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Posts posted by M6NEN

  1. Hi Yordan,

    I think I did find a solution, and as far as I am aware it was most probably due to bootstrp and/or jQuery needing an update.

    I did update both and the problem seemed to have gone.


    That is the thing, of course, when your website is up and running and you don't need to add anything for a while.

    Although, sometimes, with widgets that websites offer you, you have to be a bit careful too sometimes they don't update their code for ages andnit gets obsolete, mainly due to Javascript and/or jQuery getting more modern et al.


    Anyway, I'm glad I've got it working now.

    Thank you for stepping in anyway.


  2. Yes, 

    Hello, Yordan.

    I was intending to do the same, but I have been so extremely busy lately that it completely slipped my mind. ?

    A bit late (but where I come from they say New Year lasts the whole month, so....).

    So, I hereby wish Yordan and everyone else involved here a very happy and prosperous 2020.

    (I certainly hope to have a better one than I had last year).

    See you folks soon.


  3. Hi everyone,

    I have a tricky one here.

    I have a widget I placed on a site, which, as usual, comprises a few lines of HTML and a line of Javascript.

    It is a widget through which people can send requests to a radio station, and then it shows whether your request went through, or failed (in case the requested song does not exist in the repertoire list of the radio), in which case it emails the request to the radio station.

    This is the HTML:

    <form class="cc_request_form" data-username="ckhnsbvf">
    <div data-type="result"></div>
    Song artist: <input type="text"  name="request[artist]" size="40" maxlength="127" /><br />
    Song title: <input type="text"  name="request[title]" size="40" maxlength="127" /><br />
    Bestemd voor: <input type="text"  name="request[dedication]" size="40" maxlength="127" /><br />
    Your name: <input type="text"  name="request[sender]" size="40" maxlength="127" /><br />
    Uw e-mail adres: <input type="text"  name="request[email]" size="40" maxlength="127" /><br />
    <input type="button" value="Verstuur aanvraag" data-type="submit" /><br />

    And this is the Javascript:

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://solid33.streamupsolutions.com:2199/system/request.js"></script>

    As usual, the Javascript is supposed to be inserted just before the </body> tag.

    So far, so good, now for the issues: to begin with, I had to change the "http:" in the Javascript to "https:", or nothing would work.

    Then, the widget started working intermittently, and now, it does not seem to do anything, except when you send a failed request, it shows your request went through sucessfully.

    There is one more suspicion I have: the site in question uses Bootstrap (CDN version), would it be possible the Javascript conflicts with JQuery or something?

    Before the </body> tag there is this reference to JQuery *which comes immediately after the Javascript for the widget):

    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.slim.min.js" integrity="sha384-J6qa4849blE2+poT4WnyKhv5vZF5SrPo0iEjwBvKU7imGFAV0wwj1yYfoRSJoZ+n" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/popper.js@1.16.0/dist/umd/popper.min.js" integrity="sha384-Q6E9RHvbIyZFJoft+2mJbHaEWldlvI9IOYy5n3zV9zzTtmI3UksdQRVvoxMfooAo" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    <script src="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.4.1/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384-wfSDF2E50Y2D1uUdj0O3uMBJnjuUD4Ih7YwaYd1iqfktj0Uod8GCExl3Og8ifwB6" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

    I have also tried to put the widget Javascript after the above, no difference.

    Does any of this make any sense or has anyone come across this before?

    The widget can be seen working on https://www.vlaamseradio.tk/verzoek.html it is the form near the bottom.

    Any help will be very much appreciated.


  4. OK,

    I have done it.

    No problem with the system having slowed down, it seems to have picked up a bit of speed even.

    However, I do not see any difference with the previous build, no new features or anything, but also, there have not been any crashes or nothing has been grinding to a halt.


    So, hopefully (touch wood) they have ironed out the bugs that were left in 1903 and given us a stable drop of juice now.


  5. I see you have already downloae it, then.

    I have, advised by Britec's video. waited so far.

    However, I was (am) under the impression that all unnecessary features (or features you do not need) can be removed from Windows.

    I guess the best bit is to upgrade myself and check it out.

    And, do not forget to read the document from Microsoft telling people about the fixes and issues, it contains some useful information.

    I'll be in touch later.

    By the way, nice talking to you again, Yordan.

    Kind regards.



  6. Hi folks,

    it is this time of year again.

