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Posts posted by WeaponX

  1. Sounds confusing...are you using dialup or high speed internet? Only need a router to share internet with more than one computer or to have a home network. If you have dialup then there's probably no point doing this since it will only slow things down with the 56k speed (as slow as it is already).Depends. If the materials that make up the wall and floor does not have high density (heavy material like a lot of concrete), then it should be less intrusive. Other materials may affect the signal also. Best way is to test this out yourself if you already have a router on hand.

  2. I had a similar question before also and what I was told is that there will be some difference. The DVI method should give you a more crisp image. Since you have a LCD monitor this would most benefit it because DVI is digital and that's exactly how an LCD monitor works (the pixels are displayed digitally).I wonder if a DVI to VGA adapter is useful in this scenario? Or will it drag it down?But yes, you should see better quality (as I was told...).

  3. Hi, is there any way to find out a file's original file type/extension? My friend gave me this song from a Chinese series and I had to play around with the extensions until I got it working (made it .wmv). He doesn't even know the original format, but I'm guessing he's using wmv to use it also. I tried naming it to .mp3 and .wma to see if those work...both failed.I like to keep all my audio files as mp3 files. Was going to look for a program to convert it to mp3, but have a question. I highly doubt this file was originally a .wmv file since it's just audio (song from the Chinese series). Just want to find out what's the actual extension so I can find a tool to do the conversion to mp3 format.Thanks.

  4. Never noticed it before....but yes, there seems to be a test button on the inside part of the battery. I pushed it, no dice. I tried recharging it and actually thought it worked because it's actually charging it slowly (1%, 2%...). Before it would jump straight to 99% and then 100%. Well...it's charged fully now. I tried using it without the power adapter. No power.Haven't used it for one day...so I just put the battery back now and it says 0%...then then jumped to 100% fully charged...and stays 100% now. Could it still be the battery problem or the problem with the metal "prongs" to charge the battery? Any way I can test the voltage somehow either on the battery or the laptop to see which one is faulty before I go out and buy the battery first?

  5. If I'm correct, AOL's browser is basically using the Internet Explorer engine. That is most likely the reason you see the "faster" speed when it loads up because it's one of the core components that load up with Windows.

    With Firefox slowing down, is it slowing down when loading web pages or just when it's starting up? Could be that your friend has too many programs running at that time. Keep in mind that Firefox will probably be slower than IE anyway...although I heard of "tweaks" that can make Firefox launch just as quickly. Take a look at this site.

    Try clearing the cache from time to time. It will help with the refresh issue if new content still won't load after a reload.

  6. I had my laptop for over a year and suddenly one day it won't hold the charge in the battery anymore. So I thought it was a bad battery...sent it in to be repaired and the techs said it's not the battery. Tested ok. They said it was the charging port. Warranty was over already so I dealt with the issue...about 3 years now. I want to know how to repair this. Do I have to change the whole motherboard to replace that battery compartment area? Or is there an easier way to do this?The laptop is a Prostar 6194.Thanks.

  7. Yeah, I'm sure. I got a pin layout image from another site and that's how I got the other information on what they are for. It's definitely not pin 5 since I remember it being near the edge (second to last = 4). Is there such a thing as a 13 pin d-sub cable? It definitely can't be a coincidence that BOTH ends of the cable's pin are missing the exact pins. Anyway, I swapped their LCD's and it's still working now...guess it's just one of those strange things on how they work.Didn't know that some pins weren't needed...makes no sense to put them there at all then. I checked my new 14 pin cable to make sure...yep, pin #9 missing :PThanks for the info on that.

  8. Depending on what you have available these are some of the options:1. If you have a home network setup, you can just transfer the files from the desktop to the laptop through Network Places/Neighborhood.2. If both laptop and desktop have ethernet/network ports available, you can use a crossover cable and create a simple network to transfer files between the two machines.3. You can buy a USB Enclosure drive and mount the desktop's hard drive to use it as an external hard drive. Make sure to get one that mentions 3.5" drives at least - those are for hard drive sizes. They also have those USB to IDE adapters that you can buy instead. These will have no cases for them. You just plug in the hard drive and connect the other end to the laptop's available USB port (preferably USB 2.0 for higher speed).

