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Posts posted by Transcendum

  1. For file name I put FTVmain.html. But for some reason, when I go to notepad to open the file, it shows it as a Internet Explorer file.

    Ok, I'm sure you know that in Windows, the letters following the dot in file names are called file extensions. Each extension is associated with a certain software. For example, .txt is usually associated with NotePad, .bmp with Paint, .pdf with Adobe Reader, etc.


    In exactly the same way, .htm and .html files are associated with your default web browser, which is obviously Internet Explorer. So as soon as you save any file with the extension .htm - or .html - it's recognized by Windows as an IE file, gets its icon, and when opened, it's viewed in an IE window.


    I hope that was clear enough :lol:.

  2. Actually instead of going through your acutual article (abt SE). I signed-up a HostBidder account from your referral link, thanks a lot I nned a domain. Keep listing these kinds of links every where, I'll keep a track of your posts. Especially yours. Thanks a lot anyway.

    Well, ganeshn11, I'm glad to have helped you in whatever way. I'll try my best to keep mentioning interesting Websites as I stumble into them :lol:.

  3. What I ment by that was, I added some did some work in notepad: a small title and background effect, and uploaded to a folder I created in Cpanel. I did get to delete those files in the public_html folder, but what I was wonder was if when I did that, would I be able to see MY title and background effect page that I uploaded. I must be doing something wrong, because now when I go to my webpage, all I get is a list of directories, starting with the parent directory then some things that start with vti. I don't know what to do.


    Alright then, let's take this in order :lol:...


    First of all, the public_html is the folder where you store anything and everything that you need for your Website. All the html, css, and the like. If you deleted it, no worries, just create it again, and make sure it's in lowercase.


    So if you deleted, all its contents will be gone. And when you try to use your Internet Browser (Internet Explorer, FireFox, etc.), it won't find anything there. The reason you're seeing the list of directories is that you have the Indexing enabled on that folder. Just log into your cPanel, and look for Index Manager... It's easy to understand what it is from the description, but if you're having trouble, just come back here again :lol:. Now, to make sure that neither you nor anyone else can see the directories you have, just disable the indexing service by choosing "no indexing" on the folders you want.


    As for the vti files and folders, these are installed with the FrontPage extensions. I suppose you chose to install it. They're only important if you're going to use FrontPage.


    Hope that helped :).

  4. Whoa! That is unreal!


    It's a complete Office package, full with Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. And as if that was not enough, you get Image Manipulation capabilities, and PDF Conversion from within each application. Add to that the ability to publish whatever you write to your WordPress blog on the fly, and a couple of other great features.


    The whole thing is completely adminstered online, so it minimizes the risks of data corruptions... that's of course if their Web-server itself is reliable, which I think it is.


    I suppose the only real problem with a service like that would be - as usual - privacy. When you make a habit of processing your documents online, many will get access to your data, most namely the service provider itself. But I suppose that if you restrict the use of the service to impersonal, non-specific tasks, it'll be just fine. Plus, not all of us are privacy-freaks, thank ye gods :lol:.


    A great find, xboxrulez. Two thumbs up. Thanks a lot!

  5. I have a question about the public_html folder. I can't view any of the files in the folder. It just gives me the option to delete the folder and all files, rename it, change permissions, move, and copy. How do I view it to remove the files? And once I remove these files, will I be able to see what I've done to my webpage?


    :lol:... I know what you mean, lonebyrd. I fell into the same trap myself.


    Ok, here's what you do... To the left of the public_html folder, or any other folder in the File Manager, you'll find a folder icon, right? Whenever you want to see options related to the whole folder, click on the name of the folder. But when you want to access the contents of that folder, you have to press the icon to its left.


    Try it and let us know :lol:.


    And as for that last question about the removal of files and seeing a change to your Webpage... I'm not following. Could you explain that?

