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Everything posted by WaCo

  1. Notice from Klass: Hi I got caught Copy/Pasting so now Klass put this Cool note in. All the credits I got for this post have been deleted and also some extra credits I got for other posts. I hope I do not Copy/Paste again or I will not be able to post here. I hope Klass is not upset with me for Copy/Paste. From: http://ww38.colsyn.org/Article.cfm?ID=430
  2. Hehe, I'm Slackware 10.1 user, I'm interested in testing the networks, writting good shell scripts, etc..I'm 17 years old, I'm quite normal. I'm also a juggler and i can perform some good mugic stuff (close up card magician)
  3. It's unbelivable, but no one have ever posted this => https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=E9L6VK77HcWFhATaq4CIAQ&gws_rd=ssl It's the best from the best among the best of google tutorials. it's even better than searchlores! You must see it, you must read it !!! Heh, I'm pretty astonished that this wasn't posted... ps: the best section is about getting free www shells I wish all of you good time reading.
  4. You are n00b....big n00b. No offense. Every Linux is based on command prompt ! You can't use Linux without using command prompt ( command prompt <=> bash <==> shell <=> Bourne again shell ). 90% things which you perform, you do right in the command prompt. Where the command prompt is? Press ctrl+alt+F2 and you'll see. Where to learn how to use it? read abs. Notice from Klass: I am a Supreme Elite Linux Guru. I like to make new linux users feel like they are dirt under my feet. Next time I make someone feel like that Klass will ban me.
  5. The distros I have ever tried are:Mandrake 9.1, Mandrake 9.2, Mandrake 10.0, Mandrake 10.1, Slackware 10.1, Ubuntoo, Gentoo, Debian Woody 3.0I'm a bit experienced. As for the TOTAL beginner I advise Mandrake 10.1 because it's extremely easy to install, and most things you can do in graphical IDLE. Although compiling different things from the source might be ( and is) troublesome in that distro.After 2-3 months I advise you to change to Slackware. It's very useful, fast and there are no problems with compiling, buggy hardware, etc.After another 6 months I advise you to reinstall Slackware and install Gentoo. That's what i've got to say
  6. the only one thing that is missing in this tut is Suid/Sudo bits.saying shortly: man sudo, info chmod and all is clear
  7. I wouldn't be so sure on your place. Some Linux systems eg. Mandrake/Mandriva does not support Nvidia. I don't mean it doesn't at all, but installing the correct (any) drivers is very difficult and might still not work. However, there are safe Linux operating systems for use: I mean here Slackware and Debian. Drivers work on them in supreme way ( though the newest drivers were too buggy it's prefered to install older ones ). It's also good to read problems about nvidia drivers on linuxquestions.org wish ya good experience with nvidia cards !!!
  8. "Speed of various incremetation methods" 1) Method one [tomek@localhost ebooks]$ LEGAL=1 LEGAL_2=1; LEGAL_3=1;for i in `seq 100000`; do LEGAL=$(( $LEGAL + 1 ));LEGAL_2=$(( $LEGAL_2 + 1 )); LEGAL_3=$(( $LEGAL_3 + 1 )); done; echo legal\'s value is "$LEGAL"Avarage amount of time that the process took: 9 seconds 29 hundredth. 2) Method two [tomek@localhost ebooks]$ LEGAL=1 LEGAL_2=1;LEGAL_3=1;for i in `seq 100000`; do LEGAL=$[LEGAL + 1];LEGAL_2=$[LEGAL_2 + 1];LEGAL_3=$[LEGAL_3 + 1]; done;echo legal\'s value is "$LEGAL"Avarage amount of time that the process took: 6 seconds 99 hundredth. 3) Method three [tomek@localhost ebooks]$ LEGAL=1 LEGAL_2=1; LEGAL_3=1;for i in `seq 100000`; do LEGAL=`echo $LEGAL + 1 | bc`;LEGAL_2=`echo $LEGAL_2 + 1 | bc`;LEGAL_3=`echo $LEGAL_3 + 1 | bc`; done;echo legal\'s value is "$LEGAL"Avarage amount of time that the process took: 5 000 seconds. 4) Metoda four [tomek@localhost ebooks]$ LEGAL=1 LEGAL_2=1; LEGAL_3=1;for i in `seq 100000`; do LEGAL=`expr $LEGAL + 1`;LEGAL_2=`expr $LEGAL_2 + 1`;LEGAL_3=`expr $LEGAL_3 + 1`; done;echo legal\'s value is "$LEGAL"Avarage amount of time that the process took: 2 000 seconds. 5) C++ example for comprehension #include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){ float a; for ( a=1; a <= 10000000; a++ ) { /* 100 x more than in bash !!! */ } cout << a;return 0;}Avarage amount of time that the process took: not even a second. Conclusion: The best incrementation method is second method, but compared to hightech programming languages it's still very slow. Notes: tests were held on Duron 733 Mhz, 128 mb ram, riva tnt 2 32 mb. [Added 2005-08-11, 07:49:21]
  9. Bash is a linux scripting language. Bash or bourne again shell is the basic thing when any Linux is concerned. As far as scripting in this laguage is concerned the best and the most precious tuorial of it is placed here: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ let me apologize but i won't copy 70k lines in here.
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