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Posts posted by ginginca

  1. I downloaded it and read through the beginning of both manuals. It looks like it will manage ads ON a web site.I want to make sure I have explained myself right ... I want to track the ads on other sites (and PPC ads like google adwords) - stuff I am paying for, to see what converts to sales, so I know what is useful and what is useless, for where I spend my advertising $.Will it do that? From what I saw in the manual it was the reverse of that.

  2. A friend of mine is having problems printing out the right border in a Word document. I took a look at it and see that it happens on my computer also. I open up a new Word document and go to File->Page Setup and change the orientation to Landscape. Then I go to the Layout tab and click on the Borders button. I choose the Box one and have the 4 borders there. I click OK and tried the Preview. The right border is not showing up in Print Preview. I tried changing all the margins to 0" and it still won't show it.
    I have tried searching all over online today and couldn't find a solution to this. I'm using Word XP.


    If there isn't a ton of advanced formatting in the document can you create a new document and drop the content into it?

  3. This might not be an issue of software at all. Yes I know it is a pain in the but when you're busy working on a document and all of a sudden the PC restarts itself.I have run into the problem three times in the past with different computers and the solutions was hardware replacement in all cases.If you have blown caps on your motherboard then the motherboard will have to be replaced. (Hopefully it is still under warranty.)Generally there is a cause for blown caps which is some other piece of hardware that is faulty. In two of the three examples that I mentioend above, it was the power supply. Good news is that power supplies are not only cheap, but they're easy to install. We were able to upgrade the strength of each PS to a higher wattage, and the problem went away.Not having examined your PC I can't say what the cause is, in your situation ... but if it was me, I would look at hardware first.A word of warning ... if your PC restarts at a moment when your OS is writing to your hard drive it can corrupt your OS. This has happend to me twice. The entire system had to be reinstalled.

  4. This would be the first time for me that I have heard that google doesn't like frequent small changes.If you're signed up for google site maps, the google bot will decide how frequently to visit, and how frequently to reindex.Most of my sites are visited byt he google bot daily. But are only reindexed weekly and in some cases monthly.If I understand correctly, you're in position 4? And that's a problem? Or do you mean something different by -04?

  5. One of my sites has many dozens of inbound links. And the pages that these sites are on ARE in google's index.However, when I list in google, the sites that link to this site, there's only a few. Back in April I manually added a page from each of the sites using google's add URL. But there has been no change.Any thoughts?

  6. I'm not a doctor and not an expert on cancer.But I have heard some interesting opinions from other people who say they are informed on the subject. I will paraphrase:Cancer lives in an acidic environment and if you were to make your body more alkeline it makes it harder for many types of cancer to survive. This is generally achieved through nutrition ... by eating raw foods ... and by not eating all the processed junk that comes in boxes etc.I know it's a simplified explanation of what they said. But I have known people who have done this and it worked.

  7. Personally I think the concept is cool. When I'm travelling I am completely disconnected which makes me uncomfortable.I don't know if it's something I would use or not. I don't even carry a laptop - to keep my luggage to a minimum. When I fly with my daughter I have crayons, paper, books, stuffies, favorite bear and blankie. (And then there's her stuff too *grin*).The moment I walk off a plane my cell phone is ON. And I'm typically checking my voicemail. So if I could check my email while on board ... I know I would.I like the I-Cafe concept. But most domestic flights are two short to have your PC on for very long. I like to think about drop-down trays that reveal a browser, keyboard and mouse. That would keep my 5 year old occupied. She lives for the internet and has had her own domain since she was born.

  8. There was once a time when having both addresses in the SE (google for example) was a good thing. It simply gave you two shots for the price of one. But now it's a bad thing. Google will penalize you for sure. One of my sites has experienced this in a big way, but I had a lot of other fixes to do prior to the redirect ... including removing dozens of flash files (SWF) from the index.I was pretty sure I had my robots.txt file correct .. but somehow it's getting past that particular line. (But my other disallows are functioning correctly).Google's an interesting animal *grin*

  9. Hello all!A quick introduction ... I have been in the web development field since the days of 486's and netscape 2.0. So I guess I'm a bit of an old timer.I'm a partner in a marketing firm and web development is one of our specialties. All our coding is done by hand. Since I learned to code in notebook I kinda see WYSIWYG editors as cheeting *grin*CheersGin

  10. I have been using FF for about 1 or 2 years and really like it.My initial reason for switching was that it was "not" microsoft. (I guess there's a wee bit of a rebel in me).My reason for using it as my main browser is the TABS feature and the custom buttons/bookmarks. It's nice to click to my fav sites in one click.However, I do find there are a few sites that give it trouble so I have to periodically use IE.Oh and other nice thing ... my daughter (5 years) uses my PC and uses IE - so it doesn't affect my bookmarks and history. We can easily keep it seperate.

  11. Overall, I can't say enough good things about google sitemaps. Afterall ... you can tell the googlebot when you have updated your site ... and often you would like it to return ... and what pages your site includes.I did an experiment recently. Two brand new domains (newly registered) were both indexed completely and in google within one week. This was mostly due to using google sitemaps.In the past, new domains were excluded from google for ages. (Perhaps at least six months.)

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