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Posts posted by Ronel

  1. I am a firm believer in evolution.

    I have had many discussions with creationists, and the question that always makes their heads explode is:

    "Why do children look like their parents? How do you explain genetic inheritance?"


    By the way my favorite picture to show to religious fanatics to rile them up and make their heads explode with confusion is:

    Posted Image

    Irony and humor about religion are lost on most Christian fundamentalists, but sometimes someone will reply with:

    "There is no god, therefore your atheism doesn't exist."

    Not True!


    You made yourself what you are right now.

    So I reply to that picture...

    You made yourself an atheist, and God want you to change right now. Stop believing in evolution!

    Do you know that http://creationtoday.org/ is offering $250,000 to those who can give them a REAL evidence in evolution!


    So who wants one? Just give me your so-called evidence, and I will counter them now!

  2. Note: I'm not offending anyone.



    Evolution really started in the 400 BC. At that time Aritotle, the father of Biology, was the only known person claiming it. So of course he taught it to Alexander the Great.


    Evolution really became popular when Charles Darwin published his book claiming this theory, so scientists tried to find links and claim on this evollution, so Gregor Mendel's discoveries on Genetics was not given attention to scientists for 35 years!(ouch!) To tell you the truth, there were no scientific basis.


    I tell you that evolution caused changes to mankind.


    In World War II, Aldolf Hilter published his book, all about evolution, and thought that Germans were the supreme beings and Jews were inferior, so he killed about 6 million of them, and some were brought to America, but they didn't accept those Jews, also because they thought they were inferior! Also in World War II, Japanese, who were also exposed to evolution, thought of them being the supreme beings on a scientific basis of evolution! That is why they were so cruel to others during that time, because they thought they were the supreme beings!


    In about 1958, 100 years after Darwin published his book, Americans thought of bringing evolution to all schools. Why? They thought it was the reason that the Soviets were the most advanced in astronomical technology. (What is building a sattelite got to do with evolution?) And aon 1963, they all rewrote the textbooks, adding more words on evolution, causing crimes to increase, and every bad statistic that you could imagine increased!(It's beacuse of the "evolution")



    Q: Were there really evidences?

    A: There were NO evidences ever!


    Q: They said there were, is it true?

    A: No evidences were true! see http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Q: Do you think evolution is science?

    A: Never it has been a science. First of all, it defies common sense, since most of the "discoveries of missing links" were fake!


    Q: Then why is evolution is thaught in schools as facts?

    A: Ask them! But I say that evolution should be taught not as a fact but only a theory with no evidences.


    Q: What is the opposite of evolution?

    A: Creation Science!


    Q: Does the science have evidences?

    A: There were many evidences! Just visit http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to find out these evidences.


    Q: Is there another theory besides evolution that is similar to both?

    A: Yes, one is the Gap Theory, which says that there was a wide gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 on pre-Adamite rebellion, and the fall of Lucifer.


    Q: Can the Gap Theory be true?

    A: No, since in 1:2, it says that the earth was void.


    So, do you believe in evolution or not?

  3. I bought my copy for $60 US currency. Worth every dollar if you know how to script in Ruby. I changed my battle system a little and completely reworked my Menu and HUD. Just look over the default script and you can easily learn a thing or two.

    Ouch! :blink:

    I pain in the wallet!

  4. Wow :blink:

    I can't believe that Microsoft Vista, even at it's release, has many bugs. Even though the features-- nice start logo, great sidebar, cool effects, nice IE 7, awesome Windows Media Player, improved Policies, a start search, indexing,(do you want me to name them all) ReadyBoost, new & improved bootscreen, Microsoft Aero(I think Windows Aero), and many more--are very great, I recently faced many bugs:(Note that these bugs are in Windows Vista)

    Some programs I can't access from the Start Menu(favorite programs) & Quick Lauch. Some of these programs are MS Word, SmartFTP Client, and more.


    IE displays a problem when I close it, even though there seems no problem at all!(look at my other topic)


    The administrator does not appear at all in Safe Mode! I don't know about your opinions but since it says in the Local Security Policy that regardless of a setting in here, the administrator should be in Safe Mode, but it's not!


