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Everything posted by magiccode9

  1. magiccode9


    hi, NotoriousZach if iam not wrong, you wanted to replace the extra space and enter key char, if so, you can use the replace and instr function to do that. do while(something check or value that be true)do while(something check) pos = instr("space to find") // this will find the first char that is space char (then) call a function to check if following is also space, if so, go on to check the next unlti that is false(not the space char) if("function return value") = "some value" then // you can have the value return as object, so you can check state & position value startpos = startpos + 1 exit do elseif(("function return other value") = "some other value" then replace the found space char("will more than 1") to single space char statrtpos = new pos end ifloop here, you should have a set of variable that hold space char start and end pos. it can then be safe to use replace function to override that with a single space char or other that you easy to maintain hereafter( for building parsing tree ).loop - hope this help - Eric
  2. hi, Raptrex yes, it's possible. you can use vb as tool to develop a RSS feed reader. Beside it, you will also need msxml 3.0 or later(of course msxml 2.0 or later would be ok). but parse a xml file would require a lot of works.please check out this site for RSS 2.0 and other format that like it.P.S. most feeding format should be based on xml.
  3. hi, all, there is no longer need to use thrid-party component that may be not function correctly(of course, some component would be stable as Galahad said) coz mysql company have made a conponent that is odbc compatible. you can go here to download. P.S. .net version component also are here.
  4. hi, saga overall I have read whole thread, and have this summary if you wish to 1.) only wanted the no. of records(rows) with a sub-set of all records. you can do this as following, let's say we have a table (table1) with 3 fields: id, role, groups, then: k:\mysql\bin>mysql<enter>mysql> show tables;+--------------------+| Tables_in_test_db2 |+--------------------+| table1 |+--------------------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from table1;+----+------+--------+| id | role | groups |+----+------+--------+| 1 | 0 | 0 || 2 | 1 | 0 || 3 | 5 | 0 |+----+------+--------+3 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select count(*) from table1 where role=0;+----------+| count(*) |+----------+| 1 |+----------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select count(*) from table1 where groups=0;+----------+| count(*) |+----------+| 3 |+----------+1 row in set (0.00 sec) as you can see the result that return a value(1, 3 above) with a field named (count(*)). then, you can use : a.) $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) b.) $numrow = $row[0]; in fact, you can use $row = mysql_fetch_row($result) also, but that required you modify the sql statement, you can have a reference to mysql mannual 2.) as other forum members stated, you use: $roleid = 0; $sql = "SELECT * FROM messages WHERE role=$roleid"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $rownum = mysql_num_rows($result); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result) ==> for get row - hope this help - Eric
  5. hi, yhcln1, coz you dont have specific OS type and Version. so I have assume this is Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Alone you description, you computer shared folder worked before and then fails. it's might be some system setting has changed.you may try this to repair that. have a administrator right ==> start menu ==> run ==> mmc==> file menu ==>add snap-ins ==> security templates and security configuration & analyis,then, 1.) expand the security template, looking for the setup security and it path, memory it .2.) right-click the configuration & analyis, choose open database and directory location where will be stored the analyis database and result log file.3.) a dialog will prompt you choose template location which is noted in step (1)4.) after step(3), you will return. now. right-click the configuration & analyis items again, then select configure computer now.that it.you system now have initial setting when you have just installed.you may also need to adjust it if you have made change (i.e. take simple shared off if it is windows xp)and try the methods stated by other forum members-hope this help-Eric
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