  9. I doubt it's a cracked copy. This forum has been around for years and I'm sure it's a legit one. Don't want to mention the site name, but if needed, I can post it.One of the admins there did say that IPB might be conflicting with their RSS feeds they have. Not sure if that can be related to the errors or not.

  10. You can find many free scripts for chatrooms and guestbooks here. If you want a Java based chatroom, try Free Java Chat. For the forum, you will have to see what you like. If you want free ones, SimpleMachines is a good choice. How do you intend to host these? If you get to apply for a free hosting account here at Xisto, you can store the data here instead and I think Xisto also provides a few forums which you can install easily through Fantastico.

  11. Not exactly. Some Linux distros are commercial based like Red Hat and they do charge you for using it.I always tell users to go with Mandrake if they are a newbie. Need to take a look at SuSE Linux...maybe this is easier to use. Still a newbie Linux user myself.Keep in mind that Live CDs like Knoppix will have a different GUI to it and it will be different from SuSE and others. Test the Live CD out to get a feel of Linux...If you have a free partition that you can use, I suggest installing one of the Linux distros there (SuSE maybe) and see if you like it.

  12. Hi, I'm in a forum and they want to switch to phpBB since they think it's the database in IPB causing the problem. One of the problems is using the PMs. When one tries to send a PM, they get this message:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 54784 bytes) in /var/www/sp/......blanked out...../sources/classes/class_display.php on line 313

    Is this database related?


    Any simple fix for this? Otherwise, they might abandon this forums database after a short while and start fresh with phpBB.



  13. There's usually (always?) a way around these so-called "encryption" methods. They just encode it with a certain method but decoding it won't take too long. And like Samya mentioned earlier, it adds more bulk to the page file size.There's a way around that right click button being blocked as well...one can always just go to View->Source and it should show it. I'm sure there's a way to get the code with or without those frames :P

  14. Thanks for the reply. I went to my cousin's house again about a week ago and tried something else (which I should have done earlier :P ). I bought another vga cable already so that's like $10 down the drain (weird thing was that it says 15 pin when I bought it, but it's actually 14 pins when I took a look at it ;) ). Well, what I did was swapped the LCD monitors between their two computers. Is there a reason why the LCD would work on their other computer and not this one? They have two LCDs...the other one (without the problems - 15 pins intact) will work on BOTH computers. But this 13 pin "problematic" one will only work on the other computer. There was no point of me using the 14 pin cable I got since the issue was resolved by swapping the monitors.My question is what is the difference between the 13, 14 and 15 pin VGA cables? I guess the one they had was NOT damaged but have no idea why it won't work on that computer.Was I ripped off getting that 14 pin VGA cable when it was advertised as 15 pin d-sub?

  15. Opera was my first alternative browser a few years ago until Mozilla/Firefox caught my eye. Was using Firefox until last year when Opera came out with a new version without the ads there. Gave it another shot and now I'm back to using Opera. Will download this version and see how much of an improvement they made.

  16. You should be able to save your Firefox bookmarks very easily. Just go into Firefox->Bookmark->Manage Bookmarks. Then in that new Bookmarks Manager window, go to File->Export and backup that bookmark.html file. Use that same file to Import it back when you are done with the restoration.


    For the scrapbook backup, it seems like there is also a easy way to back that up as well. Take a look here for methods on how to do this.


    Google seems to have a bunch of links on how to backup your Thunderbird emails. So start from there.


    Depends how they created that restore CD. If it's a Sony computer, it might restore everything you had originally when you bought this system.


    Any other tips? Double, triple...check that you backed everything up LOL. I suggest doing a wildcard search for your files also to be sure. For example, to make sure you backed up all your word documents, do a search for *.doc and see if any of those files shown are backed up already (or if they are needed).