    I don't think this is a bug though, but some programs have compatibility issues, including Nero(I hope the company now has the Vista version of this) that compatibility settings wouldn't help at all!


    Some installations says that they have problems in installing even though there seems no problem at all.

    I think that is it!(Be sure to tell me other bugs)

    Oh, I'm using Windows Vista Ultimate.(cool!!!)


    Now I not Windows Seven, also known as Vienna, is coming. (I really hope it's on next year) I soon hope that these bugs will be repaired in this version.

  5. Well, The RMXP Ruby source code can change the default battle system to an Action Battle System, Turn Based System or Real Time Active System.
    I think that XP is better because there are more possibilities to enhance it using scripts (if you search in the web 'RMXP Scripts' you will find a lot of sites), also, there are more resolution on pictures, and you can do more advanced engines...

    By the way, you must pay for use it to Enterbrain...


    How much? Maybe its just a dollar! :D:blink:

  6. Wow! :D In here, many in here sell products made in China! :) "They're cheap," that's what others say, :blink: but I don't think that is a good reason to buy "some" Chinese foods.In another news, they say that some foods, including the favorite White Rabbit, :D has been contaminated by formalin. Chinese products are becoming more dangerous to be imported here. :angry: What the heck is China doing to its economy? :D Does the officials know that these news can uprupt their economy? :o Shouldn't Chinese companies in China try now to analyze their products?I don't know about you, you're countries should call on a major analysis of all China products, and major product recalls.(It was already done here!) :angry:

  7. "Should we sue?" This question seems to have become America's slogan nowadays. The majority of Americans today seem to think that sueing is the only way to solve their problems, mostly because there is a lot of money involved if they win.
    To many fast food-eaters, the golden arches of MacDonald's have become their god. It calls to them; tells them that their food must be eaten or suffer the penalty of death. So what do they do? None other than follow the calling of MacDonald's and pay homage to its all-powerful pull of eating enjoyment. And yet, people still wonder, "Why am I so overweight nowadays? I only eat fast food every other day." None of them ever stop to think that that might actually be the cause of their problem. Instead, it's, "I file a lawsuit against MacDonald's for making me fat! It's not my fault that I eat there almost every day; Ronald MacDonald makes me. He has evil magic powers." Uh-huh. Yeah, right.

    People just do not want to admit that they are the cause of their own problems; it's just human nature, but look at it like an addiction to smoking or chewing tobacco. If one hadn't started using it in the first place, they wouldn't be addicted, hmmm? Then again, there's always smokers that sue the tobacco company for their own stupid choices, so who am I talk?

    So no, I think we should not sue MacDonald's just because we do not want to admit to our own short-comings and defeats, but seeing as this has become America's motto now, there's really nothing we can do to stop it.

    Well, that's the way the world works now.

    What is your take on this guys?
    I don't understand, you would have to clairfy more on which directory your sueing on, rather than taking sue as a universal term.

    I agree with you,
    'Mafamba Team?'
    we should at least tell him what is sue.

    Wait a minute, I forgot what is sue also, so waht is it?

  8. The question I have to ask is "why are you tampering with the registry?"
    Sure, you can cleanup leftover files from programs that aborted suddenly or were coded sloppily, but altering the registry just doesn't strike me as being a brilliant idea. I've had to clean it so many times I've lost count, but I use a program that's dedicated to doing that - RevoUninstaller rings a bell when I try to think of the name - and don't go in to the registry personally.

    Still, there's probably some little aspect that I have no idea about. :D

    Anyway, if you're trying to clean up your registry give RevoUninstaller (or something like that) a go. It's freeware, and does quite a lot of other useful things too. :blink:

    Sorry, I do not like to tamper with the registry.
    I only use the CCleaner to delete installation entries.
    And tampering the registry directly is dangerous!

