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Posts posted by DeveloperX

  1. Yes! It is possible!


    U may use software like Inspiron or use other software like me.


    My favourite Desktop Capture SW:


    1. Screen Capturing

    Capture your screen and play back in Flash, Java, GIF, EXE, PDF, AVI



    2. ScreenCam

    ScreenCam? saves the day for guyz just like you.



    3. GrabCaptureScreen

    Successor of GrabClipSave. Takes screenshots in two modes. "Grabbing" is completely in the background.



    And other which I found later on SoftPedia.com



    SnagIt 7.2.5

    SnagIt - screen capture program that allows you to capture an exact copy of anything that appears on your Windows screen


    Print save screen snapshot 2003 1.2

    print only what is on your screen with this fast utility. Save paper and time !!


    SmartCapture 1.6.1

    Easy to use screen capture tool


    Any Capture Screen 3.09

    Screen capture software that prints screen and screenshot from Windows desktop


    Capture By George! 2.6

    Make perfect screenshots easily.


    Easy Screen Capture 1.2.3

    Capture any part of your screen for a professional screen shot


    HardCopy Pro 2.5.1

    The professional, easy to use screen capture tool!

  2. Was 1997.

    My parents bouht me a personal computer.

    It specifications:

    AT miditower

    Acorp MoBo on Intel 430TX chipset

    CPU Intel Pentium 200 MMX

    Monitor CTX 15"

    32 MB RAM

    2.1 Gb HardDisk

    32x CD-ROM samsung

    Sound Blaster as soundcard

    VGA S3 Trio3D2X with 4 Mb


    On this super machine I played in Age Of Empires II, Carmageddon and Need For Speed 2 then 3 Hot Pursuit.

    I spended good time with my PC!

  3. My answer in other topic:
    I think that Header function better... <meta refresh>!

    Code like

    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;
    can be stopped by Escape button pressing!!!

    I think that this code will help U.
    <?phpheader("Location: http://http://www.example.com/;; /* Redirect browser *//* Make sure that code below does not get executed when we redirect. */exit;?>  

    View full description about Header function at http://php.rinet.ru/manual/ru/function.header.php with some examples.

  4. Also, make sure you have done everything in the 'step-by-step' process.

    Connect to MySQL


    Select the database


    Carry out the query

    I agree, these 3 points are required!

    This is example for 1st point:

    <?php   $link = mysql_connect("localhost", "mysql_user", "mysql_password")       or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error());   print ("Connected successfully");   mysql_close($link);?>

    Where "mysql_user", "mysql_password" U must create in Your myPHPadmin Console.


    This is example for 2nd point:

    <?phpmysql_select_db('DB_name', $link);?>

    This is example for 3rd point:

    <?php$res = mysql_query("SELECT my_col FROM my_tbl")   or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());$row = mysql_fetch_array($res);print_r($row); // Result: still return Array()?> 

    And simple code for all points.

    The following query is not valid as expected:


    <?php$username = 'dicteworld';$username{4} = '';$sql = "SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `User` = '$username'";print($sql); // Result: SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `User` = 'dictworld'$res = mysql_query($query);$row = mysql_fetch_array($res);print_r($row);// Result: still return Array(), supposed that the user 'dictworld' exists.?>

    Pay more attention that null string '' is equivalent to '\0',therefore SQL statement above is equivalent to SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `User` = 'dict\0world',though printing string is right.


    I find this on http://php.net/

  5. I use Header php-function for redirection in me pages!

    Code like

    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=http://mysite.com/nextpage.html;

    can be stopped by Escape button pressing!!!

    About php function - Header

    The special case is the "Location:" header. Not only does it send this header back to the browser, but it also returns a REDIRECT (302) status code to the browser unless some 3xx status code has already been set.

    <?phpheader("Location: example.com/; /* Redirect browser *//* Make sure that code below does not get executed when we redirect. */exit;?>  

    Note: HTTP/1.1 requires an absolute URI as argument to Location: including the scheme, hostname and absolute path, but some clients accept relative URIs.

    You can usually use $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] and dirname() to make an absolute URI from a relative one yourself:

    <?phpheader("Location: http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']                     . rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/\\')                     . "/" . $relative_url);?>  

    Note: Session ID is not passed with Location header even if session.use_trans_sid is enabled.
    It must by passed manually using SID constant.

    View full description about Header function at http://php.rinet.ru/manual/ru/function.header.php with some examples.

  6. Guyz! What do U think about OLED Keyboard ?


    Each of buttons can display any symbol, like letter, digit, anything!!!

    No more countryfication problems! For ex. two letters on each of buttons (English and Russian or other).


