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Posts posted by WeaponX

  1. I still didn't get a chance to go back yet, but it's working again...for the time being. Could it still be the PSU in that case? I'm taking a battery with me next time just to be sure.

    I recall seeing the heatsink intact, but will make sure it's seated properly when I go back. I will test out the PSU by unplugging some parts to see if it still has that one second startup/shutdown...

    Found the motherboard (barebones) here. Basically that's what they are using.

  2. The only thing that I can think of now is the permissions. You didn't mention (unless I missed it) what version XP you are using? If Pro, that might be the problem. I had a similar case like this before when it was stubborn to grant permissions to share files and print to another computer.

    You probably did most of these steps already, but download the Word file by Microsoft. Open it up and go to Page 15. Start reading from there and see if those suggestions work. If not, we'll try the permissions (assuming you are using XP Pro) on Page 18.

  3. Yeah, I saw this before also and not that you ask, I'm curious as well. Just wanted to edit one of my posts earlier before but didn't fearing it might screw up the credits LOL.Houdini, I think that Group Icon is for what group we are in. Like in your Group there (and mine), we are both under the HOSTED group. Xisto had different icons created for each group and the one we (you and me...and others who applied for hosting I guess) have is HOSTED B)

  4. I just want someone to confirm this before I go online and buy the part (which is probably going to be expensive).


    Just took a look at my cousin's Acer (ASUS) Pundit computer. It's one of those small form factor machines. Well, I pushed the power button and the power lights up for one second and shuts off immediately. I popped the little critter open and watched the fan spin for one second and then stop. I have to unplug the cable and replug it back in, in order to push the power again to see if turn on for one second...nothing.


    My first guess was power supply...then I used one of my power supply testers on that 20 pin (I think) power cable and the fan started to spin...no problem there B) This is my first time using a power supply tester, but I assume that means it's definitely NOT the power supply.


    So right now, I'm guessing is has to be the motherboard right? Like I said, I want to make sure this is the correct piece to get since it will probably be expensive since this machine is not that old (about a year only). Not sure how I can test out a motherboard to be sure it's not faulty (like using power supply tester for power supply testing), so if anyone has ideas on how to do this, I'm all ears ;) If it helps, the ethernet port is lighted up when the power cord is plugged in...but I don't think that means anything. Board probably still bad?



  5. Couple of things come to mind...Is the computer actually turned off or do you still see a light (possibly green blinking light, but just nothing showing on monitor)? Is hibernate enabled (assuming you are using Windows XP)? Go to Start->Settings->Control Panel->Power Options. Then go to Hibernate tab. Is that box checked? If so, then there's the problem with the pc turning off by itself.Do you have any devices that can bring a system out of standby? Check in your Device Manager (right click My Computer->Properties->Hardware->Device Manager and look at your devices). Look through the list and open up each one (not all of them will have the WakeUp or Bring computer out of standby mode). Just double click each one to bring up the Properties. Look through the tabs and see if you can find any option to bring the computer out of standby (aka WakeUp).

  6. Yeah, like all of you said here, GoDaddy is a reliable domain name registrar. Used them for over 2 years now and have no complaints. Even used some special discounts and got it for like $2 a year (so renewed for another extra year ;)) after buying another service package they had.

    @demolaynyc: GoDaddy is the cheapest host? Or do you mean the cheapest priced domains? I don't think either is true though because there are other services out there that have very competitive prices. I was starting to look at 1AND1 and they have pretty sweet packages there. If it wasn't for my long term contract with my other webhost, I might have thought about switching from GoDaddy to 1AND1 (since it provides both domain name and webhosting B)).

  7. I also use CCleaner and ask users to use it. This is a shame that they are adding Yahoo Toolbar in it. I'm not saying that the toolbar is bad, but we all know it's a no-no to start including other programs in the main one especially when they are not really related.I didn't try the new install yet, but is the option to install Yahoo Toolbar checked already? If so, that's just plain wrong. I don't care if they allow the user to install it or not, as I'm sure 99% (or more B)) users don't even read through the install instructions (which in a way is their fault also).

