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Everything posted by calkid

  1. personally, i have done nothing but leave my computer on ALMOST 24/7 since i've owned a computer(around 1984). i have never had a problem other than the fact a fan went out, then my motherboard caught on fire. now wether that had to do with leaving my computer on for so long or just a defect on my ibm noo name compatable i bought from a friend who sold them brand new, i don't know. it was under warrantee and got fixed, but if i wasn't home at the time to smell the smoke, god only knows what would have happened. i believe it had to do with a defective power supply or fan because since then, i begas to leave my comptuer on almost 24/7 and i have yet to have a problem for 10 years. there must be a reason why you asked this question though. a specific purpose maybe? are you planning on starting your own web hosting service, etc...? if you can tell us why and be more specific, maybe one can help more my only reason for leaving my computer on for days at a time is that i am lazy and hate to reboot and shut down all the time. the only thing i can say now other than what i have already said is that leaing ANYTHING on for ANY period of time will cause wear and tear. the more wear and tear you put on something, the sooner you will have to replace it. this should always be considered when you leave something on continuously. me, i will always leave my computer on almost 24/7 because i can get alot done in the 30 seconds it takes to boot and shut down my comptuer -aaron
  2. DreamCore,Nov 22 2005, 12:22 PM]I think if you are lucky then you may earn some little money max 10 bucks. And then I think thats there is no way to earn more money than that. And one thing too, evry time I have tryed to earn some money then I have faild as you. So I dont think that it easy to earn money on Internet. It much much better to get an easy job and earn much easier money than on the Internet. So this is what I think after my experience. Get a real job, beacuse its much much harder to earn than on the Internet. well, in fact it isn't that hard to earn money on the internet. the hard part(actually the time consuming part) is the research you need to do in order to make money online. you CAN make money puting ads on a webpage, you SHOULD NOT do that until you establish credibility on your website. credibility has to do with YOUR character as an individual AND the content you provide on your website. the lower your credibility, the lower the credibility of the visitors you attract to your website.there are only 2 ways you can make money on the internet and they BOTH have to do with advertising. you can either sell your own products and/or services, OR you can sell someone elses. if you plan to sell your own, plan on doing a lot of research in a product and/or service that you are going to offer, and most importantly, how you plan to market and advertise that product and/or service.if you plan to sell someone elses product/service, it's easier to do, but in most cases, you limit yourself in how much money you can make since you only make a percentage of the full selling price.my advice on someone trying to make money on the internet is to promote someone elses product or service until you feel comfortable enough to find your own. to find a product and service to promote, my advice is to go to clickbank.com and view all the products they have to offer anyone who wishes to promote them. that have MANY, but i would only concentrate on only the top 5 in any catagory since those are the ones that are selling and if they are selling, it means that there is a greater demand from others to purchase those products/services.once you have something you want to promote, i suggest doing a little research in how to promote it. you can directly promote it in emails, or you can promote it through a website you create, or, you can promote the website the product/service is hosted on. there are many ways to promote the product/service, so you just need to figure out how YOU will be promoting it. again, do your research. it's not that hard to find the resources you need to advertise and market something for FREE, but it does take time to research.you want to set small goals in how much you make at first until you are more comfortable in what you are doing. you will only get more comfortable until you do your research and see results. start out only wanting to make your first $100. after that, set a goal of $500 in any 1 month. once you reach that goal, set a goal of $200 a week and keep changing your goal once you reach a goal. in order to achieve ANY goal, you need to put in effort in the things you need to do to reach the goal. don't give up, don't get frustrated or you will NEVER reach your goals. think of it as a hobby or a game. in order to win any game, you have to play it right. in order to play it right, you have to understand the rules. make sure you know the rules(RESEARCH)!also remember that the internet is always changing with new products/services and the demands for them continuously change. when you have something in high demand now where in a year or so you aren't making much money from it anymore, you need to find other products/services to promote. use your brain and common sense.it doesn't matter if you are 80 or 10 years old. anyone can make money on the internet. don't let ANYONE tell you any different. the thing is, some people aren't cut out for it just like some people aren't cut out to draw/paint or compete in playing baseball in the major leagues.my advice to anyone is to figure out the abilities you were born with and go with it and never give up. do the things in life that make you happy and that incorporates your NATURAL abilities you were born with. if you can do that, life wont seem so hard and you will be happier in the long run. sometimes life isn't about making money, but enjoying what it has to offer.-aaron
