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Posts posted by ElBandoneonWEbsite

  1. Hey thanks for the link, well I guess some of my posts weren't long enough (they were more than 5 lines) but well what can one do....So this is happening to everyone? what if someone now is short on their posts (with the limit of 25 for the packadge 2) is that person going to lose his/her account? Because a friend just started using Xisto and he had 26 posts, but some might've been deleted or something, so is he losing he's packedge 2?

  2. Who wants a Gmail invite? I have 3 left, if anyone wants 1, just reply to this post, send me 10 $ to this address:666 Leech Crop (obviusly fake address)Mahain, California 9888United StatesP.S. Just reply to this post with your name and the e-mail address you'd like me to send the invitations to.(here this means that I'm not selling the Gmail invites, I'm giving them away for free)

  3. Yeah it gets kinda tricky when you work and well tomorrow I have to go to work at 7 am but well I need to get up at 6 am and then work until 5 pm and then I have to make dinner do a lot of other stuff and I don't know the last thing I want to do is turn on the computer and start writing but well, gotta do it.

  4. Does anyone here have a job? well just a few days a got a job and man, I can't find the time to come here and write, it feels kinda like an obligation and it's weird, don't feel like writting anything at all, but well we all have to....I don't know, I just see a lot of people that write all the time here all day long, I used to do that, but when I didn't have a job, but now it's hard man.....

  5. I have a question about my subdomain fueye.trap17.com right now I'm using .tk and what .tk's been doing is rederecting the address using url redirecction, but I just got a domain, but for another website, I was wondering if I could keep the subdomain fueye.trap17 and add my other domain cristianlatorre.com.arthey also asked me what the dns server address was and the ip addresses for that where do I get all that information?Thanks.Cristian

  6. So which one is the best? all the ones I tried were terrible, some sped up my conecction, and the downloading prosses was pretty fast, some didn't support always resume, like DAP if the server doesn't resume, DAP does resume it, but for the feautere you have to pay an extra 30 bucks! I'd like to know of some other download manager that does that .........

  7. I play Soldier Of Fortune II Double Helix, it's a pretty cool game, I have been playing it for awhile, and it's fun, I played Wolfteind or whatever the name of the game is, but didn't like it, I like Unrealturnament too, and Battle field 1942, Doom didn't like it, is there any good game kinda like Soldier of Fortune? or Battle field 1942?

  8. My favorite toothpaste? ummm Colgate, or well just about any tooth paste, as long is not one of those colored sweet nasty tooth paste, fine with me :rolleyes: Has anyone tried those whittening stripes? do they really work? I just don't feel like paying 40 bucks for it and then surprice surprice the stripes don't work......Argetina? yo tambien soy Argentino... :angry:

  9. Well, I don't like Harry Potter, just not my type of book, same with The Lord of the Rings, I don't like that kind of writting, I'd rather read something that teachs me something, that makes my brains think and work and well harry Potter is not one of those books, it's just like watching reallity t.v. I watch it, to pass the time (when there isn't anything else to watch, and well I don't have cable so...) but yeah what I've learned from those t.v shows is NOTHING same with Harry Potter and The Lord Of The Rings.....

  10. Yeah verytime I restart or turn off and turn back on, that thing is back again and it makes the computer boot SLOW! and I mean Slow I tried all the disbling options but still coming back, and I don't know why it won't reconnize Zone Alarm, becuase I have it installed and it load when windows loads, so I don't know, I'm going to try calling Microsoft, because that thing is annoying and uselles

  11. Hi, well I read everything and well now I kinda know what to do, but the thing is that I have a lot of scape used on my C drive, so if I try to burn it to a cd it won't I need like 10 cds to do that. So what should I do? Because like everyone I just hate it when the computer crashes and then you have to seat on the computer for hours and the computer still doesn't work like it used to.

  12. Well I just play music, listen to music, or play Sof for awhile, or play with my cat........But yeah music is the best, I avoid eating, becuase if I start I don't know if I'd be able to stop, so that's not a good thing....AHHHHHHHHH sweet music, I love music, just helps me relax, release stress, MUSIC the best therapy :rolleyes: (And mixed with a little wine...ummmm that's good)

  13. I don't know I just hope, he doesn't win these next elections, I'm sure they're going to do the impossible to win these elections, BUT I REALLY REALLY HOPE HE DOES NOT WINI don't know if you heard what this cable company or whetever was going to do, well first of all, in times of elections I think on t.v. you're allowed to show, like if you show 10 minutes of Bush talking you have to show 10 minutes of the other candidate, but yeah what they were going to do, is show in 62 channels, a documentary of Kerry (obviusly a bad one by republicans) and they are going to air it the day before the elections, and the t.v. whatever commmision alllowed it! huh? yeah I said wtf my self, I'm sure they got loads of money for that one....

  14. What I'd recommend you is to use a Ftp client to upload your website, because Cpanel is confucing at first, I had a lot of trouble at first when I started using Cpanel, so I used a Ftp client and it was a lot easier, also make sure the the index.html doesn't have the "I" capitalized because it won't work, it happend to me, I uploaded everything to publich.html but didn't work until I named everything including index.html without capitalization and everything worked perfectly :rolleyes:

  15. I did a lot of sports, I like surfing a lot, skateboarding, snowboarding I also like Tang Soo Do (Martial arts) it's fun, you learn a lot, always in good shape. Snowboarding is A LOT of fun I mean A lot, I only snowboarded a few times, but man I want to do it again. Skateboarding, I like skating half pipes and bolws (big ones 9 feet minimun) but I had to quit because I hurt my hands once and I play music and my hand were kinda bothering me, and I love music so I quit, but saketboarding is really fun too.

  16. Well, I'm from Argentina and I like eating meat alot, but I don't like spice food, or fattening like Fast food, but well when I'm hungry I'd eat anything, snaks are the worst, specially if there's cheese around...I like Italian alot I make pizza all the time, in fact last night I made two and they were pretty good. I like Japanese, because I like fish a lot too, Indian haven't had a lot so I'm not sure. The healthiest I thinks is, make your own with a little bit of everything.

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