  8. I'm using the TrendNet 802.11g Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter for the desktop. I don't think it's any interference because my vintage Windows 98 computer doesn't get all these wireless disconnects using the SAME USB adapter. I could plug it back right now and it will work without the disconnects. I replaced the old desktop with the new one, so the new XP Desktop is in the same EXACT area/spot where the old pc was.

  9. I thought there were viruses affecting the Macs in the past already? Just not a lot since it's a Windows market.

    I'm sure someone will find the time to give more damage to the Mac OS. All the Macs I've worked on have antivirus programs on them already...Norton. Don't know why you shouldn't..even if Macs are much safer to use than Windows-based machines...for now B)

    Just found a free antivirus program for the Mac OS called ClamAV. Should be useful for those who like freeware/open-source programs.

  10. Hi szupie, I did see one or two others in the past...and even tried connecting to them hehe... B) But don't see them lately. I'm sure it's connecting to the proper one (my own wireless router). I added the wireless settings on the desktop (which is basically exactly how it's setup on my laptop which doesn't have this problem). I tried unchecking the box that says 'Automatically connect to non-preferred networks' and it made no difference ;)I looked back and forth between the desktop and my laptop and can't find anything different...unless I'm blind and missed it :D Thanks.

  11. Yep...checked out the mouse and that was the problem. Strange thing was that the red light is actually working on the bottom. But I plugged the little critter to several other iMacs in the room and they all froze B)One last question. Could the mouse cause the keyboard to freeze? They are both connect to the USB ports on the side (so mouse is NOT connected to keyboard). I tested out the keyboard with the new mouse I replaced and it's working.Thanks.

  12. Hi, is there an easy way to move or copy a whole bunch of objects/controls inside a tab? I'm using multiple tabs (SSTab) and in one of them, I have literally over 20 objects in them (a bunch which are overlapping each other...thus the dilemma). I want to move them out of the tab interface and put them directly inside the main form.I'm using Visual Basic 6 to do this and tried searching for a solution to this, but getting no where.Thanks.

  13. Will also try relocating the router to see if it's the problem, but I doubt it since my vintage Windows 98 computer works.


    @warbird: What could be wrong if it's not the network card? The machine in my living room uses a USB Wireless Adapter to connect. I use this same usb adapter on my Windows 98 PC without any problems (don't get very low signals and disconnects). At first I thought it's the USB adapter being too big to fit (mouse and keyboard wires in the way), so I used a USB exension cable...same problem.


    My setup is like a L shape (similar to szupie's)...with two walls in between.


    I don't think XP Professional is the one causing the problem since another laptop we have here uses XP Pro and no complaints from my brother yet B)



  14. Could also be that after the CPU cooler failed, it took the processor with it. Those processors need the proper cooling in order to function properly. So I'm wondering if the damage was done to the processor also...Change the motherboard and put in the processor and heatsink/cooler. Put back all the other cards into the motherboard and power it up again. See if it gives you any problems.

  15. For some reason my new custom built PC get low to no wireless internet signal in the living room. My sister says that she gets a lot of disconnects (last time I asked, about 10 disconnects throughout the day). It loses the wireless and after a while (no time table) it will connect back. The router is in the bedroom less than 30 feet away but there's like a wall or two in between.It shouldn't have caused this much problem though because I tried it on my OLD Windows 98 PC and it doesn't seem to have this problem. It always has an average wireless connection (2 or 3 bar signal). The new PC is using Windows XP Pro and I set up Windows to connect to it automatically.Thanks.

  16. Just want to post a followup on this situation in case someone else encounters this problem also.What happened in the end was a complete reinstall of Windows. The guys in the office just got fed up with the whole machine since they basically swapped out every single part of the machine already and it still comes back with that blue background LOL.What they are thinking, and I agree, is that it could have been a bad driver. I have no idea why Windows would install a ATI Radeon driver automatically because I replaced that video card and it should have detected new device. Actually now that I think about it, would Windows detect a "new" device if I replaced it with an identical video card? I remember removing the drivers already earlier...but then again, I could be wrong LOL.Whatever it was, it's gone now :)

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