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Posts posted by Impious

  1. I agree to the majority: currently, mysql is the best database.

    for beginners as for advanced users.. because it can be used with myphpadmin(very easily tool)..

    well as dandare I am a fan of mySQL dbs... i've used another dbs, but I always found something that did not please me.. like Access db that u can take the file(.mdb) just knowing your name and location..yes, it haves fix but i cant operate with this kinda of dbs... well this is something particular hehe..

    if u want to see a simple example of using MySQL dbs.. look my post of a Login System here


  2. For Photoshop users


    This is a simple post that can help loads of people about image cutting.

    Cut out images perfectly can be a hard work, still more when it is about hair cutting.

    Hopefully, there is a tool that exempts all those cutting techniques.

    It is named COREL KNOCKOUT and it is a simple tool that allows you to cut out any image perfectly in a fast and easy way.

    Lets straight to the pos. First of all open the image you'll use. Mine will be this one:


    Posted Image


    Change the image into a Layer or it will not get right .Now go to Filter> knockout 2> Load working layer.

    After that the image will be loaded on the Knockout plugging. Select the following tools:


    Posted Image


    This time, select the whole internal part of the image, don’t lose any detail and go embroidering. It will be like this:


    Posted Image


    Select those other tools:


    Posted Image


    Now select the external part, don’t leave any hair out.

    Believe you, they appear after having cut out. It will be like this:


    Posted Image


    Modify the tool bellow of detail 3 to detail 4 and press the button.


    Posted Image


    Turn off the small mistakes with eraser than go to the File > Apply.

    The image will return cut out so put a background and you will have the final result.


    Posted Image


    Te results can vary in agreement with the selection form. Therefore,at the beginig, it seems a little bit complicated to

    do it perfect but with the time you will understand better how does it work. :P



    Knockout Plugin Download


    Yours, Impious

  3. you're right chesso.. I already was thinking on explaining the functions, etc better..but, in the principle this post is for more experienced people and/or for who that simply want a system, without knowing necessarily as it functions..but, i'll do this on the next week, cause im very busy now.. :P

  4. Making a simple login system. (Step by step)


    Creating the configuration file:


    1st Step - Open the notepad. After puting the tag "<?php"(without quotes) write this:



    $server = 'PUT HERE THE URL OF YOUR MYSQL SERVER';$user = 'USER NAME OF YOUR MYSQL ACCOUNT';$pass = 'PASSWORD OF YOUR MYSQL ACCOUNT';$link = mysql_connect($server,$user,$pass);$base = 'DATABASE NAME';$table = 'TABLE NAME';

    2nd Step - close the php code with: "?>"

    3rd Step - save the file with the name "config.php"


    Creating the database installation file:


    1st Step - Open the notepad. After puting the tag "<?php"(without quotes) write this:


    /* 01 */ include ("config.php"); /* 02 */ mysql_select_db($base,$link);/* 03 */ $install = mysql_query("/* 04 */ CREATE TABLE $table (/* 05 */   id int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment,/* 06 */   login varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',/* 07 */   password varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',/* 08 */   email varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',/* 09 */   date DATE NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',/* 10 */   time TIME NOT NULL default '00:00:00',/* 11 */   PRIMARY KEY (id)/* 12 */ ) TYPE=MyISAM;") or die("Wrong to create: $table <br>".mysql_error());/* 13 */ $insertTest=mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table (id,login,password,email,date,time) VALUES  ('','test','dGVzdGU=','t-traders@hotmail.com','2007/07/05','14:04:23')"); if($install){/* 14 */ print("Instalation complete! Destroy the file install.php to the system run perfectly!"); }else{/* 15 */ print("Error! Verify if the file config.php is configured!"); }?>


    01 request the configuration file(config.php)

    02 mysql command: open the database (DATABASE NAME, mysql_connect('YOUR MYSQL SERVER','YOUR MYSQL ACCOUNT NAME','YOUR MYSQL PASSWORD');

    03 all variables starts with '$' on php, thats a example of one($install)

