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Posts posted by sickgrrl723

  1. i am against windows and would love a mac, but as my parents don't understand the concept of it all and only look at the price and performance..... i had to go with a windows os computer, if only they were cheaper (MAC's) B)


    LOL... i totally undersatand what you're talking about... i use a pc too, because macs are so expensive... i do really wish that i had a mac though... well, that and my mom refuses to let me have a mac in her house... shes a strict pc person because "pcs can do everything a mac can do and they have better operating systems" but she doesnt believe me that microsoft copied xp off of osx...

  2. that may be true, but there's a time and place for it, and right after something like katrina happens, when people are too devestated to care if the president is racist or not is not the right time....


    i think that now that the president has accepted responsibility for what happened, things will start to change, but not unless the people make sure they do.... it's OUR country, not just his....

  3. i think that this is just turning into a big, unnecessary argument.... personally, i think that kanye west is a great musician, but his comments at that performance were also very unnecessary... this is a time when we need to stop pointing the blame and come together to fix things... its ridiculous how people get when tragedy occurs..

  4. i was forced by my mentor to get a myspace. being a very shy person, i'm not very big at networking. but he made me get one so that i could get myself to start networking and get myself out there. being a graphic designer, you have to learn to put yourself out there for people to take. that was almost two years ago, and now, i cant stay off myspace. it is very addicting. there are so many things to it, the music aspect, the blog aspect, the profile adjusting... i've met two very influential people to me (my favorite pinup photographer and my favorite gigposter artist) through myspace. meeting the latter was one of the best times of my life... but thats a different story. My point is, myspace has so much to offer, even if it is trendy and a way for all the scene kids to go and look cool.

  5. are there any drawbacks to GMail? i keep hearing all these great things about it, but never any drawbacks... i get really tired of people always changing their emails and im fairly happy with the one i have now... if im going to change, i need to know the pros and cons of it....

  6. I used FP a little when i first started getting into web design. it's simple enough with the drag and drop scheme. but when i realized that if i was going to get anywhere doing web design, i needed to learn HTML. I started teaching myself HTML through Dreamweaver through the split HTML/preview mode. so i could see how HTML works. I still use the split viewing mode because i find my mistakes easier that way. I will admit, i was a little frustrated and intimidated when i started using DW, simply because i really had no idea what i was doing. But after time, i gradually got the hang of things and once you do, it's really a simple program. there are a lot of components to it, but you dont need to learn all of it to design a good website...

  7. id have to agree with most everyone when i say that imageready is the best program for animated gifs. if you have photoshop, you have imageready, and you can easily jump into imageready from photoshop without having to search for it in your apps. i've never used fireworks, but im sure its good, considering it's a macromedia program, and i have heard great things about it... but im a creature of habit so, i usually stick to photoshop and imageready. imageready is also a great program to begin design for websites.....

  8. this has two sides to it... a good side: the programs will be much much much easier to use together, more available to people to learn the programs, and the cost in the programs will go down due to lack of competition. the bad side is that now that Adobe is becoming so huge, that there is a possibility that it might develop this huge monopoly over the market. that would really suck is microsoft bought out adobe, but then again, its a possibility- they freakin own everything else....

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