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Posts posted by dhanesh1405241511

  1. Ok .. well i am shure most of you here have a daily break with web-designing. And one problem I can think of while doing this is that , When we hit the refresh button and want to see the changes made, the browser :


    1) Either takes time ..

    2) Doesnt update the content


    Possible reason for this is obviously Mr. Cache ! .. Saying this .. I bet most of you Delete the cache and try to access the website again. But Sometimes it STILL doesnt update .. So here'z the alternative "Only FireFox" lol .. I wouldent bother much with IE, but if anyone finds something like this please do post it here.


    There are 2 ways you can force your browser to NOT save / Show updated webpages.


    1) Tools > Options ... > Under the Cache Tab : Hit Clear Cache Now & and Change your Cache Value to 0 MB.

    2) Hold the Shift Key and hit the refresh button on the FireFox tool Bar. ;)


    I guess most of you already know this ?? :D .. and Yeah in IE .. i havent tried out, but if you change the cache size to 0 MB, it should work there too. Hopefully ! ..




  2. but i still wish dhanesh to be a mod.. i mean to be an uber l33t oh my gosh.. super powered.. guardian of teh board.. i can wait for the wars.. /joke

    and when that happens.. dhanesh can call Jeigh little girl all day long.. :o

    LMFAO ! :o .. i kinda started liking Vhortex .. (in a straight way :o) lol .. but yeah .. i'd love to see jeigh's xpression after this happens .. :o .. i bet he's trying all ways to stop me .. he's even called the russian mafia .. muahahaha .. :D .. Tho m an indian who lives in the middle east .. i still have the itchy feeling of fighting :o lol


  3. You see, Xisto is a more of a serious community, whereas Xisto is for relaxing. You don't expect fancy and colourful desks and chairs in a lawyer company, do you? But on the other hand, you do expect to see them in kindergarten. That's how I would compare Xisto and Xisto - we are serious, and therefore don't need those silly menus! :o

    Hmm .. i'd compare more of asta to google .. i mean just look at those offices ! damn ! wish i could get a job there .. newayz comming back to asta .. since its the more serious commnity .. we need to have a little fun also .. whats the point of all seriousness and no fun .. We could always use m^e's orkut profile pic on the main page and have a laugh :D lol .. or ... hehehe .. jeigh could be the target .. ;)

    More Fun = More Work .. thats my motto :o


  4. I guess unless you keep the discussion of hacking to a minimum i dont think its a problem. By that i mean if a member asks "How do i hack a secured PC on LAN" ? .. thats a straight lock topic OR ban user .. whatever your sites terms and conditions use. But if a member asks .. "How do i use firewall on my system and what are the possible ways someone can get into my PC" ? .. then it could be allowed .. for a discussion .. Plus NO warez hosting ;) ..But i think you should also get the views of other members on this site. Final word .. Just make shure no one contacts Asta, questioning and complaining about your account :DRegardsDhanesh.

  5. i wish that will include installing dhanesh as mod.. :o i want to see how will Jeigh react when dhanesh is no longer a mere mortal..

    and can we have 0.01 credit for posting on shoutbox.. :o
    so we can solve problems like having 29.99 credits.. or perhaps
    a 34.99 credit.. for hosting application..

    just ramdom things in my head..

    Hahaha .. sounds fun ! .. 0.01 for shout box .. naaahh .. thats wayy little .. should be atleast 1.00 :o .. and yeah the part abt jeigh .. ;) muahahaha .. after that its WAR ! lol ..

    and where are the menus on asta .. i just saw them on Trap .. sweet menus .. makes it easier to browse .. but the point is WHEN on asta ? .. Opaque .. stop fooling around and listening to m^e's advice on gals :o and get to work .. dont blame it on IPB updates :D .. hehehe .. but seriously .. if u need help .. always here :o .. just give the word ..


  6. Woooah .. that was elaborate :D .. thankx for the quick reply there .. I still am stuck with how to edit the font .. but i did solve the annoying shelf thing you told at the end .. so its 1 down ..I messed up in the code a little so i dunt know what i edited to get the font this small .. logically whatever i did i changed the size to 5px .. so i searched for anything with 5 px and the 2 things that came up were #content and body .. but after making them 10 .. they still wont change .. doint this .. also effected the sidebar titles :| lol .. gosh this is driving me nuts ..RegardsDhanesh.

  7. ok i wasent clear about what i actually wanted to do .. 1) I'd like to change the Font and Font Size of the blog posts that show on the main page. I think its the style.css i have to edit .. but what part of it should i change ? 2) The titles Categories .. Archives .. etc .. if i'd want to chance their Font and Font Size .. what do i change in style.css .. 3) The blog post titles and numbers that show .. i wanted to change the Font and Font Size of that too ... 4) The header links on top .. home .. about .. etc .. i wanted to change the color to something darker .. which line should i edit in style.css ? 5) And lastly .. i wanted to remove the "view related topic" drop down .. which files and code do i have to edit to take it off .. RegardsDhanesh.EDIT : i would suggest you d'load the theme and check the style.css there so it wont be much of a confusion. :D

  8. Aight .. I liked this wordpress theme called DFire, and m trying to use it on my Blog. In its default state DFire looks good (visually) but the reading part kinda looks odd. I thought of changing the font and color etc .. but since i am no good at CSS .. lol .. i thought maybe someone here could help ..


