of the little girl with diabetes lapsing into a coma because the war has cut of her supply off insulin? - that's war. Where is the story of the man who's family is now starving to death because he had both his legs and an arm blown off? - that's war! And people want to mope and complain about the number of their soldiers dying?! They *chose* to join the army so they *chose* to potentially die. I feel sorry for their families but I have no sympathy for soldiers fighting a war in which so many innocent people are losing their lives.
    The boxing day Tsunami - the press was all over it. Sudan - the press was all over it. Where are the press now? Thousands of people are still dying every day - more than in Iraq or by guns or anything else and nobody gives a damn any more. Where is the story of the mother who's baby was murdered by genocidal soldiers? Or the story of the father who lost his wife and children because they starved to death? You don't hear their stories because they aren't in the good ol' USofA!

    Don't get me wrong. I feel a great amount of sympathy for the people at the highschool and their families. It just doesn't surprise me anymore.

  11. I can't give you the form for the part that generates the URL as that is a component for Joomla!, just that it outputs the variables in a url that looks like mywebsite.com/example.php?domain=mydomain&ext=com
    Here's a simple form (sorry it's messy) with how I want to output the variables domain and ext

    <form action="process.php" method="post"><input type=hidden name="subject" value="Domain Request">  <div align="center">Name: 	<input type="text" name="name" size="30" maxlength="30" />	  <br />	  <br />	Email:   <input type="text" name="email" size="30" maxlength="30" />  <br />  <br />	Domain:   <input name="domainname" type="text" id="domainname" value ="<?php echo "$domain" "$ext"; ?>">  <br />  <br />  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send" />  </div></form>
    This form should display the variables in a text box as "mydomain.com". People can then finish putting in their name and email and hit send which should then send all the form info to an email address.

    My process.php so far looks like this:

    <?php@extract($_POST);$name = stripslashes($name);$email = stripslashes($email);$subject = stripslashes($subject);$domainname = stripslashes($domainname);mail('email@address.com',$subject,$domainname,"From: $name <$email>");header("location:form.php");?>

    It's displaying the variables from the url within the form that have me stumped so far.

  12. Ok, what I need is for users to be able to select what address they want (e.g. mydomain + .com), click submit that then sends the variables 'domain' and 'ext' through the URL e.g. mywebsite.com/example.php?domain=mydomain&ext=com (the variables being mydomain and com) where they are displayed in a form mail as "Domain Selected: mydomain.com" that can then be submitted and sent to an email.

    In my form so far I have

    <input name="domainname" type="text" id="domainname" value ="<?php echo "$domain"; ?>">
    but it don't do poo and I'm sure that anyone in the know is laughing at my sad attempt at PHP but if you could please tell me how I call both variables from the URL so that they display in the form as one whole address (i.e. mydomain.com not my domain and com) that would be very much appreciated!

  13. Thanks Matt2 :lol:

    michaelper22, it's no prob. That was like that because I had put my template as default but hadn't finished uploading all the images needed. I still need to put up the menus and content yet too but when it's all done it will look like my test site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    I really appreciate that you're looking out for me tho!! :lol:

  14. I've been fiddling with the config file again, so if you look at http://malcolmdesign.co.nz.customer.onesquared.net/ now you will see that it is there but minus the styling and images. That's if I use the pathway that Joomla (what I started with) comes up with, malcolmdesign.co.nz instead of malcolmdesign.co.nz.customer.onesquared.net.


    I checked the images against my testsite installation but everything is as it should be - no missing images or css files. I've tried deleting everything and starting from scratch - no difference.


    I just heard back from the host who reckons that the absolute path is /var/www/malcolmdesign.co.nz which is what Joomla comes up with to start with but obviously this isn't working properly :lol:



    UPDATE: I have talked to the hosting company about the absolute pathway and they came back to me with /var/www/malcolmdesign.co.nz which I was already using anyway *BUT* it is for some gods-only-knows reason now WORKING! I have no idea if the hosting company fiddled with anything while they were looking but at this point I don't really care.


    Thanks sooooo much guys for all your time and help. I am really blown away by how helpful and nice you guys have been. It means a lot to me!!!!! :lol:

  15. Matt2, while I am making a site for the NZDSA, the site I am having a problem with is for my first paying client (and yes, they are only paying me $100) Anyway..... Somebody on the Joomla forum suggested this:

    I had this same problem, just fixed it like a minute ago. i have joomla installed to localhost/genericware so i changed my $mosConfig_live_site to be $mosConfig_live_site = '/'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/genericware'; and it worked,

    But I'm not entirely sure how to apply this to my config file. Can anybody tell me how so I can give this a good whack. Still no word from the hosting company but I'm not very impressed with the service so I may have to ring them and razz them up :lol:

  16. Saffron eh, does more than just taste good! I'll have to remember that one, although my kids and I have never gotten chickpox. I will certainly pass that tasty little tidbit onto other parents.For a great many years now I have been following a more healthy diet, eliminating dairy, cutting out refined foods etc. Because I have M.E. I used to be a walking pharmacy with the number of drugs I was on (I had a High-User card for goodness sake!) but since stopping them I will *never* go back to that. The damage they were doing far outweighed the very small benefit they gave. Now I'm a walking health shop lol. I always go for natural remedies nowadays and wouldn't have it any other way!Pharmaceutical companies are moneygrubbing *@#?&!$%s. There are no cures because cures don't generate money like treatments. For all I know there could be a very easy cure for my illness but they couldn't give a rats behind on researching it so long as people with M.E. are generating so much money for them. It's disgusting that a foundation has to be created to research cures because pharmaceutical companies won't do it.For that matter, it's disgusting how much the cosmetic and body-care industry is poisoning people and telling them that their products are safe. In reality it is causing skin sensitivity, allergies, cancer, hormone imbalances, blindness etc. Ditto to the dairy industry for telling people it makes their bones strong when it does the bloody opposite!Anyway, I shall stop ranting now lol. Natural FTW!