  6. I personally think that the Pay-Per-Click advertising model is a very good model that has great potential. :lol:


    Its shortcomings are not really that hard to overcome. When a Webmaster tries to abuse the system, the system bans the Webmaster! :lol:


    As for increasing the bidding rates as the competition increases, well... that's the way with EVERYTHING in life. And it's never caused competitors to stop competing or prevented businesses from prospering. That's the way business is done, really. :)

  7. Rohan,


    This article is completely and perfectly copied-and-pasted from somewhere else. It's actually floating all over the Web, that I had trouble finding a good source for it. But here's one:




    It's against the rules of this forum to just copy and paste someone else's content with both using quotes and providing a link to the source of your quote.


    But what I found really cute was how you finished that article with...


    For more views reply to rohanramanath@gmail.com


  8. Hello ganeshn11...


    but the point is that you are suppose to deliver the actual content to your visitor and not the ads

    That is one of the greatest, most correct comments I've ever heard about this subject :lol:.



    now-a-days ads are actually becoming the contents, check out any webmaster freebie or webmaster resource site and I give a 100% Guarantee that these site surely will have at least 1 pop-up ad, a big large ad at the top of the page (where generally the site's name should be there). I know that these site are providing the content to us for free but not at the stake for putting up ads at odd places.


    Refer to any gamming site, or any site that offers free PC/PS cheats, you will find the content at the bottom of their page, and you will nearly have to go through lines and lines of ads.

    You have a good point there. But just because a Webmaster is too greedy to actually strike a balance between his visitors' benefit and his own benefit does not mean we should consider everything those Webmasters do wrong. I mean, sure, they make a huge mistake by focusing too much - sometimes solely - on the ads and forget about content. But I believe the best way to fix this is by spreading the word about the best balance between the two opposites, ads and content.


    Wouldn't you agree? :P



    All most all of the Adsense ad optimization sites keep referring to the same point i.e. have large banners exactly at the top or at the middle of your page, but no one realizes the fact that its not the positioning of the ad which is the main factor, getting a lot of traffic is the main factor and not just plain traffic will do the job, you need target traffic, traffic that wants your content, not just roaming traffic (they wont even give a look at your content). The second factor is that how well your ads get blended into your page's template. You should actually make it look as if it is your content (this feature is provided Adsense namely, Adsense for content).

    Those are the words of someone who really knows what he/she is talking about :lol:. I agree with you completely... Targeted traffic and ad-blending are key factors in getting the most our of your advertisement. But I still maintain that we can do both of these tasks, while benefitting from the experience and research of the specialists.



    So I actually gave you the actual Adsense optimization tips, see here actually speaking I am not a professional or something like that, I am a Google Adsense Publisher, I would recommend you this site (not mine, or anyway related to me) which actually focuses on the traffic and much more forgotten factors about Adsense, which this site reminds us about. (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)

    WOW! That is an amazing Website. Truck-load of information. The problem is that it has too many information that one can get lost inside unless one really takes the time and patience to walk through it in order. I think this Website is a gold mine for someone who is serious about making it online with AdSense.


    Thank you for an excellent contribution, ganeshn11. Keep it coming :)

  9. Yeah I know what you mean, m^e :)


    I don't know why, but lately it seems that everybody and their cousin are trying to raise hell on AdSense and Google in general. I have a thing or two against them myself, but I think people are bashing AdSense for the wrong reasons.


    I've come across a really great resource for showing exactly what AdSense is all about. Even though that Website - which I'm affiliated with - is meant to advertise a certain product, the AdSense information presented there is complete, honest, and very straight-forward. Simply ignore any mention of that product and focus on what's written about the AdSense program.


    Here's the link: About AdSense...


    Anyway, returning to the matter at hand... I really believe AdSense is a very decent service. But Google's strategy with their services has been very clear from the beginning... If you're good to us, we will be good to you!


    So I really don't understand why people get all upset when they get banned from AdSense because they broke its Terms of Service. I mean, come on... Do you really believe you can screw a company like Google and get away with it? It's their right to ban you.


    Hmmm.... It looks like I got a little off-topic :lol:. Alright, I'll shut up now... but I'll be back later :lol:.

