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Posts posted by kaylanicole

  1. my favorite sports are tennis, gymnastics, and dance. i've done all three before. i did dance when i was really little and i was pretty good at it but quit after 2 years. i wish i could go back into it but i dont really have the body for it. i did gymnastics for 2 or 3 years but i wasnt good at it at all. and just recently i did tennis which i loved but wasnt good at. i'm taking a break from it now and i'll start playing again once i get membership to a new rec center thats being built and i hope to make the tennis team next year in high school.

  2. i didnt know there were so many kinds. i've only had the generic stuff, too, and that nestea in a can. didnt exactly like any kind of tea. i went to go visit my cousins in england during the summer and they put milk in their tea. that was the first time i heard of milk in tea. i drank it to be polite but i really really didnt like it. maybe i might try some of the other kinds of tea to see if they taste better because i hear tea has good antioxidants that make your skin look fresh and young and help clear it up of pimples and stuff like that

  3. i started having vision problems when i was in 3rd grade. i always had to sit in the back of the class for some reason so i always had to go up to the front and sit a few inches away from the board to see what the teacher was writing. i think she finally got annoyed with me doing that and said i needed glasses. since i was just a little naive kid then, everything was always blurry but i didnt think anything was really wrong, until we did our semi-annual school checkups at the nurse's office. my mom said that the school kept sending home notices that i needed to go to an optometrist to do something about my vision. but of course, i didnt think anything of it and didnt say anything about my vision being blurry so she didnt think anything of it either and just threw them away with other junk mail. until another notice came saying something like 'if you don't get your daughter to a doctor, the school will take legal action'. well that scared my mom and she asked me about. it i told her and we went to the doctor that day to get glasses. i wear contacts now and have been since 7th grade. i look better with them than i do with glasses but they can be a big hassle and irritate my eye so they're really not all that great. my glasses make me look nerdy so i'm thinking of finding some better looking ones that i can wear to school so i dont have to deal with contacts every morning when my eyes are barely open since i'm still half asleep

  4. i honestly dont care about *happy* marriage. this is america, its a free country. as long as people aren't committing crimes of violence like killing someone, then let them do what they want. and *happy* guys are actually kinda fun to hang out with, they give you suggestions on what clothes look best XPbesides, it's not like you can ban them to the other side of the moon... :blink:

  5. i do believe in God because i'm catholic. yet, i'm not one of those people who are truly devoted. i pray very rarely only when i'm really desperate and i go to church only because i have to. so i can't say i'm very religious because even though i'm supposed to, i'm not. and i cant say thats a good thing or even a bad thing. one of my friends is a christian and hasnt been to church for more than 3 years and she is so innocent that she has probably never told a liei have a hard time believing in something i cannot see or touch. i suppose that i find my life to be so hard and dark, that there's really no way that i can believe in something that can take all my troubles away and help me get through the day more happier when nothing's happened before to make me think that.so many people believe in him and have found that doing so makes their life easier. i wish my life were a whole lot easier and i wish that i could believe with all my heart that there is a God who forgives our sins. i dont know if there's a problem with me or something because i havent witnessed a true miracle to really believe in him. but i want to, i really do. i'm hoping that sometime in my life, it'll all just click and i'll believe in him, just like that

  6. yea bothering snape was the best. i've watched potter puppet plas so many times before and so have a bunch of my friends at school. at random moments, we'll hit each other on the back playfully and go 'bother!' or we'll do this play cat fight and go 'bother, bother, bother bother, bother!' and other people who dont kow what we're talking about will just stare. then we just stop and act as if nothing happened. it really is quite funny..... :D:blink:

  7. he's a loser and you deserve better. listen to all your friends. they're completely right. you can't love him if he hurts you like this. you say you've turned your life around and you're doing the best to make yourself happy. if you really are intent on making youself happy, let him go. don't be scared to do it. you only have one life to live. don't waste it with someone who doesnt deserve you. in your heart, you know that letting him go would benefit you so much. you are independent and young. go out and have fun. there's a million things you can do and million guys out there worthy of you, who will truly love you. if he doesnt appreciate you and isnt happy for you when you do something that you like, then you wont appreciate yourself or be happy either. do the right thing....let him go. i promise it'll all work out alright if you do

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