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Posts posted by HannahI

  1. Umm.... Yordan, what is the "just in case" thing all about. It is kind of strange to think about it the way! ;) Anyways, there should really be a poll in this topic because "How many computers in your household including the just in case computer" is more of a question then a statement to be! Oh my, it is a 1st Graders grammer class for us! ;)-Hannah

  2. The_Fury, you are right, but if it is spam, why do you need it, I would think you would need to just make ads on AdWords or services that are like it. Anyways, when you don't have a lot of traffic, Mail Chimp does completly nothin', completly nothin'. ;) For me, I just wasted my 5 minutes looking at Mail Chimp when I don't even need it at all ever, just ever.

    Mail Chimp is just a bad website it self. If doing it yourselves is spam, then people doing it for you is practicly illegal. So if you ask me, simple, don't use email campaign and you are completly safe from all bad things that could possibly happen ever. If you disagree with me and you are saying to your self "Wow, she is a jerk", then I say that you are just a jerk. Say it again for you, yep; Mail Chimp is bad.

    Written by the one you are calling a jerk,


  3. I have 3 laptops, 4 desktops, and one spare computer. Anyways, There is a computer coming in the mail that is going to arrive any minute now, hopefully not when I'm posting on Xisto; he most annoying time to have the door to ring. But anyways, there is an iPod Touch® and an iPhone®. So, I am just one giant electonic man made up of just electrons; nothing else.Regards,-Hannah

  4. I guess this is completly off topic. But, yordan; do you have a "template". For some reason whenever someone does plagiarism, you say something like:

    You posted this text in the tutorial section.

    This text does not meet our tutorials specs, that's why I moved it here.

    Please read the tutorial specifications, namely the following one :


    This text is not yours. This text has been copied, probably from https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/home

    If you really need to show us a text written by somebody else, please put it between wuote tabs.

    I did the quoting job for you today. Please do the quoting job by yourself next time. ;)

  5. Once you start using some code you will be able to make cool stuff. But, once a made PacMan®, and it was lame, extremly lame. For one thing I made "Defeat the Ghosts" because they left marks of yellow and white. PacMan® was yellow; the ghosts are white. But once I used their programming language, you will be able to take over the world! So don't be afraid from using GameMaker because you can still make cool things out of it. Plugins help, too! They do extra things with code! Hope this review is extra, extra helpful! But DS GameMaker doesn't work! Bye for now.Best Regards,-Hannah

  6. I love Halo 3. If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask me so I can answer them for you! ;) Do you have any questions for me? I am really getting a little bit bored so I wanted to know if you would like me to help you with anything in Halo 3 or any other Halo game that they make ( Halo ODST, Halo 3, Halo 2, Halo )! I'm not sure if there are any others, but I can help you with those because I have thema nd I beat them!Best Regards,HannahI

  7. Thanks, FelixMercer. That is a giant help of you. But some of those thing are extremly easy to do! But anyways, thanks for the tips, I might give you my gamertag later so we can battle on Halo ODST, but I'm not sure if I want to or not, FelixMercer. Do you know of any other achievements that you could help me with getting! ;) Any ideas? See you soon! ;)-Hannah

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