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Posts posted by JasperIk

  1. Sometimes, like for this case...you just need to drop her. I doubt that being nice, and pushing her away slowly will get rid of her , and she may just take you pushing her away as you pushing her away because you like her. If she is seriously calling you so much, you need to put your foot down. You need to live your life, she needs to find her own.

  2. Well firstly, who asked the guy for help? Because if your brother asked, even if it was a simple 'hey we have a question...' he will talk to your brother and not you. Secondly, wouldn't you want him to talk to you, not at you? Sometimes i get ignored, like if theres a group of girls and guys, they start talking, because basically they are flirting, and i cant get any of them to talk to me, because the guys wont talk to me because im gay/they are too interested in the girls, and the girls wont talk to me, because im not straight...people just get ignored sometimes, it may or may have not had anything to do with the fact that you are a girl...

  3. As much as I'd love to see a woman in office, I don't know if they'd get elected. Simply because I believe many people today are still feminists and think that women are less capable than men.

    If people are feminist, it means they are for women rights, do you mean sexist?

    Now we just need to get an African-American elected into office. :blink:

    I don't see what having an African American president has to do with what i was asking, I didn't ask 'would an african american president be better...'

    Anyway, i also thought about a point after reading some of the posts above, i know many women are sensitive, and even though I don't agree with the war, would a woman have the emotional strength to say we need to go into war? I don't ever agree with war, but i am sure one day, some day a war will HAVE to be fought, and would a woman be able to go ahead?

  4. I always hear women saying 'Oh we just need to get a woman in the office, then everything will be fixed.' But why? Why do you feel that a woman would be a better president than a man, is it for the sole fact that you are a woman and think women can do better jobs then men? I don't think it would change much if we were lead by a woman or a man. If we take away the gender, we still get the political opinions each president has, so will things really end up being better? I am not saying I don't think women should be presidents but I don't think the y would be any better then the men who have served already, nor do i think they would be worse.

  5. I'm a Christian. And I'm against homosexuality. It's just not right. Man was made for Woman and vice versa.
    I don't blame hormones. You can actually fight the raging hormones if you have enough self control and determination.

    We can't fight our feelings, but we can choose to ignore them and live insanely unhappy lives with the opposite gender, and continuelly LIE [which is a sin isn't it? or atleast frowned upon] to ourselves and the significant other and live a life with them having sex with them while thinking of other men [or women] raising children and contueing to lie to them... why put ourselves through that, and put someone else through it? Sure we can be alone...but then we'd still be frowned upon...oh my god must reproduce, because the world isn't full of enough morons as it is.

  6. I have been thinking, and i find myself obsessive over everything. The main thing is death, i have forever been obsessed with death. I am very morbid, and negative and constantly obsess over people i care about dying, and more usually myself dying. I am afraid of what will happen, or what wont happen, i am afraid that because i'm sick i wont live long and i wont be able to live a life like several others people...so i become obsessed with death. Everything i write about is about death, everything i talk about, everything i read about, everything i watch...and i act as if i love death, and i don't show many emotions to the topic, ...its gotten so bad that the only thing that makes me happy if i am depressed is if i put on a movie with my favourite death scene [sadder yet that i even have favourite death scenes. For example, rules of attraction when the girl slits her wrists...that makes me happy...and yet late at night i can't sleep because i am so scared i wont wake up in the morning, or i wont be loved enough when i die...Why are people so obsessed with what they fear? Is it just a way to hide their feelings, so they must talk about it constantly so they don't get scared? Like people make fun of others for being too fat or too skinny, but a lot of the times they feel THEY are too fat or too skinny, but its easier to take their frustration out on other people's bodys, than there own. Theres other examples, but i think you can figure out what i am talking about.