  10. Yes, I know. Too many people have been talking about AdSense lately that it's no big deal anymore. I used to think so too. But I'm starting to change my mind and re-think that attitude :lol:...


    Yesterday, Suzie Dewey, who is an AdSense Publisher, posted a very interesting and very informative interview on one of Google's blogs. The interview was with a guy called Ivan Heneghan, who is a well-known AdSense Optimization specialist.


    This interview covers many simple ways to increase the revenue you earn from you AdSense advertisement almost 70-fold. I know it sounds crazy, but remember, this is stated by a very accomplished specialist, reviewed by a member of the AdSense Publishing Support Staff, and is featured on an official Google blog. This is respectable, verifiable information :lol:.


    Here's a link to that interview: Meet Ivan, the Optimiser!


    I hope you enjoy it and make use of it.

  11. :lol:...Alright now, I'm not sure exactly what I did or even whether I did anything... But everything seems to be working beautifully now.


    I actually deleted all the non-important files and folders using the File Manager, then re-configured the default e-mail option and the forwarding option. After a series of tests, I can say it really is working perfectly and promptly.


    I'm so sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused you, guys. I'm sure I did everything exactly like I did it last time, but for some reason, this time it worked. Well, I don't wanna jinx it, so I'll just say thank you so much for the excellent help, and I hope that I didn't cause you too much trouble :lol:



  12. You're right, m^e :lol:. I can get - and I already do have - SMTP functionality at GMail... I was just wondering about the limits of the services here at Xisto, because honestly, at times they seem limitless :).

    By the way, I posted another question here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/89508-topic/?findpost=1064343204=

    Would you be so kind and take a look at it, please?

    Thank you so much for being so helpful and friendly, m^e. I owe you big time. :lol:

  13. Even though I have an already open thread in the Hoster Members Support section, I thought opening an thread about this specific question may be helpful to future members.


    In cPanel, when you create a new e-mail address, it can be accessed by WebMail, either using Horde or SquirrelMail...


    My question is: Can I use a POP-3 client (Outlook, Thunderbird, Pegasus, etc.) to download my e-mail messages from Xisto's servers to my own computer?


    Thanks a lot in advance :lol:.

  14. I've been experimenting with my cPanel for a while now, making sure I understood the wonderful plethora of options and services available there. And even though most everything is working perfectly for me, there is - and probably will be - a couple of things I need to ask about. Here's one of them...


    In the E-mail Management section, there are two options that don't seem to work for me, even though I'm familiar with them and have used similar functions before. These two are:

    Default E-mail

    Aliases / Forwarding

    I tried setting the default e-mail (or catch-all e-mail account) to forward to this other e-mail account I have with GMail. But when I tried it, the e-mail I sent to a non-existent e-mail ending with @my-Xisto-domain wasn't forwarded to my GMail account. I tried it a couple of times, but still nothing.


    So I thought that I'd try it another way... So I went to set-up an e-mail alias in the Aliases / Forwarding which let's say is me@my-Xisto-domain, and configured it to forward to my GMail account. But again, when I tried it, nothing went to my GMail account.


    At that point, I concluded that there was probably something with the forwarding service from the server side itself. And so to confirm this, I created a normal e-mail account in cPanel, let's call it myname@my-Xisto-domain, and tried sending e-mail to it. It worked beautifully and promptly :lol:. Then, I went to the Aliases / Forawrding section, and made another rule that would forward e-mail directed to the myname@my-Xisto-domain address to my GMail account. And when I tried sending an e-mail to it, the myname received the e-mail with no problems, but it didn't forward it to my GMail.


    So I think there might be something wrong with the forwarding service here. Perhaps a moderator could take a look at this, please?


    Thanks a lot in advance. :lol:

  15. The one question I have, and have yet to get a straight answer to is, Is windows Vista a 64 bit system or is it 32 bit, or does it support both?

