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Everything posted by jailbox

  1. So many good ones, cant choose. Something by Iced Earth or Metallica. No other band can make music as good as these two
  2. Ive seen so many good movies but I dont have a favourite
  3. I havent been to any decent concerts
  4. Ok, seriously, none of the movies ive seen have scared me but the scariest one ive seen is probably Gothika. But it didn scare me
  5. jailbox


    Where the hell are you living? Anyways, Korn are good but I prefer something heavier like Iced Earth or Metallica EDIT: Does Korn have a song called Frankenstein? Im listening to a song called Frenkenstein right now. Its performed by Iced Earth but the drumming sounds just like Korn. I just wanted to know if its a cover or not.
  6. Mind showing me your source? And yes cookies is the best way. Your source should look something like this: <?php[br]if(isset($_POST['nickname'])[/br] setcookie('nickname', htmlentities($_POST['nickname']), 999999);[br]?>[br][/br]<form>[/br]<input name=nickname value="<?= isset($_COOKIE['nickname']) ? isset($_COOKIE['nickname']) : NULL; ?>"[br]<input name=message><input type=submit value="Say It"></form>[/br]And remember you need to set the cookie before you write anything to the page. That means before the <html> tag Actualy the source for the page where user inputs his/her name is <?php [/br]session_start( ); session_register("nick"); [br]header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml"); [/br]echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>"; [br]echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\"" [/br]. " \"http://http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml;; [br]?> [/br]<wml> [br]<card id="en" title="Enter nickname">[/br]<p>[br]<?php $session=session_id(); ?>[/br]</p>[br]<p>[/br] [br] <do type="accept"> [/br] <go href="viewroom.php?nick=<?echo $session?>" method="post"> [br] <postfield name="nick" value="$nick"/> [/br] </go> [br] </do> [/br] Enter nickname: [br] <input title="nick" name="nick" type="text" /> <br/> [/br] [br]</p>[/br]</card>[br]</wml>[/br] I dont think thats correct though. I dont know if its neede but heres also the code for the page that writes the data into the file <?php [/br]session_start(); [br]header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml"); [/br]echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>"; [br]echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\"" [/br]. " \"http://http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml;; [br]?> [/br]<wml> [/br]<card id="msgadd" title="message added">[br]<p align="center">[/br]<br/>Your message has been added[br]</p>[/br]<p><?php $session=session_id(); ?></p>[br]<p><a href="viewroom.php?nick=<?echo $session?>">Chat</a></p>[br][/br]<p>[/br]<?php [br][/br]//use the fopen() function [br]$fp=fopen("msgs.txt", "r"); [/br]$data = fread( $fp, filesize( "msgs.txt" )); [br]fclose( $fp ); [br][/br]$fp2 = fopen( "msgs.txt", "w" ); [br][/br]//using the fputs() function [/br]fputs($fp2, " [br]<p> [/br]//I was just testing so dont even notice the session varaible below[br]$session: $msg <br/>[/br]</p> [br]". $data ); [/br] [br]fclose($fp2); [br][/br]?> [br][/br]</p>[/br]</card>[br]</wml>[/br]
  7. aah ok. I already found hosting but if that place closes down like my last host did than you will see me in the hosting request forum.
  8. Search for tutorials? Also a good place to get help on PHP is http://forums.devshed.com/
  9. PHP is a server side scripting language which is a lot more powerful than html can ever be. Yes it is harder than html but its worth the time spent to learn it
  10. Yeah the hosting seems to be very good here. But the thing is that after I get the hosting, ill probably be happy with it but at one day I remember that I havent posted any messages for a week and bye bye hosting. So, my account would be deleted and my site is gone again. Its happened to me before. Oh, and how active do I have to be in the forum? Is 1 post in a day enough?
  11. Most of that story sounds good but I rather not get my hosting here. I cant be arsed to sit here everyday and post messages only for hosting.
  12. So, im making a chatroom in wml/php with no database. I have most of it covered but I have a few problems. When a user enters the chat he/she has to enter the nickname. After the user has entered one message the chatroom "forgets" the nickname so if he/she enters another message, the name wont be displayed. I tried using sessions and cookies and such but I cant get em to work.
  13. ok, I wont do it again. Anyway, did the head look real or was it just a pumpkin or summat like that?
  14. I use wap when im going out and it seems to work great. That sounds better than that "mobile web feature" thing. Anyways, I use wap too. All the time
  15. New windows http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  16. jailbox


    How many of you like metal? Bands like Metallica, Iced Earth, Iron Maiden etc.Any metal
  17. Who wouldnt like her? I dont like Linkin Park but Evanescence is good although I prefer something heavier like Metallica or Iced Earth
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