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Everything posted by LUKK3

  1. LUKK3


    I'm using Firefox 3.5.3 on a Vista (I know, Vista is probably the main problem...) and I highly doubt it's a browser problem.What I found out is that the problem doesn't seem to occur if I use 'fast reply' as opposed to 'add reply', so I guess I can just use that for now on. Thanks for trying to help!
  2. Google is making an operating system, and it is going to be epic, considering everything by Google has been epic.I hear its open source, which will be cool.I also heard that it will be free because everything by Google is free, but I don't get how that would work at all... maybe I should just disregard that rumor.But yeah, Google is great.
  3. LUKK3


    I think my computer has a problem with this text box for posting.First of all, there is no curser, I have to just guess where I would be typing and where I am. I also can't seem to navigate through the text and instead always have to continue typing from the end. This makes it impossible to correct errors I've found in my own post or add things in it. I can't even copy the text! (Although I can paste it)This can't be normal and has never happened anywhere but this site, and overall makes posting very inconvienient.
  4. A site to create your MMORPGs without programming? There will be so many of them I doubt you could even call any of the MMOs. Seems kind of unrealistic too. I just might try it out though, even though I do like programming.
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