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Posts posted by ChicGhic

  1. I tend to stay away from white or other bright colors for backgrounds, as it burns my eyes, and i find it may lead to eye strain.. yet a subtle grey or subdued colors make good backgrounds, they are light on the eyes.As for color schematics, it depends on the site theme, and your demographic. For my gaming page, i went for a black and green look with silvers.For my Clubbing/Style website, i went with a hot pink, grey and subdued violet. And for a High contrast, some black.My current site, a discussion forum for the Chic and the Geek, I am going for a light blues look. It all depends on your personal preference and audience really.

  2. Thanks. Both photos were taken myself, as for the pink on black and splotches covering the face, the model didn't want to be recognized all over the net.For the glass of water, the shot was taken with a high speed camera at my school, and trust me it took several rolls of film and takes to get it right, and some time afterwards in photoshop touching the photo up and correcting and cleaning the splashes.as for the smoke curling around the text, i suppose i could have, but the smoke is just from a stock photograph.Thanks for the feedback, hopefully I'll be able to comment and browse others work when i get some more time.

  3. That Vedic theory is interesting.Although I don't really believe in any of the theories, i also don't NOT believe :) ... Basically I don't know, I'm not going to believe something until I can say without reasonable doubt that it's true, same goes for the other way, I can't discredit a theory unless i know for a fact it's untrue, so I am always open to listening to new theories and ideas.As for the big bang theory, i can't comprehend creating something from nothing, I can't accept the fact there there was ever "nothing", the existence of nothing is actually a very hard and complex to visulize absolute nothingness. I understand principals of chemistry and atomic structures, but can't grasp how they came about out of nothing.Then that the universe was already here... well, there we go for another mind trip. For something to be eternal means that it has no end, and no beginning.. Wow. For something to continually exist in both ways in our rationale of time is perplexing to say the least.Anyways, I'm going to stop thinking about it, or I'll probably end up going insane.

  4. I think those making video game movies need to take some ips from those behind some of the popular comic book movies (Batman, X-Men, Spiderman ect). Now although not all Comic book movie franchises do well, or get great reviews, there are some outstanding films amongst them. I just think Video Game movies are still waiting for that to happen... I also believe as video games leak their way into popular culture more they'll be more widely accepted. Comic books have a long history for the most part, with deep character history, ect. Video games are relativley new to the scene and don't have the same mass appeal as of yet.Now some video game movies that I have enjoyed:Resident Evil - Besides some poor dialog, the movie was pretty decent, excellent eye candy, some intense scenes and well Milla Jovovich *drool*Mortal Kombat - Entertaining, and not overly foolish (unlike the sequal) and Raiden... ha ha.

  5. I wasn't aware that the 4th in the series was released yet? :P:) But if you are referring to the third game (morrowind), which i am assuming you are, no, I've never beaten it... I just keep getting sidetracked with all the sidequests, exploring and user made plug-ins/dungeons, ect... From what I have heard, the game is exceedingly easy to beat in the later levels, as you just become so powerful. Sometimes I just leave the game on to listen to the ambient sound effects, and music, it's relazing.

  6. It also depends on your country's laws and legislation. For example in Canada,it is deemed illegal to upload copyrighted and protected materials, yet the whole download category is kind of in a grey area and not really enforced. But downloading something that isn't supposed to be free is stealing either way.

  7. For me it'd have to be the Fallout games. Open ended gameplay, superb character customization, no set classes. A huge variety of items, quests, and NPCs and lots of areas to explore and discover.


    I probably install Fallout 1 and 2 at least once a year and create a different character each time and play through the game.


    Looking forward to see what Bethesda does with the franchise in Fallout 3

  8. Hello out there, I came to this site on a recommendation from a friend.I am 21 year old male and recent BFA graduate. I live in Halifax Canada and have probably acquired more computer and technical junk than the entire city combined. As for work, I do freelance design and photography. I am also currently working on a few film projects for friends and myself.And like most 21 year old males I enjoy partying and going out. Hopefully my transition into yet another webforum won't eat my life away even more.Thanks.ChicGhic

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