  7. I don't think anyone is bisexual, and the reason is...well you stated a big reason, you say you like guys more...and you apparently [from what you wrote] flirt with guys a lot more, so do you even ever think of girls...ever? Do you just say you are bi to get a little bit of normalcy? Did you ever wonder maybe you just call yourself bi, so people who don't agree with homosexuality will still be able to accept you thinking, one day you will end up with a woman? I am not saying at 13 you can't have a stable sexuality and know what you are, but at 13...do you really even know yourself? I have been gay for as long as i can remember, and no i have never liked girls, but i never flat out said i was gay, until 3 years ago...you just shouldn't smack a label on yourself at such a young age, because teenage years are so up and down, and one minute someone is gay, the next straight...Anyway as for open mindedness, i think that people have become open minded, because more people are coming out. There isn't a greater number of gays and lesbians than there was before, but more are coming out. There wont ever be more gays or lesbians than straight people, there will just slowly be more outted and open ones. People can't be open minded of things they didn't know existed, and now that people know gays and lesbians exist, they technically do have an open mind. However the problem with homosexuality being so 'new' to the world, many kids feel they want to be different and act as if they like the same gender...so that is a problem, especially for gays who want to prove that homosexuality isn't a choice, but because straights act as if its so different, and so 'horrible' younger kids want to push those peoples buttons...its just a sad cycle.

  8. First of all, i am 19 in march i turn 20 i cannot still be in highschool courses that long! I don't have many credits left, but all the classes i need to take will take up atleast 2 months, so no matter what i wont be graduating until i am 20. Every week i plan on doing all my homework packets, and flying through my classes...and every week i wait until around 10-12 the night before its due. I cram in all my work by 3 am, and go to bed for only three hours and cram in another 2 hours from 6-8. Then i continue to get upset with myself because i do it EVERY single week. I thought maybe it was because i spend a great deal of time on the computer, but i will in the begining of the week shut the computer off and attempt to do my work, and then other things distract me , whether its tv, music, dust, food, my boyfriend, reading...anything and everything that can distract me seems to. I know the work needs to be done, i know i need to graduate ...why can't i get motivated enough to do the work ? What is really stopping me, but myself? I also should make a note it isn't every packet, its only certain ones. Its ones where i have to go through the book and find the answers, i can do english easily...but when i have to search through a book, and match whats in the packet and whats in the book i get so unbelievably stressed out, do i have some reading issues that i am not aware of? I just want to graduate and i am tired of procrastinating to the point where i want to kill myself- and sometimes i actually do get to the point where i think its easier to just kill myself then finish the work.

  9. Because its not the right kind of equal. Not your rights, but what you can purchase/earn. It limits you to: this is what you are, nothing else.

    You can't choose for yourself, or really even think. Its almost as if your life is a written story by law.


    Well in america, I don't have equal rights anyway...so why not everyone have equal rights. Wouldn't in theory i be allowed to marry, if everyone else can? Democracy isn't equal, and it isn't fair, its only fair for the majority, and those who agree with the government, life can't always be fair..but it'd be great if everyone felt the unfairness, and were forced to be equal.

  10. Communism is a great idea that has just been used, or attempted poorly. I keep reading how if people use communism, one person will be doing more than the other, and being paid the same as someone doing less...okay well i see a lot of hard workers, who get paid very minimal compared to others working not even half as hard as they do...whay is the difference? Atleast no one will be more rich than another. I understand the religious problems, because technically with communism you have to be no religion or only one...to be the same, but that is a good thing. Diversity obviously just gets us in trouble. I just have so many opinions about communism, but basically i support it-when it is done right...or rather if it is.

  11. Granted he basically just wanted to finish a war his father started...but what would you have done in his shoes? America is attacked, you are the leader...what do you do? What would YOU have done? Would you have sat there and say "Oh haha, its Okay... just don't let it happen again okay? :blink: " no...you probably wouldn't have. I do not agree with the war or any war...but he had to make a choice, and he choose to go to war with them. And many have said there were no WMD, but you weren't there...were you? No. I also was not there, but i do know there was. I don't like Bush either, but i think people need to just stop getting up in his face, you obviously lost...maybe you should have tried harder for another president? I'm also getting tired of people being so into his personal life...it is not your life- stay out of it. What he does with America, is your business what he does with his wife and his family NOT your business.

