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XRumerTest reacted to a post in a topic: Diy Fan Controller Creative Custom cooling control solution
wasnt it a baur ?ive been killed by it enough times to know. Im a close combat sniper average 1.7 infiltrator pins/game hehe. by the way, people here post some tags so i can actually have buddies, im Some0ne. feel free to send a request
heres something to "chew" on.... --- Suppose that instead of nanobots, which alot of people wouldnt like to have in their mouths, using natural things. - Bad things about nanobots- - while theyd be targeted towards bacteria, theres many things that they could VERY easily confuse for bad bacteria and take it out. This is not a good thing. - People tend to swallow food and drink, so what if theese nanobots went with it and went on a nano-killing-spree on all of the enzymes and bacteria that help digest food? It would eventually begin to recognize the bacteria in the linings of organs and yeah.. not good.. - As i mentioned before, goining to the dentist is bad enough, why would we want robots in our mouths weekly - Good things about nanobots- - With the particles they do recognize as bad, theyd do a pretty good job eliminating them, assured the technology is even with the advancement. - NATURAL solution. --- toss the toothbrush --- + First, youd have a bottle of a substance youd think today as listerine. This contains Substance A, which the applicant would keep in thier mouth as lang as possibly, swishing and shaking every few. In this time, the substance would have a bonding preference to calcium, and to get to that calcium it would need to saturate whatever is before it, which would be plaque and just crap in general. + So you swished around for a solid 1-2 minutes, spit the liquid out. Swallowing is possible, for the substance bonds exclusively to calcium, and when met with Amylase or any other kind of digestive enzyme it is easily disposable. + Put the bottle of Substance A down and with a slightly concentrated liquid form of Substance B, mix a 1:1 ratio of that and water that is as warm, but cool enough for you to have in your mouth. Wait 1 minute for the substance B to fully disipate in the mix and for the enzymes to become excited. + With the Substance B mix in your mouth, let it settle for roughly 1/2 a minute, then swish for the next 1/2 minute, repeat until the water has significantly cooled. + Spit the Substance B mix out, wait 15 minutes with no food or drink, and apply a substance that is very same to substance A, only it differs in how its recognized by substance B, so it is not eliminated, but has a significantly thicker density, so as it bonds to the calcium it forms a protective barrier. +-- What happens here is Substance B is targeted towards substance A, so when Substance A saturates the plaque and crap, Substance b will eliminate all that is permeated by it, therefore taking the plaque and crap away. Because all of this process is targeted towards dense calcium deposits, there is no risk for loosing gum tissue etc., and although it should be avoided, it could be swallowed.
i run FRAPS, which originally is for DX stuff, but i modded mine to work on whatever is on the screen, including the desktop so i just use that, its really a nice thing.
Yeah the 8 series, but idk if youve noticed but there RIDICULOUSLY expensive. Sure Nvid has the leading edge now but thats because it was a suckerpunch to the attention that ATI was getting from the consumer-friendly 1k series. Look at it the way they do, there in it for money, not to make the world a better place with mind-blowing graphics, and the entire point of buisness it capitalism. And as we all know the point of capitalism is selling the best product for the best price. There ARE limits to that of course, which is the consumer. For example, just cause a v10 lambo is being sold at the LOWEST price of 340,000, doesnt mean thats what everyone will buy, but if theres say a honda civic that performs great for 18,000,, alot more will buy that, How it transfers over is that although Nvidia is ripping innovation a new one, ATI have realized that simply racing Nvidia in innovation WONT bring in the big bucks, what can however is lurking in the wake of Nvid's innovation and using the "yesterdaY" ideas to invest in cards that catch more intrest from your everyday 1grand gamer. not from the 3k gearheads that put out a second mortgage for new hardware. So yeah, to say that Nvidia is better than ATI is true, is true as far as advancement goes, but ATI has taken the lead in applying to your average consumer. And the reason Crossfire is not as popular is that motherboard producers did not see "crossfire" as the more appealing thing on the box, because in thier opinion that wasnt the best multi-GPU interface. Through my own research and experience, it really is a much better interface. Nvidia, like all the tech of thiers rushed through its production, and saved it for after release to correct some of the more minor flaws, while crossfire was tested throroughly, which contributed to its later release than SLi. And without decent mother board producers taking enough pride in it to incorporate into thier decent motherboards, it never really got the boost it needed.
