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Everything posted by east-drip

  1. I got this message when I tried to make my account for hosting today:There were problems creating your account! Please Contact Administrator.And then it printed out this info:The /usr, /, or /var partition onthis server is running out of disk space.This WHM operation has beentemporarily suspended to prevent something bad from happening.Please ask your system admin to remove any files not in use on that partition.Not sure what to do, thanks in advance for the help.
  2. Wow! That looks really good, and the price for that camera isn't bad at all! My brother has a 5 megapixel camera that we use, and it take really nice pictures. Decent video as well, 1gig card FTW!A friend of mine has one of those crazy SLR cameras (I believe his is a 7 megapixel, but don't hold me to that). It takes great pictures, but he has other cameras and likes film more.
  3. I mainly use the GIMP. It's has a ton of awesome features, and the price just cannot be beat . I really like the interface, which is part of the reason I enjoy using it. However, when I'm at school I have to make due with Fireworks (not a bad program, but you can't do nearly as much as you can in GIMP).
  4. I use Notepad, and NoteTab (nice editor, just google it, I forget the site name).I also have Dreamweaver, it's nice, it helps you update quickly, but I personally like to type out the code. And like someone else said, the code is a NIGHTMARE. It's so busy and unorganized, you can hardly find anything, let alone change anything. I've never tried starting a page from scratch and typing it in the 'Coder' view of Dreamweaver. I'm sure it wouldn't be as bad, because it'd be like another editor, but like I said, I've never tired it.
  5. Yeah this happened to me and I was like, what?!?!Thank goodness it's fixed now.
  6. My friend uses CuteNews on his CS Clans site. He LOVES it, I helped him set it up, and it works great. I'll probably be adding this to my site at some point, once it goes live .
  7. east-drip

    CSS Editor

    That's pretty sweet! I'll have to check that one out. +1 for NotePad2 I also sometimes use NoteTab, I really like it. It's free and it's got quite a few handy features. Color-coding, all of that good stuff to help you out when you just can't find that error in the code. As far as I know, there really isn't a WYSIWYG editor for CSS, you just have to mess around with the code on your own and keep refreshing your page. But if there is one, it's news to me.
  8. Wow, Opera sounds pretty awesome! I'll have to try it out sometime. As of, I have no idea how long, I've been using FireFox, unless I'm at school, and we can't have FireFox installed on the machines there ( ).Learn something new everyday, eh?
  9. FireFox, because I like all the plugins and tabbed browsing. (GMail Plugin FTW)I've used it for so long now, I'm spoiled, I hate having to use IE on other peoples computers.
  10. Wow man, pixel art is something that I wish I could do.You shold check out, http://www.pixellife.com/ and pixelcar.com (I think it's pixelcar). Both really cool, a lot of work in the cars on both of those sites.CSS ZenGarden also has a style that is made with pixel art, I believe it's called, Leggo My Eggo.+1 to you man, that takes some serious skill and patience.
  11. Hello all, this is east-drip (you'll see why that's my username shortly). I was first shown Xisto by my Guild Leader on Guild Wars, we hosted out Guild Site with Xisto. At that time, I didn't really have any sites that I needed hosting, but now I do, so I came here first, knowing what kind of service he had gotten (saying that he loved Xisto is an understatement!). So, with a recommendation like that, I decided this was the place for me.Now, my username, East-Drip, is in relation to the site I will hopefully be hosting shortly. East for East Coast, and Drip, for Drift+Grip. The site will be a site by the enthusiasts and for the enthusiasts of drifting and grip racing.Hope to get to know you all soon, as I'll probably be sucking up all the information I can find on here! (Another reason why I wanted to join up on the forums)
  12. I know people who play WoW and also GW. Personally, I only play GW. I've been playing since public release and I've played multiple characters through both the Prophecies (Original campaign) and Factions (New 'Expansion' game). Personally, if you like storyline, go for the Prophecies game (Factions has a great story, but it's not as long). However, if you like PvP (like I do) then Factions would be the game to get first. The reason for this is that in Factions ANet added Allaince Battles, which pits the Luxons vs. the Kurzicks in a 12v12 style capture the flag battle. It's a lot of fun and also a pretty easy way to make some money (trade in faction from winning for amber chunks or jade shards).It's fine for the casual gammer also, as the lvl cap is low, and easily achievable in a week or less.GW is a great game, and I would recommend it to anyone.
  13. Ah, the good old days of CO. Sorry, I can't help you in game (I played on Dream) but, I can give you a place to go to. Go over the bridge in Ape Atoll (Go out of the town, and all teh way south, jump on the portal, keep going south until you reach the bridge.) Cross that bridge, and go all the way up the other side. (Following along the wall, there is usually a high level power leveler up there.) Another option is to head to Bird Island, you can usually get a team in the NE portal, or just right out the main gate. Watch out in this place though, as the monsters are lvl 80+ Hope that helps, although I am now just looking at the post date, and I see this was a few days ago.
  14. Thanks for the tutorial! I've been looking for one for a while, and yours is easy to follow .
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