  3. obviously not that much when someone with 15 posts under his belt posts a ridiculous post to not only get free web hosting, but people to join under him in his start page program which does NOT make much money the way it works is people put up a whole bunch of ads from compainies that pay for page views. you put them all in one page so you get paid for all of them at one time for each page view. you then join 10 or so start page programs( a program where you put your home page linking towards other memebers advertisements. for each couple pages, you view, you get 1 credit which shows your own page for each credit you racked up. the secret is to have people join below you because you hardly make JACK refreshing your browser 30 times a minute(while you have 10 tabs open...1 for each start page program you joined). you make the most money by recruiting suckers to spend 2 hours a day doing this. you can make money, but the problem is that people get burnt out doing that and eventually quit. since he relys on the credits earned by those he brought in, instead of making a whopping $10 a day, he will soon quit himself and start working at mcdonalds where he can earn even more money. please please please.....NOBODY be fooled by these people or the sucker programs they support. if you want to make $10 a day....then ignore this post because the majority wont ever make more than that visiting sonics webpage that has no content whatsoever and who wants to bring suckers in to believing they can make decent money. i've only been on this site for a few days now but i am sadened to see how a select few people are so eager to promote CRAP PROGRAMS and fooling people on Xisto. i believe the moderator here should become more active. btw- it's true that anyone went to the above link, you did make this guy some money.....probably less than a penny....so if that intrigues you, please ignore this post
  4. why would you promote a website that you had to annoy for 3 months just so they would live up to their end of the bargain? you did the right thing to hound them, but why promote them or do business with them again? i'm sure there are a lot easier ways to earn gifts and cash. i personally don't like the sites that offer gifts or cash because you need to sign up for offers or trials and most of them want you to start trial with your credit card. if you forget to cancel then you will be charged. or they require you to be on a mailing list and then just get spammed with offers you never wanted in the first place. it works for some people i guess because some money or gifts is better than nothing. if you want free gifts though, there are many compaines giving away free gifts just for requesting them. they make their money by putting you on a mailing list in hopes you will be from them in the future. look for THOSE offers. they are all over the place. i have recieved things for free with a worth around $20 while only paying a small shipping and handling. but i have an email dedicated to those free offers so i don't have to look at the mailing list they put me on. if you do your research, one can recieve at least a couple hundred dollars in free stuff per month(some offer free shipping) and if you want the cash, just put it up on ebay like you stated to make $50-$100 a month depending on shipping costs and price of biddings that takes a lot of time and effort though. my time is more valuable so i don't get the free stuff anymore. nor would i waste my time with ebay which is overpopulated and over rated. although you can make money in ebay, it's a very tricky business with ebay, i would say one is better off auctioning off things for very cheap to lead the viewers to your website. that way you can put THEM on a mailing list and resell them im the future. why pay for high listing prices if you can sell directly on your website also, ebay is double charging you through the final bidding cost+paypal payment....ebay i am sure will think of a way to triple charge their customers in the future. to each their own though. a lot of people are making money off ebay so i wont down 'm too much...there are easier ways tomake money though....
  5. can someone please explain how $500 a day would equal $1,000,000 in a year? now if what he was saying was true, then it would be impossible to make even $2,740 a day. and there would be no true millionaires in this country. if someone WAS a milionaire, they wouldn't know it because they don't know how to add. i read this thread wondering if there was any usefull information in this forum topic. i have come to the conclusion that there is NONE so far that i was able to read. i've been making money onine for two years through affiliate programs & adwords the affiliate programs were free to join and i recieved $100 in my adwords account for free when i signed up. so i had very little risk. i researched how adwords worked so i made the best use of the money in my account which took time. i read how to do this through an e-book. although you can rarely recieve a free $100 credit to a new adwords account, i have searched google and there are still $50 free adwords credit floating around. if people are looking for 2 tier free affiliate programs to join, you can join CLICK BANK and search the product you want to be affiliated with while earning a 25-50% on each sale. don't get suckered in by any fly by night scams. at the same time, if you don't take chances and risks, you will never know what your potential to earn online is. there should be a conservative and a risk taking balance. use your head and common sense. DO THE MATH and then make a wise, educated decision knowing the facts after you do your RESEARCH. i would never waste my time with clicking 500 times a day only to earn $10 and if i am unwilling, i would never count on any affiliates doing that either. fact is, most people are too lazy and impatient to make money on the net. they want to get rich quick and make money fast. most of