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About andrwxsCOL
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Has Anyone Bought The Video iPod ? So should you buy one?
andrwxsCOL replied to iGuest's topic in Science and Technology
Well, I have don't listeng this new, but you can give to us, some link to see it.. or just maybe to see what are the options that they are offerting to the costumers, and maybe I don't know, be the first in buy it LOL. Where we can get more information about this new and cool thing?Thanks for all -
Cryptids:species Believed 2 Exsist But Not Proved
andrwxsCOL replied to GameUltra's topic in Science and Technology
I personaly, don't think that any of this kind including this exist, I think that are just a confusion between species, maybe a genetic mutation or something like that that is not common. We do not know even us, how can we said that maybe we can know other species. I think that in sometimes is just ficcion, but maybe it can be true, when the scientific gift value to this and prove that they exist. Also, we have a lot imagination and maybe we think see a strange thing and we think that is wow, a new specie, or a OVNI, or something like that, we must be more analystic persons. -
Emp Weapons Electro-Magnetic Pulse Weapons
andrwxsCOL replied to Kid Saiyan's topic in Science and Technology
This electromagnetic pulse (more well-known by acronym EMP, of ElectroMagnetic Pulse), can easily include whole continents and affects all class of electrical and electronic apparatuses, like telephones, radios, computers, motors, specially if they are connected to long cables (computer science lines of telephone, networks, etc) due to the induced currents. First registered pulse EMP took place in years 50 during an aerial detonation in the South Pacific, and affected to electrical systems in places so moved away as Hawaii. One calculates that a device with a power of megatones that was made detonate to about 400 km of height on the state of Kansas would generate electromagnetic a pulse able to affect all the continental area of the United States. Little is known on the real effects of the EMP, since the Treaty of Limitation signed in 1963 ended the detonations of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere.During the Cold War both sides worked in thermonuclear devices able to produce a SREMP, a EMP very located generated in detonations to low height. This technology has obvious military advantages, since to the thermal effects and of shock wave of a nuclear weapon the capacity would be added to annul electrical and electronic components in a very ample area. It is necessary to affect which the normal EMP would affect so much to the aggressor as to the attacked one, and are necessary in addition arms of the order of megatones. Nowadays most of the military electronic systems they are protected against the EMP, specially those of small size isolated of great electrical layings.So, there are many countrys that are protect agains this kind of weapon, but this weapon is not used normaly like a pistol or like a missil, this kind of weapon is so dangerous like the nuclear, because it can affect almost all the entire wolrd. So this is real this is not fiction science is true. -
Lochness Monster Exists? Does it really?....
andrwxsCOL replied to Kid Saiyan's topic in Science and Technology
Well, I think is a little imposible that exist a "mounster", because, the lake is an extended water channel that extends by 40 km. Their waters are slightly darks in the surface and very cold size in which it is descended. The montains they border to him with cliffs that project an imposing shade on waters. There are sites in which to few meters of the border the depth arrives at the 200 meters, which does of difficult the investigation One teory that defends the believers of Nessie, is that the lake has deep down water channels that communicate it with the sea, by which the supposed monsters enter and leave at will, justifying the long absences between its appearances. Susan Blackmore, sicologys, think that:If Nessie belongs the age of the dinosaurios, then it has had to reproduce by thousands of a, reason because most be more than one.In order to stay alive, the supposed herd have to devour great tons of fish that do not exist in the lake. In the great depths, the type of fish is a mystery that serves to him as food. Then one thinks that the microscopic organisms that live at heart in the total dark of the lake, not to be sufficient to feed a body that must be of hundreds on kilograms. So I think that the monster really exist maybe is just an animal, not such a big that the people says that exist. And maybe it could be life form other plant?.. why not.... Is a misterious -
Freeware I think is one of good option, but I think that the freeware Open-Source code, I think is the best in life, not only for the things that you can do with the program under de GPL, also that you can distribute the product in a safe form, and you do not have to make pirate copies that broke the law.In my personal opinion there is a lot of programs very usefulls that are Freeware, OpenSouce code, but we have to be prevented because, a lot of this "Freeware" programs came with other programs like Ad-ons, Spyware, Malware, and other and in some cases, almost all, it results very dangeros for the computer. We have only take care of this and maybe take some time, to read the license that came with each software. I want to give to know you a good Open Source Software called TIGHTVNC, this is good for remote control of the PC, I think is a good example of what I'm talking about, the freeware OpenSource code software is the best!