    DFire Theme Download


    Current Style.css :


    body {	font-family: verdana;	font-size: 12px;	color: #FFFFFF;	text-align: center;	background: #E1B26B url("images/bg.gif"); 	margin: 0; 	padding: 0;	}/* Design Containers and Specifications */#wrap {	background: url("images/bgtp.gif") repeat-x;	width: 100%;	margin: 0;	padding: 0;	border: 0;	float: left;	}#keep {	width: 765px;	clear: left;	margin: 0 auto; 	}#outside { 	background: #B5B6B4 url("images/bgcon.gif") repeat-y top center; 	width: 765px;	float: right;	}#inside { 	background: url("images/bghead.gif") no-repeat top center; 	width: 765px; 	clear: both;	}#holder {	margin-left: 30px; 	width: 698px;	padding: 0;	}* html #holder {	margin-left: 15px; 	float: left;	}#search {	background: url("images/search.gif") no-repeat bottom; 	width: 272px;	height: 53px;	float: left;	text-align: left;	}#title {	background: url("images/title.jpg") no-repeat; 	width: 426px;	height: 53px;	text-align: right;	float: right;	}#menu {	background: url("images/menu.jpg") no-repeat; 	width: 485px;	height: 125px;	float: left;	text-align: left;	}#tree {	background: url("images/tree.jpg") no-repeat; 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    My site : eSanctum




  9. You can call me a Geek :D .. i am good at google search .. hehe .. that explains the vast amount of classic photos i have .. (eh .. what say m^e ;)) lol ..Jeigh .. ohh gr8 one .. please forgive me for what i've said .. as my mind was flooded with spice girls thought after i by mistake hit on their website link .. btw .. [content edited because you can only tease a mod so many times OMGOMGOMG]RegardsDhanesh.

  10. WTF ! guys .. this thread was like an emotional piece .. it was ment to be E.M.O.T.I.O.N.A.L. .. damn .. y my thread out of the 3000 thready .. y y y ! .. lolAnd STOP eyeing my contacts .. damn it ! .. i go tru all the pain .. IN office cause i have bloody proxy tru home .. and for a weekend i cant even see the babes i add .. and all of u GEEKS get to see them :D .. ! Damn you ! Get your own babes ! or if u cant .. then like i said b4 .. we will dress up Jeigh in little girls cloths .. lol :o .. Newayz, in all seriousness, happy to see the forums go live again .. with everyone replying and i guess this is a record eh :o 24hrs and 4 pages already ... fun to see of of you in a fun mood :o .. and yeah .. Abhiram .. u can see my profile :o .. NOT you m^e ;) .. u steal my gurls :o .. lolRegardsDhanesh.

  11. You're right till the Chinky babes.. but kinda went off-track after that. You see I've been rather busy trying to trap this real dirty Arabian Rat :o who's always running around in the plenum of my ground floor hall and chewing my UTP cables to shreds.


    Arrrrrrrrrgh !! Wish I could somehow get my hands on him - but one helluva sneaky rat he is.. Hell, I tell you he's one hi-tech rat.. he's even got his own profile on Orkut :o Check it out: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    And my credit count has dipped man.. I was never able to achieve a 1000. Went close to it.. in the 990s but then fell back :o


    @#$%^^ .. and .. %&^$& .. and .. @$^&^* .. wtf .. i told u NO Arabian Rat .. and i didnt fall for the link this time :o lol .. besides .. check my profile out .. i have this chick from uae added in .. ahem .. but out of ur league so f'get it ... ;) .. muahaha ..


    Secondly .. you 959 credits !!!!! @$%^@#$^ .. and .. @$^#^ .. and .. @%@$ .. dude .. if you like give out even a credit to nice members and then give me like 800 .. the lord would bless you with ATLEAST a chinky you always fancy .. lol :D




  12. BTW, I'm suprised m^e hasn't come up yet with his credit count ;) If I were him, I'd boast all the time for sure :D

    m^e is buzy .. swatting flies .. checking out chinky babes from his balcony .. shining his binoculars .. making food that ONLY he can eat .. washin cloths (anyone has any please give him .. lol) .. and ofcourse watching dirty sites on the internet in his free time .. ok i better shut up ..

    *this is the time i get banned* :o

    Dhanesh ..

