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  1. Thats cool!! Thanks for sharing But it does not mention the year, any ideas about that ?
  2. You are right Google was the one which made the other companies to offer better service, but google still has lot of work to do. I would like to see many new features in such as bookmarking services, more advanced editing options when composing etc. The problem with Yahoo mails is that certain features are paid, such as POP3, if it is made free then again there is some serious competition.
  3. Yes, thats perfect. We humans keep inventing new things day by day, new technology and many other things. When a kid is born, he/she is directly taken to the higher point instead of starting from the early ages where man used to hunt with stick and stones. Education is what i'm talking about. Children are educated to the level where technology has reached and this helps them become more intelligent as they start making new innovations from that point in a very early age.
  4. Yeah thats mainly because of the adult content that was included in the game. The missions, weapons, vehicles, graphics etc., everything was perfect in the game, except for this particular adult content. If this was not there, then i'm sure there would have been more chance for GTA:SA to have won the game of the year award.
  5. Thats cool script. I'll surely include this script in my upcoming script. Great work there, keep it up :DBTW, I'm not able to access your sites.
  6. I feel burnout should also be a good choice...in fact it is the best game on PSP till now. Try reading a review on Burnout Legends.
  7. My first site was on Bravenet web services. I never used geocities as the space provided there was very less and moreover lots of ads. I was very much interested in web design and stuff when i was in school, so that made me to try out things practically. Later on I also developed love towards PHP, and that made me go into search for PHP hosting...and trying out so many providers, i've finally landed on Xisto.
  8. I recently started playing WoW, but there are somethings I don't quite understand. What's actually the aim in the game ? I get quests from many camps, to kill some animals etc., and moreover killing a single level 1 beast takes so much time that I really get bugged up. Will the same thing continue in the whole game ? And what about the other online players ? I don't see anyone (I'm sure there are players in the server I'm playing). When will and what will I be doing with the other online players? I'm not criticizing the game, I just need some answers so that I will know what I'm doing in that game.
  9. Yes, it is not accurate but it does twist your brain. It actually is not just puzzle, it makes you learn new things too in order to solve those puzzles. Just try playing a few levels and you'll really get addicted to it.
  10. AJAX stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML. Its a new technology that has become so popular in a very short time. It changes the way you see and use the web appllications. Consider Gmail, it uses AJAX technology. Whenever u delete or move any mail or open a new message, it does not reload the whole page, instead it happens almost instantaneously just like a desktop application. This is what AJAX does. You can check out more AJAX features here also : Ajaxwhois More
  11. Hi there, So you think you have the best brains to take out these puzzles ?? Here it is, this puzzle was created as part of IRIS, a B-school festival. There are so many levels to crack and i'm sure it will be so addictive. Click Here
  12. lokesh

    Which Linux?

    I started using a month ago and i was also new to linux at that time. I started to research a lot into linux to find out which is the best for me, and i found out that Ubuntu Linux stays the best out there for total newbies. The main problem with linux is that many newbies to linux don't know how to install drivers which requires to type in some commands. So the best distribution would be the one which eases this part for the newbies so that they can start learning to use linux. Ubuntu was the best linux distro that i ever used. It automatically installed the drivers for my sound, LAN etc. and guess what, i just used the live cd of ubuntu and i was able to browse the net just in a few minutes after i booted in with the live cd. So, i strongly recommend all the newbies to linux to try out Ubuntu.
  13. Yes, you have to sign up to get an invite to use Yahoo Mail Beta. You can do that here. I signed up a month ago, i just received some mail from Yahoo stating that i'm fine in the waiting list and that i would be receiving the invite to use Yahoo Mail Beta very soon. Anyone who got their Yahoo Mail Beta invite, can you please say after getting the "status of waiting list" mail from Yahoo, how long did it take to receive the invite ?
  14. Hello there!!I am Lokeshwaran from India and my interests would be in PHP and web design. I also used to work with photoshop sometimes .Due to the increasing popularity and demand for AJAX, i thought i would give it a shot too, so i'm working on it right now. I'm working on a new site related to technology stuff, gaming news etc.. This forum has a lot of interesting topics to work on and i'm quite sure i would enjoy posting here.
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