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Digital Technic

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  1. Use backticks to capture output. $output = `program optional_arguments_jere`; Please note that those are backticks(on QWERTY it's right below the Escape key). Regards, Digital Technic.
  2. Your best bet is to create an automation object instead of plain vanilla DLL. As using it in VB or any COM enabled environment is quite easy. Automation objects are just like COM objects only they also expose properties & events.Start File->New->Other and choose ActiveX tab and click ActiveX Library. Go back to that ActiveX tab and click Automation Object. Make use of the Type Library Editor tool. Compile and have fun. Just make sure to use regsvr32 on the automation object before using it in VB as you have to add it to Project Dependacies list. Then using it is like using any COM objects in VB.Regards, Digital Technic.
  3. GCC hasn't been dupped GNU C Compiler in too many years to even count. It's an acronym for GNU Compiler Collection. Just wanted to inform you of such. Regards, Digital Technic.
  4. Are you still wanting to create a shortcut? I see your post is from a few months ago and I'd rather not put code up if you're not going to read it.Regards, Digital Technic.
  5. Not to sound like a jerk or anything but all of this is documented in Delphi's help files and you failed to mention that some shortcuts in Delphi rely on whatever key mapping you have chosen in the IDE. i.e. VisualStudio mapping, EMACs, etc... which is also documented in the help files. Just wanted to point that out because shortcuts are not globally defined. They're based on the mappings provided in IDE.Reagards, Digital Technic.
  6. Any kind of Delphi questions/help you need please feel free to contact me. I do this as a profession and in my spare time and have honed my skills for quite some time now.Regards, Digital Technic.
  7. You can find free ones at places like http://torry.net/ and http://www.delphipages.com/ but it would be much better if you spent a few bucks on something like BusinessSkinForm from http://www.almdev.com/ as it's complete, comes with a plethora of skins and is stable/mature. The free skinning stuff for majority is very mediocre in my eyes but that's for you to decide.Good luck with it.Regards, Digital Technic.
  8. You can do this using Indy that comes with Delphi. It involves two things. TIdHTTP and TIdMultipartFormDataStream. Add IdMultipartFormData to your uses clause. Drop TIdHTTP (which is in Indy Clients tab of Component Palette ) on to your form. Set whatever properties of TIdHTTP you want. Now if you were wanting the file to be uploaded after a button has been clicked then put this in the event handler you assigned for the buttons OnClick event. procedure TFormClassNameHere.EventHandlerNameHere( Sender : TObject )var Stream : TIdMultipartFormDataStream;begin Stream := TIdMultipartFormDataStream.Create; try Stream.AddFile( 'form_field_name_here', 'filename_here', 'content-type_here' ); IdHTTP1.Post( 'url_here', Stream ); finally Stream.Free; end;end; That's basically it. If you have any questions then please feel free to ask. I'm quite proficient in Delphi. Regards, Digital Technic. p.s. If you need an example to be attached I could provide that too.
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