    04 mysql command: create a table on mysql database with the name 'TABLE NAME' ($table)

    05 mysql command: insert a field with the name: "id", this is using the auto_increment option, this auto complete the field when added any base

    06 mysql command: insert a login field

    07 mysql command: insert a password field

    08 mysql command: insert a email field

    09 mysql command: insert a date field with '0000-00-00' as default

    10 mysql command: insert a time field with '00:00:00' as default

    11 mysql command: set "id' as primary key of the table

    12 mysql command: if have anything wrong and it cant add a table to the database this write the msg with the error

    13 mysql command: insert test bases

    14 if the script runs OK the msg "Instalation complete! Destroy the file install.php to the system run perfectly!" is show

    15 if this not work shows the msg "Error! Verify if the file config.php is configured!"


    2nd Step - Save the file with the name: install.php

    3rd Step - Upload the files: config.php and install.php . Execute the install.php.

    4th Step - Delete the file "install.php".


    Creating the Registration Form:

    1st Step - Create a table like this:



    $m is the varible that shows the error message like: "Invalid E-mail"

    $loginvalue is the value of the gap "login"(its for when anything is wrong the user dont have to write all gaps again

    $emailvalue is like the loginvalue

    $code is a random code antibots

    the table contains a login gap; a password gap; an e-mail gap and an antibot gap


    /* 01 */<table style="text-align: left; width: 100%;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">/* 02 */	<form action="register.php" method="post">	<tbody>/* 03 */	  <tr>/* 04 */		 <font color="#ff0000" size="2"><strong><?= $m ?></strong></font>/* 05 */	  </tr>	  <tr>		<td style="width: 60px;">Login:</td>/* 06 */		<td style="width: 649px;"><input name="login" type="text" value="<?= $loginvalue ?>"></td>	  </tr>	  <tr>		<td style="width: 60px;">Password:</td>/* 07 */		<td style="width: 649px;"><input name="password" type="password"></td>	  </tr>	  <tr>		<td style="width: 60px;">Email:</td>/* 08 */		<td style="width: 649px;"><input name="email" type="text" value="<?= $emailvalue ?>"></td>	  </tr>	  <tr>		<td style="width: 60px;">Code:</td>		<td style="width: 649px;">  /* 09 */		<font color="#6633cc" face="Tahoma" size="2"><strong><?= $code ?></strong></font><font color="#6633cc" face="Tahoma" size="2">	  <input name="code" size="4" maxlength="4" type="text"></font></td>	  </tr>	  <tr>		<td style="width: 60px;"> <input name="correct_code" value="<?= $code ?>" type="hidden">/* 10 */		<input name="Submit" value="Submit!" type="submit"></td>		<td style="width: 649px;"></td>	  </tr>	</tbody>/* 11 */  </form>/* 12 */</table>



    01 open a table with this characteristics: align text on left, width size = 100% of the page, none border, cellpadding or cellspacing

    02 open a form thats send informations to register.php with the post method

    03 <tr> represents rows

    04 show the error msg, if exists

    05 close this row

    06 <td> represents cols, on this col have a login gap with text type

    07 password gap, password type is those that transform all character in **************

    08 email gap

    09 shows the generated random code(antibot system)

    10 submit the of information of this gaps to register.php

    11 close this form

    12 close this table



    2nd Step - placing the table on php code:

    Create a file and rename to index.php. Place this:


    <?phpsrand((double)microtime()*1000000); /* 01 */$code=rand(1000, 5000); /* 02 */$msg = $_GET['msg']; /* 03 */$m=base64_decode($msg); /* 04 */$evalue = $_GET['evalue']; /* 05 */$lvalue = $_GET['lvalue']; /* 06 */$emailvalue=base64_decode($evalue);  /* 07 */$loginvalue=base64_decode($lvalue); ?>/* 08 */  <table style="text-align: left; width: 100%;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">/* 09 */	<form action="register.php" method="post">	<tbody>/* 10 */	  <tr>/* 11 */		 <font color="#ff0000" size="2"><strong><?= $m ?></strong></font>/* 12 */	  </tr>	  <tr>/* 13 */		<td style="width: 60px;">Login:</td>/* 14 */		<td style="width: 649px;"><input name="login" type="text" value="<?= $loginvalue ?>"></td>	  </tr>	  <tr>/* 15 */		<td style="width: 60px;">Password:</td>/* 16 */		<td style="width: 649px;"><input name="password" type="password"></td>	  </tr>	  <tr>/* 17 */		<td style="width: 60px;">Email:</td>/* 18 */		<td style="width: 649px;"><input name="email"type="text" value="<?= $emailvalue ?>"></td>	  </tr>	  <tr>/* 19 */		<td style="width: 60px;">Code:</td>		<td style="width: 649px;">  /* 20 */		<font color="#6633cc" face="Tahoma" size="2"><strong><?= $code ?></strong></font><font color="#6633cc" face="Tahoma" size="2">/* 21 */	  <input name="code" size="4" maxlength="4" type="text"></font></td>	  </tr>	  <tr>/* 22 */		<td style="width: 60px;"> <input name="correct_code" value="<?= $code ?>" type="hidden">/* 23 */		<input name="Submit" value="Submit!" type="submit"></td>		<td style="width: 649px;"></td>	  </tr>	</tbody>/* 24 */  </form>/* 25 */</table>


    01 defines a variable with a code randomized between 1000 and 5000. thats for the antibot system

    02 $_GET[] is a sintax that get a information in GET method, thats spefied by the clasps inside. in this example this gets the information sent by 'msg'.

    03 base64_decode() decodes values encodeds using base64[to encode use base64_encode()] this decodes the information sent by form with GET method, got by $msg

    04 $_GET[] is a sintax that get a information in GET method, thats spefied by the clasps inside. in this example this gets the information sent by 'evalue'.

    05 $_GET[] is a sintax that get a information in GET method, thats spefied by the clasps inside. in this example this gets the information sent by 'lvalue'.

    06 base64_decode() decodes values encodeds using base64[to encode use base64_encode()] this decodes the information sent by form with GET method, got by $evalue

    07 base64_decode() decodes values encodeds using base64[to encode use base64_encode()] this decodes the information sent by form with GET method, got by $lvalue

    08 open a table with this characteristics: align text on left, width size = 100% of the page, none border, cellpadding or cellspacing

    09 open a form thats send informations to register.php with the post method

    10 <tr> represents rows

    11 show the error msg, if exists

    12 close this row

    13 thats the label(login:) for the input <input name="login" type="text" value="<?= $loginvalue ?>">

    14 login gap.. the value is to when have any error this returns to this forms and show the information previously typed.. thir shows the login typed.. got by $_GET['lvalue'] and decoded by $loginvalue=base64_decode($lvalue); (7th line)

    15 "password:" label for the input: <input name="password" type="password">

    16 password gaps (with the type: password, thats transforms all characters in ***********)

    17 "email:" for <input name="email" type="text" value="<?= $emailvalue ?>">

    18 email gap.. the value is to when have any error this returns to this forms and show the information previously typed.. thir shows the email typed.. got by $_GET['evalue'] and decoded by $emailvalue=base64_decode($evalue); (8th line)

    19 "code:" label for <?= $code ?> and <input name="code" size="4" maxlength="4" type="text">

    20 shows the code randomized for antibot system.. with #6633cc color, Tahoma face and size 2

    21 thats the gap to the user type the code showed before

    22 sends the correct code, to compare with the code typed

    23 submit gap, sends all this information typed by the user

    24 close this form

    25 close this table



    Save this file.