I saw some pictures on a guys deviantart profile and in my opinion they looked amazing. Although it seemed like they were taken from a real picture and really messed with..... It said photomanipulation somewhere in there, so it leads me to believe that this is possibly what the process is called? If so, or anything else, what IS it called, and what would i need as far as software goes to do it ? any tutorials? thanks, Dux
In my opinion most dogs dont do that because theyre gay.. most of the time there just trying to get your attention... and if you really look at it, mostly for males they have a keen sense of what part of the human body is most sensitive ie. licking your face, "grundling" lol... Its a pretty cool thing if you think about it, how they can analyze things that way. Someone was saying earlier that maybe biotech could be developed to have humans smell better. Im sure this is possible, but on top of being very costly to even research, because it would involve modifying the millions of chemoreceptors in the nose, it would be a while. And on top of that, sometimes humans dont want to smell certain things that dogs can.. imagine walking into a public bathroom that with a normal sensitivity would be bad, with a biotech smell it would be unbearable. Again, im sure its possible its just very far off. Lol kind of like a "smelling aid"
I make most of my photoshop/flash tutorials with a desktop recorder, and my intention is to post a few here, the only thing is you'd get almost NO credits for it. Could there be a solution to this?
from what ive seen its a pretty solid game. I like the newer systems of upgrading your weapons/ equipment, although i find it uneccesary for you can just kill someone else and take their nicer stuff.. Anyone else play? if so add me. my tag is "Some0ne." later
Its pretty strong, id barely go out on a limb to say it works just as good as day 1.
Recently my ipod had died, too many drops made the hardddrive have difficulty reding the boot files, so it didnt work.... SO a few weeks later i whipped it apart and took a look at the HD.. and the most random thought came to freeze it... now i have a good idea of why this would work, but will explain later for im really tired. But what i did, was put it in the freezer for about 20mins.. then i took canned keyboard duster, turned it upside down and laid down a few freezes on it while it was still cold. i waited till the frost came off the metal and i turned it on, expecting to see an unhappy ipod sign, maybe with a scarf and a pair of earmuffs, but it actually booted, i kid you not. Havent had a problem with it since.. May i have stumpled on a profoundly genius way to repair minor shock-damaged/old hard drives? If anyone has a broken Ipod HD, what do u got to lose? just a freezer and a can of duster and ur set.
I should have emphasized integrating the cooling system INTO the chip more, for that was really what i wanted to put out there
I am not trying to offend anyone with the following paragraphs, I am merely expressing one of my thoughts on the premise of Jesus being real.I believe there was a man named Jesus Christ back in the time when the Romans ruled Jersualem and Herod was the overseer. However, could he not in reality be someone who was taken in my the Roman government and then processed and brain-washed by them until he was willing to do whatever they whished of him.If you look in the Bible there is an incosistenacy if 18 years. What went on during those years? Personally I believe that Jesus was abducted as an adolescent along with his mom (Mary) and father (Joeseph) and taken back to Rome. Once there i believe he was possibly tortured, but defiently brain-washed, along with his parents to carry out Roman orders. Also in on the Romans plot was John the Baptist, and all of Jesus Disciples; Mark, Matthew, Luke, John, Simon, Judas, Andrew, James, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, James, and Peter. They were all part of the plot. Why would Herod hesitate such a rabble rouser like John the Baptist? Because he knew, he knew that John was merely making it easier for Jesus to Convert all the Jews to his way of thinking and taking the fight fully out of them. John was supposed to live, but to keep the falsity up, he had to execute him for that wretched woman. The Pharosees knew the truth, being well educated men, they were also well connected and had heard of the plot a fwe years before the reemergence of Jesus, that was why at every turn they were there to confrony him and tried to prove him wrong, it was merely through the skewed writings of the "disciples" that people have come to believe them as stubborn and unreceptive of change. However they were actually very accepting and had at first taken this plot in stride, trusting to the intelligence and faith of their community. Unfortunetly Jesus was very persuasive and, as he was of the line of David the Jews jumped to conclusions and praised him as their savior. Just as the Romans had wanted.Now we come to Pontious Pilot and the "Cruxifiction" of Jesus. Pontious Pilot and the Pharosees had begun to talk over the last year of Jesus' life and both came to the conclusion that the emperor was doing something competly immoral and trying to destroy the first and only true religion of the time with false words and a false messiah. Also Pontious Pilot was really a Jew, he had converted to Judaism many