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Everything posted by Arkane

  1. Very nice renders, I tried to get into rendering at one point to improve my photoshop work but never got far D=.
  2. lol I think it was just a site the person made to have some fun and see how small he could possibly make a site.
  3. Well I've been playing this for a while out of shear boredom and thought I'd mention it here.Maple Story is more than an MMO, its a SSMMO (Side Scrolling MMO)The concept of the game is awesome but the game it self isn't the greatest. Basically you are chibi-like anime characters in some random world. The game doesn't have much storyline. Also honestly it's just a giant grind session (killing monsters endlessly) with no real promise of success at the end. Either way its a good game to pass the time =D. If you want to play it you can find it at mapleglobal.com (sadly you have to use IE to access the site)
  4. World of Warcraft is indeed the greatest MMO out, I have a level 70 undead mage on the Twisting Nether server, if anyone else plays there let me know =D
  5. Just wondering who else plays this game and how long thay have played.Ive been playing since about 1.4 on the Krimzon Tide server. In 1.6 we had the second largest server in the US. Now sadly the clan got broke in half and we are rebuilding but that is beside the point. Counter-Strike is possibly one of the best FPS' that is out there in my opinion. Other games may have better graphics but the game play of Counter-Strike just rules.So ya, who all plays, how long have you played and where do you play?
  6. Well I made this a little bit ago for a site called Gamexe.net, note i put .com on accident but other than that it should work just fine. Please do not put this on any other website without my permission. If you want to know what brushes I used just ask, I don't feel like figuring out right now =P
  7. Well I made this a little bit ago for a site called Gamexe.net, note i put .com on accident but other than that it should work just fine. Please do not put this on any other website without my permission. If you want to know what brushes I used just ask, I don't feel like figuring out right now =P In response to buffalo i present you words! Complete Abstract Signature By =|[K|T]|= Arkane of Gamexe.net DO NOT POST THIS ON ANY OTHER SITE WITHOUT MY PERMISION Create a new image 350px x 125px Fill the layer with black Brush the layer white with an abstract brush create a new layer Fill the layer white Brush black with a different abstract brush Make sure you have the second layer selected set the blending mode to soft light Ctrl-u and make it a nice red color, don't make it stick out though Merge the layer down (you dont have to actually) Create a new layer fill the layer with black and brush it with a nice abstract brush that has a glow to it Set the belnding mode to overlay Press Ctrl-U and make it a dull yellow Merge the layer down if you want Create a new layer Fill this laywe with black Brush it with another glowing abstract brush Press Ctrl-U Make it a green color (look at the pic) set blending mode to overlay and merge down. (if you want to merge down) Now your done with the background. Ok, now grab a render you want to use, I will be using the one seen in the pic above Im going to use the magic wand to remove the background. You can use whatever technique you like for this though. Once the background is gone copy and paste the render into your picture, if it is too big you can go to edit -> transform -> scale. Don't forget to hold shift while scaling or else it won't look right. Now, to make it blend into the background a little better I used a technique from Gamexe.net It can be found at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it is the "Optional" at the very bottom of the page. Duplicate the render layer and add a motion blur to it. I used -45 degrees and a blur radius of 40, but mess with this so it fits your image. Now move the blur a little to the left, nudge it 5-7 pixels, maby more if it really looks good. Now add some text to it (I use a modified version of the metal text found here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Finally we will add a border, no image is complete without one! Create a new layer above everything else. Fill the layer with black Go to Edit -> Stroke Set the width to 5 px and the color to white. Go to Edit -> stroke again and set it to 3px and the color to black Now click on the magic wand tool and click the middle of the image, this should select the inside around the layer. Press delete on your keyboard Now press Ctrl-D and view the finished product. You can get many different results and it varies a lot depending on what brushes you use.
  8. Sounds like a good site to have, I don't really like the idea of hacking but if you really like hacking this is a good site to have. Personally i have no clue how to hack but if i did i would be all over it lol.
  9. In my opinion games have absolutely nothing to do with what you do unless you are mentally instable. If this is true, well you shouldn't have access to guns cars etc. People cant stand the idea that they don't know why something happened and / or dont want to except the real reason so they place blame on things such as video games.
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