    Windows Vista is going to support 64-Bit system by default. So if your hardware is 64-Bit, you'll be able to get the most out of your processor and hardware. But if your hardware is 32-Bit, then Vista will adapt itself accordingly and work as a normal 32-Bit operating system :lol:.

  16. Microsoft announced in a site what are the minium requests to be able to run without problems o WindowsVista. According to Microsoft any modern CPU from Intel AMD and Via will do, 512 Mb Minium memories, a graphics card with DirectX 9 are more than enough to run the new operative System.


    Actually, marretas, it's not more than enough. It's not even close to enough :lol:.


    Remember when Microsoft declared that Windows 2000 required a minimum of 32MB RAM? Well, basically, that meant that unless you have 128MB RAM, you're screwed. I suppose they use a different dialect of English at Microsoft.


    So I agree with wutske on his estimations. A minimum of 700MB RAM will be required to run Vista with acceptable performance.



    After reading that, I'm a little confused. I thought M$ was coming out with Vista, where did this Aero thing come from?

    Vista is the name of the new operating system. Aero is the visual styling (or perhaps, more properly named, the rendering engine) of Vista. It refers to the mechanism and style according to which Vista will look. If you've ever seen the glass-look of Mac, you know what that is :lol:. But anyway, you can simply take the quick tour available at Microsoft's Website to have a look at what Vista with Aero looks like.

  17. By the way what is the criteria for being deemed as a good quality website?


    Well, CaptainRon, there's no definite criteria, which I suppose is the way everything connected with Search Engine Optimization is :lol:. But here are a couple of things I always find Websites that acquire higher rankings at the SEs have in common...


    1. They're Theme-based, i.e.: they focus on a specific theme, and let every page on this Website focus on a certain aspect of that theme.


    2. They're optimized for Search Engines, i.e.: they conform to the criteria most Search Engine propose for a Website to have higher ranking.


    3. They provide high-quality information to their visitors.


    4. They don't try to cheat Search Engines by incorporating SE-baits.


    5. Almost all of the time, those Websites have their own domain name, i.e.: they don't reside on free hosting services offering a sub-domain or the like. It seems to be a criterion most SEs give special attention to.



    The points 1 and 2 need a detailed discussion, so if anyone is interested, perhaps we could talk about them in separate threads. The points 3 and 4 are pretty much straight-forward. Point 5 could be discussed quickly here...


    It's understandable why SEs would prefer Websites that have their own Domain Name to sites that don't. A domain name is considered an indication that this Website takes itself seriously... It's not a hobby site, created by an amateur who wants to make a quick buck out of it.


    And although domain names have become really cheap nowadays, there are Websites that offer free domain names in exchange for posting at their forums, similar to what Xisto does with hosting. There's this forum, HostBidder, which offers such a service and in which I personally am a member -- this link is actually my own referral link to the Website. Its forum is active, and it doesn't take very long for someone to acquire the required points for a domain name registration.


    Hopefully that helped a bit. Good luck! :lol:

  18. :lol:... That was witty.


    As I repeatedly mention, I'm not a big believer in Conspiract Theories. But I do believe that one's better safe than sorry.


    Microsoft is a gigantic player in the Information Technology field. So is Google now, and a couple of other Big Names. They posess almost infinite resources. And unfortunately, their purposes can't be identified. We cannot be sure whether they have a hidden agenda or not.


    There's been a lot of debate lately about the connection between these companies and the CIA, ranging from invasion of privacy to fantastic, yet debatable theories of a New World Order. I don't have a stand in these matters yet, since the information at hand is too little and too unclear.


    But Open-Source projects give a decent alternative. And they seem to be growing in popularity and effeciency rather quickly. So I suppose those of us who feel Microsoft is evil can convert to such operating systems as Linux.


    I'm sorry I went on ranting about this; it just seemed like a good place to speak my mind a little :lol:.

  19. Hello, everyone...

    In the short period I've been here, I've noticed that not many Webmasters give much attention to Link-Exchanging as a way to increase their Websites' ranking on Search Engines. I thought that perhaps the value of link-exchange is not well known to many. So I decided to give a little bit of information about it...

