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Posts posted by Ronel

  1. Is this another of the gimmicks of Vista? :D:o After Vista was installed on this computer, almost every time I close the last IE window, it says that there has been an error, which did not happen so it's a fake problem, asking me to either seach a solution to the problem or restart it.I'm already fed up with it. I need to stop this madness. :blink: Is this REALLY a problem?I really doubt it. No problems happen!I'll send a picture later proving it's so so true.

  2. But it's not saying they should be different or opposite right? Cause what if all the unbelievers in a majoral fashion started being complete goody goodies lol.


    You'd have to be the mean people :o.


    II Corinthians 6:14: Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?(KJV)

    Be ye not unequally yoked means to be different, not to be thesame.


    Sadly, many Christians now violate this verse. :blink::D:o:D:o:angry::angry::):D:o:o:o:o:o:D:D

  3. Just vote! :blink:





    What do I think?


    A nerve for everyone(sometimes) :D:o

    Many programs don't support Vista.

    Examples: Nero, my modem-telephone, PHP


    A very good OS :D:D:D

    Good graphics, good themes, good "stuff."


    Too much Controls :D:o:angry::angry:

    Many, many, many account controls. I mean,"Hello, account controls in XP is enough already!"


    Nice protection :)

    It has all it needs to protect itself. The only thing missing is the anti-virus.






    Windows XP:

    What do I think?


    Super DANGER ZONE :o:o

    Most viruses and dangerous trojans can infiltrate a Windows XP Installation! :o

    So be careful!!!!!


    Much BETTER in Controls


    Prone to Systematic Bugs

    Many XP's encounter system-changing bugs, such as the kb307545.


    Very wide Compatibility

    Most programs, except for some created originally for Vista, supports Windows XP




    So VOTE!

  4. I have a problem.... :o It seems that I can't make the card in a usb card reader(6-in-1) to boot up.When I try to format it in Windows, it seems that the make MS-DOS startup disk is disabled :D .I tried to find other solutions(first 100 sites in Google) to see if there is a solution to the problem but only find programs for making bootable "flash disks." :blink: So please... reply.

  5. I was looking at the forums in Xisto when I saw some of the people here are either advance members, moderators, and a few administrators.i really liked this setup at forums(there always is)can i ask what is the requirements for "leveling up" into an advance member, moderator, or administrator, even if the requirements seem to be impossible? :blink: Now, i'm hust asking. :D

  6. To me the Bible is soo simple. :P


    II Corinthians 6:14: Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?(KJV)

    It means that since most unbelievers drink wine, Christians should not.

    It also means that Christians have to be totally different in lifestyle than unbelievers, although some seem good in God's sight but no. for...


    Romans 1:17: For therein, is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.(KJV)

    so being a christian is not by good works, although it is a part of it:


    Matthew 5:16: Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.

    but by faith. :P


    note to evryone that it IS best being a Christian :P:P


    and im one too :P:P

  7. let's see............this thing...is acually a folder automatically created by windows.its the cache of information in viewing files created and designed in microsoft frontpage.and its also the file where the system will install its "de lite" components if you want to for viewing these kind of file in the hard disk.so its a precreated folder, to be used(i think i found the file in the system32) M a y b e

  8. well i can say that vista can be pretty unreliable because of the driver problems. :P


    and i can say that xp can also be pretty unreliable because since most use it, most hackers and virus-makers test their "masterpiece" on windows xp. :P:P:P:P:P


    about xp(maybe also vista), i say windows i mean microsoft is robbed in billions of pesos(not dollars, for $1 = Php45.00) in here because of the piracy in here(i think).

    to the microsoft company: ( :P:P;) )

    to some who could not afford a thousand and five hundred pesos(about $33.33): ( :o:P:P )


    maybe that company will find this post right now and start campaigning here!



    on the other hand.....

    i say both are pretty good these days....(don't you agree?)

  9. How long hawe you been writing this tutorials? Annyway, it's a great tutorial, but the images doesen't show!


    Yeah I can't seem to get the images to load up either ( FireFox ).
    It seems to just say IPB Image in text, is this a problem with the post or is this happening across the board? ( Have been a bit inactive for awhile so I'm not necessarily up to speed ).

    I only flicked through to get a look at the images to see what kind of results were yielded so I can't comment on the materila yet.

    Hey me too :P

    i don't think that's really funny though... :P

  10. This is a poll... :P


    actually its the war of the poll.


    if you're polling, i want to know what is the greatest thing that makes this os different than any other else.


    as for me i prefer slax!


    oh, this Live Windows XP is just new to me.

    Before i created this poll i found this hands-on, which is pretty neat.

    I hope there is also a live windows vista(i think there is now, but still hands-on.) :P:P

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