    Microsoft is coming with another upgrade for Windows 10 again.

    This one is called Windows 10 version 1909.

    We all know new versions of Windows  are usually buggy, as Microsoft cannot be bothered to test them thoroughly and always release them to soon, but this time I have found some further explanations and some good advice on whether or not to upgrade yet, and how to usually act in case of a new upgrade of Windows 10.

    See for yourself and have a look at this Youtube clip: 

    I think it is very informative and shows you a few things about previews, checking for existing bugs, what to do and not to do and more.

    Take a look and see for yourselves.

    Have fun. ?

  7. 1 hour ago, yordan said:

    Could you please tell us a little bit more about this story? How did you perform the update and how did it fail ? Did you click the update part in the windows admin tool and the update started and failed?

    Or did you download the iso from Microsoft, burn the DVD, mounted the DVD and clicked "update", and it failed?

    Or did a fresh install of the 1903 version fail?


    Fairly simple.

    I just used the well-known Windows Update feature.

    When I did, all went well with "Getting things ready" and partly "Downloading" but then I got one of the (in)famous 08x0..... errors, a few different ones.


    However, now it has worked, but I must admit, I don't see any huge differences really, although it seems to run smoothly, no major (or any other, for that matter) problems encountered (yet).

    I did read that they withheld it for a while because of a serious bug, though (see a previous post).


    Anyway, so far, so good, although I wonder if it was worth the effort.


  8. Well, as far as I can see now (that is just my two cents, though), the 1903 seems to have been fixed now.

    However :D , I have tried to download and install it a few times today, and gues what?

    The update keeps failing. ?

    Anyway, I will be patient and take things as they come, we'll see what happens, won't we?

    Let's say Microsoft can be a bit "unpredictable".


  9. In another topic here, we have been extensively talking about the Windows 10 1809.

    They are soon expecting version 1903, which is supposed to be "the best and most stable version ever".

    However, on Tuesday (today), a patch came out (not the new version, just a patch), which, again, can cause you a lot of headache and misery.

    I posted this just to warn you and to give you a way to solve the problem should you download (or have downloaded) the patch.

    If you run into problems, just check out this video and have a life without worries again.

    Hope I have helped people with this.

    To the others: Please wait with downloading this patch for now.

    There is further information about this in the video too.


  10. 33 minutes ago, yordan said:

    Yes, precisely.

    I must confess that I don't really feel this as a real problem, because I usually don't use Microsoft edge, except when another software needs an answer having to be entered in a "edge-like" window. In that case, the workaround is to simply type "ctfmon" in a cmd command-line window :)

    Well, I don't use all that doodoo ? neither.

    But I am just curious what will happen when we get the new major update.

    I guess it will be a laugh a minute again.


  11. 33 minutes ago, yordan said:

    By the way, my own problem is still not solved.

    Probably have to wait until the next major update, supposed to be available in may ?

    Is that the one about the inability to type properly in Microsoft Edge?

    This has a bit of a familiar ring to me, and I seem to have a cure in the back of my mind somewhere, but it is getting it out of there that is the real problem.

    Also, as you said, we might have to wait until the major update this month, the existing bugs may well have been ironed out, but we will have reason to swear and curse again (most probably :D ) because of the new ones we will find in there.

    I tried a refresh of Windows 10, not only did it NOT cure the problem, it also gave me the message that "re-installing Windows 10 had failed".

    That was all I got and that will have to do according to the Gates' boys.

    Well, let's wait and see what other (unpleasant) surprises the Seattle gang will have in store for us in the very near future.


  12. Oh yes, I did.

    The first place to look would obviously be the manufacturer of both the OS and the other software.


    But, then again, you know Mr. Gates' company, don't you?

    They offer you troubleshooters which you run for 15 minutes and which then come up with "Windows could not identify the problem".

    Same thing, they offer you solutions to problems, and after you have implemented them either nothing has cahnged, or, nothing has changed and something else has broken along the line.


    But, yes, for the sheer fun of it, I did follow the steps they described.

    Thank you anyway.


  13. Now that you mention it, yordan: it does indeed.

    I hadn't even thought that far.

    However, I find that a bit of a clumsy solution, but, hey ho, it works.

    I just wish there was a way I could put my MS Office folder back in All Programs without having to do a complete re-install.

    Oh, by the way, Happy easter to you and all the other forum members.

