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Everything posted by tyƒoon™

  1. I have been using this same powertoy on my PC for a few months now and it is super helpful when you have many folders, software and files open. This is just another reason why you don't need to upgrade your computer to Vista . I recommended this to anyone that has a Windows XP PC and as this is a powertoy by Microsoft, you can be certain it is virus-free
  2. There as been plenty of viruses like these around for months now. Only last month i was so close in clicking a link to something like im********.com/myemail saying there as some embarrassing picture of me. I used my brain for once and searched on google and found out it was just those sites with Trojans that sends to everyone in your contact list that same message. My suggestion to everyone is always verify that website by asking your friend what is it about and if in doubt, ask him a general question which both you and the person in your contact list knows. Most probably if it is the virus, he would go straight offline when you try talking to him. Hope this helps
  3. I have to admit i do turn off my router. However the only reason i do it (and i know this may sound a bit wierd) is that i feel more secure when it is off when i don't use it. I mean i can sleep peacefully as i know i am not being hacked to my wireless network by someone else that can do anything from my internet connection. I got that idea from a TV program called "The Real Hustle" thats comes on the BBC channels in the UK. In one part of the program, they shown the viewers that its easy to hack into a wireless network eventhough it may have a WEP security (which i used to use). Something about a software which you can get everywhere on the internet and all you need is a wireless laptop with that software.From that you can go to any wireless eventhough it does have WEP - they did not mention what was the software called though nor did they show how they actually did it. Since then i switched to WPA and put MAC filtering but just incase - its still turning off my router for me when i don't use it despite the lifespan decreasing.
  4. Hey, i got a Ubuntu LiveCD and it works perfectly. Seems like a good change from Windows from time to time.The only problem i am having is that i cant find some files that are on my C:/ drive (the Windows area) - although i can see them through windows no problem. Example is that when i go to the documents and settings folder on the C drive, no folders are there. When i go back to windows, its there! Can someone please tell me how can i see my files via ubuntu. I am quite a newbie to Ubuntu so please excuse me if this is a n00b question
  5. I would not keep my hopes up that Windows Vienna would be out by 2009. A good example is Vista where they said it would start shipping in 2005! (at least that is what i heard from my friends). A good 5 years later this version of windows has come out and from this experience, i would say Vienna would come out at least from 2010. Besides the release date part, i think the way Vienna is sounding right now it's going to be HUGE. A new interface like the massive change between Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 would be amazing as long as they are not going to copy anyone *cough* Mac *cough* .
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