    Link-Exchange is a process where a Webmaster puts a link to another Website on his own Website, in exchange for a link to his Website put on that other Website.

    Link-Exchange has been claimed to affect the ranking of Websites on SEs. But the problem is that, just as it can increase your ranking if you link to and get links from good quality sites, it can also decrease it if the links are to or from poor-quality Websites.

    But the problem is that, for link-exchange to really work, you have to find high-quality Websites that have a similar theme to your own Website's, AND are willing to link back to you.

    I found a community that provides this exact service. It's a Website where Webmasters who are interested in link-exchanging can post their Websites for other Webmasters to review and, if they're interested, link to your Website. Here's the link to this community: Value Exchange Program

    The great thing about this service is that it ONLY accepts Websites that have good-quality. This ensures that everyone involved will get higher rankings at the SEs. And it's a totally free-community; you don't have to pay any fees to join.

    I hope this post is helpful. Good luck! :lol:.

  20. Hello everyone,

    I just received an e-mail notification from CNet.com, which of course has been a major player in the worlds of information technology and internet services for God knows how long. This notification was about their release of a very extensive all-out coverage of Apple's products over the past 30 years. The reason for this, obviously, is Apple's turning 30. You can say it's a birthday celebration :lol:.

    They're featuring a time line of Apple's major moments, photo galleries of early Apple gear, videos about serious Mac heads, and an evaluation of every iPod version ever made. Of course when we talk about 30 years of acheivements, you can bet this is one HUGE feature.

    I think this feature is really great. You don't have to be a big Apple-fanatic to take advantage of it. Anyone who's interested in computers, operating systems, multimedia harware such as iPods, or information technology in general should find this feature very helpful and amusing.

    Here's the link to the feature: http://news.a.com.com/

    Have fun :lol:...

  21. Hello again, marretes...


    Well, I hope I'm wrong, but unfortunately I don't think I am. I've had way too much trouble with hard-disks over the years that I don't think there's any type of hard-disk problem that I haven't faced yet.


    I believe that your data aren't retreivable at this point. But you can try software such as Partition Magic to try and fix the MBR, even though I'm not sure that'd work. Perhaps you could try this command at the command prompt...


    FDISK /mbr


    This works at cases of MBR corruption to try and retreive a back-up MBR. I don't know whether it can even work in your case, but it's worth a try. At least, it won't do any harm.


    Good luck!

  22. But don't you think its simply an overwhelming thought of converting the whole of Google's present page rank database and web pages to adapt to a Neural Network system?

    Oh yes, it most certainly is overwhelming. But let's face it, if Microsoft is taking the initiative to advance the searching industry by using such an effecient and effective technology, Google has to take action if it's to have any chance of keeping up its place in the game.


    Plus, I suppose even Microsoft is not yet ready for a total integration of this technology. So Google probably has time to manage.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not with one company against the other. I'm simply speaking business. :lol:



    Either way, I say MSN should first get a top level domain name for its search engine.


    :lol:... yeah, I suppose that's a valid point.

  23. Hello marretas...When you connected your hard-disk drive to that other computer, did you use the same data cable you used in your own computer, or was it a different cable?If it was the same cable, then perhaps you should try using another data cable, and see how things turn out. But if it wasn't, then I believe your MBR (Master Boot Record), which is that group of sectors on your hard-drive that contains important information about the arrangement and structure of your hard-drive, is corrupted.But don't worry, that doesn't mean your hard-disk itself is damaged. But I don't think you'll be able to redeem any files that already exist on your hard-disk. To repair this problem, simply connect your hard-disk to another computer that's running any version of Windows, and run FDISK from the COMMAND PROMPT, delete the partitions, and then create them again. This partitioning could simply be done on any other operating system, of course, but I sense you're using Windows primarily :lol:.But still, the first thing you should try is changing the data cable. Perhaps it's the problem.And good luck!

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