years before word of Jesus had reached him, and when he did hear of the plot he had become outraged and had moved along certain paths which led him to the job in Jerusalem, enabling him to prevent the rise of this false prophet.In his effort to stop this false messiahs message he bribes one of the "disciples," Judas, whom he gets to tell where Jesus is. During the exchange of money, Judas let slip to one of the guards that Jesus won't be in jail for long because he will be breaking him out. The guard returned to Pontious Pilot with this information and this leads to the scene outside the prison with the release of Jesus or the other prisoner(his name escapes me at the moment). When the Jews choose the other prisoner, who is a drunk, and most likely be thrown back into jail the next day, Jesus realizes that the "jig is up" so to say. He then resigns himself to his coming execution.What had happened during the time of his arrest and the gathering of the mob was that Pontious Pilot and the Pharosees, along with the help of Judas and Peter(yes Peter, the judge of those coming into the gates of heaven) they told the Jews the truth about Jesus and the plot he had been involved with and how the Roman emperor had facilitated the whole thing. He aslo told them that the situation was one that Jesus had unknowingly made, he had believe that he was really doing this in the name of his God, but it was jus the insidious messages that years of Roman torture had left inside his mind. He had tried to convince them to let him live and merely keep him under a form of house arrest, but the Jewish population was so incsensed at being duped in such a large, overt fashion they called for his death and Pontious Pilot although saddened and disgusted complied.After hsi cruxifiction Jesus didnt really stay upon the hill until his death, during the natural earthquake that happened, a small group of his followers ran up and took him down, while replacing his body with another. So when Jesus rose agian, he really had never died, and had been removing the fake body when the two women found him inside the tomb. Becuase of this, these two women essintially caused the rise of Christianity and the hatred of the Jews.That is one of my many theories on Jesus and his being.Once more i do not mean to offend anyone or their religion, this is just one of my many theroies on Jesus Christ.
Well yeah i had to do a topic of the past-present-future and i had to chose an author who implemented the idea into his/her writing, so i chose the writer Kurt Vonnegut, if anyones familiar with him and has read "slaughterhouse-five" could they please see in theese 3 paragraphs i wrote if i understand the book correctly? Anyone who isnt familiar with Kurt but wants to chime in on my writing is gladly appreciated. One problem i have is jumping topics without explaining them throughly, if anyone sees this could they please tell me? So here it is --------- In the book Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut, he clearly recollects his experiences during world war II and mixes them with his sci-fi writing style. The book tells the story of Billy Pilgrim, a prisoner of war during World War II. Billy has been predisposed to flash into different parts of his life, like his death, and his family at home. At one point in time he is abducted by aliens, these aliens have the ability to see any time in their life on command. When Billy was captive to the aliens, he adapted some of their philosophy related the the past, present and future, and on earth proclaimed it, which was received well by the people of the time, making him famous. For the people of the time in which this was best received, it was looked upon as an anti-war novel. It highlighted the horrors that Billy pilgrim had to endure during his limited “flashes” In the war, such as after the firebombing having to clean up the city of rotting corpses and skeletons. Of the time of the Vietnam War, this book was recovered and was used to educate people of the brutality of war. Vonnegut in the novel often recollected the experiences he had during the war, but used Billy’s time warping tendencies to shed light on other interests of his. The aliens for one were a representation of his for evolution, not that we’ll evolve to see the future, but that we will evolve to be able to grasp the magnitude of time as it affects us, how the past intermixes with the present to create the future. From reading this book, it only makes clearer what I know of Vonnegut’s standings and beliefs on war, life, technological advancement, and evolution. In my opinion, the aliens he encounters are exactly the opposite of Vonnegut’s belief that life is lived best with things that we don’t know. And the aliens themselves never have to make any kind of decision, they just have only to think upon what they already know, for it is what they will always know and feel. Also I think he reinforces the idea that humans often can demonstrate being blind to any kind of reason present. Light is shone on how the guards after the firebombing used so much effort and time to convict and kill a friend of Billy’s for stealing a piece of pottery on a dead body amongst all of the destruction and death around them. ------------- Btw the content will be cleared most of this week from wednesday-on so turnitin.com doesnt see it as plagarism, ill put it back up on the weekend -back up