    3rd Step - Validating the antibot code. Create a document with the name "register.php" and place this:


    <?php$login = $_POST['login']; /* geting the login */$password = $_POST['password']; /* geting the password */$code = $_POST['code']; /* geting the code */$email = $_POST['email']; /* geting the email */$correct_code = $_POST['correct_code']; /* geting the correct code */		 if(!empty($code)){ /* looking if the code was written */		 /* looking if the code is correct */		 if($code == $correct_code){		 $l = base64_encode($login);		 $s = base64_encode($password);		 $e = base64_encode($email);		 header("Location: register2.php?l=$l&s=$s&e=$e"); /* here the code is right and the registration is being redirecting */		 }		 else{		 $lvalue = base64_encode($login);		 $evalue = base64_encode($email);		 $m = base64_encode("Invalid Code!");		 		 header("Location: index.php?msg=$m&evalue=$evalue&lvalue=$lvalue");}}else{$m = base64_encode("Write the code!");$lvalue = base64_encode($login);$evalue = base64_encode($email);header("Location: index.php?msg=$m&evalue=$evalue&lvalue=$lvalue");}?>

    4th Step - Filtering the informations. Create a file with the name "register2.php" and write this:


    <?phpinclude ("config.php");mysql_select_db($base,$link);$e = $_GET['e'];$l = $_GET['l'];$s = $_GET['s'];$email = base64_decode($e);$login = base64_decode($l);$password = base64_decode($s);$pattern2 = "([0-9_A-Z_a-z])+[-_,_._>_<_~_^_/_?_°_\_|_!_š_²_³_£_¢__§_º_@_#_%_¨_&_*_+_}_*_'_]";/* filtering characters on login */if(ereg($pattern2,$login) == true){$m = base64_encode("Login contains invalid characters!");$lvalue = base64_encode($login);$evalue = base64_encode($email);header("Location: index.php?msg=$m&evalue=$evalue&lvalue=$lvalue");exit;}$pattern2 = "([0-9_A-Z_a-z])+[-_,_._>_<_~_^_/_?_°_\_|_!_š_²_³_£_¢__§_º_@_#_%_¨_&_*_+_}_*_'_]";/* filtering characters on password */if(ereg($pattern2,$password) == true){$m = base64_encode("Password contains invalid characters!");$lvalue = base64_encode($login);$evalue = base64_encode($email);header("Location: index.php?msg=$m&evalue=$evalue&lvalue=$lvalue");exit;}$pattern3 = "([0-9_A-Z_a-z])+[,><~^/?°\|!š²³£¢§º#%¨&*+}*']";/* filtering characters on email */if(ereg($pattern3,$email) == true){$m = base64_encode("E-mail contains invalid characters!");$lvalue = base64_encode($login);$evalue = base64_encode($email);header("Location: index.php?msg=$m&evalue=$evalue&lvalue=$lvalue");exit;}/* looking if e-mail is valid */if (!(strpos($email,"@")) OR strpos($email,"@") != strrpos($email,"@")){$m = base64_encode("Invalid E-mail!");$lvalue = base64_encode($login);$evalue = base64_encode($email);header("Location: index.php?msg=$m&evalue=$evalue&lvalue=$lvalue");exit;}/* looking if the password have more than 6 characters */if(strlen($password) < 6){$m = base64_encode("Your password must contain at least 6 characters !");$lvalue = base64_encode($login);$evalue = base64_encode($email);header("Location: index.php?msg=$m&evalue=$evalue&lvalue=$lvalue");exit;}/* looking if the password have more than 3 characters */if(strlen($login) < 3){$m = base64_encode("Your login must contain at least 6 characters !");$lvalue = base64_encode($login);$evalue = base64_encode($email);header("Location: index.php?msg=$m&evalue=$evalue&lvalue=$lvalue");exit;}$sql=mysql_query("SELECT login FROM $table WHERE login='$login'");/* looking if the login exists */if(mysql_num_rows($sql)>0){$m = base64_encode("Existing user!");$lvalue = base64_encode($login);$evalue = base64_encode($email);header("Location: index.php?msg=$m&evalue=$evalue&lvalue=$lvalue");exit;}$sql1=mysql_query("SELECT login FROM $table WHERE email='$email'");/* looking if the email exists */if(mysql_num_rows($sql)>0){$m = base64_encode("Registered email already!");$lvalue = base64_encode($login);$evalue = base64_encode($email);header("Location: index.php?msg=$m&evalue=$evalue&lvalue=$lvalue");exit;}else{	$c_password1= base64_encode($password);	$date= date("Y/m/d");	$hour= date("H:i:s");		mysql_query("	INSERT INTO `$table` ( `id` , `login` , `password` , `email` , `date` , `time` ) 	VALUES (	'', '$login', '$c_password1', '$email', '$date', '$hour'	)") OR die("Error at open database!");	$m = base64_encode("Registration completed. Now you can log in!");	header("Location: login.php?msg=$m");	exit;}mysql_close($link);?>

