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Posts posted by BitShift

  1. I am totally sick of the buggy/crappy Microsoft Outlook that I use.I want to use a different email client but I don't know of any others.Do you guys know of any email clients that work awesome with gmail?The only email accounts I have are gmail so of course it would be optimal that I started using an email client that worked well with it.Thanks.

  2. Interesting theory but it sounds way too simplistic.Most likely, there is probably a more in-depth reason to this theory then just "cold gases and warm gases".That could be the basic idea and the basis of the theory but I'm sure if the theory exists then it goes much deeper and has much more factors then just certain gases being displaced by planes.You also have to consider the time of year, what was considered "extreme temperature rises", if there were any major storms brewing in the Atlantic at the time. There are a lot of factors to consider and I'm sure that is why it has not been heard of because initial research is probably still taking place so they can get some real evidence and data from controlled experiments.I'll check back here later to see if you have posted a link to the source you acquired this information from.

  3. Everyone is so hyped up about this virtual desktop idea, where you can login to your "computer" from anywhere and access all your files and programs.To me, this does not seem like an entirely feasible idea at the moment. Not due to the lack of technology but in the lack of computer security and even internet speeds.The amount of data that would have to be streamlined over the internet would grow exponentially per user.Example: To burn a CD from files from your virtual computer would take alot longer. The average CD size is 700mb or around there.With internet speeds the way they are today, it would take much longer because your local computer would have to download the files to some cache or something before they could be burned.Same with saving files. Upload speeds are much slower then download speeds.The average Road Runner customer probably gets 3mbps download stream which awesome for home use. However upload speeds are usually limited around 400kbps which is much slower.Trying to send or recieve anything from your remote computer would take much longer.On top of this security is a big risk. Everyone wants to protect their personal information on their computer, and lots of people have sensitive files that they need to keep for work.Unless it was a secure connection that was encrypted, which would make downloads/uploads even longer, then there would be risk of someone being able to see your files.I think the reason Google has not released anything about this is because there are several flaws in the idea, and the flaws are out of their control unless they find away to give everyone faster internet at the same price.I know VMWare is working on the same kind of idea through a friend of mine who works there. However their implementation of it is in a work environment.Your company will have a mainframe computer in the building, or several computer that make up a mainframe, and the workstations throughout that building would connect to this mainframe and download their desktops or whatever type of system they work on, however it is done through an internal network so internet speed would not be an issue in this case.In my opinion, a lot of work, study and new ideas must come into play before we start seeing any signs of this anticipated Google OS.If anyone has objections to what I've said or anything please say so. There might be some factors I am not aware of or I could be totally wrong about something.

  4. Wow is that really true?I doubt it.Why wouldn't the workers have a direct link to send the printout directly to the engineers via their internal network.Then after the Engineer finishes whatever he does wouldn't he just send it to the customer service department through email or internal network.I know its obviously not true but if its meant to fool anyone the statement does a bad job at it. Even a retarded computer user would think in his/her head, "Why don't they just email it to the engineers and to the customer service after that".Is it supposed to be just a stupid joke for laughs or something. When I read the quote it sounded like something that a kid would make up.

  5. I like the second one more. It is easier to read the "production" text on the button because in the first one the 'i' was hidden by the outline of the bottom of one of the colons.In the second one the colons are a little more spread out which helps reduce clutter and makes the image appear a little more smoothly.In the first picture you had a hard thing white outline of the pixels which looked decent but in the second one I really like how you made the white lines thinner and less bold, making them appear almost transparent but they are still doing their purpose by helping the colons appear 3D.One thing I suggest you do is move the word "feel" farther away from the colons because the f is dangerously close to the colon on the right and since they are the same color it makes the image appear fuzzy due to a slight optical allusion.Another thing is move the line and the word production so the appear fully below the colon. This isn't necessary but it might be something you want to test to see how it looks that way, maybe it will look better maybe not, your call.In all, you gave your picture a very modern look, clean, simple, yet extremely creative.Don't make the background anymore busy, you splash screen has a very clean look to it and when you add too many "cool looking" designs it just makes it messy and harder to see what your simply trying to say.