  12. Where are you from? Your english is horrible, maybe I am sounding a bit harsh, but you should know the difference between envelope and mail, and until you learn to atleast proofread so I can understand what your exact argument is, i cannot help you. You should really type what you have to say in word, or a program that checks grammar [it has helped me a lot personally], before you post. I know this isnt the argument, but I just had to get that out there. As for your mother, I don't think you have it that bad, and yes computers CAN corrupt childrens minds, you may not be looking at 'unsafe' stuff, but the internet is a tricky place, and things minors shouldnt see are always lurking around the corner.

  13. It's ok, as long as you don't rape guys and do not turn yourself into a girl.


    Everyone rapes, men, women, gay, straight. Many times raping people has nothing to do with sex, its more of a power thing, they get power trips due to raping someone. True many get sexual feelings by doing it, but if a man rapes another man, it doesnt always mean he is even gay, just as if a woman rapes a man, or woman it doesnt mean she is gay or straight...its a power thing usually, not a homosexuality/heterosexuality thing.


    Being transgendered has nothing to do with homosexuality. If a man, 'turns himself into a girl' it isnt because he was born gay, its because he feels he was born in the wrong body. A gay man really isnt a girl trapped in a mans body, but a transgendered woman is. There are many straight men, who have had surgery to become female, and as a result they end up 'lesbians' because they are attracted to females, and have changed themself to look more like a female. Just as there many straight women who like men, but they are transgendered and want to be men themselves. Like i said, it really has nothing to do with homosexuality, and honestly shouldn't be clumped in the same GLBT thing. Drag Queens, USUALLY are gay, but its a performance many drag queens only wear drag while performing and most other times they are in 'regular' clothes, drag queens arent the same as transgendered people. I'm sick of the ignorance.

  14. We will never find a smart person thats evil.

    Please elaborate that statement? What does that really mean, because theres evil geniuses, many people who are 'evil' are very smart, are you reffering to the people who grew up in bad neighbourhoods, and now steal...but didn't go to school so they aren't 'smart'. I'm very confused on what that statement you made means.

  15. I belwive this is true. We convince our self that the "evil" doesn't exist. Who told that masturbation, sex before marriage, to judje others, betrayal, etc. are bad thinks?
    I beleive they are, and I beleive that because thoese thinks gave me only deception.

    So, do you think that most of he people are wrong when they think that what give us a pleasure is something good? or what give us pleasure may be bad?

    The way i determine if something is wrong, or right...is simple. If it effects someone else, and makes them hurt, it is wrong. But if it doesn't actually effect another person [or animal actually], it isn't wrong. Masturbation and sex before marriage really doesn't effect anyone but the person [or people] involved with the situation, so what is the harm in it? Nothing. Judging people, is just that...everyone judges. We judge whether or not we like them, don't like them, or have no opinion...etc. Everyone judges, [and i know if everyone does it, it doesnt make it right but...] but if you keep it to yourself, no one is really getting hurt. I don't believe in the devil, people created the devil [in my opinion], as a tool to get people to do what they thought was right. You can scare anyone into believing something is bad...its just a scare tactic.

  16. Will i have to do something in order to have the cpanel back up (i have a message board, but its not run from anything provided in the cpanel, its another board type- and it is working perfectly fine)...or will i just have to wait, because there isnt anything i can do? I just dont want to be waiting, for it to be fixed, and then realize...i have to fix it myself, because that would be a lot of waiting for nothing.

  17. Tell her, and being a single mother is not excuse. Just tell her, so what if she takes it the wrong way...is there even a right way to take 'you smell bad'? She has brought it upon herself. Obviously if she smells, she has poor hygiene, which obviously isn't a good thing. If she can afford to go to a university, i am sure she can afford to was her clothes...and if she cant juggle both, maybe she needs to wait on a university until she can manage basics, like washing yourself and your clothes.

  18. oh and she is extremely reluctant to have any photos done with me and on one day out asked another of my female mates to be between me and her so that she could be "between the girls" so basically incase he saw this photo.

