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Posts posted by zenia

  1. How to get a free website with a subdomain name at Xisto.com






    Sending a ticket is almost always a good thing to do.

    The response time of the hosting company is very fast.


    Beside sending a ticket this site might give some more information:




    The things to do are:

    First register in the billing area.

    Use the same email like the email that is used to register in the forum

    This makes sure the credits will appear in the account in the billing area.

    Here are links to the billing area.






    The instructions state:


    On the next screen choose I will update my nameservers on an existing domain Or I will register a new domain if you want to apply with our sub-domain name. If you have your own domain name or would like to purchase one, choose other appropriate selection and continue.


    If you are choosing one of our sub-domain names please follow this step carefully. After selecting I will update my nameservers on an existing domain Or I will register a new domain enter your desired sub-domain name in the SECOND field followed by entering Xisto.com or Xisto.com extension in the THIRD field.

    The tric is to chose the third option.

    And the second part of the tric is to chose a name for the subdomain and to write this name of the subdomain in the first field.

    The third part of the tric is to write the main part of the subdomain name in the second emtpy field.


    In this second window can be written the main part of the subdomain name like:


    # yourname.elugs.com

    # yourname.tuckie.com

    # yourname.creativeriots. com

    # yourname.protectgaea.com

    # yourname.xysis.net

    # yourname.trap17. net

    # yourname.astahost.net

    # yourname.antilost.com


    So in the first window the first part of the subdomain name is written.

    In the second window the second part of the subdomain name is written.

    This is the part that comes after the dot. And with dot is meant the sign like this: .

    The last part of the subdomain name needs to be typed in the second window too.

    So .com and .net need to be written in the second window too.

    So suppose this subdomain name is chosen:



    so elephant is written in the window at the left.

    and xysis.net is written in the window at the right site of the screen.


    Please tell what is done.

    When the efforts and activities that are done are put in a post it is more easy to understand what is done wrong.

    And that makes it more easy to try to suggest solutions in order to order a subdomain name.


    There are at least asta$ 2,-- needed for the first application for a free website during 1 month.



    Posted Image


    The first part of the subdomain name is written in the window with arrow 5.

    The second part of the subdomain name is written in the window with arrow 6.

    The usual last part of the subdomain name .com and .net are written in the window with arrow 6 too.


    Using the name of the example the name elephant is written in window 5.

    The part of the name of the new website xysis.net are written in the window with the number 6.


    Please feel free to ask more questions when any problem arizes.

    Maybe there will be answers given in the forum.

  2. (....)For instance why XFactor "UK" ? This makes people think that people watching XFactor out of UK are stupid.

    Several countries have their own TheXFactor. So the United States of America for instance have their own tv show called TheXFactor. To make clear this topic is about the show as running at the moment in the United Kingdom this is especially added to the title.

    (...)And the poll has no real opening toward people who even don't know what XFactor is.

    The description of the content of the show came later.

  3. To be honest , i don´t like them i don´t watch them , i don´t want loose my time with such tv show , all is about advertising , viewers rates and money.Just a honest opinion.

    Almost any reply is appreciated.

    And the opinion that scouting tv shows are made just to earn money using innocent amateurs who don't earn anything for their coöperating for the show can be worthfull too.


    It seems 12.000.000 people voted for 1 of the last episodes of Britain's got talent.

    This can mean lots of people like to participate.

    And this can mean that the show is popular.

    This can also mean that lots of money is earnt by the makers and the tv station.


    Some people got rich by joining a contest.

    It seems Paul Potts is travelling all over the world with his opera songs.



    Posted Image




    And it seems Susan Boyle, the lady who amazed last year, got 1.000.000 british pounds in advance for the expected sellings of her first cd.


    Posted Image

  4. Positive.

    The new movie will be The Hobbit.

    It will be the prequel of the 'Lord of the Rings'-trilogy.


    The costs are estimated on $ 670.000.000,--.


    After two days of talks with Hollywood executives, New Zealand Prime Minister John Key announced that his government had reached a deal with Warner Bros. to shoot the prequel to the "Lord of the Rings" films in the country.

    The Source




    John Key


    Posted Image

  5. The art of making a back up is making a decision between the efforts that can be made to save files and data, the estimated possibility that a disaster can happen and the easiness that the user wants to behave with.The disasters can be described like fire, earthquake, water flood. terroristic bomb attacks, car accidents, theft and burglary, human fooliness and technical disabilities. This can be compared against the possible measurements that can be taken in order to save the files from being lost by one of these accidents.So the task is to decide against which possible accident the user wants to protect the files, taken in account the costs and the budget, the preciousness of the data and the efforts that the user wants to make to protect the files against possible lost.