  6. I use php nuke currently on my website.If you want to see it in the works its http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is not too hard to use but if you don't know what your doing it becomes really hard because there is little support information on it.After using the free PHP-Nuke 7.8 I liked it and bought the 7.9 version because it fixes a ton of bugs in the program. It is also relatively easy to install themes ( there are tons of php-nuke theme creators out there )I like the way I can incorporate some of my own customizations in the code and add "blocks" and "modules".There are a lot of things that bug the hell outa me and features I wish it included but it is a pretty awesome Content Management System.I haven't used Joomla though... I think I will find it and upload it to my server and create a test website to try it out. It sounds like an interesting CMS considering 2 people seem to support it above PHP-Nuke.

  7. Alienware might seem extremely expensive but in reality it is fair priced.First the computers they build are first class computers with first class parts.They use dependable motherboards, extra low latency RAM, the newest processors and have available the newest video cards.They figure out how everything fits together for exactly how you want it.They put it all together, and guarantee it will work and stay cool.Make it look extremely neat inside ( if you build computers like me then you know this is not easy )Give you an awesome case that isn't made of cheap metal.Plus, labor cost and then profit revenue.It might seem expensive but for the service and quality I think its just about right.Of course I would never order from Alienware because it is a lot less expensive to build your own, but for the people with a lot of money to spend and minimal computer knowledge, Alienware is the best deal you will find.

  8. I just wanted to say this.I read somewhere that a group of mathmeticians got together and they did statistics on a bunch of these theories and there probability of happening.From what I understand, the probability of life being created WITHOUT a God, is equal to filling the entire universe with blind men with a rubix cube, and having them all solve it simultaneously.I don't know about you guys but the chances of life ever having started without a God is practically ZERO.You can argue and debate all you want over this but in my opinion God exists.

  9. You have a good point but Linux at the very least is moving forward and replacing most older code with newer code. Of course every kernel is going to have some parts that you just have to leave alone for a while to keep compatibility up but the way Microsoft is managing the Windows kernel is just ridiculous.MSDOS creates so many security holes in Windows despite how hard administrators try to block it, because once you get into a DOS prompt the computer you are on has been exploited and is at your mercy. Why is this possible? It is because Windows refuses to update it or replace it with something else because it won't be compatible with older computers. I just don't understand. People are moving on with technology these days and we have to stop worrying about compatibility issues on old systems. They need to move on.

  10. If your website is getting that much traffic you should be able to put some adds on it and make some money.

    Switch to paid hosting, Xisto from what I am aware of is affiliated with Computing Hosting

    I have looked at their prices and they have the best hosting deals I have every seen.

    One of their premium plans lists at $4 a month and that gives you already 33 GB bandwidth a month, plus all the features you could hope for in a service.

    For $10 you get 100 GB bandwidth. Thats insane. Then of course it comes with everything Xisto has but better. Higher percentage uptime, less crashes, dedicated servers for more speed and faster support. It has it all.

    I highly suggest you look at those deals they are nothing short of amazing.

  11. There will always be a 1000 security issues on any website that is accessed by a huge diverse group of people.Crazy molesters won't to find out where the people they are stalking live...Amatuer programmers dream of sending a virus into the myspace network and telling everyone about it.Hackers spend time trying to find all these security holes just to cause problems and gloat about it to their friends and say like, "Dude, I hacked into MySpace using flash the other".One of my friends made a myspace for me and even updates it and checks my messages and stuff its crazy. People are so fanatic over it.Whats even more pathetic is I have had people come up to me and be like "Hey I left you a really important message on myspace about today did you read it" and I would be like, "No, I had more pressing things to do like finish my homework, play video games, sleep, eat, browse more intelligent blogs like Xisto, read articles on slashdot, program some fun little programs, mess around on my linux distro.....I could go on forever here on what is more important then me checking my myspace messages. Why the hell did you not just call me if it was that important".People will never learn..

  12. Its just another classic example of why Windows is failing. They refuse to update and improve their kernel and remove old DOS functions that are outdated and no longer needed.They have code in their kernel that hasn't changed since Windows 95, its pathetic. They could put in so many optimizations but they refuse to. Something about "compatibility issues" with older systems but its all just trash. They are blown away from the fact many businesses and schools are trying to convert to Linux, they just will not ever understand.I havn't asked my friend at Microsoft about the kernel Vista will be running off of but I'm sure its still the same story.

