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Everything posted by cyph3r

  1. thankx micro .. gotcha .. :Dumm .. m i being a pest ? .. sorry if i am its just that m new to this different hosting world .. i have hosted number of html sites n stuff on normal hosts but not like php n stuff .. sorry again ..well another thing was .. i am not allowed to post in the " Upgrade Request Section " and also the " Misc Request Section " .. y is that so ? .. i wanted to upgrade but do how to go abt it .. could sumone plz help ? ..ThankxDhanesh
  2. Hey cyborgxxi ..y dunt u try removing ur PC side panel and keep the whole of ur PC on the table beside ur monitor .. so basically it should be kept on ur right so that u can have a view of all the parts inside while u work .. now thats what m doing at the present cause my fan is kinda cracky .. and it stops due to accumilation of dust and when that happens .. as wutske said .. ur pc starts to slow down .. it lags and finally it shuts down .. now if ur goin tru the same problem .. then i suggest u keep ur PC this way to have a look at whats goin on b4 u get shut down .. if its ur fan that stopps all of a sudden .. then i suggest u buy a new CPU fan .. hope this helped ya out .. Cheers
  3. wooow .. thankx vujsa .. that was really nice of u to explain in detail .. and yes i get what u mean .. i have credit over 30 anyways .. but m too lazy to apply .. lol i guess i'll keep myself active in the forums and then apply in sumtime .. or as u said i'll upgrade soon enuf so the space dosent become a problem .. Another thing .. i just woke up and this was in my mail .. The account with the username 'cyph3r', is running out of disk space. Please remove some files from this account, or ask the administrator to increase your disk quota. You have currently used 119.73% of your disk space. err .. just thought of lettin u know .. i understood what u told me .. so m not bothered abt the mail .. right now .. Ahh another thing is u mentioned that i could delete " ALL " the files in public_html ? just wanted to reconfirm .. and from the main root .. which ones can i delete ? i think : public_html www these folders r important ... plz teme what folders should be kept in the root and if i can delete all the files in the public_html directory thankx in advance .. Dhanesh
  4. aww gr8 thats a relief .. but after i posted this .. i tried playing with cpanel to get to know the settings .. i tried to install a CMS mambo .. and this is what i got .. Not enough space available to install Mambo_Open_Source Disk space required: 8.63 MB Disk space available: -3.5 MB err .. m using a standard package and not yet upgraded .. and i HAVENT installed anything so what could be the problem here ... thankx ..
  5. Hello ppl .. First of .. thankx to Xisto for providing this service to me ... really appriciate this and would do my best to keeep up with the standards ..Now for the list of problems .. lolWell i got my invitation to the process page wherein i filled uot the required fields and submitted .. it said 10-15 mins .. but the page was stuck there for 45 mins and m on dsl .. so well thats weird .. maybe there was a problem fom my side with the ISP .. the emirates is experiencing problems with international broken links .. argg newayz .. i closed the page ... went back .. filled in everything again .. and after i submitted .. it showed me an error saying that my name was already registered and it was successful .. Well .. not bothered much .. i went and signed in the cpanel and i got accepted in ... i saw the controls .. changed my email ... but now therez one thing thats not clear here .. Disk usage 23.95 / 20.00 MB SQL Disk usage 0.00 MB Disk space available -3.95 MBok .. now i really am confused cause i havent used anything and its a new account so y is it showing me 23.95 / 20.00 MB ?? even the SQL db shows the same problem .. plz do advice me on this ..Secondly tho i know this takes time but i rather just ask .. under the member names i have noticed the group change like .. members .. hosted .. etc .. mine still is a member and the icon above it hasent changed to hosted .. is this related to the half registration attempt i did ? .. cause it relly wasent my fault .. any query to the server would practically take 5 mins max .. but mine was steady for 45 mins .. Awaiting ur replies and help ..Thankx in advanceDhanesh ..P.S. I contacted an admin and then i posted this so i get feedback from both areas soon .. thankx
  6. geez .. y is there always a brawl between Mac and Pc users .. i use both .. well i do find limitations in both of em .. but thats the way they are made .. well mac shows off design where as a pc shows off its user compatibility .. i guess if mac had this mouse made USB compatible .. and not use sum port that only the new macs would use .. i bet pc users would use them too ..
  7. yeah i noticed that too .. but adding the crumple effect kinda makes it dark .. besides i tried to adjust levels .. lol it ruins the fun .. well i would try what foolakadugie mentioned .. lets see how that goes .. thankx for ur updates ..
  8. lol alright .. u love the 3 button mouse u have .. but sheesh man .. Mac users like me ( i do games and college stuff on a Pc .. lol ) really would need a change in buttons .. Operating applications like web browsers and graphic applications on a pc is quiet fast .. i mean the scroll and stuff .. but for a mac .. we really have to stick to 1 button .. lol and thats awful .. hopefully this mouse would make working on photoshop n illustrator much faster ..
  9. Well if thats the case then i told ya m8 .. get the pc back from him and fix the stuff on ur comp and let him go connect .. again if sumone does have another way to do this .. plz feel free to get more info ..
  10. ouch .. sorry .. my bad .. didnt read that right .. but if m not mistaken flashing his BIOS wouldent do him any good would it ? i mean the overclocking power does depend on the type of BIOS he has .. not the software .. plz correct me if m wrong .. cause i tried to do this once with my old pc .. and i had to go tru lot of forums to get my answer .. but finally i changed my pc completely from scratch lol .. but my problem was just update the bios to keep my stats uptodate ..
