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Posts posted by Zorkaplex

  1. Elegost, my friend once owned a fairly popular gaming review site. He looked at several other popular gaming review sites and he looked at things they had(cheats, guides/walkthroughs, feedback, forums, and misc articles). He also had something that no one else had that made his site stand out.Also consider what is the gamer going to want from your reviews or what information will they wnt to see.You can also advertise to get more members.Goodluck!

  2. My name says it alll. literally looked up runescape hater just because i wanted to spread the news on what im doing.. iI hate runescape so much that im actually gonna try to shut it down or suttin like that.. i wanna get as many as i can to quit start a group or people who also hate the game and spread the news and warn people not to play all over the runescape forums and sites... it may sound crazy but i feel like my purpose in life was to rid most of this game as well as i can without doing anything illegal or wrong.

    I am done for now may post more later.


    Well plenty of people understand that you dislike Runescape put this should be posted or moved to the vent.

  3. Lol well put i must say that is one of the lamest excuses to use AOL. Same thing with netzero there is no way that a dial up can be faster or better than a broadband connection. Anyone who shows me something better than DSL i will believe it then.

  4. Well i do know about Antidisestablishmentarianism but there is most likely something we have overlooked. Some times when a word is translated from one language to the other it gets longer somehow. The only example i can think of is in french like the word name is actually "i call myself" it is not a good example but it gives a general idea. That hill's name is fairly long but i dont think you would find it in a dictionary but instead find Antidisestablishmentarianism to be the longest word in the dictionary. Plus words can take on add ons to it like anti or dis that make the word longer so technically there could be some truly long words out there. And is there like some sort of limit of sylables a word can contain i dont believe that is true but with a 1000 letter word it woould take like 30 seconds to say. I do think a word that long is unreal.

  5. Several new AOL commercials put dirt on high speed internet connections because of the "viruses come at you faster" bull. Well i am thinking even though the viruses come at you faster doesnt your virus protection still protect you? Same concept will a roof and rain; a strong roof can hold up against a drop of rain aswell as when its pouring. Tell me if i am wrong but AOL is a scam i would not use them they have no idea what they are talking about.

  6. What is the longest word? I have looked around but only found an 85 letter one for a hill in New ZealandTaumatawhakatang?ihangakoauauot?amateaturipukaka?pikimaunga?horonuku?pokaiwhenuak?itanatahuis this even possible if you find a longer word post it some friends of mine thought there was like a 1000 letter word. I would have put this in the what is catagory but i was not sure of it as a fact so i did not.

  7. I heard somewhere that scientists have developed a way to help paralysis victims regain movement of their bodies again! How it works: Some electrical nodes are placed on the person's brain, and hooked up to a series of computers and machines. The person simply "thinks" of moving their leg, for instance, and that electrical brain impulse is transmitted through the nodes and all the wires, where it reaches the muscles. The muscles convert the impulse into a nerve message and then moves. How cool is that?! If only Chris Reeve were alive to see this...would've made all the difference in the world. Please comment on this, this is very interesting and I would like to hear your thoughts!!! :)


    Yes i have heard much about this. It actually developed from fake arms or legs that took back movement and turned it into arm movement. They have perfected this technology to ge safer by using gold rods or something like that to case the wires so the hazard of the wires is reduced. I do believe the operation does not cost too much but i don't have exact numbers to post, there might be several government web sites on this development or some hospitals might post thier research on the web.

  8. Actually I think you kind of missed the point a bit, h3arts. Some orders (I'm thinking of some of the middle eastern ones here) honestly believe that we (as in the US) are the cause of many problems for several reasons, notably distribution of wealth, piety/religiousness, morals, etc. These extremists are also opposed to democracy because it conflicts with their view of a perfect government, in this case a muslim theocracy (or government by religion) I personally think there are more productive ways of dealing with this, notbly paying some attentions to their accusations and taking some measure in correcting them (perhaps sending money that would have gone to Iraq to developing third-world countries springs to mind) It's because of profiling that we're so disliked.

  9. Well chameleon the general idiea is to not realy destroy hurricanes but to reduce the force and hopefully the hurricane will dissipate naturally by itself.And Plenoptic the "oil slick would not really kill of wildlife because the amount could not be leathle to the wildlife plus it is not like there would be any wildlife living there in the first place because of the hurricane occcurance in the area.

  10. i want a fully modded forum on my web page and i have a certain template that i would like. Now that template is on the fully modded web page but you have to pay to use this template. What if i put in a normal template for phpbb2 what would the site look like? Should i change the template so the images match the ones of my template. Better yet can anyone point me to a site with free phpb2 fully modded web templates? If you would have any other alternative i would be willing to try it. I am at a loss as to what to do. :)

  11. Runescape(RS) has its ups and downs but unfortunatly its just how they make thier living it isalso is very popular among younger people who dont worry about graphics. If you play RS you obviously dont go playing for the graphics. It has lots of members and guides plus it has been around for a long time. I mean its just how things are you cant cjange them plus many people have said what you say about RS.