  13. 64 bit windows is a jokeif you want to mess with 64 bit then go linuxthere are soo many smart programmers and engineers that all use linux and love messing with the new 64 bit technology so that is where you are going to find all your help and supportsince windows doesnt do open source it is no fun for programmers to really bother with it until its necessarylinux has alot of support for 64 bitIts amazing too. I have a 64 bit linux i can boot off of and on my other hd is my 32bit win xp prothe speed differences and application handling are phenominal, not to mention compile times and diagnosticshell my internet even goes a lot faster on linux now

  14. I think I might have you beat:Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+ ( 2.4 ghz )Socket AM2, Dual CoreRAM:4Gig ( 4 x 1 GB sticks ) G.Skill DDR2 800 RamCas Latency: 32 x 250gb SATA 3.0 GB/sVideo Card:Radeon X1900 PCI Express x16512mb of 256 bit GDD3 memory at 1450 mhzCore Clock 625 mhz2 x DVD Burner( one of them has lightscribe )G15 Logitech Gaming KeyboardMX518 Logitech Optical Gaming MouseAll will run on Windows XP ProHavn't put it together yet because I had to send my case back because it had a bunch of dents in shipping but the rest of the parts are here waiting.I basically spent every penny I earned over the summer.

  15. You are allowed to activate your key 3 on only 3 seperate computers within a 6 month period.The activation key is generated by your hardware configuration on your hardware basically.So if you have 4 computers to install XP on within 6 months it will only work for the first 3.They do this to keep people from installing the same key on multiple computers, but they give you the courtesy 3 times in case you change major system components ( like your motherboard basically ) 3 times within 6 months.You can install windows on the same computer a billion times within 6 months because everytime it will use the same key and when you install it and "activate key", your key will already by active but if you change your parts and it doesn't match the active key then thats what counts on your courtesy 3.I know this is confusing, but my Computer Science teacher explained this to us in a much better way. I wish he had given us a written description that I could type up for you but thats all I can pull from my memory.

  16. not according to this on microsofts website



    Windows Vista Customer Preview Program


    Thank you for your interest in Windows Vista. The Customer Preview Program is now closed. We have reached our program capacity and no new orders are being accepted. We apologize for any inconvenience.


    The information on this page is intended for Customer Preview Program participants. Participants will receive an e-mail message with additional information when Windows Vista Release Candidate 1 (RC1) is available later this year. Thank you for testing Windows Vista.




    It says that they are no longer allowing downloads for testing...

  17. since i use linux ..i dont care about viruses ..and even if i do get some virus ..and i am sending it via gmail...i should be allowed to send it out..i mean warn me all u want ..but dictating what i can send and waht i cannot send is not good.
    i appreciate the effort where google wants to curb destructive and criminal activities..but lets say ..if gmail were to dominate email in coming years. and it doent let people send things like music and vidoes , and encrypted documents (well you can always fool the system..but the system can always be atleast two stpes behind..and not let the general population do stuff) ..i think google should reverse theri decession ..and just warn about viruses.

    That is a really pathetic way to look at things. Thats inconsiderate for the people who can be affected by viruses and you should not be sending viruses through public smtp servers.

    Any mail company has every right to dictate what you can and cannot send on their servers using their service. Take it to court if you want but they own the servers and you agreed to some kind of document when you signed up for your mail account that you would not send certain types of attachments and other rules. They might not let you send music because they do not want you sending illegal music over their servers, and they do not want to let you share innapropriate videos either.

    If you want to be so disrespectful about other peoples security, and towards Google and their interests to stop any viruses from infecting their systems then you can complain all you want but the rules are there for a good reason.

    I host my own ftp and mail server that my friends and I use, along with my Computer Science class at school. We do use it to share encrypted stuff, since we are learning how to do all that right now, and even are making our own viruses, but at the same time we have strict lessons on ethics.

    I'm not trying to blam you or anything but your perspective on the subject is extremely inconsiderate for other people on the net.

  18. I have a large group of friends in my school and all we basically do every is play online games with each other.WE play these games:Diablo2 - expansionStarcraft -expansionCounter-Strike:Condition ZeroTitan Quest - our newest game, its pretty awesomeHowever whenever we are in an argument over who is better then who, or need to settle any dispute it all goes down on Starcraft.Starcraft is the best all around game there is. So many awesome custom maps and stuff and you still can't be the standard ladder play. Strarcraft = <3

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