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Everything posted by linx

  1. linx

    RPG Maker XP

    Links to download these 2 programs please
  2. Ragnarok Online but on the servers: MobRO and the new upcoming nzRP (Not Out to public yet)
  3. There is a program called Game Maker but i found it all confusing because everything (the options to choose from) where all scattered and really weird
  4. linx

    Trick Jumping?

    Trick Jumping looks wicked on Unreal Tournament, I should get the game and try it out some time i reacon
  5. linx

    CS is boring

    Im a Pro so ill stick to CS
  6. I play it but on other servers than the iRO and kRO servers because there alot better
  7. Ragnarok is a good MMORPG game... I suggest you get into it
  8. LOL! Never heard of that before, would be quite interesting i can tell you that
  9. Yeah ive tryed that game before, Mind you it got kinda boring because everywhere i ran even on a Full 16 person server i couldnt find anyone and if i did which was hardly ever they killed me :)But i got the Sniper rifle in the training, Woohoo!
  10. I didnt know there was AOE 2 Clans out there In clan matches do you do like... 2 vs 2 or something?Mind you id find that quite fun, getting a massive army of Archers! andmy clan mate with Swordsman or something.Should look into re-installing that old dusty game
  11. Hey everyone! Espically Moderators Can i have my Username changed to Linx as i forgot to add the "x" when i registered
  12. linx


    Ive seen heaps of Ads for it on T.V and http://www.gpforums.co.nz/ Is it any good, by the sounds of it, it is.....Whats the gameplay like etc?
  13. I havnt been bothered to read everyone esles replys but ill skipright to mine Its good on XBox Campagin Mode for Multiplayer otherwise the game isquite bad
  14. This game is wicked I got it on PS2 when it was first released and i cant stop playing itRoad Rage and Crush mode is the best i say
  15. This game is good Mind you there other versions ofCommand and Conquer out there
  16. What country is your clan? Im guessing near america Well anyway im not asking to join or anything i was just wondering so other peoplewould be able to tell instead of joining a clan they can play for in matchs etc with a nice low ping to seriuosly own on
  17. linx

    CS is boring

    I've been playing MoHAA for 3 years on the same maps with teh same people and i havnt thought it was boring, its great fun espically when all the regulars know each other..... I give it 10/10 for the enjoyment
  18. Nope sorry i havnt played it.Is it any good?Anyone play MoH:AA aka Medal of Honor: Allied Assault?
  19. linx

    RPG Maker XP

    I've tryed making a game before It didnt quite work out, you started it up and you couldnt see anything but the score board, and you didnt even get to pick username or anything
  20. Hey everyone! Untitled is recruiting So if you live in NZ/AUS drop me an E-Mail at buahahaha@hotmail.comand apply!Sorry but we havnt got a website yet
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