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About nighthawk1405241531

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    Newbie [Level 1]
  1. I will switch to linux when XP becomes outdated, I hate Vista.Linux is very good OS, but it always makes a lot of trouble when using with dial up modem.
  2. You seem to be much better in english than me. I live in Serbia, and I only learned english in school. I am able to remeber new words quickly but my grammar sucks.I want to ask you something about Turkish. What does word "bre" means? We often use this word in conversation, we inherited it from Turks, but it has no particular meaning and cannot be translated to another language.
  3. I agree with sitekeen, vlc is excellent player. ViPlay is also good considering that installation file has only 700 KB (that is old version, maybe new one has different size).XM play is excellent audio player, much better and easier to use that windows media player. It has only about 300 KB and it will play almost any music file. You don't even need to install it.
  4. I don't like idea of big companies buying smaller ones. Today all big companies take over small ones, and what will happen in future. Maybe we will end up with only one huge company that will control everything. That will be very bad, unless we turn from capitalism to comunism.
  5. If you are using linux you could use bluefish. It is really excellent program for editing html and especially css. It is also very good for php. Too bad there is no version for windows.But you could use some of the live linux distributions, so you don't have to change your existing software, only bad thing is that you can't write to ntfs partitions. I recommend you Austrumi. It is very small, about 50 MB, but it has many nice programs like Firefox, Gimp, Inkscape, some office tools, etc.
  6. LOL, that must be Flight Gear. It is free and open source, but it is rubbish. Only thing that you could use it for is system stability testing, because that thing will use up all RAM and virtual memory, and then demand more. Only airplane that is decently design is Cessna 172, and it flies good until you decide to roll to the right. After that only way is down. Why? After rudder is moved to the far right it can't get back. Some other aircraft are not even flyable (you cannot start engine on lightnig). There is one flight simulator that is free, and there are many combat modes. Downsides - not very realistic and graphics and sound look like game was built in early nineties. But it is good thing if you want to learn to fly. It is YSFLIGHT
  7. Firefox. But I also use Opera, mainly for mail, rss feeds and for downloading images. Firefox has a problem with that, when there are too many images, or images are too big (in terms of memory) firefox doesn't cache them, so even if they are loaded when you try to download it download starts from beggining. That's very annoying if you are using dial up.
  8. I used dreamweaver and PhpDesigner for editing php, but then I've found notepad2. It recognizes sintax of many different languages (php, html, javascript, sql, c++ ...) works very, very fast and can work even without installing. If you install decide to install it then notepas2 will replace windows' original notepad.
  9. This is very difficult question. They look more like very complicated chemical than a living being. And those things that cause mad cow disease ( I forgot how they are called) they don't even have DNA nor RNA. They are consisted only of proteins, so we can treat them more like a poison. But they are able to multiply inside host's body.It's really hard to define what is alive and what is not. And what would happen when we build a robot that has all properties of a living being (take care of itself, multiply...). Would it be alive?
  10. Nero is bloatware, and each new version gets more bloated, especially Nero Express or Smart Start. Several times I had problems reading and erasing RW discs burned by my friends who were using Nero Express. I would recommend you to try ImgBurn, I downloaded it, but I havent installed it yet. It is very small, about 1 MB.
  11. I had Slackware, but it was to comlicated. I couldn't even enable sound drivers. Then I tried Ubuntu but I was dissapointed when I realized that I have to download tons of drivers and codecs, and I only have dial up. I'm trying to get Simply Mepis, I heard that it can do all the thing that ubuntu can't, such as playing mp3.
  12. I use Azureus. One of the best bittorrent clients. It's only downside is that it is written in Java and therefore is very slow. It is far better than programs such as utorrent that most of the people use. I used utorrent and I was very unhappy with it, the biggest problem is that often exceeds speed limit, and in those few seconds I can't even load google's page in my browser (I use dial up).
  13. I can give you link to that website if you speak Serbian. That priest says that Earth cannot be older than 30.000 years because there would be no C-14. He forgets that C-14 is formed in other nuclear reactions. Then he says that universe is not closed thermodinamical system because after all stars die universe will cool down. For him that is violation of energy preservation law. Than space have to be open system, so god created it. It is not true, space don't have to cool down to absolute zero. There is also one more possibility that universe colapses back. There are probably many other thing in that book, I only read few lines of it.
  14. NASA scientist discovered few years ago that if we would convert all cars to run on hydrogen tiny leaks of that gas would severely damage ozone layer. That could be major disadvantage. There are other alternatives like ethanol, there is a way to make ethanol from celulose (straw, old paper). Unfortunately this method was discovered by a private company, and they don't want to let everybody to use it. They probably wait to oil prices get to high so they could get rich.
  15. I used to beleive that god exists, and I was very religious. Than, when I was 14, I started to think about that idea and I concluded that god doesn't exist. I became an atheist. At first I was a little bit afraid to say that, or to say anything bad about god and church because subcontiosly I still beleived in god, and I had feeling that something bad will happen to me.Now after 7 years I'm complete atheist and now I can't quite understand beleivers. I'm not agains religion, everyone should have the right to beleive in what ever he/she wants, but I usually don't like churches. Yesterday I stummbled accross a book written by priest of Serbian Ortodox Church who also has a degree in physich. The book should tell us that science is wrong, but the book was full of lies (I study physics). So use lies, and then tell us DO NOT LIE. Bible is also full of imposible stories, like Noa's Arch (sorry if I misspelled). How could Noa save animals from America and Australia. People didn't even know of these continents?
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