  9. Hey! I really think all of you are right! :D NFS Most Wanted really makes you most wanted! :o Even though I got being watched by a helicopter, or being pursued by the determinated police officer :angry: , that is what is Most Wanted, because it really makes you wanted by the police :) .The difference between the most wanted and underground is the cicumstances. :blink: In NFS: U, it is night, and even though you will wreck everything up apart, nothing will happen to you.But in NFS:MS, it is day, and is also a story about some guy who was cheated trying to beat up a 15th Blacklist player, and took up the greatest car that took the 15th Blacklist placer up to the top, and to get the car back, you have to beat all the other 14 blacklist players! And in the end,(sorry, I wanted suspense)..........................................., you have to get out of the city, because many police are trying to get you... and in that situation, you can't escape other than getting out of the driving city. You start at the police level 1 to 4, then the police officer seemingly now knew your number and said some awful words, making you into level 5! At some time, someone will tell to you something that will make your level went down down to 1, and a few blacklist players beaten, your "arch-enemy" will tell you something that will make your level up up up to level 5! When you did not and after you beat the 1st place blacklist, you can't get out of the city, but just after you beaten the 1st place blacklist, one time, your police level will be level 6!!!! It is where you have to get out of the city, because there is no way you can escape execept through there.So I say rating the game 1 to 100, I say 100! :D:angry: Hey! Do you know that secret that can shock those playing right now and still did not beat the 1st Blacklist player?

  10. I'm wondering....
    How can I delete installation entries?

    To tell you all the truth, I already know how to hide installation entries 90%, I just use the CCleaner!

    But the problem is...I can't use the the CCleaner to delete .msi installation entries!How? Or tell me if entries installed from .msi files just can't be deleted.


    (.msi) files are Windows Installation Packages. Just download a .msi file and see it for yourself!

  11. I got the bug(if it really is?):

    Problem signature:  Problem Event Name:APPCRASH  Application Name:iexplore.exe  Application Version:7.0.6000.16512  Application Timestamp:46807103  Fault Module Name:kernel32.dll  Fault Module Version:6.0.6000.16386  Fault Module Timestamp:4549bd80  Exception Code:800401fd  Exception Offset:0001b09e  OS Version:6.0.6000.  Locale ID:1033  Additional Information 1:8d13  Additional Information 2:cdca9b1d21d12b77d84f02df48e34311  Additional Information 3:8d13  Additional Information 4:cdca9b1d21d12b77d84f02df48e34311

    EDIT: Hello? I seacrhed it through the internet and only found people who are also a victim on the what-I-called fake problem.

  12. Hey! :):D
    Please view, review, and rate my site.
    It's called Ronel's Website BETA.
    Because it is still not truly ready yet.
    And because it has no logo. :o:blink:

    But tell me if it's fine now to bring it to ronel.astahost.com now.

    And I'm planning of transferring the site to ronel.ph.gd.

    So, please review it!

    Changed my site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    Sadly...can't host it at Xisto yet. :angry:
    I would really appreciate if you would donate :angry:

  13. my bios can detect my usb memory stick when it is plugged into the computer, so it can detect usb drives. Restart the computer with the memory card reader plugged in - with a memory card in it and look in the bios for the boot priority. There you should find the usb device and put that at the top of the list (if its anything like my computer)Good Luck


    I don't have a bios like that! :blink:

  14. Registry Files

    HUH :o:D:o

    Registry files?
    Correct! :o

    Registry config files! :D

    What are these files?

    It is found at your C:\Windows\system32\config\ file.
    These are files responsible for windows startup.
    These have corresponding entries in the registry(i don't know what yet :blink::o , please tell me)
    These are files(if you are not careful) occasionally become corrupt! :o:o

    What are the files?

    1)default - probably the default user settings.
    2)sam - the user accounts and their user settings, credentials, and privileges(you thought it as a big file, it only in KBs)
    3)security - the word itself...security settings. windows update settings(maybe............)
    4)software - a big file, information on ALL drivers and software and windows components installed.
    5)system - system settings

    ****Note that they don't have file extensions.
    They have alternatives; if you want you can look for those files.
    Some I did not include in that config files because even though it is also vital,... files I refer to are the main system files.

    Still, with these alternatives, it can be corrupted.

    Why would "it" be corrupted?

    1) You did not use the computer that regularly.
    2) You might have installed a program that corrupted the registry, or the drive.
    3) There was a trojan, or virus that corrupted the drive, or the files.
    4) You "mingled" :o or edited the registry.
    5) Any other reason why a file could be corrupted.

    How can I solve this....this problem?

