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Posts posted by ashiezai

  1. Are you really sure about this? first of all, we do not digest vegetable which is full of fibres and sugars that we human could not digest in a normal circumstances. We eat vegetables but we do not digest them, or only a small little portion.Secondly, I dont think that fruits are having negative calories. Just for the sake that fruits is only made up off fibers and the monosugar like glucose.. we do not even need to convert it to absorb. That's why we can always eat fruits and feel full easily .. just try an apple or banana -_-

  2. hmm .. i dun think that we will even go to live in the moon .. it's just an empty space with nothing .. no air, no food, nothing ! .. yes .. it's true that we can have artificial one .. but is it econimical ?There are still plenty of space for us to live .. deserts, forrest area .. and i dun think that we will fully occupy those land in near future .. even if we're running out of space .. it's more acceptable that exploring underground than flying to the moon :lol:

  3. While snooping around on Google, I found the "Who Liks To You?" feature. (link:URL). I know of at least 6 sites that link to me, but none of them show up when I use that option.


    I wrote to Google about it. They sent me an okay response that gave me some other interesting info, but still didn't explain why none of my link sites show up in the Who Links feature, when all of those sites show up in a regular search, so Google knows where they are. (They're all real domains--not subdomains, but they're small, no-traffic-yet sites.)


    Anybody else have any experience or additional info on this?




    Well, I can give you an advice here .. What Nilsc said is a bit true + wrong .. Google treats all url pointing to you as a Link .. but if those links are from a same c class ip (like 102.312.123.xxx and 102.312.123.xxx <<< 123 is the c class ip) .. then google will devalued them .. they are not as valued as all other urls .. but they will appeared in the link:url command.


    The thing that happens to you is that google hardly update their link database. That is, if you have a link to you, google might know it, but it take some time for it to show up in the link:url command. normally, the link:url page wont be updated very often, my experience is that it varies from 2 weeks to 3 months. In some rare instances, google will only show to backlink in 6 months if it's a high pr page to stop buying links.


    using link:url in google is not a good indication of "who links to you?" anymore as google doesnt show up everything. You will see alot more in search.msn.com and http://yahoo.com/ . Both of them report the "near to realistic" number of links.


    Hope this helps. Im in the SEO business for a while now :lol:

  4. adsense is the BEST PPC program out there right now.  Yahoo and MSN is rumored to launch their programs soon but isn't available yet.  Google generates the most revenue because their EPC is higher and they have better targetted ads (most of the time).

    YAhoo has a PPC too ... it's overture .. Google and Overture is the best PPC out there .. only this 2 will generate a decent ROI .. Google has more fraud clicks but overture is more strict on accepting publisher.

    There are many people on adsense that make $1,000's a month (some make $100,000's a month).  Google PAYS.  I have been with Adsense for 6 months and I can say for certain that I have gotten paid (more than once).

    many ppl make $1000 a month but it's not even 5% of the user. $100,000 a month is just impossible i think. The real example that i've met that make the most is only $9000 a month. And that is top 1% already.

  5. The ISP in Dubai is pretty strict about anything illegal. Their proxy servers are hard to split and if you look at it from this perspective it is pretty good. They've tried their best to keep porn or anything illegal for that matter as far as possible from the users of the ISP.


    hmm .. just like china .. the government strictly controls the activity done on the internet ... I've just read a news in taiwan that a porn forum posted got arrested and sent into jailed .. :o

  6. LOL ... what the hell on earth do you need such good speed :) j/ki dun think you will notice any difference when you are comparing an adsl with that ...that's the other story if u are a heavy downloader ... :)But basically surfing web and dl mp3 an adsl is more than enough ... that fast connection ... hmm .. let me think of something to describe it .. it's just like the time u spend on watching porn clips is much more than the time u needed to dl it :DWith that speed i think you are be a web host at home .. :blink:

  7. hmm ... meta tag is useless nowadays ... most search engine will just simply ignore that ... trust me ... you wont get your results in the search engine for searching "abc" when your meta tag is <meta keyword="abc">. This will have some effects in the old days like 3-4 years ago but now all search engine will ignore them ... the only way you could get your results displayed when someone search is using anchor text. ]Anchor text is like:<a href="xx.html">Your keyword here(anchor text)</a>only with this way you could get your results listed. The more anchor text, the higher the ranking. Btw, if you still want to know to limit of meta tag, i think it's like 256 characters or something :)

  8. Hello, I have a question to ask since the 1st day of my download of firefox ... Whenever i open a pdf file online using firefox, the firefox is get not responding and my comp got hanged ... i have to manually end the firefox program via windows task manager .. I tried to wait the pdf to load, but it seems that it takes forever .. so im guessing it's the trail version's bug .. but after a few updates, I still have the problems with my firefox ... Is this my computer's problem or firefox problem ? If it's a firefox bug, it's impossible that no1 report this to firefox and they dun fix it .. am i right ?

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