  13. Btw doesn't he get a special gift for being here for a year :o

    Ohh yeah .. a Gift .. thankx for that reminder Chesso lol .. yeah guys .. whats my gift for 1 year completion :D .. how abt all the mods give me 200credits each ;) and admins give me 500 credits each .. u know the good deed for a good poster ... or wait .. can i guess i can settle in with some beer :o .. but naaahh .. i like the credit idea better lol :o .. anyone has better ideas please post up .. :o


  14. Also... I don't complain about being like the girl of the forums...sometimes the things you say are just mean though *sniff*

    awww .. Someone needs a hug ... lol .. m^e .. uncle we need you .. ;)

    Anyone who wants me on msn need only pm me to get my addy, I just don't throw it up on forums usually... too many creepos out there :o lol

    Now .. just for the added info .. this is just Jeigh's way of saying "Lets take it outside" .. He thinks he is a gangster or sumthing .. lil girl :o LOL. So be careful when u PM him .. its this huge conspiracy he is planning ..

    Newayz .. i PM'd you .. :D


  15. Now this is a good question:If you had as much credits as m^e does, would you even bother to post here? :o

    umm .. depends .. if i was the admin .. NO! ;) lol .. if i was a Mod .. then err .. i get the concession .. since i am stuck with a hosted badge i guess my only option is to post :D .. unless m^e would give a few 700 - 800 credits to me .. even 850 would do .. i mean how often do u find decent nice posters like me ? ..

    *puts more glycerine* sniff sniff ..


  16. My goal is to reach 100 till the end of the year :D

    Imagine how much m^e would be having lol .. he can stay offline for almost 2 years a guess eh ? now i have to wait for a reply ;) ..

    Yo abhiram .. dude .. it was nice knowing you back then when we first joined .. and even now .. when we have completed a year at asta .. learned alot from you :o mainly linux stuff .. hehe ..

    Happy that everyone here are content with what they have .. unlike in some forums we have people complaining and whining about things. Like m^e .. who always whines about being not so cool and hunky and a gals guy like me .. and Jeig who always complains of being treated like the little girl of the forums :o LOL ! now we have some action and fun to begin ..


  17. Jeigh .. Damn ! .. dude .. sumthing important man .. i think i am having a problem with the way i see my name .. could u please change it for me to CAPS ? ... ohh and while ur at it could you also just do a little change and refresh my hosting account ? ... oh and another thing .. could you please please add " [ " and " ] " to my name ? .. and also please could u help me with my website .. i am hving problems clicking on things cause my mouse doesnt work .. so i guess u'll have to do the entire website for me .. ohh and .... :unsure: and so on so forth .. Lol .. once u pop u cant stop :D .. i normally use this caption with gals .. but this seems to be the right situation in a virtual way ;) .. newayz man .. even m having problems keeping up to my credits and hosting .. i guess i was suspended for a mth sometime ago .. hehe .. but i guess it all comes down to the people you converse with and the new things you learn .. So .. umm .. do u wana help me ? :P:D lolRegardsDhanesh.

  18. Ahh .. tommorow i'll complete a year at Xisto .. :unsure: .. with my previous id that i first joined in asta with .. cyph3r .. This time last year .. i was on a road to find a host that could help me host my website with PHP and MySQL. I tried many, and tru a review website .. got hold of asta. And ever since, its always been fun around this place.


    Regardless, of how annoying someone can get on a forum like this, the mods .. admins and members have been supportive since. I would remember the times when i would PM opaque for things like "dude my hosting isnt working" .. or message m^e .. lol :D .. "dude i dont like this id .. i wana change the nick" or my all time favourite .. "dude .. delete this account, i will make a new one .. reason: m not happy with the posts i made on this id" :D lol ...


    If i had done all of the above on other hosting sites, eith the mods wont reply or i would be banned for spamming .. but this wasent the case with asta. If you are a member here .. new or old .. you should remember that people here Understand you .. and not just take decisions based upon critique and forum posts.


    Hope asta will continue to give these services and grow into the best online community for geeks ;)


    Thankx to all the mods and admins and members .. specially .. Opaque .. m^e .. Abhiram .. Pyost .. Jeigh .. Vyoma .. Vujsa .. cyborgxxi .. twitch .. sorry if i missed anyone i know ... but always know that you guys have a very important part in increasing my knowledge of what i know today.




  19. Just carry around a debit card, or cash.

    And get mugged ? :unsure: lol ..

    Actually the crazy thing about HAVING so much of money is where to spend it. I bet google can make a difference if they spend more than what they are doing now on customers, it would really shoot up googles stats in the market. Infact, if they start the exact same marketing what M$ and Apple does, one day they might be the biggest company in history to be socially active.


  20. Hell yeah .. go on and buy it .. :D Nice game i must agree, infact i still play on CS 1.6 with my friends, but its no way close to compared to Source. The graphics are awsome and realistic. I think you would need a minimum config to run Source with server or just standalone. Source has updated its CS engine to Half Life. So well if you played half Life then you know what i mean :unsure:RegardsDhanesh.

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