  6. It was a distracting and severe problem.It is impossible to edit the text when the cursor is invisible.And it was not possible to move the cursor through the text too.So the quality of the text, the punctiation and the grammar were severely influenced by the technical issue.At least 1 other member posted about this problem too.This shows that it is not a matter of the computer.The solution proved to be very simple.Actually it turned out that making this topic caused to get to know the solution to make the cursor visible.And it seems and it is expected that it is more easy to make better posts when the cursor is visible.So after all this topic and the answers and replies have shown to be very helpfull.So almost all contributions of all contributors to this topic are very much appreciated.

  7. The easy way to use html




    A fixed example


    The easy way to use html is probably using a template.

    With a template is ment a file that contains the main parts of a html page.

    This can be a simple text file saved by wordpad.

    Another simple text editor can be used to.

    The template contains the basic needs for a website.

    These can be:


    The information about the used html edition.

    The parts to write the title of the website.

    The references.

    Space for the title of the content.

    Space for the content.

    The closing tags.


    It seems impossible to show an example of a template in this forum. The server and the browser see the template like instructions for a website. So the template is not shown in a post.


    When a template is stored in the computer it can be used each time to make a new website.

    All that is needed to do is to change the necessary elements like the title and the references and the title of the content and the content.

  8. Talent scout shows on televison







    It seems the popularity of talent scout shows on the television started with Idols. Talent scout contests are very old. The usual procedure is that an amount of singers perform. They are all amateurs. After the performances the judges deliberate in private. After that the winner is announced.


    Some new elements of nowadays contests are that the performer hears the judges' comment right away after the performance. And a new element on television is that the comments of the judges can be very nasty. Another new element is that people who can't sing are shown on television.



  9. Another example happened on a company near ours.



    On the industrial zone where I work, every business complex maintains their own power generating building. One sunny day, we get a red alert that 2 50mega watts power generator machine is about to blow and they cannot stop it. The computer maintaining them are full loaded with antivirus and monitoring was down. These generators are overheating without any technician knowing it.


    We are then forced to stop work and immediately pack our 600 barrels of 2-propanol (modified Isopropyl alcohol)


    The defective generators won't affect us but the heat radiation it will cause if it blows will ignite our stock of 2-propanol (IPA).




    Another one happened on a user doing banking on his computer, his computer got infected by opening an email and letting it load an image that is binded with a virus (see "virus images on email"). His entire deposit got wiped out and transfered to a bogus bank account on the other side of the globe.




    A friend it Vietnam had his harddisk entirely useless as the virus he got from viewing a shaddy website issued a random disk write and low level format on random disk sectors. All his research files and work files got lost.



    The list is still pretty long, infact you may be wasting at least a month knowing all the common possible damage it can cause you. And this all happen due to an absence of an antivirus and viewing or opening an email from shaddy website/persons.

    A comment to this post is written in this topic about the need of making a back up.


    Topic about backups

  10. This quote is taken from the topic about the update of Firefox.


    This topic shows the need of making a back up of files that are considered to be precious.


    Another example happened on a company near ours.



    On the industrial zone where I work, every business complex maintains their own power generating building. One sunny day, we get a red alert that 2 50mega watts power generator machine is about to blow and they cannot stop it. The computer maintaining them are full loaded with antivirus and monitoring was down. These generators are overheating without any technician knowing it.


    We are then forced to stop work and immediately pack our 600 barrels of 2-propanol (modified Isopropyl alcohol)


    The defective generators won't affect us but the heat radiation it will cause if it blows will ignite our stock of 2-propanol (IPA).




    Another one happened on a user doing banking on his computer, his computer got infected by opening an email and letting it load an image that is binded with a virus (see "virus images on email"). His entire deposit got wiped out and transfered to a bogus bank account on the other side of the globe.




    A friend it Vietnam had his harddisk entirely useless as the virus he got from viewing a shaddy website issued a random disk write and low level format on random disk sectors. All his research files and work files got lost.



    The list is still pretty long, infact you may be wasting at least a month knowing all the common possible damage it can cause you. And this all happen due to an absence of an antivirus and viewing or opening an email from shaddy website/persons.

    The story of the friend is is an example of the need to make at least one back up. And it is preferred to make several backups on different media that are kept in different locations.


    This story shows that there can be several reasons that cause a file to get destroyed and lost. And the reasons can occur unexpected. There might be an idea that something like this will not occur to the averadge computer user. That is a wrong idea. Probably all people who lost files and who didn't had a back up faced situations that they didn't expect.

    This story is the almost the same like a lot of stories in other fora. There are a lot of fora that support technical and computer questions. And lots of questions are about ways to recover lost files and destroyed data. And all the people who ask these questions and who post for help didn't make a backup.

    This is special, since making a backup is pretty easy. The main effort is to get different media to store the file. And internet file storage websites are for free too. To make a back up it is necessary to get a cd, dvd, hard disk, diskette, external hard disk, a second computer, a NAS device or a server amongst other possibilities to store a file. The next thing to do is to copy the file. The third thing to do is to store the thing on which the copy of the file is stored in a safe place. And it is recommended to use different storage means that are kept in different locations.