    Part of article from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    According to a posting on the Art.Lebedev website, more details of the "Optimus" OLED-based keyboard should be released on Feb. 1 -- possibly even the product itself.

    The website contains nothing more than the blurb "Good Things Come In Small Packages: Feb. 1, 2006," so there's no indication of exactly what will be released, or whether such details such as pricing will be divulged.


    ADVERTISEMENT[AD] Like most cool new gizmos, the premise behind the Optimus is simple, yet elegant: miniature OLED screens on the keyboard can display whatever character a user chooses to program. It appears, based on the concept designs, that a user could remap a keyboard layout, choose different color schemes, or come up with their own macros that could be mapped via symbols or other characters to specific keys.


    Still, what's been divulged about the keyboard indicates that the design team had a production timetable in place from the beginning. The designers have previously indicated that the keyboard will cost less than a mobile phone, and ship in 2006.

    Device's webpage there - http://www.artlebedev.com/optimus/

  7. I well prefer INTEL for workstations and gamestations.

    Why AMD-MHz don't equal Intel-MHz?


    Ever make this off-the-cuff comment? "AMD is only clocked at 2.8GHz, while Intel is at 4.0GHz! Intel is much faster." Learn why it's not such a good idea to say that in the company of those who know.


    Full article about this MHz (AMD) with that MHz (Intel) on Geek.ChipGeek.


    Some facts for gamestations on Intel components (from ExtremeTech)

    Many of us are familiar with standard gaming benchmarks. Whether you're testing Doom 3, Half-Life 2, or Far Cry, most gaming benchmarks are made from the "Quake Timedemo" mold. They run through a sequence of recorded gameplay or simply walk the player through parts of the game, counting frames and time to give you an average frame rate.

    This is good for benchmarking graphics cards because it provides repeatable and predictable results. Every time you run the benchmark, the same thing is displayed on screen. Eliminating variables introduced by normal gameplay is a very useful part of performance evaluation. Ideally, you want to eliminate every variable except the one you're trying to test (a graphics card or CPU, for instance), right?


    The problem with these gaming benchmarks is that they don't test the true gaming experience during gameplay. When playing back a standard "timedemo" style recorded benchmark, many of the game's systems either don't operate, or function in a controlled, pre-determined fashion. AI, physics, and much of the core game logic are often disabled when playing back recorded benchmark demos. These are CPU-intensive tasks, and removing them from the picture can be useful in graphics benchmarking, but what if you want to see which CPUs perform best in real-world gaming scenarios?



    In this feature, we'll be using a popular program called Fraps to measure performance during real gameplay in six different games across multiple genres. We'll look at how the games run faster and slower over time, and get into a bit of a discussion about "how many frames-per-second is enough." The point is to figure out whether Pentium 4 or Athlon 64 processors make for a better gaming platform, and to this end, we'll compare two CPUs that are easy on the checkbook

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    non-original material needs to be quoted. please review the Xisto readme.

  8. I'm comes to my FTP account with Total Commander 6.50 (ghisler).

    For access to FTP it require these parameters:

    1. Host (Ex. ftp.[domain].trap17.com)
    2. Password (Your domain password)
    3. Non-obligatory - home dir

    This software can access to FTP in anonimuosly mode!
    I'm come to my Xisto FTP account with this tool very vell!

  9. I hope...

    Some facts for Life on Mars.


    A NASA research team of scientists at the Johnson Space Center and at Stanford University has found evidence that strongly suggests primitive life may have existed on Mars more than 3.6 billion years ago.

    The NASA-funded team found the first organic molecules thought to be of Martian origin; several mineral features characteristic of biological activity; and possible microscopic fossils of primitive, bacteria-like organisms inside of an ancient Martian rock that fell to Earth as a meteorite. This array of indirect evidence of past life will be reported in the August 16 issue of the journal Science, presenting the investigation to the scientific community at large to reach a future consensus that will either confirm or deny the team's conclusion.

    Notice from serverph:


    Meterorite ALH84001

    This 4.5 billion-year-old rock, labeled meteorite ALH84001, is believed to have once been a part of Mars and to contain fossil evidence that primitive life may have existed on Mars more than 3.6 billion years ago. The rock is a portion of a meteorite that was dislodged from Mars by a huge impact about 16 million years ago and that fell to Earth in Antarctica 13,000 years ago. The meteorite was found in Allan Hills ice field, Antarctica, by an annual expedition of the National Science Foundation's Antarctic Meteorite Program in 1984. It is preserved for study at the Johnson Space Center's Meteorite Processing Laboratory in Houston.



