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Posts posted by sickgrrl723

  1. sorry to be not very specific but i just want to back up about that wave effect: i have this on the authoity of a person with a very high qualification in the field of the flow of object that even with no blockage at all changes in speed can cause traffic jams.


    i've found that the majority of traffic jams i've been in have been for this reason... most of the time it's because of merging. ex: the entrance lanes of the freeway merging into the actual freeway...

  2. Like most have said, the people that care about me. But it's not just that. I think that there are mulitple things that drive me. Mostly my friends & family, and music.the people i care about and that care about me are so important to me. theyre influential and change your life forever. Be it good or bad, they've made a difference in your life some how or some way. As far as music goes, it's inspired me and helped me through many hard times. Just to know that there are others that have gone through the same problems and have experienced exactly how you're feeling... that's just me though....

  3. Myspace code is the code that makes up a Myspace profile. Myspace is a networking website.Sorry I wasnt more clear in my post. Let's see if I can clarify things. My friend wants me to edit the code for his Myspace profile. I was just wondering if anyone knew how to edit the whole profile rather than just the background and link colors. does that make sense?

  4. Hey guys, I feel silly asking this question since you all seem to be so much more advanced than I am, but a friend of mine wants me to change his Myspace code. He told me about a profile he saw where everything was changed. Even the text in the menu links. How do you get into this part of the code? and then, when you do finally find it, where do you post it so that it works on the profile? I have a general knowledge of code and such, do I have to be more advanced to be able to do this?



  5. Multi-purpose phones are nice, but it reminds me of multi-purpose electronic devices where one part fails and you're stuck with a huge repair bill.


    When you buy a television, do you buy one that has a built-in dvd player-recorder and vhs player? A repair guy I know said that when you buy all in one devices like that, you may as well plan on something breaking and the whole thing needing repair. It is cheaper to work on a dvd player or a vhs player than to work on the whole enchillada.


    When it comes to cell phones, they have already gotten into more areas than we could have imagined a few years ago. On the news recently, I saw video clips taken from a cell phone. The clarity wasn't that good, but it was video.


    I know the Swiss Army knife is pretty cool. Now the more gadgets on that knife, the larger it is. How can this new utiliarian phone be so small and do so much?


    Technology is just so incredible. It's great to be around now, isn't it?


    i agree with this (about mulitpurpose technology) I think that the more the phone has to offer, the more probable that it will break. Especially in the beginning stages. I say if you're going to get one... wait until they've been around longer and the price drops. why spend so much money on something cuz it's brand new technology and then spend so much more to get it fixed? that's just my perspective... not to bring anyone down... I love technology as much as the next techno-geek, but i still think it's better to be safe than sorry...

  6. i think the overall layout is good. I would suggest keeping the same font throughout the site just to be consistent. you must remember that serif and sans-serif fonts are read differently by the eyes and the mix of the two throws off focus. I also really like the music and the option to turn it off... most people dont give that option. if you could, could you send me the code for that? besides that, i think it's good and as your design skills improve, it will only get better.

  7. stuff like this is utterly ridiculous! censorship in general has gotten so out of hand! personally, i think censorship should not be determined by attorneys and the government. It should be closer to home and more personal than that. Parents and families should be censoring their kids. Parents should make the decision whether or not their children can listen to/watch/play something. By letting the government decide these things, we're giving them power to rule us. Parents no longer feel the need to watch their children because the government does it for them. Most people argue with this point saying that parents don't really know their children or their too busy at work... so on and so forth. You know what?! If you decided to keep your child, you need to put forth the little bit of effort raising them. People never stop changing and of course when a kid becomes a teenager, they want space. I know... I barely turned 20 this last saturday, but my parents were still involved in my life. I'm very lucky to be in the position I'm in and to have such a close relationship with my parents, but growing up, I watched R rated movies when I was young, depending on the subject matter, I played violent video games, listened to music with the "F" word in it. My parents took the time to get to know me and because of that, they were able to determine whether or not it was okay for me listen to/watch/play something. If it's too much trouble to raise a child, don't have one! All of the stuff like music, movies, and video games get blamed because people do stupid things because they refused to take responsibillity for their actions. Kids shoot up their schools because they listen to Marilyn Manson and play Doom? Um, maybe if the parents took some time to be involved in their kids lives, they would have seen that they were acting strange, something was wrong, their kids were making pipebombs in the garage!!! Kids light themselves on fire because they watch Jackass.... If your kids are stupid enough to do that, then maybe you should make sure they dont watch it! Seriously, WTF!? My younger brothers and sister and I all play the Sims. Hell, even my mom plays the Sims. Just because people are perverted and modify the code so the sims can be naked and be "anatomically correct" doesnt mean that everyone wants to see them naked. I for one, thinks it's hilarious how they are censored. Sex is called "woohoo!" for crying out loud. How funny is that?Sure, these forms of media are very influential in a person's life, but you know what, if you know right and wrong, there should be know reason why these things should not be made available. Sorry to all of you, I apologize for the long post, but this subject really gets to me. :)

  8. Hey guys, I'm really into buying a new computer. I'm a graphic designer who has used PCs for most of my life up until recently when I went to school. Then, I found the Mac. I love it! But, that's not the point. I'm really dying to get a new comp because all I have at home is a PC... nothing against it, it raised me, but I have to share and with a computer geek like me, I want to be on it all the time. So, I've been researching them and I'm stuck between the 15" Powerbook and the Dual 2.3GHz. I really like the portability of the powerbook, but i like the space of the DUal. Besides that, my mom is a strict PC person and refuses to let me own a Mac in her house. Is there any little tidbits of info I can use to convince my mom that a mac is better for my graphics?

  9. well, i have many nicknames, but i use sickgrrl quite often due to the fact that when i was three i contracted a virus called epiglotitus. your epiglotis (that little muscle that covers your foodpipe when you breathe and your windpipe when you swallow) swells up and you cant breathe, since i was so little, the virus wrecked my immune system and therefore, in the last 17 years, i've pretty much contracted every strain of cold out there... growing up, i always had a stuffy nose, so now when i talk, i'm kinda nasally... but my friend thought it was cute and she's called me sickgrrl ever since.....

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