    I also encountered the same problem using microsoft's KB307545....
    but instead of fixing the problem, it worsened it! :angry:
    Why? Find out later.

    Now, No worries to them who are using other computers or os's because it was corrupted, just follow the following steps.

    • Before you start, equip yourself with password-changing cds and linux live cds, especially for OEM users. i say:
    Petri will do the trick!
    Next, run your installation CD. (if you destroyed the CD, you will be sorry for that)
    Then Click "r" on the first screen, taking you to the Recovery Console.

    An alternative, if you already installed the Recovery Console into the computer, is to press F8 between the first screen,
    and the logon screen, then selecting the Recovery Console, if you already installed it.

    Now you are at the Recovery Console! :o:o:o
    Now enter the administrator password.
    Problems!!! :angry::)
    a)You don't know the password.
    -try the Petri
    -if the first suggestion failed, its time to use your password-changing cd.
    -if problems persist, consult me in this topic.
    b)You destroyed the CD.
    -your problem, and your fault! :o

    Ok, enter the following commands, CAREFULLY, and in order(by part):
    Part I:
    md tmpcopy c:\windows\system32\config\system c:\windows\tmp\system.bakcopy c:\windows\system32\config\software c:\windows\tmp\software.bakcopy c:\windows\system32\config\security c:\windows\tmp\security.bakcopy c:\windows\system32\config\default c:\windows\tmp\default.bak
    This part of the file is simply for backup, a just in case if it gets worse(hopefully not!)

    Part II:
    delete c:\windows\system32\config\systemdelete c:\windows\system32\config\softwaredelete c:\windows\system32\config\securitydelete c:\windows\system32\config\default
    These commands deletes most of the registry files.

    Part III:
    copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\config\systemcopy c:\windows\repair\software c:\windows\system32\config\softwarecopy c:\windows\repair\security c:\windows\system32\config\securitycopy c:\windows\repair\default c:\windows\system32\config\default
    The last part replaces the deleted files with files from the repair folder, which are the original files.
    Next, enter the advance settings(F8 between the first screen and logon screen) and choose Safe Mode.

    a) the problem is still there.
    -Go back to the recovery console, as said in step 2, and add these commands in order:

    copy c:\windows\system32\config\sam c:\windows\tmp\sam.bakdelete c:\windows\system32\config\samcopy c:\windows\repair\sam c:\windows\system32\config\sam
    Ok, login as an administrator.
    More Problems:
    a) My accounts are gone!
    -If you did the steps in step 5.a, it's because of the sam.
    :D My accounts are gone, and I don't know the password!
    -Use your password changing disk.
    Now, go to your root drive and go to the drive's System Volume Information
    Problems that never end:
    a)You cannot see the System Volume Information
    -it's hidden
    -to "unhide" it, go to the "folder options" and deselect the "Hide system protected files(Recommended)"
    -the system will warn you, but ignore it.
    a)You cannot get to the System Volume Information
    -Try the KB309531.
    Wooh, Now, try to explore it to find a snapshot folder.
    Then, you should see files like this:
    ... and so on in the files in mentioned(meaning the ending word is the one that I've been telling you about)
    Copy them to the tmp file we created in step 2, and rename them to their ending words. like this:


    Then restart the computer!

    (We're going to the end!!!)

    Go to the Recovery Console again as in step 2, and do the following commands in order:

    del c:\windows\system32\config\sam del c:\windows\system32\config\security del c:\windows\system32\config\software del c:\windows\system32\config\default del c:\windows\system32\config\system copy c:\windows\tmp\software c:\windows\system32\config\software copy c:\windows\tmp\system c:\windows\system32\config\system copy c:\windows\tmp\sam c:\windows\system32\config\sam copy c:\windows\tmp\security c:\windows\system32\config\security copy c:\windows\tmp\default c:\windows\system32\config\default
    Restart your computer!
    Last, but Dreadful Problem:
    (hope this does not happen to you!)
    a)Problem still persists
    - :P:D:D
    - you gonna have to do it again in another snapshot folder!
    I hope this is helpful to you! :o
    Me too! :o

    Especially for those of this problem who has an OEM OS, or OS that has the default Administrator's password not blank!

    If you have problems, please tell me in here!

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