    Creating a Login form:


    1st Step: Create a file with this name: login.php, and write this:


    <?phpinclude ("config.php");$msg = $_GET['msg'];$m = base64_decode("$msg");$lvalue = $_GET['lvalue'];$loginvalue = base64_decode("$lvalue");$loginenc = base64_encode("login");$passwordenc = base64_encode("password");$login1 = @$_COOKIE['$loginenc'];$password1 = @$_COOKIE['$passwordenc'];$logout = base64_encode("logout");mysql_select_db($base,$link);$sql5 = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE login='$login1'";$result = mysql_query($sql5);$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);$get_login = $row['login'];$v_password = $row['password'];$get_password = base64_decode("$v_password");$sql1=mysql_query("SELECT login FROM $table WHERE login='$login1'");/* verifying if the user is already log in */if(mysql_num_rows($sql1)>0){if($password1 == $get_password && $get_login == $login1){?> <center>Welcome, <?= $login1 ?><a href="login2.php?action=<?= $logout ?>"> Logout</a><br><br> put here the user page <?exit;}}/* if the user arent logged in, open the login form */else{?><table align="center" style="text-align: center;" border="0"cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><form action="login2.php?action=<?= $loginenc ?>" method="post">  <tbody>	<tr>	  <td colspan="2" rowspan="1"><font color="#CC0033" size="2"><strong>		 <?= $m ?><br><br></strong></td>	</tr>	<tr>	  <td style="width: 60px;">Login:</td>	  <td><input class=field name="login" type="text" value="<?= $loginvalue ?>"></td>	</tr>	<tr>	  <td style="width: 60px;">Password:</td>	  <td><input class=field name="password" type="password"></td>	</tr>	<tr>	  <td style="width: 60px;"></td>	  <td><input class=bottom name="Submit" value="Log in!" type="submit"></td>	</tr>  </tbody></table></form><?	}mysql_close($link);?>


    2nd Step: Create a file with the name: login2.php, and write this:


    <?phpinclude ("config.php");$get_login = $_POST['login'];$get_password = $_POST['password'];$get_action = $_GET['action'];$loginenc = base64_encode("login");$passwordenc = base64_encode("password");mysql_select_db($base,$link);$sql5 = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE login='$get_login'";$result = mysql_query($sql5);$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);$ver_login = $row['login'];$v_password = $row['password'];$get_password2 = base64_decode("$v_password");/* loging out */$logout = base64_encode("logout");if($get_action == $logout){setcookie('$loginenc',00);setcookie('$passwordenc',00);header('Location: login.php');}if($get_action == $loginenc){$pattern2 = "([0-9_A-Z_a-z])+[-_,_._>_<_~_^_/_?_°_\_|_!_š_²_³_£_¢__§_º_@_#_%_¨_&_*_+_}_*_'_]";if(ereg($pattern2,$get_login) == true || ereg($pattern2,$get_password) == true){$m = base64_encode("Login ou password incorreto!");header("Location: login.php?msg=$m");exit;}/* if the password is valid to this login set a cookie with this information */if($get_password2 == $get_password){setcookie('$loginenc',$get_login);setcookie('$passwordenc',$get_password);header("Location: login.php");exit;}else{$m = base64_encode("Login ou password incorreto!");header("Location: login.php?msg=$m");}}mysql_free_result($result);mysql_close($link);?>

    Finishing: up this files and test the system.