the time when people domake money, it's not fast enough. with all the b.s. programs out there that people get suckered in to joining, i would agree and i feel sorry for those who put a legitimate effort in to something only to fail. their time is worth a lot more than that its very easy to get unmotivated trying to make money on the internet. that's why when you do finally join a money making program, you will have to learn how to motivate your affiliates to continue their hard work other ways to make money on the web is to find a product or service and advertise it on your website. you will need to build your website to cater to this product or service, then you will need to advertise to get people to come to your website. again, all this can be done for FREE. the internet is limitless to the potential. be creative, be business minded. it doesn't hurt to do your research and join a few mailing lists for a little bit of knowledge and training. these are also free. pick up some free e-books that float around on the web. FEED YOUR BRAIN, then put your knowledge to good use and ACTION don't have the mindset that you wil or even WANT to make $1000 a month when you first start out. set reasonable and realistic goals so you wont fail or become tired and unmotivated. when i started, i made $50 in my first money. that worked out to a little more than $1.50 a day. wooptidoo you say? it paid my internet connection and a night out one night. then i also had the tools and knowledge to not only repeat what i did, but double or even triple my money the next month. eventually, i was making 100 times that $50 a month. wooptidoo? now it was paying for everything i needed and it took me less than a year to accomplish it. i am now making $0 per month due to an extensive move to missouri from california and i didn't have time to run my adwords account. i am now going back to the basics and learning how to design a website to promote what i plan to have on it. i am learning online advertising and keep upodated on search engine optimizations. i try to search out cheap or free leads to target visitors towards my website when it is complete. i saved a good chunk of money and can stop working for a year just to do this and build another business back up slowly. if anyone joins another pay per click program or paid to read email or paid to surf program after reading this, you deserve to never make any more money than $100 a month doing just that. in fact, most people who join those programs make a lot less than that. i should know because i was one of them 10 years ago when paid to read and surf were just starting to become big. it sounded like a no brainer for free money so i joined. there were better ways to earn.....EARN money and i found a few. i plan to be an active community member and possible get to know a few of you hopefully and i don't want to see people follow and join programs that will not make you money but will only make money for those who started the program. affiliate programs as well as mlm programs have a potential of success if you join the right ones and follow a program within that program by setting goals and turning your knowledge in to action. you don't gain knowledge by guessing and assuming. you gain knowledge by RESEARCH and following people who ARE making money. follow THEM rather than listen to people making $10 a week in a pay to surf program trying to get others to make $10 a week with them. when you have no money any trying to make money, you can succeed in doing just that, but don't ever plan to trade ALL your time only to make a measly $100 a month and being happy about it. if you think LONG TERM as you should, you will make very little in the short run, but within a year, you just may be able to generate an income you can be proud of. can you wait that long? can you make long term and short term goals for yourself? are you able to keep motivated enough to not get burnt out from frustration? do you have a mentor? do you know how to do proper research for all the tools you need? making money with no money is not easy. some people will sell that idea to you but it's not. it's how i got started though and it's how i succeeded. when i did make the chump change at first, i kept feeding it in to my business while working a fulltime job making what i needed to pay rent and food and bills gas and hoing out once a week etc.... i never invested any hard earned money. i was too afraid to lose it knowing all the scams out there. do you have any questions on how to start the process in making money online? post your questions. i wont take you by the hand, but i can be a guide and it would be up to you to put in the hard and dedicated efforts to succeed in your efforts -aaron
  6. a good lecture in business? i majored in it. my father was a stock broker for 45 years so i know the histories of certain businesss when i've done my research before i invested in them. i've also had a successfull online business WITHOUT a website for over two years now. i put my money where my mouth is and don't talk about things i don't have knowledge about. currently, while billy says he's not afraid of google being competition, i will bet money he is paying millions to watch googles every move(which would also be illegal but hard to prove) but is also why martha stewert went to jail...another criminal(collecting information that you are not allowed to use to make money off of... while collecting information is NOT illegal why materials like the anarchist cookbook was never banned reading etc...). gates has always been after for himself, not his stockholders. although he makes a couple decent products, i am hoping google steps out and diversifies into more offline stuff(os's and programing) to comepte further with microsoft which is the only company right now that can come close in doing so without the threat of being bought out by microsoft. before i graduated from high school, i recomended to my father to