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Posts posted by ginginca

  1. At http://www.3buckaudio.com/ we have added an audio greeting using a different way than we have done in the past.

    I'm wondering it you can visit the site and let me know about the loading time.

    There's no pause/stop buttons yet as we are experimenting with it. But it's only a 60 second greeting.

    Can you let me know if it starts to PLAY immediately when you click the button?

    Kindest thanks for your help!

  2. I've had a look at attachments, and it seems horribly complicated. The best way might be to store it on the server. Keep in mind that you'll need some sort of limitation, or they'll use up all your space. I don't know if you already have that in your site, but if you don't you should add it.


    I'd use some sort of code like the following (inserted beside the mail function in your script:

    $filesplit = explode("\\", $file); //Split file to find extension$f = fopen("uploaded_$from_".time()."_".$filesplit[count($filesplit)-1], "xb") or die("Could not upload file."); //Create file with name "uploaded_person_time_filename.ext" and end if failedfwrite($f, implode("", file($file))); //Write file as string to new filefclose($f);//Close file
    I have not tested the code, so if it doesn't work you can try to figure out the problem or you can tell me what's wrong. Good luck.


    I own the server and there's a nice big hard drive in it. Besides, the files will be removed once I get notification they are there (they will pretty much be sending PDF's my way.)


    I don't see any FTP account vars. BTW I noticed on FTP.net, the FTP_PUT command. Does THAT work in this case?



    Here's the script from their site:


    <?php$file = 'somefile.txt';$remote_file = 'readme.txt';// set up basic connection$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);// login with username and password$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass);// upload a fileif (ftp_put($conn_id, $remote_file, $file, FTP_ASCII)) {echo "successfully uploaded $file\n";} else {echo "There was a problem while uploading $file\n";}// close the connectionftp_close($conn_id);?>

    I don't know how I would put this into my existing mail script, and if I can point to specific FOLDER, or what that line $remote_file = 'readme.txt'; has to do with it.

  3. Hello fellow astahostians!

    I made an email form for my site, where I want customers to be able to send me a file from their computer.

    There's a number of fields (name, email etc.) which are processing through to my email just fine.

    I want to be able to receive their attachment, either as an attachment to my email, or to FTP it to my server, whichever is more straight forward for me to do.

    I have the form completed, and the field where they choose and select their file. Here's what I "don't" quite get ... what type of instructions to I need in the PHP, so their file ends up coming to me.

    Here is part of my code:

    if (isset($_POST['sendnow'])){$from = $_POST['fromemail'];$fromname = $_POST['fromname'];$frompaypalemail = $POST['frompaypalemail'];$file = $POST['file'];$tel = $_POST['tel'];$message = $_POST['message'];// extra info to add to message$address = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);$ip = gethostbyname($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);$timestamp = time ();$filename =  $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];$location = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$filename;// adding$messagewithinfo = "$message\n\n$fromemail\n\n$fromname\n\n$frompaypalemail\n\n$tel\n\n\n\nAdditional info:\nIP = $ip\nAddress = $address\nTime at server = $timestamp\nSent with this page = $location\n";mail($to, $subject, $messagewithinfo, "From: $fromname <$fromemail>\r\n" . "Reply-To: $from\r\n" . "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());echo("$confirm");}else{?><form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="emailform">

    My variable name for the attachment is called FILE.

    So here's my question ... what do I add to this, to be able to receive the file? As I said ... whether it goes onto my server and I download it manually, or whether it is attached to an email ... doesn't matter either way.

    Thank you for your help!


  4. I recently changed my motherboard (don't ask why - its a horrid story! ;) ) Now, it has the audio jack(s) right onto it, with no connecting wires. I've connected standard desktop stereo speakers (2.0) to the Audio-OUT Jack (green). But, I happen to find out that my speakers are swapped! When the balance is 100% right, I hear from the left speaker!


    Now, besides just interchanging the physical position of my speakers ;) , can anyone suggest me a software solution to this? There's no use working with the hardware part, since I've been through the motherboard, and there's no internal connecting wires to interchange!


    For your information, I'm using Microsoft Windows® XP Professional with Service Pack 2. I have installed a C-Media Audio Codec for AC'97 Audio. Of course, there's no option to swap speakers in its console either...


    Why NOT just swap one for the other? You'd be done in about 3 seconds.

  5. the site looks good with a good combination of colours ,but if you ask me genuinely ,though the color suitablity is good ,it looks more like a scammers site to me,because of the way they have been written and designed ,if you make customer feel that you are going to do a magic ,most smart customer knows that it can't be done ,but yet there is no lack of foolish customers too ,i don't know whether this type of site works but i surely feel that you can do a better job ,by coding a better design ,which look more sophisticated and real .;)

    Yes, that's a real tough one to address.

    We're certainly ABLE to do much more sophisticated design, but the experts (the ones who make plenty of money doing this type of thing) have this style of approach to the visuals.

    I completely agree with you ... just don't know yet my next steps.


  6. I have made some tweaks if you want to take another look:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ haven't had a paycheck since 1995 (and neither has my spouse). But my income hasn't been generated from ebooks. This is my first attempt at THAT. Generally I do marketing for other companies which also includes web development. We also do well with hosting, blogs, anti-spam stuff, domains etc.)Do you think the message is clear enough that people would be willing to part with their money?The countdown continues ... launching Tuesday Feb 13, 2007!

  7. No I'm not asking you to buy anything ... but if you like to provide an opinion here's a spot you can do so.I have created a new "virtual product" which will be soon going to market (a click-bank type of product.)It contains:31-page e-book (PDF)55-minute audio versionplus a 6-page bonus.I'm looking for opinions on the TITLE of the book, as well as thoughts on a selling price (if you want to provide one).Here's the content/subject matter:106 ad headlines ... each one is explained as to why they create impact, and hundreds of examples are given. It also includes a bonus at the end that explains how to get more inspiration to create headlines with impact, and cites another 50 examples that came from this source.The 6-page bonus is a HEADLINE BANK listing 150 proven headlines that you can modify for your advertising.The market is online marketers as well as any type of business owner.Here are some ideas for the title of the book:106 Killer Headlines106 Killer Headlines Explained106 Killer Headlines with ImpactWhat are YOUR ideas?

  8. A good paycheck is a result of lots of things ...What company are you working forDemand for your skills (supply vs. demand)Stability vs instability of employment in your field.Type of employment (contract vs. permanent)How good you are at what you doWhat other skills you bring to the tableI have seen good programmers earning $300/hour but also spending 6 or more months at a time between contracts.One job that might often be overlooked is the person who does the testing. A GOOD tester is worth their weight in gold. But most testers aren't very good.

  9. Hello all,We have a client in Missouri, in the lending business. (yes the big M word) *grin*Here's what I'm struggling with and would like some feedback ... if you were an immigrant living in the USA, and you wanted to get your first mortgage since moving to the states, what would you be searching for online?What I'm keying in is bring up volumes of like '4' a month, but I know there's a lot of people that fit this description.Any ideas?

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