  11. Posted Image


    TheXFactor is a show. TheXFactor in the United Kingdom is a show on British television. The show is a competition to find a talented singer. The X factor relates to the special skills and character part and image a singer who can become popular is supposed to have. So the show is looking for a person with this special factor that enables the singer to become popular.

    In a lot of audition shows singers are chosen to join the competition.

    After different rounds 16 singers are chosen to perform in live shows on stage before a live audience.

    The people at home can vote by text messages using their mobile phones.

    There is a judge who gives comments about the performances.


    A famous judge is mr. Simon Cowell.


    Posted Image


    Mister Simon Cowell with his wife misses Mezhgan Hussainy.


    Posted Image

  12. Hm. I've never heard of LinuxMint until now. Is there a specific reason why you switched from Ubuntu? I personally find it convenient to use. The Gnome interface provides a comfortable UI where I can perform most if not all of my tasks.

    Maybe Linux Mint is a bit faster.Ubuntu seems to have become pretty big and a bit slow compared to some other operating systems like Windows 7 and some very fast Linux distributions.

    Other reasons can be more personal. A reason to use a certain distribution and a specific operating system can be like a preference for the colour of the interface and the easiness of the use of the interface and the menu.

  13. sorry to be a bother but where can i find the price of upgrades and if i upgraded bandwidth on the 10 year plan would the upgrade last the whole 10 years and how long would the bandwidth last for the monthly one?

    It is not a bother.But what is your question exactly?
    The usual thing to do is to start with a smal package and a small website with a reasonable amount of storage space on the hard disk of the server and a reasonable amount of bandwidth to see and to experience how it is to run a website and how many visitors the website attracts.
    After getting some experience and some figurs about how big the website is and how much visitors the website gets depending from the need of storage space and visitors counts the possibility exists to get a bigger packet or to keep the original packet.
    A bigger packet can be bought with real money and with astadollarcredits earnt by posting in this forum.

    The used space on the hard disk of the server depends of how big the website is. That means whit lots of webpages and other stuff that uses storage space, for instance a video and images and maybe a database.
    The bandwidth is used for the traffic and the use of the website by visitors. For instance downloading files from the website and watching and downloading a video from the website probably costs bandwidth.

    This information of the Decade Plan is available at the moment. It is not sure this information is correct.

    Decade Plan:
    hosting a website for 10 years
    storage space: 100 megabyte
    bandwidth: 1000 megabyte
    costs: $ 10,--

    Disclaimer: No guarantee is given that the information in this post is correct.

  14. The Decade Plan offers a small space and a relative small bandwidth for a simple website during 10 years.The Decade Plan costs asta$ 10,--.The astadollars can be earnt by posting. About 100 posts are needed to earn $10,-- in astadollars by posting to pay for this package.100 Posts can be put on the forum in about 4 days the most fast. With such an amount of daily posts the member is on the edge of spamming. Such an amount of posts in such a small amount of days might result in some comments of the mod and some users.Once the Decade Plan package is ordered and in possession the next task is to make sure the member of the forum doesn't get banned.

  15. Here are directions on how to change the settings of the forum on the website of the Xisto in order to be able to write comments and replies.
    1. Go to the upper part of the website of the forum.
    2. Click on the button that says: My Controls.
    3. Go to the Menu.
    The Menu is on the left part of the webpage.
    4. Go to: Options.
    5. Click on: Board Settings.
    6. Scroll down to the last option.
    7. Go to the option that says: Posting Settings.
    8. Click on the little arrow on the right of the button that says: Rich Text Editor.
    9. Choose: Standard Text Editor.
    10. Click: Change My Account Options.

    Following these 10 steps should result in the possibility to type text in the reply window without any problem.

  16. what if the original operating system install could store its most valuable and critical operating files on a memory chip of the hard drive

    This suggestion looks interesting. It needs a bit more of thinking of the consequentions to see the results and the advantages of this way to store the operating program. This reminds of running an operating program from an usb-stick. The operating program can be run with the option, that nothing is stored on the usb-stick. It is possible as well to change a setting which makes it possible to store files on the usb-stick.

  17. You created 1 new topic.
    And you posted 1 post.
    So you made a sort of start.
    Maybe his helps.

    It's a bug in the forum software. In your control panel, change the default editor to standard mod.

    At first the cursor didn't show up in the window to type.This advice helped to get everything working.
    As far as known there is no special activity needed to be able to post.
    To earn credits and website dollars it is needed to register to the host website with the same email address used to register to the forum.

    Another advice is to download and use another browser.
    The browser can be the problem.

  18. Sorry I know this is irrelevant but I'm findiing it quite hard to get around and the forum wont' let make new topics or reply to topics (I'm currently using fast reply - the only option I found that works). If you know why this is could you please message me. Am I not aloud to post on the forum before doing something else first?

    This might solve the problem.

    It's a bug in the forum software. In your control panel, change the default editor to standard mode.

    It is an advice given by tgp1994.
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