  17. jlhaslip,

    thanks for your support and kind words. I really appreciate it and I will try michaelper22 :lol:



    It was my thought too that the cross-server hosting is causing a big issue. It would certainly be indicated that way as Joomla comes up with malcolmdesign.co.nz as the absolute pathway which is actually the site on the windows server. Unfortunately changing this to the correct URL just brings up the php error as I said.

    It may be that trying to install it on a windows server may be as much of a headache as I am having now lol but I will wait and see what the hosting company says on this.

    I have a thread in the Joomla Forum at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but I'm not holding my breath as replies to posts in that forum can be few and far between :lol: And thanks so much for your help dude!


    Anybody who has any suggestions, please go to the joomla forum link as well, as it explains in greater depth the problem and has screen shots.


    Thanks again guys!




    Sorry I forgot to say as well that I currently have the site I am redesigning hosted on my test site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ which, if you look, runs just fine (obviously).


    The flags I get popping up during installation are:

    PHP register_globals setting is `ON` instead of `OFF`

    Joomla! RG_EMULATION setting is `ON` instead of `OFF` in file globals.php

    * Both of which I almost always get and unfortunately can't change as it's on the host's end but don't seem to affect the functioning of the site. Although if I could turn them off, I'm sure it would make the site safer :(


    During this installation I also got Safe Mode: ON which is another server option that I can't change and it is highly unlikely that the host will turn it off for me. From what I can read it won't affect much other than to force me to install modules, components and mambots manually rather than through the Joomla Installer (correct me if I'm wrong - for all I know, that could be the cause of the problem lol)


    Notice from Johnny:
    Merged double posts.

  18. Well, I suppose that it doesn't sound very good when you put it that way but if you want a little more moral perspective on it:I have been making websites for free since 1998. I am currently making a free website for the New Zealand Down's Syndrome. I myself have M.E. and have been unable to work ever since I got it 7 years ago. We are desperately trying to buy a house as our landlords are selling ours but the bank only sees us as beneficiaries and aren't interested in giving a mortgage to us. That means I need to find some other form of income to get a mortgage. I have just started my own website and graphics design business and this is my first client. They are only paying me $100 for what is now over two weeks worth of work.So yes, I am asking for help with something that could potentially get my family a house and free us from a benefit that pays very little.If you can find it in the kindness of your heart to help me, I would very much appreciate it!

  19. Can someone, knowledgeable on Joomla! pleeeease help me asap!

    I uploaded Joomla and went through the install. Three red flags showed up, two of which I ignored because they come up on just about every site I do and don't affect the end product in any way but one of which was Safe Mode: ON. Even so I don't think that this is causing the problem.

    I continued with the installation and all seemed successful until I tried to view the site which was missing all images (not even a red x where they should be) and there seemed to be no css styling. I log into the admin, css seems to be fine but the menu images are missing (just the alt text where they should be) and the main admin menu across the top (e.g. home, site, components etc) is completely missing.

    I thought it might be a path problem as during the installation it came up with http://www.malcolmdesign.co.nz/ as the address but that is for the site that is currently on a Windows server where as this installation is on a Linux server and has the URL http://malcolmdesign.co.nz.customer.onesquared.net/. I tried changing the configuration.php to the correct url (in several different ways) but after doing that I get a blank page (both front and backend) with a php error that says there's something missing on line 71 of includes/joomla.php (sorry I don't remember what exactly). :P

    Somebody please help - the Joomla forum is useless and I am in over-time already . Any help is much appreciated!

  20. HAHAHA (sorry) Runescape! Gods, I haven't played that in about 6 years! I'm amazed it's still around actually. Obviously I don't play it anymore (WoW is sucking my soul dry instead :P) Although I have to say that it was all the PKing that put me off in the end, that and the thieving. Has that changed or is still just as annoying as ever?

  21. However, suicide is the greatest crime,Never should anyone be given a choice about it.Its always NO.It is dumb,dumbest action ever.

    Although in both cases , the involved victim wants the same end result.
    The situations are different.That makes my above said points thoughtfull.

    Sorry, but what a ridiculous thing to say. They are very similar. The only difference is that in Euthanasia someone is ending a person's life *for them* rather than them ending it themselves. It's just monumentally nuts to say one is ok and not the other.
    Suicide is another one that religious people say is not ok because god owns your soul and not you. As far as I am concerned, my life is my own. I am the only one responsible for my life. I think that to say otherwise lacks integrity and is a copout.
    Many people end there own lives under the banner of euthanasia. The only real difference tends to be that suicide is more emotional pain than physical. But even then people in great physical pain who end it themselves often get lumped under suicide.
    I don't see anything wrong with suicide in and of itself. I know what it's like to be in so much unbearable pain that you want to die and try to die. It's not cowardly. For people that have problems that can be solved and that have families then yes, it's cowardly. But many people who end their own lives have *nothing*. What's the point of continuing on in a life that only brings you pain?! Why not end it and start afresh?
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