  11. Ahh .. well finally after years of patient waiting .. apple is out with the finale .. ( i think ) .. there mite be more to come from Apple labs .. but this one really takes the piece ! ... A multi button mouse .. yeah me including other mac users would hve been really bored trying to click just 1 button around all day lol .. well finally i guess we have sumthing new .. Check it on the Apple site ... or .. if u guys have quicktime installed .. check the 3d view of the mouse ...>HERE<
  12. Yeap .. well what wutske said is right .. messing with ur mobo unless u know sumthing abt it or abt ur hardware isnt a problem .. and besides .. do u "really" need to flash ur bios ? .. i mean even i would love to keep my computer stats uptodate .. but bios is sumthing i really wouldent bother .. Well as far as the link wutske provided .. i dunt think u should have a problem .. if i were in ur state .. i would put my mobo tru a *crash* test .. lol .. no but seriousely .. u should give it a thought .. unles ur suffering tru a serious problem like shutdowns while starting up any peculiar noise ur pc makes tru that internal speaker etc .. if ur problem can be solved by a format .. plz go on and do the format .. but the choice is urz .. :DLet us know the out come ..
  13. err .. what do u mean ? .. as in does he have another monitor or he dosent ? .. well if he has one .. i assume its a better one that supports 1024x768 .. if not .. then i suggest he get the comp back to u .. and u can connect it to ur monitor and change the settings to 800x600 .. Well there isnt a hard reset as such .. not of which i know .. so this would be the best way i think ..
  14. Well .. since all were showing their work here .. i am not that much of a good designer .. but yeah i learned from my dad and i can manage .. here is a scroll i made for a friends company .. well he said they took a print in a3 and used a cloths in the background to make it look like a real scroll .. but i guess they needed sumthing that would be more useful for an office, so i had to make it clean without much of effects and stuff .. anything else i could do with this ? other than the text inside .. anything else i could put so i could use in my room .. lol
  15. lol .. i agree . my dad was a freelance photographer few years ago and i used to go out with him for sum shoots .. and stuff that he does now on the computer tru plug-ins is kinda cool too .. but u can never beat the effect that a camera can capture .. I mean there r many filters and plugins out there that do a very clean job as to bring a digital picture to reality but i guess sumtimes reality is better than virtuality
  16. Well nice one .. but like all said .. u need to reduce the opacity of the picture .. and well givin the font some style mite help ... there r many cool fonts out there .. so u mite wana see which one goes with ur band genre .. And i guess a lil color would put sum life into it .. best of luck ..
  17. Ahh .. well i suggest u first get to know what BIOS u using .. for that therz a software u could use >( CLICK )< .. nice piece of software i came accross when i wanted to do the same .. but since my motherboard manufacturer stopped providing drivers for my part . i bought a new motherboard .. Well to come back .. all u could do is run this proggy .. get ur bios number and name .. go on google and hit the search .. hopfully u mite find driver updates for ur BIOS .. But let me remind u " Make shure u know what ur doing .. u mite make ur whole system useless if u mess with the BIOS without reading stuff around " have fun ..
  18. Well as fas as i know microsoft started the "tab" thingy a year ago .. the only reason they took time was by telling " it was under testing " .. ok if M$ can get that many lame excuses .. y not get a smaller company that speciallizes in tabs and use their help to fix the flaws.Firefox Rulz .. *m thinkin of changin my signature*
  19. Ahh target to hackers .. sounds familiar .. lol .. according to cnet .. " Microsoft wants its "Blue Hat" date with hackers to become a regular affair, with twice-yearly events where outsiders demonstrate flaws in Microsoft's product security. " Read on ... .. well i assume that hopefully they mite come up with a solution for our little solution here .. Wonder how they treated the "hackers" lol cup of tea i guess .. with sum cake ? what really is microsoft trying to prove .. all know that the time a new security comes out .. a hack is available the very next day or maybe in 6 hrs .. lol .. so much for blue hat ..
  20. yeap agreed .. its faster than firefox .. but opera is too busy getting the internals working more than the content management .. i mean half the sites ( hotmail ) r not the way they should be seen in a browser .. lol well no doubt microsoft tried to tickle opera's funny bone .. and this was the response .. but sites like yahoo, msn, gmail .. all seem a lil too weird .. duno maybe its my own verdict .. but out of all this goin on .. firefox takes the lead ..
  21. It never stops does it ? .. well after i posted my recent message in HERE .. i went for a lil IE7 bug search spree .. guess what i found .. >>CLICK HERE<< .. Well i guess many of u would be aware that since IE7 is still in beta .. we can expect bugs .. but doing sumthing like updating a .dll file in the program and not notifying developers is kinda lame on microsoft's part .. I recently switched on to firefox and hey m happy with it .. but i guess IE has a long way to go b4 they come up with something strong to benefit us all ..
  22. Take a look at this ... CLICK HERE lol .. 100GB Blue-Ray Discs .. Sheesh .. lets see .. record HD-TV ... ummm back up my whole existing pc at a go .. store all the seasons of Friends .. wooooooooot .. i love blue-Ray discs .. Just hope they rnt that costly ...
  23. Shure it is .. i had a win xp home and sp1 installed ... ( i couldent bare that annoying pop-up bar saying " active contect was blocked" ) well i tried installing IE7 and b4 it even started it gave the error that i should have sp2 installed .. ok fine .. i went to microsoft d'loaded that whole 220 mb whatever pack .. and installed .. wooot .. IE 7 started installin .. restarted ofcourse .. which is really annoying .. Well by the last reboot when i had got back to the system to go check the browser .. it had ruined my dialup settings .. well i found out it was sp2 that had done it .. i reinstalled my dsl drivers and got that back .. well while on the net .. i did however notice that MSN Messenger and yahoo stops working .. now i didnt know who to blame .. over all i liked the way they did things with IE7 .. but compatibility should be added to others programs .. i mean i rather stick to firefox that has the same but better options than IE7 .. hope they improve in future for the final release ...
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