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Posts posted by Plenoptic

  1. In my opinion, Runescape is the wors out there, its for people who cant afford real mmo's and most people whjo play it are 10year old boys with nothing else to do.But thats just me, i know some people love it, why? I do no know. its just another mmo to me.

    I agree. I played it for a couple days about a year ago when my friend showed me. It got real old, real fast. I like games with more action and stuff like that. I guess it keeps people occupied for free. To me it's pointless.

  2. If you bought a domain and would like to use it instead of your current domain/sub domain go to https://support.xisto.com/ and then click "Change your Domain/Subdomain (15 credits)" You then fill out the form giving your forum username, password, and the new domain or sub domain you would like to use. The 15 hosting credits will automatically be deducted from your account and your domain changed. If you are changing to a new domain make sure that the DNS servers are pointed to ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com

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    Do not double post. If you need to edit your post use the REPORT feature.

  3. I use Adobe Photoshop CS. It doesn't really matter which ones you use. It really depends what you use it for. If you really want to get the couple of updates then upgrade. The only reason why I would upgrade would be because people stopped making brushes for CS but they probably won't for a while. The newer versions don't have much more things useful unless you use it for professional work.

  4. The agora shopping cart is a customizable free store that comes with the hosting of Xisto and many other hosts. If you go into your cpanel it is in there and you can set it up. You actually sell them on your template so if you create the design for the page you just put the items in and it is as if you coded it yourself. If you want to see examples or learn more about it go to http://www.agoracart.com/

  5. It does it by itself. I did a bit of research, and with a bit of editting I cam up with this code. It will do it for you. Just type in the first letter of the name and it will automatically highlight it. This particular dropdownbox is for a navigation.

    <FORM><SELECT NAME="blah">
    <OPTION VALUE="">Choose a Destination...

    <OPTION VALUE="/url/"                    >Guide to HTML
    <OPTION VALUE="/url/"                          >Idocs Home Page
    <OPTION VALUE="http://forums.xisto.com/; >Trap 17

  6. I know google is pretty popular. They can be trusted because they are a known site and they won't cheat you. Many sites try to cheat you out of money, they are just trying to get money by making you think you are making money. I have always wondered though, do they count by hits or just unique hits or something. If you wanted you could have someone go to your site and click a couple ads every once in a while just to make you money. :) I sort of figured they have a code set up to prevent that but I don't know.

  7. Last year and presumably this year too I'm going to use This site for my black friday shopping needs. They have posted the deals that many stores are having during black friday, walmart is listed and includes the HP Pavillion ze2308wm Notebook Computer for 398. Here's the link to the walmart page on their site.

    Very nice find. I didn't know there was a place like that. In fact I never knew what "Black Friday" was in the first place. I am going to have to look through it to see what I can find for cheap. :)

  8. Its a great game. Incredibly realistic considering its free! The one annoying thing is selecting a game to play and then being locked out while you download an update to the game!

    It is annoying to do the updates but it only takes a couple minutes and it's normally a one time thing when you first download the game. It's to update sequrity and to make sure people aren't hacking the server.

    imo, i did not like the game due to rounds being WAY too long, and it being essentially a camp fest...

    It is only a camp fest if you don't know what you are doing or other people don't. If you are on defense you normally camp to guard on some levels. If you smoke them you can sneak up on them and just come up right behind them and shoot them. Once you play the game more you learn to do stuff like that.

  9. I have Civilization III and the bundle pack so I have conquests and stuff. I wish it had better graphics though. Other than that, I would buy Civ. IV It sounds pretty cool. I would like to try the new forms of government and all that good stuff. It's sort of slow paced at first until you get used to it. I like playing online verse other people.

  10. My usb drive I payed $60 for it and about a month later I tried using it and it is now an unkown device. I don't why it does that and it's really annoying. I don't plan on telling my parents because they will get all mad lol. If anyone had this problem and fixed it please let me know. As for the flash drive, that's pretty nifty. I would like to buy that. I wonder if it's just because it got dried out though. I bet if it stays wet too long it will die or probably because it didn't get as wet in your jeans.

  11. No I haven't ever done that. But I guess it seems to be something like that. Whenever i change my background to a default background, my previous background still pops up when I sign off and on. I have never done this before but that's what it does. lol

  12. I don't mean a whole new chat room, just a place where the members of the group can talk about their subject of the club like in my earlier example web graphics. They could all chat on msn every Saturday or something just to talk and maybe have special contests. A whole new chat isn't needed, maybe one forum with subforums for the clubs.

  13. Well I personally take a pre existing theme or download a new one and then edit the types of icons used, and change stuff around mixing it up and making my own. If you want information on how to do that go to


    There is a program however that allows you to create your own login screen and everything. The one I used was a trial version and it costs money. I made one that had a nascar racer on my login screen and had a pretty cool theme.


    That link brings you to the program I used. You can create your own theme for windows. It gives you actually a couple programs including styleBuilder, styleXP, and SpyderBAR. These are all free trials and you have to pay for the actual things but you can experiment with them.

  14. If you don't really know how to work with domain names I would start with blahblah.trap17.com You can start with a subdomain but always transfer to a normal domain later costing 15 hosting credits. You can experiement around and see what you like best. A regular domain will cost money and a sub domain doesn't. It really depends what you want to do with your site and if you feel like you need one.

  15. Another part about having too much homework in one class is that it isn't just one class. Normally if i have more than I can handle in one class, I have a lot in all of my other classes too. My teachers say they talk to each other to make sure it doesn't happen but they lie. They never get together and say, "Ohh I am gonna give a lot of homework Wednesday so don't give them too much" lol I wish.

  16. Well I was wondering if maybe we could start a group/club like thing. Sort of like a group of people who share the same interests who meet a couple times a month or so in a chat room. Talk about stuff in their own private forum that's passworded. Have a leader who decides if someone can join or just an open club like thing. For Example: Maybe have Saint Michael start a graphics/design group that are experienced in web graphics. He can have people apply to join and if he thinks they are good enough he could let them in. If not ask them to apply another time. They could chat about their graphics in the forum and have club contests and it could go on and on. The administrators of course would decide whether someone could start a club or not. Just a suggestion. Maybe take it into consideration if people like the idea.

  17. Well I don't know how it happened, but one day when I changed my background to a new background it seemed to work alright. Later as I was signing off, my icons cleared and then my old background popped up and then logged off. When I sign on, my old background pops up and then my new one. I think it's sort of cool but I don't know how I did it. If anyone could tell me I would really appreciate it. I have windows xp with a dell inspiron 1150 if its important.

  18. Hey just wondering if any of you have played Americas Army. It is a cool game you can download online for free (which takes a while) or you can pick up a cd at an army recruit (in U.S.) You can go through many trainings trying to become more skilled, or maybe even a medic to heal people on your team. You can then play online with other people and go against another team. You build up honor to become better. You fight each other and can start clans. (maybe Xisto should start one) :) Check it out. https://www.americasarmy.com/

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