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About Zac1405241526

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    Newbie [Level 1]
  1. I have two theroes on this topic that I have widely discussed with many other people. The first one is the possibility of the body going over the days whole entire scheme of events and taking the most significant ones and playing them over, sub conciously of course. As far as what I know, I think the body logs all of the days feelings, understandings and new knowledge. I think that those are blended together and placed into a summary of the day at the end of this so called log. It's like this, if the body was mad at so and so time, then the dream may be something mad like a fight or something. If the person was scared at the time, then the dream is of a person who is being attacked by a monster or whatnot.My other theory is that both the consious and sub cousious have a day of their own. In the day time, the consious does all of the real actions in the plus side. Like typing on this site, drinking, eating and all of the stuff you do on a regular basis. on the other hand the sub-cousious does out of the ordinary things that the cosuious would never get near. So in reality, they are both opposites of themselves in many ways.What I don't understand is what kind of a dream does a person have when they are uncousious, in a coma or on sleeping gas. Anyone have some therys on this?
  2. Since my dad owns a small hosting company, we pay roughly 40$ for a 9 MB connection. xD
  3. You must have a credit card to operate paypal. xD
  4. It's great that we now know how to do this and hopefully there will not be any more losses.Thanks me for this now-useful option that we can use. xD
  5. I checked the phpBB website.They don't have one. xDSorry lolz.
  6. I'v reading this whole entire topic and I have to say one thing: DON"T USE WINBLOWS!You wouldn't have virus problems using linux. xD
  7. This is a very good guide! I love the work you have put into it!Very nice, I hope others see this.
  8. I spend roughtly 6 to 8 hours a day online.It's bad for my eyes, but what the heck.I have to keep all my stuff up and running.xD
  9. If and when you purchase a new CD a good idea would be to create a copy of it, and put the origin disc back in the box and store it somewhere safe. Then you have the main disc for re-copiying and then the copied disc to use in the computer. Also when you copy a disc use a low speed, under 15.x. If you use the high speed it works a bit faster making some files more unstable. Also, when you clean disks, you should always start from the inside and do swipes from the inside to the outside how ever many times it takes. What ever you do, don't ever wipe a disk in a circular motion or use a hard scratchy material, like a wash cloth, unless it has no sewing and is cotton fibers. If at one point your disk becomes scratched, use a disk re-finisher, available for about 30$ at your local electronics store. If that doesn't fix it, a game store, such as Gamers, have better finishers that they use on their used-games before they sell them. Just bring it in and they will do it for you. For a price of course.
  10. Apple and Microsoft are one of Googles main competitors, so in all means it's a good idea.But what I think will happen, if of course this is true, is that all of the iTumes users are going to bash a bunch of googles users.I'm sure at one point Google will become one of the best cheap music stores, but that beginning is going to be quite hard.As far a Google being the bad guyes, it's going to take a lot of people to make Google a bad place.They have millions and millions of countless searches every hour, I mean come on.(What google should do is sell out all their stocks and then release it. xD That would get them a whole bunch of money.)But opinions aside I like this idea and if they do release it, it will work out fine.
  11. The Need For Speed Games are so very awesome.I wish one would come out for Linux though.That would be so awesome. xD
  12. Yeah the forum is quite like Xisto.Seems like a great site, I might use it someday. :(The designs are pretty cool. Are you taking requests?
  13. The following was taken from the Invisionfree.com Support Boards. http://www.zifboards.com/ I think that this project is a great idea for Invisionfree or Zetaboards™ to get in to the dicussion board market.Ever since Invision Power Board said they couldn't use IPB 2.0 without a liscense for everyboard, I thinl everyone knew this would happen. What are your thoughts on this?
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