The Big Bang: Did It Really Happen?
andrwxsCOL replied to webdesignunlimited's topic in Science and Technology
Well, is a little difficult to said that big ban's happend but if you think is an big probability, that were like this. But in this point we enter to ask to us, what were befor the big bag, before of the gran explosion?. The Religion and the Science in all most all the time of the humanity present have been talk about this, and in my personal opinion the Science prove and will continue proving this kind of aspects, but always there will be a question about what were before this.? and the human in this part said that God was the creator of this. The Big ban is a perfect teory but we have also to think what happend before this. -
The Skycar The first fully functional flying car
andrwxsCOL replied to ASR1405241491's topic in Science and Technology
I also hear this a long time ago, but I also I'm thinking that is a good option, but I don't think that in a near future, it will be usefull to all of us. Just think in the price of the gasoline, the petroleo is costing so much, I don't think that the people will paid for it. First we have to find a good combustible source. And in the other hand, a city is not ready to this, the have to build new laws and a new regulations for this kind of "flying cars" because they can be a serious problem to all the society. We have to think not only in the good of this, and see the problems that the can cause.But in conclusion I think is a good Idea, if a lot of conditions are accomplishmint. -
Well I think that the banks, have to have more security, in my personal opinion the use of the fingerprint is good, but most be combined with the normal credit card and a password to acces. Hibyring this two kind of security, I think that it will be more easy have security for the banks and the clients.And in a close future I except that the people use chips or something like that to acces very fast to all the information that they want. But we have te be carefull with all the implication that this brings to us, and the change in the all world
I don't do it come on!!!.. I just from a contry that speak spanish and is a little difficult the english. I have read this from a local newspaper, and I try to write a little paragrhap, but I don't know so much english.. please forget me, I try to do my best, if you don't like, just don't post ! Ok!
Men yeah, is like some kind of problem in the server. Contact the admins and try that they solve this problem.
Plants Can Generate Energy Electricity from Plants?
andrwxsCOL replied to andrwxsCOL's topic in Science and Technology
Just think in this, why we are continue consuming fossil fuels today ?.... because all the people that work with this want more and more money, there are right now new technologys... a lot like this that prevent the use of Fossil Fuels, but in this money monopoly, all that the people want is win more and more money, and they don't think in other options that exist for fuel. We are in the 21th century, and we have the tenchnology but, because this kind of technology is more economic and don't make so much money like fosssil fuel, the "monopoly" people preffer destroy the world, and dissapear all the fosil things, intead of make a lot of money only for them. We have to act now! -
You can send an e.mail, try it to send again, or I think you can open a support ticke in the Xisto menu, just is one idea, I don't know if this is possibleMaybe an administrator must solve this incident, but try to do this, maybe it will some work. And one important thing, don't be angry with Xisto, they are working so hard to have a nice community an security Webhosting service. Just have a little of pattient with they, and just write to them. Have a nice day Herbert.
Well I think the same as you, but I think also this is good, maybe just for see that the technology is going in all the camps, and is fulling all the normal life of the people. But you have right, some many rules can be bored the game, well we just want to play and be happy with a beautifull ball, kick it, and make a wonderfull GOL!!!
Ok, I send it and all is fine now, I have all my archives and all my scrits intalled like before. A I'm very happy with Xisto, because they are so wonderfull, and give an excellent support service and obviously WebHost Service.
Plants Can Generate Energy Electricity from Plants?
andrwxsCOL replied to andrwxsCOL's topic in Science and Technology
Well I don't think so, this plants are natural, and they are very easy to manage. I don't think that they will other negative efects. Obviously, I think that we have to be carefull with all that we do because, sometimes for solve a problem, with make a big mistake; Just with a little of control, will be fine and it will be a good option for energy,