  12. I like the harry potter series my favorite so far is number 3, good stuff. You guys got any particulare favortie book. I think the series should continiue with like 10 books. I also saw the new movie which i realy liked, but they hevily modified it a lot :) but still i thought it seemed to turn out ok. I think J.K. Rowling should not have let ppl turn HP into a movie or make games as it takes the fun out of the book.

  13. By Chuck Gaydos


    Posted Image


    Suddenly, in the compartment across the aisle, a shot rang out! Most guns don't fire gradually, after all. The gunshot was followed by the sound of footsteps running toward the rear of the train. Police Inspector Forrest Peddler, who was was escorting his young nephew to a championship chess tournament, threw open the door of their compartment, but too late. The culprit had disappeared into the next car.


    In hot pursuit, the inspector finds only one occupied compartment in the next car. Its door is open and inside are two men sitting at a chess board. Charging in, inspector asks "Did either of you see someone run by here?" The startled men each denies seeing anyone, explaining that they've been concentrating intensely on their game before being rudely interrupted. "Liars!" shouts the inspector. "It doesn't take a grand master to see that the placement of the pieces on your board can't arise in a real game! This board has been set up in haste." Symbolically removing the kings from the board, he declares "Game over, gentlemen."


    Then inspector's nephew, on his way to play in the tournament, says "Wait, Uncle! I'm not so certain that you're right!"


    Where were the kings?


    PM if you have the answer and i will tell you if you are right. do not share your answer as to not spoil it for the rest of us.


    Good Luck and have fun!


    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Copied source http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Do not plagiarize. Do not copy and paste another article without use QUOTE tags. Warning issued.

  14. The one thing i hate is how many things use wifi but u need to be in a hot spot!

    I have found an article about this in Popular Science magazine:

    "I love the fact that more and more devices are sporting built-in Wi-Fithe Sony PSP, smartphones, even Kodaks EasyShare-One digital camera. The lone hitch: Wi-Fi is useless without a hotspot. Sure, thousands of spots are available, but few are free, and coverage is far from ubiquitous. What if you could marry the short-range power of Wi-Fi with the huge coverage areas of high-speed cellular services such as EV-DO to create a portable hotspot? You could use any Wi-Fi-enabled gadget anywhere youve got a cell signal. Play multiplayer games with friends in the park, or blog an event in real-time. Since EV-DO works at freeway speeds, you could even give Internet access to an entire road-trip caravan.
    Those are exactly the kinds of things you can do with the backpack below. Its secret ingredient: the Junxion Box. Plug a cellular-network card into the book-size open-source-based device, and voilŕinstant Wi-Fi hotspot, with speeds averaging around 700 kilobits per second. To power the box, I wired it to a 1.2-amp-hour battery and dropped both into the Voltaic Systems backpack, which has a built-in solar charger. Now I can surf for as long as three hours without being tethered to anything but a cell signal. The project isnt cheap, but prices for the components and service are sure to come down in the next year or so. In the meantime, you can find me in the hills around Southern California. Ill be the one surrounded by PSP-packing hikers."

    By Mike Outmesguine

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Use the QUOTE tags instead of quotes when sighting an article. Credit reduced.

  15. In the 1960s and 1970s many scientists explored technologies to zap strength from hurricanes but thier efforts we drowned because of the cost. With the tragedy of hurricane Katrina more mony has been put into the reaserch to battle weather/storms. It works like this:Make a "oil slick" for the hurricane on the water in its path. This will stop water from evaporating so the storm will weaken. This is hard to complete for the water will be blown at like 100 or so knots! The slick would most likely dissipate under such conditions.A different solution would be to have cargo planes drop water absorbant powder to soak up the water.I am going to look into this topic to see what i can find.If you have any questions post em.

  16. I have just found out that pop can be a sirius hazard! Every one knows that pop is not good for you because of the contents but....Coca-Cola or diet actually can become a highly poisiniuos drink when left in 87-some degrees for an hour. The chemicals with the heat and the carbination make a chemical reaction to make the poison. Plenty of people also use coca-cola as a cleaning solution because of the high acidity level.Pepsi contains high amounts of pepsin which rots stomach lining!All highly carbinated drinks(pop) can increase the risk of throat cancerNow i have no intention of getting dirt on any of these companies and thier products but i think it should be brought to thier attention! I do believe my findings are correct but i may be wrong.

  17. Well i don't know if you have seen the comercial for True Crime New York City. But this guy gets convicted for aggravated assult, armed robery, and like grand larcery or some think like that.So his scentence is to serve as a street cop for life. Now the question i have is that sentence in real life legal? I mean he could like run away, couldnt he?

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