    Microscopic Egg-shaped Structures

    This electron microscope image shows egg-shaped structures, some of which may be possible microscopic fossils of Martian origin as discussed by NASA research published in the Aug. 16, 1996, issue of the journal Science. A two-year investigation found organic molecules, mineral features characteristic of biological activity and possible microscopic fossils such as these inside of an ancient Martian rock that fell to Earth as a meteorite. The largest possible fossils are less than 1/100th the diameter of a human hair in size while most are ten times smaller.



    Mars Life? - Microscopic Structures

    In the center of this electron microscope image of a small chip from a meteorite are several tiny structures that are possible microscopic fossils of primitive, bacteria-like organisms that may have lived on Mars more than 3.6 billion years ago. A two-year investigation by a NASA research team found organic molecules, mineral features characteristic of biological activity and possible microscopic fossils such as these inside of an ancient Martian rock that fell to Earth as a meteorite. The largest possible fossils are less than 1/100th the diameter of a human hair in size while most are ten times smaller.



    [note=serverph]plagiarism to cheat on hosting credits system? please review Xisto forum rules & TOS. blocks of copied texts, placed in quotes. warning served. credits adjusted. suspension on next attempt to plagiarize.



    Kannel is a WAP and SMS gateway.


    WAP, short for Wireless Application Protocol, is a collection of languages and tools and an infrastructure for implementing services for mobile phones. Traditionally such services have worked via normal phone calls or short textual messages (e.g., SMS messages in GSM networks). Neither are very efficient to use, nor very user friendly. WAP makes it possible to implement services similar to the World Wide Web.


    WAP defines a completely new markup language, the Wireless Markup Language (WML), which is simpler and much more strictly defined than HTML. It also defines a scripting language, WMLScript, which all browsers are required to support. To make things even simpler for the phones, it even defines its own bitmap format (Wireless Bitmap, or WBMP).


    HTTP is also too inefficient for wireless use. By using a semantically equivalent, but binary and compressed format it is possible to reduce the protocol overhead to a few bytes per request, instead of up to hundreds of bytes. Thus, WAP defines a new protocol stack to be used. However, to make things simpler also for the people actually implementing the services, WAP introduces a gateway between the phones and the servers providing content to the phones.

    See more on their website...


    Notice from serverph:
    please review Xisto forum rules & TOS.

    copied from http://www.kannel.org/overview.shtml

    placed in quotes. credits adjusted.

  11. Guyz! I found cooolest description about WAP-GATEWAYS on http://www.indianchild.com/wap-gateway.htm


    What is a WAP Gateway ? :  Wireless Application Protocol ( WAP ) is an open, global specification which empowers mobile users with wireless devices to easily access and interact with information and services instantly. In common language, a large number of device manufactures like Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola  and software developers like IBM, Microsoft, Oracle have agreed on one common standard.



    WAP gives mobile phone users access to Internet or web services through handheld devices. WAP Gateway technology provides a solution to the growing demand for wireless mobile services across the world.  WAP Gateways act as a bridge between the mobile world and the Internet and offers wap services like encoding of WML pages, end-user authentication system,  & WML script compiling.


    WAP uses the underlying web structure to enable communication between content providers and mobile devices. This wireless protocol employs Wireless Markup Language (WML) for application contents instead of Hypertext Markup Language coding (HTML).


    A useful & utility feature of WAP technology is the ability to support telephony service integrated with micro-browsing of data. WAP Gateways acts as a proxy between wireless networks & the Internet while encoding WAP data into byte codes.

    THAT's ALL


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    please review Xisto forum rules & TOS. placed in quotes. credits adjusted.

  12. My favourite WAP gateways&hostings

    On russian - http://avtoinformator.ru/ (20 Kb Free space)

    On english - http://www.wappy.to/

    Description of Wappy.to:


    What is Wappy?

    Wappy is a free service for WAPsites: we offer you an easy-to-remember WAPredirect to your existing WAPsite (wappy.to/yourname), or you can create your own WAPsite online with our easy-to-use webwizard EasyWAP. And all this is free! So if you want to have a WAPsite or a shorter URL for an existing one, sign up now!


    The world's first online WAPsite builder The only WAP redirection service Support for images and links



    > Make your own WAPsite - with hosting

    > Create a WAPsite in only minutes!

    > No knowledge of WML required.

    > wappy.to/yourname

    > Easy and fast setup

    > Free! 



    > wappy.to/yourname

    > Get a shorter URL

    > Easy and fast setup

    > Free!


    Play the WAP match game! - WAP URL: wappy.to/match.cgi

    Notice from serverph:
    copied. http://www.wappy.to/

    placed in quotes. credits adjusted. please review Xisto forum rules & TOS.

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