    Backup the data from the d: drive also. I can't be sure if it will touch it at all. If it's an actual restore to factory default CD/partition (if that's how it was setup), then it probably will revert back to how it was setup originally.

  17. Believe me, I know this video card is definitely one of the bottom line ones LOL. Wasn't thinking of getting a more decent video card since I wasn't planning on using this custom built pc for games. But lately, my brother has been buying some pc games and even though they are not very memory intensive (just those Tycoon games), it still gives us problems.I looked at the site. They said it might be an outdated driver and it looks like that user's display adapter doesn't support up to DirectX 9.0c. Mine says it's ok...Will try reinstalling DX 9.0 then and report back what happened.Thanks.

  18. There was a topic about Chikita and Google Adsense used on the same webpage. Just like what you found, it IS ok to use them on the same page, but you have to use the non-contextual mode.Not sure about Target Point. But from what you quoted there, there might be some conflict since they don't allow other ads to have any common with each other. Unless you plan on putting any random ad non-related to your site, this one might be one you can't use on your site.I would say it won't matter. You can put it wherever you want as long as it doesn't "conflict" with each other (on the same page). Good luck with Chikita. I tried applying for it once and didn't get approval because they wanted a site that sells products (or possible had product related information).

  19. Hmmm...not sure why it says nVidia there. Might be related to something on the motherboard as I saw something like that on one of the chips there. I actually have a Volari V3 video card as mentioned here. I think I got the latest driver here (version 1.14.02). Still getting the same problems...at least very similar. Now I don't get that direct3d error message anymore. The main menu comes up and I click on the Play button. Either my eyes are fuzzy or the screen is blurry and "sizzling" across the screen like crazy. I have to hit ctrl+alt+del multiple times to get rid of that and bring up Task Manager. Then kill the game which is taking over 100MB of memory usage.

    DirectX 9.0c is the latest version right? I'll try reloading it over itself, but I don't think that's the problem. Is it possible that this video card is too cheap/crappy to handle the game? It had problems playing many games before in the past as well...

  20. Does sound very bizarre...I don't think it's possible either. How the heck will they be able to "connect" everything back so it functions properly? Or is it one of those "methods" where they freeze it so it preserves the life?Brain transfer? Maybe just as hard? Don't know the human "insides" that much, but isn't the brain connected to the eyes also? That would be great if it's possible (and if they find a "host" body for this). Christopher Reeve (aka Superman of the 80's) suffered a spinal cord injury.

  21. Hi, for some reason a lot of my games are not working. I installed Prison Tycoon and after it's done, I click on the Run button from the game. It gave me a message "direct3d renderer creation error". If I click OK it will go to the main menu where I could click play button...then it gives me a Windows crash message (do you want to send to Microsoft, etc....). The game then exits.

    This seems to be a common problem since the first result I got from Google was on this game. I couldn't find more information on this problem. I have the whole DirectX Diagnostic log if someone wants to take a look at it. For starters, here is the system info:

    Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519) Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
    System Manufacturer: NVIDIA
    System Model: AWRDACPI
    BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
    Processor: AMD Athlon XP 2600+, MMX, 3DNow, ~2.1GHz
    Memory: 512MB RAM
    Page File: 230MB used, 1017MB available
    Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
    DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
    DX Setup Parameters: Not found
    DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.2180 32bit Unicode

    One more thing...this might help. I went into dxdiag->Display tab and ran some Direct3D tests. Here is the report I have for this one:

    No problems found.To test DirectDraw functionality, click the "Test DirectDraw" button above.
    Direct3D 7 test results: Failure at step 8 (Creating 3D Device): HRESULT = 0x80004005 (Generic failure)
    Direct3D 8 test results: Failure at step 8 (Creating 3D Device): HRESULT = 0x8876086c (error code)
    Direct3D 9 test results: Failure at step 8 (Creating 3D Device): HRESULT = 0x8876086c (error code)

    Should I worry about the AGP Texture Acceleration right below that Direct3D one? I think this machine has it on Disabled.

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