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Everything posted by childofgrace

  1. When you claim to be a Christian you are setting yourself apart form everyone else. This scripture says that in order to have this seperation you need to abstain from drinking. There is also a Bible verse that is very clear in saying that we should not consume mixed alcoholic drinks. I am still looking for the verse to share with you.
  2. This topic has been a very controversial one for many many years. And I have gotten persective from both sides, which has jusr lead to more confusion.My father is Catholic and has been raised that way his entire life. He considers himself a Christian. I love my father dearly, but I, however, do not. He like many Catholics have come believe that if they follow the sacraments set by the church they are fine and set for eternity. This belief truly bothers me. Mindlessly going through steps does not bring anyone closer to God. My mother, on the other hand, was raised Catholic but change her beliefs in prison. She attended a protestant Bible College where the found salvation. Salvation is something I do truly believe in. It is more than a mere prayer or set of "steps". It is calling out to God with your entire heart. You are letting Him know that you truly believe that Hegave his only begotten Son for our forgiveness. You are accepting that you are a sinner and do no deserve that salvation. You are laying out you life for God. Many might say that this taked place in certain sacraments, but does it really? Many sacraments are done without actual consideration of their meanings. Salvatio nis something that is judged my our Creator. He knows if we mean what we are telling HIm or if we are just faking it.Now it may seem like I side with Protestants. Truthfully I don't. Because EVERY organized religon has it's faults, after all it was created and run by humans. We have faults, thus our religons will too.I do believe that the only way to God is through His Son and His divine word, the Bible. The Bible wasn't meant for mass translation. It is a personal journey. God speaks differently though His word to each of us.If anything I have said has offended anyone I am sincerely sorry. I have not had that intention. As I am told to do, I love each of you and I do not wish to hurt you. And if you believe differently than me so be it. But I will be praying that more people stop making religon about church doctrines and who is right. It is about God and His relationship with us individually.
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