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Everything posted by Zorkaplex

  1. A puzzle given to me by my science teacher...After a particularly taxing night of solving logic puzzles and riddles, your brain suddenly shuts down and you find yourself in what you can only hope to be a bizarrely relevant dream. Seated beside a set of pearly gates is the patient-looking figure of St. Peter, white robes and all. "We're glad you could make it, but before you go in, there's just one little question you have to answer," says Peter, and you begin to suspect that this will be a 'thinking' type of question."How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" He raises a hand to point to an inscription on the gates. "The answer lies therein. Each is accounted for, and the further you go, the more you'll get. Take your time; you have plenty of it." After a few cautious steps on the cloud-like floor, you approach the gate and read:How wondrous too is truth receivedFor him who'd defy verityAs hope the sick soothes even satesSo benign the uncertain's madeIf you know the answer PM. Please do not share the answer if you get it so as to not spoil it for the rest of us.Good luck and have fun.
  2. My science teacher gave me this puzzle after about 3 hours of work i have solved it:Einstein claimed only 2% of the world's population could solve this. This story is likely apocryphal, and certainly more than 2% of all people could solve it, given enough time. Hopefully this won't detract from your enjoyment of it:FACTS OF THE PUZZLE 1. There are five houses in five different colours. 2. In each house lives a person of a different nationality. 3. These five owners drink a certain beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigarette and keep a certain pet. 4. No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of smoke or drink the same drink.HINTS 1. The Brit lives in the red house. 2. The Swede keeps dogs as pets. 3. The Dane drinks tea. 4. The green house is on the left of the white house. 5. The green house owner drinks coffee. 6. The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds. 7. The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill. 8. The man living in the house right in the center drinks milk. 9. The Norwegian lives in the first house. 10. The man who smokes Blend lives next to the one who keeps cats. 11. The man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill. 12. The owner who smokes Blue Master drinks beer. 13. The German smokes Prince. 14. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house. 15. The man who smokes Blend has a neighbour who drinks water.The question is: WHO OWNS FISH?PM me your answer and i will tell you if you are right if you do get the answer dont share it please it will take out the fun of the puzzle.Good Luck! Have fun!
  3. Ya i play and just to add i have seen a bunch of NWN 2 stuff it is going to be very nice. They improve tons on the graphics. Good game.
  4. At times i find cell phones very annoying! They go off in movie theaters even though they ask you to turn them off! Those stupid ringtones, the camras(perverts), they take pictures of you even though you ask them not too, and people drive and yak on them! Oddly they do have uses but they can be hazardious to drivers mainly. When you are driving you have no way really to tell that person to pay attention to thier driving. Well you can honk at them but they just roll thier eyes and just continue!
  5. Is a razor phone any good? I have heard that the ear piece is too small and you cant hear a thing, is this true?
  6. Ummm i would say i am against cloning. I do belivie we can find a use for cloning eventually so i am not saying it is evil or anything. Also the government has banned cloning but rich people could still fund thier own reasearch without the government knowing!! Dosent that just push your buttons! Plus if cloning was like you could live forever it would be totally unfair to the lower class!
  7. O wow sweet that interesting but is thin technology better? Same idea with ipod nanos dont they break?$50 is a bit low for something of that size i think it would get even more exspencive.
  8. LOL this topic reminds me of the time a friend of mine and i launched twinkies out of his spud gun to observe twinkie arrow dynamics. It did not turn out too well and we used hairspray and it caught the twinkie on fire!Good stuff spud guns.
  9. Just woundering what help site is the best for runescape.
  10. Wow thank for your help.Just wounderin BuffaloHELP if they are able to be fined then why does every one not do this is there some catch?Also i do know that stores give you discount cards that allow them to get ur phone number and then give it out. Is this true and would that be illegal?
  11. What is everyones stance on cloning and why. In my health class today we had a big disscution on this. I think for some perposess it should be illegal like organ harvesting or medical testing.
  12. Ya, i play i am Zorkaplex333 i am lvl 78 and 991 overall i know a lot so i can probrably answer most of ur questions. O ya i am a member too.
  13. What type of game are you creating an MMORPG? I happen to have made one myself(not meaning to brag) we have several members working on it aswell i have plenty of good models and textures i would be more than willing to share and several exelent web pages. PM if you sre interested. Here is a in game screen shot that i posted on my forums for my gamers to view: (Example of some graphics not too good)
  14. Well i do know that there are services that stop telemarketers from calling but we are not really going to pay for it when it is this spicific number. Is that illegal to do even though we ask them to remove us from thier calling list?
  15. I found AOE 3 at first very good but it got dull very fast, not sure why it just got dull. I think some mods might add a bit to the game.
  16. Every day about every half-hour we are called by Toll free call(we have caller id) every time we pick up the phone the caller hangs up! Some times we get a recording that tells us to hold because all of thier agents are not availible.Has anyone every been harassed like this?
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