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About Bloodykillerz

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 1]
  1. ok so weres my ftp acont i can't find it help
  2. ok i made a phpbb forum right and i have a skin that i found on nukemods.coma nd phpbbhacks.com i think.... how do i put it togther here are the links to were i got them.... NUke's and here is hacks ......hacks one help me....
  3. het i wunder if that would work lol ant i like this topic
  4. truely idk i more toght my self but ya idk i used brevent or what ever i think
  5. man ur good keeep goinga nd ya cheats suck man
  6. rats i need the same oh will i will post athorer 3 times or so and try to get them but i hope i get a site fast i nee done under a time grounch.... any way thanks i need teh same thing o k heck my psot aren't long enough so i may just have to do is the links and all
  7. we need leaders for COD and memebrs for Mohaa if you would liek to join post here and i will see what i can do.. we take any skill Lv.
  8. Bloody killerz are looking for memebrs to join us we need any meambers that play cuz i don't play lol so i need memebrs that want to help in teh cod part of bloody killerz i will make u a COD co leader if u join post here if u wnat to join
  9. not to be mean and all that stinks nothing to hard will in paint shop hard photo shop not at all any way i sa a 4/10
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