    Sorry if anything is wrong or incomplete, this is my first tutorial.. if anything is wrong please post here and if is possible with the fix xD


    Yours Impious

  5. i play tibia, and after died on this i've serching another mmorpg.. on this research i found Phobos Online.. thats a game in tests.. i tried to play but the server was full... and i'd like to know more about this... i dont find anything searching the web because its a new game... by the way i want to know if anyone play this game here, and if play or played please tell something about this xD

    ty for now


    well.. nobody answer me, so i continued my research... on this i found few things.. like a interview with one of creators of Phobos... on this he tell about the similarity with Tibia(famous MMORPG) and how is the Phobos online.. i'll paste the interview here..


    Kelekian.net: Hello Xaar, first of all, we would like to know your name, age, and where are you from?

    Xaar: Hello. Ehm, my name is Christopher, I am 16 years old and I origin from Sweden.


    Kelekian.net: Oh, a young boy! Do you work? Study? Just don't do nothing?

    Xaar: Actually, I am still in school. At my 10th year now, soon to start with my 11th. Studying IT.


    Kelekian.net: Well, the Tibian community got surprised when the information that you are developping a game very similar to Tibia, could you please say to us where this project idea come from?

    Xaar: Actually, the idea about creating Phobos Online origins from Isor Online, which was also a game developed by a bunch of kids inspired by Tibia. Me and ZeroCoolz was apart of it, but the leader was not being nice at all, therefore we decided to create our own game, and that's pretty much how it came to our ideas.


    Kelekian.net: People got euphoric with the ScreenShots and will probably love and approve this game =D Many people liked the game and wish to play it. They are very anxious to join the test server So, could you please give us some characterists of this fabulous game that are not found in Tibia?

    Xaar: Sure, some features that we do have, which Tibia does not have is a fabulous weather system, our spellsystem vary alot from Tibia's, you will see this later on. We also have more things, but it wouldn't be fun if I told you everything just now, rather try it out!


    Kelekian.net: Ah, <smiles>. We've noted that some older ScreenShots of the game shows that the client is very similar to Tibia's client, some of Tibians players says that your game is a OTServer (Open Tibia Server - a kind of server forbidden by CipSoft (the company that created Tibia)), Is it true? What you think about this informations?


    Posted Image

    Screenshot showing an older version of Phobos, very similar to Tibia


    Xaar: Heh, I can't blame them for thinking our older clients are looking alot like Tibias client, since we didn't care to much about changing it at first, we were way to thrilled about our game. The rumours about it being an OpenTibia server thought are false, it is not related to Tibia or OpenTibia in anyway except insipiration. I do admit thought, we used to play OpenTibia, but that's way in the past (Approximately 2 years ago). As stated, Phobos Online is our own game, not using a single line or graphic made by CIPSoft's Tibia.


    Kelekian.net: Do you have any idea about the priority of the game? Will it be an RPG game, a PvP Game, a Powergame game?

    Xaar: Our storywriters are putting alot of effort into it, making it an RPG that is. They are thinking out of every aspect to defeat the powergaming.


    Kelekian.net: Very good, Christopher! What is going to be the update focus of the game? Jogability. new areas, monsters?

    Xaar: I'm not quiet sure if I follow your question, but I will try to answer in the way I think you mean. Our updates will consists of different styles, it will vary from time to time. It is not yet possible to tell what will come in each update, since our first priority is to finish the game.


    Kelekian.net: How will be the battle system? Will it be 'tibia style'? Will have alternative servers like non-pvp or pvp-enforced?

    Xaar: As for now, we will only have one server and we will see how it will turn out. It will be non-pvp with PvP Arenas, and we might also add another system to make sure we won't have way to many thieves etc. As we want to balance the game as much as possible, we have to think through these questions alot.


    Kelekian.net: In a few screenshots we saw that there is a weather system. Some of them it was snowing, in others rainning. How will it work, I mean, how it will happen during the game?