buy in to microsoft. this was 20 years ago when microsoft was a nothing company and just starting to hit the papers. my father never took my advice and i had no money to invest unfortunately. as far as hackers being relevant, it's relevant when he hired mainly criminals like he turned out to be....people who were in to hacking in to computer systems or cracking copywrited software. most of the people he hired were his friends or people he knew. these criminals ended up to be millionaires, never to be caught or prosecuted for their past illegal activities. now these so called "nerds" and "hackers" can get any materialistic woman they want...long past the days when they were leaving their computer on over night, running their hacker programs to generat 10-20 calling card #'s(when they were only 5-6 digits back then) or cracking popular software programs only to make a name forthemselves with their sig page.....you know those people. the gates hired these criminals just like the united states government did. it was good business by both, but the popularity of both would greatly decrease if it was openly knowledgable that they that these two instituations hired FELONS. now- to drag in the original topic of these posting, i can say that the only money microsoft will be giving away is to non profit charitable institutions for tax write offs. not for the benefit for the people but the company itself.....or giving away quarterly dividends to encourage more people to buy their stock in hopes it will rise even more to be considered an even more conservitive stock to support their future illegal activities and court costs while still trying to fool their stock holders in to believing that companies like google are no competition. -aaron Notice from mayank: corrected the BB codes
  7. if someone is going to make a form posting on what i saw 10 years ago, i will make light of it which is exactly what i did. i use microsoft products and can't argue with the business techniques of microsoft....in fact i am using xp right now i understood what you meant on points 1 and 3, but if you don't understand what i meant by hackers and who built microsoft(it wasn't bill gates) then you don't know much about the history of microsoft. my point was valid while making light of a post. bill gates is a billionaire. he can afford to take risks and get sued. microsoft is FAR from an unconservative co. to invest in and is in no way a threat to going out of business but the stock CAN drop SEVERAL points from his unethical business practices which are illegal here in the united state which can literally force a person to sell their shares(which in fact causes stock to drop even more where others are forced to sell) to save as much as i can without having to risk it dropping even more. since microsoft is considered a conservitive stock, people don't like to see it fluctuate that much. now what don't you understand about that and the fact that bill gates is a criminal who has been found guilty in the court of law, who has been fined and ordered to change his business practices? what does this have to do with making money? absolutely nothing. it was inresponse to your post which had nothing to do with the topic. MY first reply was in regards to a making money SCAM which was ON TOPIC.
  8. i wouldn't put ANY advertisers ads on your site until you are getting a high amount of visitors per day(at the bare minimum 1000). it does you no good. you wont be making much from it and your site will look tacky with advertisors crap on it. even when your getting a bunch of visitors per day(lets say 2000), you have to be carfull where to place the ads.some people consider them a turnoff so make sure you're smart with it. give you an example, i just had a free hosting account on a website that had no ads, then it put a banny at the top, THEN it put google adsense below the banner. SEEYA! they no longer will have my potential business. if i feel this way, i know many others do as well. incorporate that in to your business practice if you plan to put up advertising space. again, you will attract more visitors with no google ads at first. gain the visitors first, THEN carefully place your google ads, you will lose potential click throughs in the future, but you have enough click throughs to make an extra $400 a month i don't know if i explained this right....sometimes what is in my head doesn't come out clear when i write it haha but just follow that advice and you'll do fine....even if you don't understand the "why's" -aaron
  9. blogs are one of the best tools nowadays to rank well. you just have to submit it properly and always be adding fresh content. there are MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of webpages out there. many of them search for free content to put on their own sites. once your blog is submitted properly, your blog will be seen. if they decide to copy it, they are copying your sig which includes a link to your site. don't give up so quickly on getting a higher page rank with your blog.....only if you don't keep adding fresh and relevant content -aaron
  10. your links within your page sure DO count. a lot of things count and you need to incorporate everything that DOES count in order to rank well and stay there. to master just one area of trading links is not good. look at all the top 10 ranking people had a month ago. where are they? they were the ones concentrating on only trading as many links as they could. they aren't in the top 10 in google anymore an easy way to get people to link to you without linking back to them is to continuously adding fresh content to your pages or offering things for free that few people offer. others like to link to those pages. be creative. it doesn't hurt i can have a website linked to 1000 other website within a month. it will boost my page rank, but i wont be in the top 10 with that strategy..... if people are using this strategy, what i would do is to eventually start deleting the lower page ranked sites from my own site and only concentrate on the higher page ranked sites that link back to me. links can hurt as much as they can hurt. if you don't believe me, start watching google more closely(as you should be doing already)
