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Unholy Prayer

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Posts posted by Unholy Prayer

  1. One of the useful features of PHP is strings. You can use them to print a long text item that you may be posting more than once. It doesn't have to be long, though. Here is an example.


    $motto = "Free Web Hosting, No Ads.";
    $site = "Xisto";


    That bit of coding could be used in a piece of text such as:

    <?php echo "Welcome to $site. "; ?>

    You can also use strings to make database functions shorter or easier to read. I'll get into that later.

    I hope this tutorial was helpful to you guys.

  2. I was once addicted to soda. I used to drink five cans of soda per day. I just started drinking less and less and eventually I wasn't drinking any soda. I think the method I used was to drink one can less per day than a couple days ago. For example, instead of drinking 5 cans a day, I lowered it to 4 a day. Then after a while, to 3 a day and so on. Eventually, the addiction was broken.

  3. Use this code to display the current date and time.

    <?php  $date = date('l dS \of F Y h:i:s A');  echo "$date";?>

    "l" would display the current day of the week such as Sunday. d displays the day of the month... such as 1 and S adds the appropriate suffix(st). /of simply displays the word "of". F displays the current month with no abbreviations while Y displays the four digit year(2007). "h" displays the current hour with leading zeros if necessary(Ex. 06 for 6 o'clock). "i" displays the minute of the hour with leading zeros if necessary. "s" displays the seconds with leading zeros if necessary and finally "A" displays if it is AM or PM in uppercase format. For a full list of time formats and explanations, visit PHP.net.

    Hope this is useful for you guys.

  4. I think the hardest game to find this christmas will probly be star wars battlefront 2 because the first one was one of the best games last year adn the second one is by far better so i belive it will b very hard to find. i also think the xbox360 will be the hardest console to find


    Call of Duty 2(360) and Perfect Dark Zero (360)

  5. i like driving games alot and i think alot of you people out there like them to i am chaos and i just like to know what ur favorite driving games are and why they are ur favorite mine is midnight club 3 why i like it so much is becaus you can upgrade cars how you want and you can make them look nice and they can go fast i also like it because you can upgrade seprate parts at sepreat times you dont have to upgrade it all at once and that is why i like it


    Project Gotham Racing, Forza Motorsport, NFSMW

  6. What are the best games you know on Xbox, i am going to buy my self some for some of the cash i got at Christmas, but i don't know anny good.


    Hope i can get some good recommendations :D


    ~ Arne-Christian


    Rainbow Six: Lockdown, Starwars Battlefront 2, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory.
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