    I know this may be concidered spam, but i have to ask. Are you male or female. I thought you were a guy, but what do you mean 'between the girls' and what guy has sleep overs with girls??

  19. Um, this was a tragedy and completly a shocker. No they didn't deserve it, but neither do any other students in school shootings. I think its really rude to sit there and talk about how there are other kids who deserved this more. Wow...great thinking, maybe instead you should talk about how NO student of any kind deserves to be shot. I see why people are taking this the way they are, because it was really shocking and unpredictible...but it just goes to show you, this kind of stuff can happen to anyone. It shouldnt have happened, ever...but it will probably continue, because that is just how screwed up the world is.

  20. I think [after reading this thread, and your other one] you need to just stay out of her life. You 'love' her right? then you need to be happy with the choice she has made, even if the choice wasn't you. You say she is being abused (i am guessing mentally, and not physically) maybe she needs to realize this on her own, since whatever you have tried to say to her, has not worked. I would suggest, drop out of her life. She cant obviously have you both, and if you get angry all the time about her love life with this guy its probably better you leave out of her life, and try to cool down before you do something stupid. Maybe if you walk out, she will realize she has lost a great friend and the boyfriend she has, isnt that great of a guy. So my only suggestion, is walk away.

  21. Hadi, if you made a thread about your beliefs, and i went in there and started trying to convert you, and make you believe what i believe, you would react the same way. I have told you several times in this thread that you are not succeeding in trying to convert me, and you have said if you aren't succeeding you would stop, and well you aren't and you didn't stop, and that makes you a liar, and very very pushy. Its RUDE to sit there and continuelly try and force me to believe something i don't, you are being rude. You might for some reason think its okay to push your beliefs, because you are christian but honestly thats just making my point that christians are pushy and don't listen when people say STOP praying for me, and blessing me. My thread was not "Help, i think i might be atheist please oh please come and convert me" my thread is about how everyone assumes people are christian, and if they aren't they try and convert them. No where in my thread did i honestly say "please try and convert me" theres SEVERAL threads on here, of people needing faith, and wanting it, this wasn't one of them, so please move along to someone who wants you so called help, because I don't want it or need it.

  22. I'm actually tired of reading your posts, only because they are just god did this god did that, and YES i normally do come up with better things as a reply, but i am just sick of your posts, and will not put anymore time into replying to them, because they are just you saying blah blah blah. NO, you are not convincing me, you will never convince me so please stop trying, you are only wasting your time. Another thing, i know people aren't perfect, and i have made many typos in my life, but would it hurt you to proofread, i find myself skipping over a lot of what you say because it is spelled wrong, or doesn't make any sense, maybe you don't know english well, but you can atleast use a spell check.

  23. Maybe none of the planets have any sign of life because humans ARE the main focus of God's creation. What are the chances that there is just enough oxygen to meet our needs, that there even is water, and the the sun is just close enough for there to be living creatures? And I do believe that everything on this planet was made for us, or to reveal God's glory.
    God did, in fact, create perfect humans in the beginning. But he also gave us free will. And the first humans chose to use that free will for the worse. And there we have it - impefect humans.

    Humans are NOT the main focus of anything, god why are people so self centered? The world does NOT revolve around humans, infact the world would be better off without humans, because we have destroyed almost everything. I honestly cannot figure out a way to explain that the things we need, weren't made for us directly. Yes without them we wouldn't live, but the reason they are here was never for just us, they just happen to be the only things that we (and other organisms) can be created from and benifit from. If god existed, we wouldnt have to use any resourses, and we probably wouldn't be as complex. I just think god was created because at the time scientific discovery was small, and people didn't have the ability to study things more closely, and conclude things as well as now, so they made up god to answer questions they had about the world.

    Always blaming eh? God was created by people to put blame on someone. The world is bad because eve took the apple blah blah...why not just accept that people suck, and there will always be good or evil, and if there really was a god, he wouldnt have allowed anyone to be evil.
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