  11. link trading is easy, but a time consuming process. go to google and enter your key words or your competitors key words and do several searches. take only the top 10 results, visit their sites, write the webmaster to trade links with you. link trading mainly involves using link pages which i don't suggest. you may have seen them. they are pages DEDICATED to only links that were traded. my suggestion in trading links is to incoporate the links you trade in to the content on your web pages and ask for the same in return from whoever you are trading with. this way, google(who loves seeing relevant links) will determine the links to be more relevant thus getting a higher page rank for each and every link ARELIS is a good link trading program. i suggest downloading the demo version and if you like it, purchase it. it will find the relevant websites for you and even email ALL the webmasters for you. if they accept, all you have to do from there is add a link to your site manually and make sure the other webmaster did the same. hope this post helped.... -Aaron
  12. it's a lot of trial an error, but there are a lot of things you can do. the basics are title/description/keywords/first top 1/4 of your page to include your keywords /description/title. don't choose keywords that 1,000,000 websites are competing for. go for the less competition keywords and incorporate 1-2 on several pages of your website and optimize your pages according to your keywords and description. when you submit to a search engine, the major ones take 3 months to add you but there are ways to get added faster without paying for that service. the best way is to link to a high page ranked site. when a search engine going to that site, it will spider ALL the links including your newly added one. some search engines like google prefer this method over submiting your sight manually or automatically using a program. google is the dominate search engine and will continue to dominate the industry. more and more people are turning to google rather than yahoo to do their searches so more people will be looking at your ad on google which will lead to a better potetial click through rate assuming you have a top listing on all engines. only problem is, google doesn't use the basic criteria for page rank as other search engines do. one thing you can do that google LOVES besides relevant links linking back to your site is to include a blog or rss feed for fresh content, or CREATE YOUR OWN. the more weekly fresh content the better your site will rank. if you creat your site and leave it alone, it wont do well at all with google unless you have a lot of relevant fixed links on other websites with high page rankings linking back to your site. you can pay for these links for $50 or so a month which adds up to 5,000 dolars a month(whew!) or you can try trading links with other relevant and high ranking websites(long and tedious but well worth the time) you can always get in the top 10 with google adwords, but that again costs money and i don't suggest it for a beginner learning how to drive traffic because too many mistakes can be made where you can lose all your money in your account in a very short period of time. try downloading a demo version of ibp or another search engine optimization program and it walks you through some of the basic steps. you learn a lot that way and can boost your page rank while your at it. if you concentrate on keywords that get only 10,000 searches a month and can get in the top 10 and only 1% click on your ad, you will get 100 people per month for each key word. may not seem like a lot, but if you have 10 pages with 2 key words a piece, that will drive 2,000 TARGETED hits a month on the example figures above. if 1% of those hits buy something of your website for $50, that's $1,000 in extra sales. make more pages with different keywords to easily double that figure....keep adding more to keep making more. once you have a lot of traffic coming in, it's a good idea to incorporate google adsense to make another $500 a month from. some people only create personal web pages, but if you are trying to get a high ranking for a personal home page, you might as well try to add an extra $200 a month from a free home page while your at it. who couldn't use an extra $2400 dollars a year. after the time you spend, it's free money. if you only make $20 your first month, duplicate your efforts to make $40 a month the next month. eventually it adds up to something significant($240 a month after a year) if you want to make money through your website, don't think big at first wanting to buy a new car, but just paying for your cable or dsl account first, then set higher goals.... if anyone has any questions, i am happy to answer them either in the forums or email here. i have read a lot of misconceptions here on this topic that others shouldn't be reading and falling for certain mentalities like domain names being an important factor in rankings. your best bet for domain names is to come up with a catchy name that people will remember. amazon.com didn't rank well for it's domain name, but the name itself that people recognized for 100's of years. also, don't think that if you have good keywords and a good description and title will automatically put you in the top 10 as i was reading before this post. that is far from the truth unless you have VERY obscure keywords that nobody searches for. search engine rankings is a science. there are many theories but only 1 truth to rank #1. only trial and error and patience will get you to #1.....or even the top 10 for that matter. there are a lot of factors invloved. combine them all to eventually get the ranking you want.