    Don't get sick from eating too many Easter eggs.


  14. There is something else I have noticed very recently, although I am not sure whether or not it has something to do with the 1809 upgrade.


    My folder for Microsoft Office has disappeared from the All Programs list, the funny thing is, all my programs (Word, Excel, Outlook, Access.....) still work, but every time I have to go digging into \C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Blahblahblah to run one of the Office components. (Unless of course, if I am opening a program like a doc(x) file or the likes, then it obviously opens with the correct program).


    I know you can create shortcuts to all those programs on your desktop, but I don't really want to clutter my desktop needlessly, and the option "Add to start" does not make any difference, so, the only option would be to re-install Windows Office, which I don't really fancy.

    I was wondering if there is an optional cure for the problem.

    If anyone knows if a) it is Win10 1809 related and/or b) Knows a cure for the problem

    Please give me a shout.


  15. 9 minutes ago, yordan said:

    Simply, sometimes you can't avoid using Microsoft things, that's why I'm mentioning this problem. I was simply surprised seeing that occurring after an update.

    Yes, that is 100% correct.

    That is why I mentioned the issue about the settings.

    Also, that is why I am not familiar with the settings in those programs, as I only use them once in a blue moon.

    Hope you find what you're looking for, and if you do, please let us know, will you?

    Thank you in advance.


  16. 1 minute ago, yordan said:

    OK, it's not a real keyboard problem. My keyboard works for almost everything, except Microsoft Edge address bar and Cortana search bar.  So, it's not a keyboard detection problem, it's simply a cftmon process problem. cftmon is in charge of some language features, so you probably never had them if your main language is English.

    Ah, OK.

    That changes (or, might change) matters a bit.

    As I don't use Microsoft's rubbish browsers (as I indicated in an earlier post) I am not (or hardly) familiar with the settings involved, but are you sure you have not missed (or misconfigured) something int Microsoft Edge's or Cortana's settings?

    It is easily done sometimes as little things or boxes to tick or whatever can be easily overlooked, and, to be quite honest, some settings can easily lead to confusion.

    It might be worth double checking there, I would say.


  17. 15 minutes ago, yordan said:

    The big update today did not solve the keyboard problem. So, let's wait and see, maybe the next one will do the job.

    By the way, it seems to be a problem within the update process itself. Installing a fresh 1809 version did not lead to such keyboard problem. So, clearly the problem occurs when a keyboard works perfectly on an onld windows 10 version sees a new version arriving and stops working on some programs.

    I am really surprised to read all that.

    I never had any keyboard problems after doing the upgrade.

    However, it is not unheard of that different people experienced different problems with the same Windows upgrades.

    I wonder if it had something to do with Microsoft neglecting to test the different architectures, motherboards, CPUs and what not on different machines.

    That is about the only logical explanation I can think of, how else could you explain exactly the same Operating System causing different problems (or none) for different users?

    The great misteries of Microsoft maybe?


  18. 2 minutes ago, yordan said:

    A couple of years ago, it was possible to stop the update process, and wait a little bit until all the bugs were fixed.

    You can still turn off the auto update in Windows 10.

    Windows Key+R (Or right-click=>run), type gpedit.msc and click OK.

    Then go to Computer Configuration >Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update.

    On the left in Configured Automatic Updates, select "Disabled", click Apply and OK.

    This should turn Automatic Updates off.


    Worth giving it a try, I would say.


  19. 3 hours ago, yordan said:

    Precisely. Not all the available programs are there, and if you don't see "Nero" for example, that does not mean that the software is not installed and ready to be used. The previous Windows versions had a button "all progs" showing all the available softwares, and not only the most probably used ones.

    For instance I don't know if Skype is installed, skype is not listed in that menu, I ask cortana who shows me there the Skype icon is hidden.


    Another surprise you got me into.

    (Oliver Hardy would have said "That's another fine mess you got me into." ?).

    I don't know, you must have a haunted PC or something, because all my installed programs appear in my list.

    However, I do remember a time when that wasn't the case too.

    I must admit, though, there was a reason for that, which I can, for the life of me, not remember.


    However, it is a fact that some things have to be ironed out, although, have you ever known it any different at Microsoft?

    They keep throwing things on the market before they are ready and properly tested.

    Microbug would be a good name (I am not going to post the name I gave them here ?).

    Anyway, let's see what the next upgrade throws at us.


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