    Posted Image

    Photo showing one of the weathers of Phobos


    Xaar: Heh. There will be different kind of weathers all over the world, like in the snowy north we will ofcourse make it snow, some places will be foggy, another area will be rainy as you said. Our biggest problem with this is probably to make the "edges" of the weathers, but this has already been taken care of. I mean, the idea for it, now we just have to program it.


    Kelekian.net: We saw a screenshot a magic spell totally different from tibia. The design was really nice if you compare with tibia. Will be a lot of spells like that in the game?

    Xaar: Of course there will, at the moment we do only have a minor of these, but they will ofcourse grow. We are planning to have the majority of our spells in that way.


    Kelekian.net: As you should know, some time ago CipSoft said that it would be very hard to implement the ability of "sitting" and that it would take a lot of job time, and so they gave up with this idea. In the ScreenShots we can see that in your game you had included it, was it so hard?

    Xaar: To be honest with you.. Not at all. It took ZeroCoolz a total of 1-2 hours to code it, and Komaster did the sprites rather quickly aswell.


    Kelekian.net:When the test servers are going to end and when are you planning to launch the first official server?

    Xaar: We haven't set any end date for the testserver which is coming up by tomorrow yet, it may vary between 1-3 days. We have planned to have the official server running within 1-2 months from now, hopefully everything goes as it should so we can keep it to that plan.


    Kelekian.net: In Tibia we have a lot of game servers that are "isolated", in Phobos how would be the servers?

    Xaar: Ah, we haven't thought of that already. I mean, as I stated earlier, our first priority is to finish the game and when the first official server is released, we will see how well it goes and if we would actually even need more servers.


    Kelekian.net: Tibia has 4 basic classes (8 in total) of characters, in Phobos how many exists?

    Xaar: At the moment, we do not have any classes. Yet, we will have a way more advanced class system then Tibia, trust me. I cannot reveal any information around this, since it's not we haven't decided what actually will be ingame or not.


    Kelekian.net: Hum... Phobos will have a 'Rookgaard Island'?

    Xaar: We sure will, but once again, it will be alot different from Tibia's rookgaard. But for now, we will only have one huge island, since everything isn't done yet.


    Kelekian.net: We know that Tibia has just a few GameMasters and a lot of Tutors, is there a idea for an constant staff to apply the rules and punishments?

    Xaar: Well, as it is now, we will only keep the The Last Myth team as Guardians (Tibia's gamemasters), but yet, as some other things, this hasn't been thought of since it's clearly not needed at the moment.


    Kelekian.net: Will Phobos Online have a Premium Account system like Tibia and others MMORPG? What sould be this cost?

    Xaar: We sure will, we are not sure what features the users will gain by it, neither how much or how to pay for it yet. But sure, we will have it. <Smile>


    Posted Image

    Picture showing the trade system on Phobos


    Kelekian.net: A lot of Tibians Players complain about Lags and Kicks as Phobos is an Online game it probably will have the same problems. What are you doing to minimize this problem?

    Xaar: Since we are only a bunch of kids making this game on our free time, we do not have a very good budget, yet when we do get enough donations/money for premium accounts, we will buy things which will decrease the amount of lag. We wouldn't want our customers to lag, therefore we will do our best to minimize it as you said.


    Kelekian.net: And about the test server tomorrow? How many players do you think the test server will support? Seems that the test server will be full, what do you think about that?

    Xaar: At our last testserver which was launched a week ago, we had a total of 46 players online at the same time, this time it will most likely and hopefully reach the amount of 100 players online at the same time. Our forum members went from 200 to 400 in a day, which is very good, now if the same thing happens to the testserver, we will be thrilled. Now we just have to hope that all bugs will be discovered and report in time, so people cannot abuse them.


    Kelekian.net: Thanks a lot of for the interview. The game is very interesting and we hope it has a lot of success. Would you like to tell something for the readers?

    Xaar: Hehe, thank you aswell. I guess all I have to say is that we would love if everyone would atleast try it out before judging it, also we do appreciate everyone who joins in. A game has no success without it's customers!

    Interview by Kelekian.net(http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)
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