  13. lyon has a good point that i want to expand on. google uses RELEVANCY in determining page rank rather than keywords and descriptions within your metatags. when optimizing your site, each search engine has different algorythms to determine page rank and you can rarely please them ALL. use cross links and FRESH CONTENT to your site to please google...for other sites, keywords and a short description tag that incorparates your most relevant key words is your best bet. also, make sure you have your keywords written within your first few paragraphs at the top of your page. it is said that the spiders only read the first 1/4 of your site to determine how relevant it is before moving on to other pages as far as keywords vs. linking.... have you ever done a search and viewed the source of the top 10 searches only to find no description or keywords within metatags? why did they get a top 10 ranking? if you don't know the answer yet then you weren't reading my posts
  14. bill gates never earned each of his pennies. he had volunteer hackers to do most of his work and then paid them off handsomely after taking all the credit. now that he has money, he buys up all his competition and reaps the rewards...excuse me....MICROSFT does this. billy hides behind the corporation so he's not the one losing millions. the stock holders are.
  15. what do i have to lose??? well if i believed in that letter i just saw, i would have everything to lose. that same letter was used 10 years ago. it's a chain letter. the only difference between this one and a typical chain letter is that you aren't going to have bad luck, and you aren't going to make any money. it was though. a successfull attempt to see how gullible people were. i think when i first saw this letter, microsoft stock was at $1..... now THAT is something i regret not buying!
  16. do you know of a good refresh script that will refresh after a certain amount of seconds or minutes? or is there a way to perform a script directly through a browser to refresh a determined amount of seconds or minutes Notice from jlhaslip: edit to repair end of quote tag mising
  17. who has gotten a check from google from their adsense account? i am wondering if it stated how many clicks to get a certain amount of $. anyone know the average price per click google offers adsense members?
  18. some people believe there are no rules in the game of love and war. i disagree because that is the kind of guy i am. if i feel i am doing something that will be "sad" to others, i just don't do it. we live in a world about how we treat others in a positive or negative way and how others treat us in a positive and negative way. i don't believe to much in cliches(sp) but patience really is a virtue. if you have no patience in this life, you wont go through the learning experiences that you are expected to go through to become a better person. i say be happy with what you have and don't dwell on what you don't have. and you certainly don't get anywhere in life disrespecting others for selfishness. i'm not much for the outdated propoganda the bible has to offer either, but i do believe in doing unto others as you would want them to do unto you. bottom line pal, it IS sad, so don't do it.
  19. you have nothing to *BLEEP* about unless you ever tried connecting to the internet with a 300 baud modem but since this almost the year 2006, i will show you how to afford broadband...for me in the past, i had 2 phone lines. one for calls and one dedicated for the internet. my internet was costing me $20 for the phone and $23 for aol. broadband for me cost less than $43 so switching was actually cheaper for me.if you need an extra $30 a month, why don't you create a free wesite here that they offer, find a cheap product you can sell, setup a free paypal account for billing and sell 30 items a month for $1 each or 1 item per month for $30 eachhoping you don't live in the back woods somewhere where they don't offer anything but dialup. if so, maybe we should make plans for your funeral because there is no hope for you.....but then....that would cost money to
  20. if the world was perfect and we had nothing to *BLEEP* about, the world would be a boring place would it not? i've hated many jobs in my life but never *BLEEP*ed about them. why? because i chose to work there.what i really hate is when people *BLEEP* frivously about the little things. now if i can just train and convince my g/f not to *BLEEP* and stress me out about little crap, *I* would be a much happier guy! <buying a beer for any guy who knows what i am talking about who need one>
  21. i happened to find this site on google and it took me directly to this forum topic. being a self taught programer/hacker since age 16(i'm now 37), it automatically interested me and read all posts and decided to become a member just for the usefull tips (and other forum topics).here's the funny thing. being outdated in my technical knowledge for the last 10 years and just starting to build my first website, i was talking to my girlfriend today at 8am about my progress on my website. i had told her that i wished i knew a way to update my links easier than doing it manually for each page(i realized QUICKLY that i needed to organize my links from the start or this will be a tedious task in the future).low and behold....what did i find within this forum topic? hmmmm you guessed it.although i am still in the relearning phase here and decided to keep things simple for now, i'm amazed i found a topic that i was earlier talking about off the net only 3 hours earlier.i applaud the efforts of all who have made this forum full of usefull content.btw- i searched goodle with "top 10 free web hosts no ads". i wasn't even searching for the answer to my question. interesting how things work out sometimes*** KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK ***-aaron
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